Capacity-enhancing investment at Polgár Kft. (Q3915052): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
By purchasing the equipment included in the tender, we plan to achieve a capacity increase of nearly 30 % by producing the new seat type, since if the product group is successful, we can produce them instead of the previously produced, less sought-after products. The combined use of the production tools, as listed in the attached quotation, enables the undertaking to mould certain elements of passenger seats that can be installed in railway IC wagons. So far, we have no injection moulding tools, only smaller equipment for producing sponges. Since this technology can produce the most sophisticated workpieces possible, the products produced so far in the company can produce products with a higher degree of precision and processing, and we can meet the strict fire safety requirements. The technology used would be plastic injection molding, a form of plastic processing, where complex spatial forms can be produced from various plastic materials. At a large number of pieces, very economical and cost-effective production forms and waste are hardly generated. During injection moulding, the plastic granules are transferred by the snail to the compression zone first, where it melts and thickens, then pours into the tool, where it fills the available space, thus forming the desired shape. The moulded piece may be used after cooling under high pressure. Within the framework of the development, 15 machine tools for the production of a new product will be purchased, as well as an enterprise management system due to the more efficient operation. We have several years of cooperation with MÁV-Start Zrt., we already produce locomotive seats for them, so we know exactly what the new products have to meet. On 14 October 2016, a design protection was filed for the format of the meetings, the adoption of which is attached to the file. The tools will be prepared on the basis of the parameters specified in the design protection and 3D designs, which are also available. The tools are of different sizes and weights, the three different types of presses can be machined with them and make the leased equipment suitable for complete production. Since the tools we want to purchase are mobile devices, we can transport them wherever we can find a machine suitable for this workflow. We have already found and agreed to use the machines necessary for the implementation of the project with our partner. (statement of intent attached). For the investment, the quotations were requested, on the basis of which it can be established that public procurement will be necessary during the procurement, so that the most suitable final supplier will only be selected later. Further information is attached in a separate document. (English)
Property / summary: By purchasing the equipment included in the tender, we plan to achieve a capacity increase of nearly 30 % by producing the new seat type, since if the product group is successful, we can produce them instead of the previously produced, less sought-after products. The combined use of the production tools, as listed in the attached quotation, enables the undertaking to mould certain elements of passenger seats that can be installed in railway IC wagons. So far, we have no injection moulding tools, only smaller equipment for producing sponges. Since this technology can produce the most sophisticated workpieces possible, the products produced so far in the company can produce products with a higher degree of precision and processing, and we can meet the strict fire safety requirements. The technology used would be plastic injection molding, a form of plastic processing, where complex spatial forms can be produced from various plastic materials. At a large number of pieces, very economical and cost-effective production forms and waste are hardly generated. During injection moulding, the plastic granules are transferred by the snail to the compression zone first, where it melts and thickens, then pours into the tool, where it fills the available space, thus forming the desired shape. The moulded piece may be used after cooling under high pressure. Within the framework of the development, 15 machine tools for the production of a new product will be purchased, as well as an enterprise management system due to the more efficient operation. We have several years of cooperation with MÁV-Start Zrt., we already produce locomotive seats for them, so we know exactly what the new products have to meet. On 14 October 2016, a design protection was filed for the format of the meetings, the adoption of which is attached to the file. The tools will be prepared on the basis of the parameters specified in the design protection and 3D designs, which are also available. The tools are of different sizes and weights, the three different types of presses can be machined with them and make the leased equipment suitable for complete production. Since the tools we want to purchase are mobile devices, we can transport them wherever we can find a machine suitable for this workflow. We have already found and agreed to use the machines necessary for the implementation of the project with our partner. (statement of intent attached). For the investment, the quotations were requested, on the basis of which it can be established that public procurement will be necessary during the procurement, so that the most suitable final supplier will only be selected later. Further information is attached in a separate document. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: By purchasing the equipment included in the tender, we plan to achieve a capacity increase of nearly 30 % by producing the new seat type, since if the product group is successful, we can produce them instead of the previously produced, less sought-after products. The combined use of the production tools, as listed in the attached quotation, enables the undertaking to mould certain elements of passenger seats that can be installed in railway IC wagons. So far, we have no injection moulding tools, only smaller equipment for producing sponges. Since this technology can produce the most sophisticated workpieces possible, the products produced so far in the company can produce products with a higher degree of precision and processing, and we can meet the strict fire safety requirements. The technology used would be plastic injection molding, a form of plastic processing, where complex spatial forms can be produced from various plastic materials. At a large number of pieces, very economical and cost-effective production forms and waste are hardly generated. During injection moulding, the plastic granules are transferred by the snail to the compression zone first, where it melts and thickens, then pours into the tool, where it fills the available space, thus forming the desired shape. The moulded piece may be used after cooling under high pressure. Within the framework of the development, 15 machine tools for the production of a new product will be purchased, as well as an enterprise management system due to the more efficient operation. We have several years of cooperation with MÁV-Start Zrt., we already produce locomotive seats for them, so we know exactly what the new products have to meet. On 14 October 2016, a design protection was filed for the format of the meetings, the adoption of which is attached to the file. The tools will be prepared on the basis of the parameters specified in the design protection and 3D designs, which are also available. The tools are of different sizes and weights, the three different types of presses can be machined with them and make the leased equipment suitable for complete production. Since the tools we want to purchase are mobile devices, we can transport them wherever we can find a machine suitable for this workflow. We have already found and agreed to use the machines necessary for the implementation of the project with our partner. (statement of intent attached). For the investment, the quotations were requested, on the basis of which it can be established that public procurement will be necessary during the procurement, so that the most suitable final supplier will only be selected later. Further information is attached in a separate document. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 14:32, 8 February 2022

Project Q3915052 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Capacity-enhancing investment at Polgár Kft.
Project Q3915052 in Hungary


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    317,994,000 forint
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    879,320.19 Euro
    0.00276521 Euro
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    1,931,725.642 Euro
    0.0027336256 Euro
    14 December 2021
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    706,653,333.333 forint
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    45.0 percent
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    18 September 2018
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    10 April 2019
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    Polgár Lakatos- és Gumiipari Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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    47°2'20.33"N, 16°47'3.80"E
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    A pályázatban szereplő eszközök beszerzésével az új üléstípus gyártásával, közel 30%-os kapacitásbővítés elérését tervezzük, hiszen amennyiben sikeres lesz a termékcsoport, a régebben gyártott, már kevésbé keresett termékeink helyett is tudjuk ezeket gyártani. A gyártószerszámok együttes felhasználása a csatolt árajánlatban felsoroltak szerint képessé teszik a vállalkozást a vasúti IC-kocsikba beszerelhető utasülések egyes elemeinek fröccsöntésére. Eddig nem rendelkeztünk fröccsöntésre alkalmas szerszámokkal, csak kisebb a szivacsokat előállító berendezéssel. Mivel ezzel a technológiával a lehető legfinomabb kidolgozottságú munkadarabok is elkészülhetnek, a vállalkozásnál eddig előállított termékeknél jóval precízebb és magasabb feldolgozottsági fokú termékek jöhetnek létre valamint meg tudunk felelni az előírt szigorú tűzbiztonsági feltételeknek. Az alkalmazott technológia a műanyag fröccsöntés lenne, ami a műanyagfeldolgozás egy formája, mely során bonyolult térbeli formákat is elő lehet állítani különféle műanyag alapanyagokból. Nagy darabszámnál igen gazdaságos és költséghatékony gyártási forma, hulladék alig keletkezik. A fröccsöntés során a műanyag granulátumot a csiga a kompressziós zónába továbbítja először, ahol az megolvad és sűrűsödik, majd a szerszámba ömlik, ahol kitölti a rendelkezésre álló teret, így képezve a kívánt formát. A fröccsöntött darab nagy nyomás alatt történő hűtést követően akár már használható is. A fejlesztés keretében 15 darab, a termelő gép működéséhez szükséges, új termék előállítására alkalmas szerszámgép kerül beszerzésére, valamint bevezetésre kerül egy vállalatirányítási rendszer is a hatékonyabb működés okán. Több éves együttműködésünk van a MÁV-Start Zrt.-vel, már gyártunk a számukra mozdonyüléseket, így pontosan ismerjük az elvárásokat, melyeket teljesíteniük kell az új termékeknek. Az ülések formájával kapcsolatban 2016.október 14-én formatervezési mintaoltalom került bejelentésre, melynek elfogadására vonatkozóan mellékeljük az ügyiratot. A szerszámok elkészítése a formatervezési oltalomban megadott paraméterek és 3D-ben elkészített tervek alapján történik majd, mely tervek szintén rendelkezésre állnak már. A szerszámok különböző nagyságúak és súlyúak, a három különféle típusú présgép felszerszámozható velük és a komplett gyártásra alkalmassá teszi a bérelt berendezéseket. Mivel az általunk beszerezni kívánt szerszámok mobil eszközök, így azokat bárhova el tudjuk szállítani, ahol erre a munkafolyamatra alkalmas gépet találunk. A projekt megvalósításához szükséges gépeket már megtaláltuk és meg is állapodtunk azok használatáról a partnerünkkel. (szándéknyilatkozat csatolva). A beruházáshoz megtörtént az árajánlatok bekérése, mely alapján megállapítható, hogy a beszerzés során szükség lesz közbeszerzés lefolytatására, így a legalkalmasabb végleges szállító csak később kerülhet majd kiválasztásra. További információ külön dokumentumban csatolva. (Hungarian)
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    By purchasing the equipment included in the tender, we plan to achieve a capacity increase of nearly 30 % by producing the new seat type, since if the product group is successful, we can produce them instead of the previously produced, less sought-after products. The combined use of the production tools, as listed in the attached quotation, enables the undertaking to mould certain elements of passenger seats that can be installed in railway IC wagons. So far, we have no injection moulding tools, only smaller equipment for producing sponges. Since this technology can produce the most sophisticated workpieces possible, the products produced so far in the company can produce products with a higher degree of precision and processing, and we can meet the strict fire safety requirements. The technology used would be plastic injection molding, a form of plastic processing, where complex spatial forms can be produced from various plastic materials. At a large number of pieces, very economical and cost-effective production forms and waste are hardly generated. During injection moulding, the plastic granules are transferred by the snail to the compression zone first, where it melts and thickens, then pours into the tool, where it fills the available space, thus forming the desired shape. The moulded piece may be used after cooling under high pressure. Within the framework of the development, 15 machine tools for the production of a new product will be purchased, as well as an enterprise management system due to the more efficient operation. We have several years of cooperation with MÁV-Start Zrt., we already produce locomotive seats for them, so we know exactly what the new products have to meet. On 14 October 2016, a design protection was filed for the format of the meetings, the adoption of which is attached to the file. The tools will be prepared on the basis of the parameters specified in the design protection and 3D designs, which are also available. The tools are of different sizes and weights, the three different types of presses can be machined with them and make the leased equipment suitable for complete production. Since the tools we want to purchase are mobile devices, we can transport them wherever we can find a machine suitable for this workflow. We have already found and agreed to use the machines necessary for the implementation of the project with our partner. (statement of intent attached). For the investment, the quotations were requested, on the basis of which it can be established that public procurement will be necessary during the procurement, so that the most suitable final supplier will only be selected later. Further information is attached in a separate document. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Vasvár, Vas
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