“Life wheel” (Q3904046): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
In the framework of the consortium agreement between MSKSZMSZ and FIROSZ in the framework of the Hungarian-Slovak-Romanian international cooperation, the aim of our tender, which is carried out between 1 November 2017 and 31 October 2019, in cooperation with 4 foreign professional organisations, is to draw up recommendations for Slovak, Hungarian and Romanian good practices and experiences that encourage training and employment with active means for the social inclusion of the Central European Roma community, and to implement qualitative research among 100-100 experts, and to develop recommendations for domestic and foreign application. The results of the project create opportunities for future innovations and professional developments in the case of countries participating in international cooperation. In the context of the programme, our primary target groups are disadvantaged social groups — or professionals working in state and non-state institutions and organisations (except public education and higher education institutions) that provide various human services to the Roma, including NGOs, ecclesiastical legal entities, municipalities and national minority self-governments (including their associations and institutions). With regard to the target group, we involve 100 Hungarian professionals and 100 Slovak professionals who have experience in the social integration and development of the Roma population, which are our secondary target group, which can contribute to the topic under consideration with good practice and relevant professional experience. We do not carry out research among the Romanian partners, from there we only collect good practices. The activities of our project are based on each other. The timing of each process and activity has been logically designed in such a way as to allow sufficient time for each activity to be carried out and the activities carried out over the two-year period of the project to achieve the expected impact specified in the call for proposals. During the preparation phase of the project, the preparation of the application material is carried out in the framework of the consortium cooperation, of which the research area, the objectives to be achieved and the procedures and methods to be applied, as well as the consultation of the Slovak and Romanian partners involved in the cooperation, and the conclusion of a pre-contract for cooperation with them, are part of which. On the basis of a cooperation agreement with the partners interested in the topic and working together, we will develop an experience and cooperation plan, during which we identify and coordinate the topic areas of good traineeships in the three countries in order to get to know them in the form of visits, field visits and research during study visits to be carried out during the project. The aim of the research and comparative analysis is to gather information on the professional and practical experience of the recent Roma catch-up programmes in the two countries, the results achieved by the developments, the long-term effects of development programmes and their positive or negative effects if they are implemented in parallel. We provide opportunities for the exchange of experiences and exchanges between professionals in the form of workshops and professional forums, and then we carry out research along the areas of intervention jointly selected, the results of which are published in the form of a research report, providing information on the results of both the Hungarian and Slovak sides. After the research, the professional work does not end, since only the publication of the facts does not lead to significant successes and developments. We will run strategic development workshops where the best methods are selected and combined. At the end of the programme, the Parties shall adopt and publish jointly developed technical recommendations as a summary of the experience. The policy knowledge and the results of the research carried out in the project will be made available online to the general public on our website developed in the framework of the project, in order to support future policy planning and implementation, as well as day-to-day professional work among the target group concerned. At the end of the project we will present the results achieved at a large-scale conference, and we will develop competence for professionals. Our application expands the available specialised knowledge on specific societal challenges and their management. Cooperation between policy experts in the Visegrad countries is improving. In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the project, there are 3 members of MSKSZMSZ — project manager, financial manager, professional manager and 1 project assistant on the part of FIROSZ. (English)
Property / summary: In the framework of the consortium agreement between MSKSZMSZ and FIROSZ in the framework of the Hungarian-Slovak-Romanian international cooperation, the aim of our tender, which is carried out between 1 November 2017 and 31 October 2019, in cooperation with 4 foreign professional organisations, is to draw up recommendations for Slovak, Hungarian and Romanian good practices and experiences that encourage training and employment with active means for the social inclusion of the Central European Roma community, and to implement qualitative research among 100-100 experts, and to develop recommendations for domestic and foreign application. The results of the project create opportunities for future innovations and professional developments in the case of countries participating in international cooperation. In the context of the programme, our primary target groups are disadvantaged social groups — or professionals working in state and non-state institutions and organisations (except public education and higher education institutions) that provide various human services to the Roma, including NGOs, ecclesiastical legal entities, municipalities and national minority self-governments (including their associations and institutions). With regard to the target group, we involve 100 Hungarian professionals and 100 Slovak professionals who have experience in the social integration and development of the Roma population, which are our secondary target group, which can contribute to the topic under consideration with good practice and relevant professional experience. We do not carry out research among the Romanian partners, from there we only collect good practices. The activities of our project are based on each other. The timing of each process and activity has been logically designed in such a way as to allow sufficient time for each activity to be carried out and the activities carried out over the two-year period of the project to achieve the expected impact specified in the call for proposals. During the preparation phase of the project, the preparation of the application material is carried out in the framework of the consortium cooperation, of which the research area, the objectives to be achieved and the procedures and methods to be applied, as well as the consultation of the Slovak and Romanian partners involved in the cooperation, and the conclusion of a pre-contract for cooperation with them, are part of which. On the basis of a cooperation agreement with the partners interested in the topic and working together, we will develop an experience and cooperation plan, during which we identify and coordinate the topic areas of good traineeships in the three countries in order to get to know them in the form of visits, field visits and research during study visits to be carried out during the project. The aim of the research and comparative analysis is to gather information on the professional and practical experience of the recent Roma catch-up programmes in the two countries, the results achieved by the developments, the long-term effects of development programmes and their positive or negative effects if they are implemented in parallel. We provide opportunities for the exchange of experiences and exchanges between professionals in the form of workshops and professional forums, and then we carry out research along the areas of intervention jointly selected, the results of which are published in the form of a research report, providing information on the results of both the Hungarian and Slovak sides. After the research, the professional work does not end, since only the publication of the facts does not lead to significant successes and developments. We will run strategic development workshops where the best methods are selected and combined. At the end of the programme, the Parties shall adopt and publish jointly developed technical recommendations as a summary of the experience. The policy knowledge and the results of the research carried out in the project will be made available online to the general public on our website developed in the framework of the project, in order to support future policy planning and implementation, as well as day-to-day professional work among the target group concerned. At the end of the project we will present the results achieved at a large-scale conference, and we will develop competence for professionals. Our application expands the available specialised knowledge on specific societal challenges and their management. Cooperation between policy experts in the Visegrad countries is improving. In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the project, there are 3 members of MSKSZMSZ — project manager, financial manager, professional manager and 1 project assistant on the part of FIROSZ. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: In the framework of the consortium agreement between MSKSZMSZ and FIROSZ in the framework of the Hungarian-Slovak-Romanian international cooperation, the aim of our tender, which is carried out between 1 November 2017 and 31 October 2019, in cooperation with 4 foreign professional organisations, is to draw up recommendations for Slovak, Hungarian and Romanian good practices and experiences that encourage training and employment with active means for the social inclusion of the Central European Roma community, and to implement qualitative research among 100-100 experts, and to develop recommendations for domestic and foreign application. The results of the project create opportunities for future innovations and professional developments in the case of countries participating in international cooperation. In the context of the programme, our primary target groups are disadvantaged social groups — or professionals working in state and non-state institutions and organisations (except public education and higher education institutions) that provide various human services to the Roma, including NGOs, ecclesiastical legal entities, municipalities and national minority self-governments (including their associations and institutions). With regard to the target group, we involve 100 Hungarian professionals and 100 Slovak professionals who have experience in the social integration and development of the Roma population, which are our secondary target group, which can contribute to the topic under consideration with good practice and relevant professional experience. We do not carry out research among the Romanian partners, from there we only collect good practices. The activities of our project are based on each other. The timing of each process and activity has been logically designed in such a way as to allow sufficient time for each activity to be carried out and the activities carried out over the two-year period of the project to achieve the expected impact specified in the call for proposals. During the preparation phase of the project, the preparation of the application material is carried out in the framework of the consortium cooperation, of which the research area, the objectives to be achieved and the procedures and methods to be applied, as well as the consultation of the Slovak and Romanian partners involved in the cooperation, and the conclusion of a pre-contract for cooperation with them, are part of which. On the basis of a cooperation agreement with the partners interested in the topic and working together, we will develop an experience and cooperation plan, during which we identify and coordinate the topic areas of good traineeships in the three countries in order to get to know them in the form of visits, field visits and research during study visits to be carried out during the project. The aim of the research and comparative analysis is to gather information on the professional and practical experience of the recent Roma catch-up programmes in the two countries, the results achieved by the developments, the long-term effects of development programmes and their positive or negative effects if they are implemented in parallel. We provide opportunities for the exchange of experiences and exchanges between professionals in the form of workshops and professional forums, and then we carry out research along the areas of intervention jointly selected, the results of which are published in the form of a research report, providing information on the results of both the Hungarian and Slovak sides. After the research, the professional work does not end, since only the publication of the facts does not lead to significant successes and developments. We will run strategic development workshops where the best methods are selected and combined. At the end of the programme, the Parties shall adopt and publish jointly developed technical recommendations as a summary of the experience. The policy knowledge and the results of the research carried out in the project will be made available online to the general public on our website developed in the framework of the project, in order to support future policy planning and implementation, as well as day-to-day professional work among the target group concerned. At the end of the project we will present the results achieved at a large-scale conference, and we will develop competence for professionals. Our application expands the available specialised knowledge on specific societal challenges and their management. Cooperation between policy experts in the Visegrad countries is improving. In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the project, there are 3 members of MSKSZMSZ — project manager, financial manager, professional manager and 1 project assistant on the part of FIROSZ. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 13:47, 8 February 2022

Project Q3904046 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
“Life wheel”
Project Q3904046 in Hungary


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    49,999,080 forint
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    3 December 2021
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    143,872.384 Euro
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    14 December 2021
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    1 April 2018
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    29 June 2020
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    Munkanélkülieket Segítő Közhasznú Szervezetek Magyarországi Egyesülete
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    47°31'53.04"N, 21°37'33.53"E
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    A magyar-szlovák-román nemzetközi együttműködés keretében az MSKSZMSZ és a FIROSZ közötti konzorciumi megállapodás keretében, 4 külföldi szakmai szervezet együttműködésével 2017. november 01. és 2019. október 31. között megvalósuló pályázatunk célja, a közép-európai cigányság társadalmi felzárkóztatása érdekében aktív eszközökkel megvalósított képzésre és foglalkoztatásra ösztönző szlovák, magyar és román jó gyakorlatok, tapasztalatok megismerése, kvalitatív kutatás megvalósítása 100-100 fő szakértő körében, majd ajánlások kidolgozása hazai és külföldi alkalmazásra. A projekt keretében létrejött eredmények megteremtik a lehetőséget későbbi innovációk és szakmai fejlesztések számára, a nemzetközi együttműködésben résztvevő országok esetében. A program kapcsán elsődleges célcsoportunk a hátrányos helyzetű társadalmi rétegek – vagy kimondottan a cigányság számára különféle humán szolgáltatásokat nyújtó állami és nem állami intézményekben, szervezetekben (kivéve köznevelési és felsőoktatási intézmények) dolgozó szakemberek, beleértve civil szervezeteket, egyházi jogi személyeket, önkormányzatokat és nemzetiségi önkormányzatokat (társulásaik és intézményeik is). A célcsoport tekintetében 100 fő hazai szakembert és 100 fő szlovák szakembert vonunk be programunkba, akik olyan tapasztalatokkal rendelkeznek a másodlagos célcsoportunkat képező cigány lakosság társadalmi integrációja és fejlesztése tekintetében végzett programok kapcsán, melyek jó gyakorlattal, releváns szakmai tapasztalattal tudnak hozzájárulni a vizsgált témához. A román partnerek körében nem valósítunk meg kutatást, onnan csupán a jó gyakorlatokat gyűjtjük össze. Projektünk tevékenységei egymásra épülnek. Az egyes folyamatok és tevékenységek időbeli ütemezése logikailag úgy lett kialakítva, hogy megfelelő idő álljon rendelkezésre minden tevékenység elvégzésére, továbbá a projekt két éves periódusa során végzett tevékenységek elérjék a pályázati felhívásban meghatározott elvárt hatást. A projekt előkészítési szakaszában konzorciumi együttműködés keretében valósul meg a pályázati anyag összeállítása, melynek külön kiemelt részét képezi a kutatási terület, az elérendő célok és az alkalmazandó eljárások, módszerek megfogalmazása, továbbá az együttműködésbe bevont szlovák és román partnerek megkeresése, s a velük való együttműködési előszerződés megkötése. A téma és a közös munka iránt érdeklődő partnerekkel együttműködési megállapodás alapján tapasztalatszerzési és együttműködési tervet dolgozunk ki, melynek során a három országban fellelhető jó szakmai gyakorlatok tématerületeit azonosítjuk és egyeztetjük, hogy a projekt során megvalósítandó tanulmányutakon tett látogatások formájában, tereplátogatások alkalmával, valamint kutatás keretében ezeket megismerjük. A kutatás és összehasonlító elemzés célja, hogy információkat gyűjtsön a két ország területén a közelmúltban megvalósított roma felzárkóztató programok szakmai és gyakorlati tapasztalatairól, a fejlesztések által elért eredményekről, a fejlesztő programok hosszú távú hatásairól, valamint azok egymással párhuzamosan történő megvalósulása esetén azok egymásra való kedvező vagy kedvezőtlen hatásairól. A tapasztalatcserék, valamint a szakemberek közötti eszmecserék lefolytatására műhelymunkák és szakmai fórumok formájában biztosítunk lehetőséget, majd a közösen kiválasztott beavatkozási területek mentén kutatást valósítunk meg, melynek eredményeit kutatási jelentés formájában adunk közre, tájékoztatást adva mind a magyar, mind a szlovák oldalon szerzett eredményekről. A kutatást követően a szakmai munka nem ér véget, hisz csupán a tények közreadása nem vezet átütő sikerekhez, fejlesztésekhez. Stratégiai fejlesztő műhelyeket fogunk működtetni, melyeken a legjobb módszerek kiválasztása és azok ötvözése történik meg. A program végén a tapasztalatok összegzéseként a felek közösen kidolgozott szakmai ajánlásokat fogadnak el és tesznek közzé. A szakpolitikai tudásanyagot és a projektben végrehajtott kutatások eredményeit a projekt keretében fejlesztett honlapunkon online formában közzétesszük a széleskörű nyilvánosság számára, hogy a jövőbeli szakpolitikai tervezést és végrehajtást, valamint az érintett célcsoport körében végzett mindennapos szakmai munkát segíteni tudják. A projekt végén nagyszabású konferencián adjuk közre az elért eredményeket, továbbá a szakemberek részére kompetenciafejlesztést végzünk. Pályázatunk révén bővül a meghatározott társadalmi kihívásokkal és azok kezelésével kapcsolatos rendelkezésre álló speciális szakmai tudásanyag. Javul az együttműködés a visegrádi országok szakpolitikai szakértői között. A projekt gördülékeny megvalósítása érdekében az MSKSZMSZ részéről 3 fő – projektmenedzser, pénzügyi vezető, szakmai vezető, míg a FIROSZ részéről 1 fő projektasszisztens működik közre. (Hungarian)
    0 references
    In the framework of the consortium agreement between MSKSZMSZ and FIROSZ in the framework of the Hungarian-Slovak-Romanian international cooperation, the aim of our tender, which is carried out between 1 November 2017 and 31 October 2019, in cooperation with 4 foreign professional organisations, is to draw up recommendations for Slovak, Hungarian and Romanian good practices and experiences that encourage training and employment with active means for the social inclusion of the Central European Roma community, and to implement qualitative research among 100-100 experts, and to develop recommendations for domestic and foreign application. The results of the project create opportunities for future innovations and professional developments in the case of countries participating in international cooperation. In the context of the programme, our primary target groups are disadvantaged social groups — or professionals working in state and non-state institutions and organisations (except public education and higher education institutions) that provide various human services to the Roma, including NGOs, ecclesiastical legal entities, municipalities and national minority self-governments (including their associations and institutions). With regard to the target group, we involve 100 Hungarian professionals and 100 Slovak professionals who have experience in the social integration and development of the Roma population, which are our secondary target group, which can contribute to the topic under consideration with good practice and relevant professional experience. We do not carry out research among the Romanian partners, from there we only collect good practices. The activities of our project are based on each other. The timing of each process and activity has been logically designed in such a way as to allow sufficient time for each activity to be carried out and the activities carried out over the two-year period of the project to achieve the expected impact specified in the call for proposals. During the preparation phase of the project, the preparation of the application material is carried out in the framework of the consortium cooperation, of which the research area, the objectives to be achieved and the procedures and methods to be applied, as well as the consultation of the Slovak and Romanian partners involved in the cooperation, and the conclusion of a pre-contract for cooperation with them, are part of which. On the basis of a cooperation agreement with the partners interested in the topic and working together, we will develop an experience and cooperation plan, during which we identify and coordinate the topic areas of good traineeships in the three countries in order to get to know them in the form of visits, field visits and research during study visits to be carried out during the project. The aim of the research and comparative analysis is to gather information on the professional and practical experience of the recent Roma catch-up programmes in the two countries, the results achieved by the developments, the long-term effects of development programmes and their positive or negative effects if they are implemented in parallel. We provide opportunities for the exchange of experiences and exchanges between professionals in the form of workshops and professional forums, and then we carry out research along the areas of intervention jointly selected, the results of which are published in the form of a research report, providing information on the results of both the Hungarian and Slovak sides. After the research, the professional work does not end, since only the publication of the facts does not lead to significant successes and developments. We will run strategic development workshops where the best methods are selected and combined. At the end of the programme, the Parties shall adopt and publish jointly developed technical recommendations as a summary of the experience. The policy knowledge and the results of the research carried out in the project will be made available online to the general public on our website developed in the framework of the project, in order to support future policy planning and implementation, as well as day-to-day professional work among the target group concerned. At the end of the project we will present the results achieved at a large-scale conference, and we will develop competence for professionals. Our application expands the available specialised knowledge on specific societal challenges and their management. Cooperation between policy experts in the Visegrad countries is improving. In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the project, there are 3 members of MSKSZMSZ — project manager, financial manager, professional manager and 1 project assistant on the part of FIROSZ. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Debrecen, Hajdú-Bihar
    0 references


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