Infrastructural development of the community scene in round-haraszt to support learning (Q3903722): Difference between revisions
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
The institution does not currently have an adequate space to carry out educational activities suitable for non-formal and informal learning in support of lifelong learning. There is a constant problem with the placement of groups, currently the village does not have a building where it can hold different classes and courses. The village has no building or room where performing art groups, cultural communities and other clubs can be welcomed. It cannot therefore contribute effectively to strengthening a competitive knowledge society. By creating the new space, the village expands its cultural services in the municipality. The new building allows more groups and cultural programmes to use the institution’s building. It means higher professional quality for groups and more frequent meetings. As a multifunctional community space, the institution provides a place for cultural entertainment activities for young people and the elderly through the following fields: dance circles, citera orchestras, craft workshops, etc.The aim of this application is to involve children and young people, those working in public education institutions, the general public and those interested in learning, in new forms of learning, non-formal, informal learning programmes and services supporting and complementing formal education. The inclusion of disadvantaged groups in the lifelong learning process is a priority. In order to achieve the professional objectives, the following activities are planned: a.) Non-formal programmes complementing education: professional circles (training arts circle, folk dance group, camps, competence development workshops, etc.) b.) Development of digital competences (transfer of information technology knowledge) Support for community programmes supporting retention capacity The following type of activity is implemented: “Type of activity 1: Establishment of a learning, training and specialised, group and club room: Learning, training and teaching rooms suitable for non-formal and informal learning supporting lifelong learning (e.g.: craft workshops, digital art workshops, etc.), trial rooms of performing art groups (e.g. dance rehearsal, playground rehearsal, etc.), for the learning of audio-visual knowledge, the creation and conversion of club rooms of self-training circles and clubs of cultivated communities, upgrading of existing premises, related interior designs, infrastructural development of the necessary service rooms for learning processes (e.g. toilet, dressing room, etc.), building expansion. Floor plan: Community Square Ceramic 72.78 m² foreground ceramic 3 m² kitchen ceramic 5.5 m² men’s toilet ceramic 1.98 m² men’s washbasin, urinal ceramic 2.86 m² foreground ceramic 3.96 m² female, motion. Toilet ceramic 5.5 m² Total: 95.58 m² Energy requirements: The building is provided with external thermal insulation in accordance with the cost-optimised requirements of Decree No 7/2006, and the central heating system of the building will be upgraded (condensing boiler installation). Accessibility: The existing building is accessible by building a ramp. Certificate of rehabilitation engineer attached. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The institution does not currently have an adequate space to carry out educational activities suitable for non-formal and informal learning in support of lifelong learning. There is a constant problem with the placement of groups, currently the village does not have a building where it can hold different classes and courses. The village has no building or room where performing art groups, cultural communities and other clubs can be welcomed. It cannot therefore contribute effectively to strengthening a competitive knowledge society. By creating the new space, the village expands its cultural services in the municipality. The new building allows more groups and cultural programmes to use the institution’s building. It means higher professional quality for groups and more frequent meetings. As a multifunctional community space, the institution provides a place for cultural entertainment activities for young people and the elderly through the following fields: dance circles, citera orchestras, craft workshops, etc.The aim of this application is to involve children and young people, those working in public education institutions, the general public and those interested in learning, in new forms of learning, non-formal, informal learning programmes and services supporting and complementing formal education. The inclusion of disadvantaged groups in the lifelong learning process is a priority. In order to achieve the professional objectives, the following activities are planned: a.) Non-formal programmes complementing education: professional circles (training arts circle, folk dance group, camps, competence development workshops, etc.) b.) Development of digital competences (transfer of information technology knowledge) Support for community programmes supporting retention capacity The following type of activity is implemented: “Type of activity 1: Establishment of a learning, training and specialised, group and club room: Learning, training and teaching rooms suitable for non-formal and informal learning supporting lifelong learning (e.g.: craft workshops, digital art workshops, etc.), trial rooms of performing art groups (e.g. dance rehearsal, playground rehearsal, etc.), for the learning of audio-visual knowledge, the creation and conversion of club rooms of self-training circles and clubs of cultivated communities, upgrading of existing premises, related interior designs, infrastructural development of the necessary service rooms for learning processes (e.g. toilet, dressing room, etc.), building expansion. Floor plan: Community Square Ceramic 72.78 m² foreground ceramic 3 m² kitchen ceramic 5.5 m² men’s toilet ceramic 1.98 m² men’s washbasin, urinal ceramic 2.86 m² foreground ceramic 3.96 m² female, motion. Toilet ceramic 5.5 m² Total: 95.58 m² Energy requirements: The building is provided with external thermal insulation in accordance with the cost-optimised requirements of Decree No 7/2006, and the central heating system of the building will be upgraded (condensing boiler installation). Accessibility: The existing building is accessible by building a ramp. Certificate of rehabilitation engineer attached. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The institution does not currently have an adequate space to carry out educational activities suitable for non-formal and informal learning in support of lifelong learning. There is a constant problem with the placement of groups, currently the village does not have a building where it can hold different classes and courses. The village has no building or room where performing art groups, cultural communities and other clubs can be welcomed. It cannot therefore contribute effectively to strengthening a competitive knowledge society. By creating the new space, the village expands its cultural services in the municipality. The new building allows more groups and cultural programmes to use the institution’s building. It means higher professional quality for groups and more frequent meetings. As a multifunctional community space, the institution provides a place for cultural entertainment activities for young people and the elderly through the following fields: dance circles, citera orchestras, craft workshops, etc.The aim of this application is to involve children and young people, those working in public education institutions, the general public and those interested in learning, in new forms of learning, non-formal, informal learning programmes and services supporting and complementing formal education. The inclusion of disadvantaged groups in the lifelong learning process is a priority. In order to achieve the professional objectives, the following activities are planned: a.) Non-formal programmes complementing education: professional circles (training arts circle, folk dance group, camps, competence development workshops, etc.) b.) Development of digital competences (transfer of information technology knowledge) Support for community programmes supporting retention capacity The following type of activity is implemented: “Type of activity 1: Establishment of a learning, training and specialised, group and club room: Learning, training and teaching rooms suitable for non-formal and informal learning supporting lifelong learning (e.g.: craft workshops, digital art workshops, etc.), trial rooms of performing art groups (e.g. dance rehearsal, playground rehearsal, etc.), for the learning of audio-visual knowledge, the creation and conversion of club rooms of self-training circles and clubs of cultivated communities, upgrading of existing premises, related interior designs, infrastructural development of the necessary service rooms for learning processes (e.g. toilet, dressing room, etc.), building expansion. Floor plan: Community Square Ceramic 72.78 m² foreground ceramic 3 m² kitchen ceramic 5.5 m² men’s toilet ceramic 1.98 m² men’s washbasin, urinal ceramic 2.86 m² foreground ceramic 3.96 m² female, motion. Toilet ceramic 5.5 m² Total: 95.58 m² Energy requirements: The building is provided with external thermal insulation in accordance with the cost-optimised requirements of Decree No 7/2006, and the central heating system of the building will be upgraded (condensing boiler installation). Accessibility: The existing building is accessible by building a ramp. Certificate of rehabilitation engineer attached. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 8 February 2022
Revision as of 13:45, 8 February 2022
Project Q3903722 in Hungary
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Infrastructural development of the community scene in round-haraszt to support learning |
Project Q3903722 in Hungary |
23,936,432 forint
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34,097,967.208 forint
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70.199413 percent
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1 April 2018
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31 December 2019
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Az intézmény jelenleg nem rendelkezik olyan megfelelő térrel, ahol az egész életen át tartó tanulást támogató nem formális és informális tanulásra alkalmas oktatási tevékenységet lehet végezni. Folyamatosan problémát jelent a csoportok elhelyezése, jelenleg a község nem rendelkezik olyan épülettel, ahol a különböző szakköröket, tanfolyamokat meg tudná tartani. Nincs a községnek olyan épülete, terme, ahol az előadóművészeti csoportokat, művelődési közösséggeket, egyéb klubokat fogadni tudna. Ezért nem tud hatékonyan hozzájárulni a versenyképes tudásalapú társadalom megerősítéséhez. Az új tér kialakításával a község a települési kulturális közszolgáltatásait bővíti. Az új épület lehetővé teszi, hogy több csoport, illetve kulturális program vegye igénybe az intézmény épületét. A csoportok számára magasabb szakmai minőséget jelent, gyakrabban tartják az összejöveteleiket. Az intézmény, mint többfunkciós közösségi tér helyet ad a fiataloknak és időseknek egyaránt a kulturált szórakozását biztosító tevékenységeknek a következő szakkörökön keresztül: tánckörök, citerazenekar, kézműves foglalkozások stb.Jelen pályázat célja a gyermek- és ifjúsági korosztály, a köznevelési intézményekben dolgozók, a lakosság, a tanulás iránt érdeklődők bevonása a formális oktatást támogató és kiegészítő új tanulási formákba, nem formális, informális tanulási programokba, szolgáltatásokba. Kiemelt cél a hátrányos helyzetű csoportok bekapcsolása az egész életen át tartó tanulás folyamatába. A szakmai célok elérése érdekében a következő tevékenységeket tervezik: a.) Oktatást kiegészítő, iskolarendszeren kívüli programok: szakkörök (képzőművészeti szakkör, néptánc csoport, táborok, kompetenciafejlesztő foglalkozások stb.) b.) Digitális kompetenciák fejlesztése (informatikai ismeretek átadása) Megtartó képességet segítő közösségi programok támogatása A következő tevékenységtípus valósul meg: "1. tevékenységtípus: Tanulási, képzési, továbbá szakköri-, csoport- és klubhelyiség kialakítása: Az egész életen át tartó tanulást támogató nem formális és informális tanulásra alkalmas tanulási, képzési, oktató helyiségek, alkotóművészeti szakköri helyiségek (pl.: kézműves műhely, digitális művészeti műhely stb.), előadóművészeti csoportok próbahelyiségeinek (pl. táncpróbaterem, színjátszóköri próbaterem stb,), audiovizuális ismeretek tanulására alkamas helyiségek, művelődő közösségek önképző köreinek, klubjainak klubhelyiségeinek kialakítása, átalakítása, meglévő helyiség korszerűsítése, ehhez kapcsolódóan belsőépítészeti kialakítások, a tanulási folyamatokhoz szükséges kiszolgáló helyiségek (pl. mosdó, öltöző stb.) infrastrukturális fejlesztése, épületbővítés." A következő terek kerülnek felújításra, kialakításra: Alaprajz: közösségi tér kerámia 72,78m2 előtér kerámia 3m2 teakonyha kerámia 5,5m2 férfi WC kerámia 1,98m2 férfi mosdó, piszoár kerámia 2,86m2 előtér kerámia 3,96m2 nőí, mozgáskorl. WC kerámia 5,5m2 Összesen: 95,58m2 Energetikai követelmények: Az épület külső hőszigetelést kap a 7/2006 TNM rendelet költség optimalizált követelményszintjének megfelelően, valamint az épület központi fűtési rendszere korszerűsítésre kerül ( kondenzációs kazán beépítése). Akadálymentesítés: A meglévő épület rámpa építésével akadálymentesen megközelíthető. Rehabilitációs szakmérnöki nyilatkozat mellékelve. (Hungarian)
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The institution does not currently have an adequate space to carry out educational activities suitable for non-formal and informal learning in support of lifelong learning. There is a constant problem with the placement of groups, currently the village does not have a building where it can hold different classes and courses. The village has no building or room where performing art groups, cultural communities and other clubs can be welcomed. It cannot therefore contribute effectively to strengthening a competitive knowledge society. By creating the new space, the village expands its cultural services in the municipality. The new building allows more groups and cultural programmes to use the institution’s building. It means higher professional quality for groups and more frequent meetings. As a multifunctional community space, the institution provides a place for cultural entertainment activities for young people and the elderly through the following fields: dance circles, citera orchestras, craft workshops, etc.The aim of this application is to involve children and young people, those working in public education institutions, the general public and those interested in learning, in new forms of learning, non-formal, informal learning programmes and services supporting and complementing formal education. The inclusion of disadvantaged groups in the lifelong learning process is a priority. In order to achieve the professional objectives, the following activities are planned: a.) Non-formal programmes complementing education: professional circles (training arts circle, folk dance group, camps, competence development workshops, etc.) b.) Development of digital competences (transfer of information technology knowledge) Support for community programmes supporting retention capacity The following type of activity is implemented: “Type of activity 1: Establishment of a learning, training and specialised, group and club room: Learning, training and teaching rooms suitable for non-formal and informal learning supporting lifelong learning (e.g.: craft workshops, digital art workshops, etc.), trial rooms of performing art groups (e.g. dance rehearsal, playground rehearsal, etc.), for the learning of audio-visual knowledge, the creation and conversion of club rooms of self-training circles and clubs of cultivated communities, upgrading of existing premises, related interior designs, infrastructural development of the necessary service rooms for learning processes (e.g. toilet, dressing room, etc.), building expansion. Floor plan: Community Square Ceramic 72.78 m² foreground ceramic 3 m² kitchen ceramic 5.5 m² men’s toilet ceramic 1.98 m² men’s washbasin, urinal ceramic 2.86 m² foreground ceramic 3.96 m² female, motion. Toilet ceramic 5.5 m² Total: 95.58 m² Energy requirements: The building is provided with external thermal insulation in accordance with the cost-optimised requirements of Decree No 7/2006, and the central heating system of the building will be upgraded (condensing boiler installation). Accessibility: The existing building is accessible by building a ramp. Certificate of rehabilitation engineer attached. (English)
8 February 2022
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Kerekharaszt, Heves
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