M.I.T. project — Support for labour market integration at Kézmű Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft. (Q3883402): Difference between revisions

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Property / summary
The objectives of the project to be implemented are in line with the requirements of the call for proposals and those set out in the call, and are closely aligned with the objectives set out in the relevant EU documents and in the Employment Strategy, the Partnership Agreement and the Human Resource Operational Programme. Handicraft Nonprofit Ltd. M.I.T.'s project “Supporting labour market integration” was designed with multiple objectives. The primary objective of the project is to promote the open market integration of persons in transit employment in B1 or C1. While current labour market trends provide a positive opportunity for the employment of people with disabilities, it is necessary to support the exit of people who have been away from the open market through the development of workers’ competences and the provision of integration services within the framework of the project. In addition, an important objective of the programme is to promote the internal development of people in long-term employment, including through the acquisition of new professional areas, skills and knowledge related to different jobs. This allows for internal progression, but it can also facilitate entry into the open market. The third objective of the project is to facilitate the return to the labour market of permanently inactive people with disabilities who have been absent from the labour market for at least six months. In this case, it is necessary to focus on the implementation of a complex development, in which motivation, basic competence development and the development of professional skills, acquisition of professional knowledge and support for integration will also play an important role. During the development, we support the realisation of complex rehabilitation through various tools — commonly applied in the field of human policy and special occupational rehabilitation. A competence assessment is carried out for all entrants in the programme, on the basis of which we update the personalised rehabilitation plan of our employees, in particular with regard to the career plan and the elements of the assistive process. We prepare a training plan for the inactive. The programme offers the possibility to support training, which is not possible in the use of the rehabilitation budget wage subsidy, and we also make occupational rehabilitation services more widely available to our employees and prospective employees, the use of which facilitates successful rehabilitation, both in the open market and in the protected environment. Mentoring services are provided to all programme participants. We continuously monitor, monitor, and share good practices and experiences with companies implementing similar programs. KÉZMŰ Nonprofit Kft. intends to implement the M.I.T. project between 1 September 2017 and 28 February 2019 over 18 months, with a funding of approximately HUF 140 million. The primary objective of the project is to promote the advancement of individuals in professional areas with significant traditions in the company (e.g. textile industry, furniture manufacturing). The total number of target groups to be included in the project is 100 % equal to the number of participants expected in the call for proposals. In order to increase labour market opportunities for transit workers, the following trainings are planned: digital competence development, job search training, reintegration training, conflict management and problem solving training. In the case of long-term employees, our goal is to find new goals in their careers and to help them reach them, so we plan the following training courses for them: digital competence development, life management and lifestyle training, conflict management and problem solving, learning training, leather craftsman, home textile maker, tailor, ball manufacturer. In the case of the inactive target group, our primary objective is to promote reintegration after long-term absence from the labour market, to develop a realistic career perspective and to achieve long-term employment. To this end, the following training courses are planned for them: reintegration training, learning training, motivational and time management training, leather craftsman, sewing, tailor, ball manufacturer, forklifter. (English)
Property / summary: The objectives of the project to be implemented are in line with the requirements of the call for proposals and those set out in the call, and are closely aligned with the objectives set out in the relevant EU documents and in the Employment Strategy, the Partnership Agreement and the Human Resource Operational Programme. Handicraft Nonprofit Ltd. M.I.T.'s project “Supporting labour market integration” was designed with multiple objectives. The primary objective of the project is to promote the open market integration of persons in transit employment in B1 or C1. While current labour market trends provide a positive opportunity for the employment of people with disabilities, it is necessary to support the exit of people who have been away from the open market through the development of workers’ competences and the provision of integration services within the framework of the project. In addition, an important objective of the programme is to promote the internal development of people in long-term employment, including through the acquisition of new professional areas, skills and knowledge related to different jobs. This allows for internal progression, but it can also facilitate entry into the open market. The third objective of the project is to facilitate the return to the labour market of permanently inactive people with disabilities who have been absent from the labour market for at least six months. In this case, it is necessary to focus on the implementation of a complex development, in which motivation, basic competence development and the development of professional skills, acquisition of professional knowledge and support for integration will also play an important role. During the development, we support the realisation of complex rehabilitation through various tools — commonly applied in the field of human policy and special occupational rehabilitation. A competence assessment is carried out for all entrants in the programme, on the basis of which we update the personalised rehabilitation plan of our employees, in particular with regard to the career plan and the elements of the assistive process. We prepare a training plan for the inactive. The programme offers the possibility to support training, which is not possible in the use of the rehabilitation budget wage subsidy, and we also make occupational rehabilitation services more widely available to our employees and prospective employees, the use of which facilitates successful rehabilitation, both in the open market and in the protected environment. Mentoring services are provided to all programme participants. We continuously monitor, monitor, and share good practices and experiences with companies implementing similar programs. KÉZMŰ Nonprofit Kft. intends to implement the M.I.T. project between 1 September 2017 and 28 February 2019 over 18 months, with a funding of approximately HUF 140 million. The primary objective of the project is to promote the advancement of individuals in professional areas with significant traditions in the company (e.g. textile industry, furniture manufacturing). The total number of target groups to be included in the project is 100 % equal to the number of participants expected in the call for proposals. In order to increase labour market opportunities for transit workers, the following trainings are planned: digital competence development, job search training, reintegration training, conflict management and problem solving training. In the case of long-term employees, our goal is to find new goals in their careers and to help them reach them, so we plan the following training courses for them: digital competence development, life management and lifestyle training, conflict management and problem solving, learning training, leather craftsman, home textile maker, tailor, ball manufacturer. In the case of the inactive target group, our primary objective is to promote reintegration after long-term absence from the labour market, to develop a realistic career perspective and to achieve long-term employment. To this end, the following training courses are planned for them: reintegration training, learning training, motivational and time management training, leather craftsman, sewing, tailor, ball manufacturer, forklifter. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The objectives of the project to be implemented are in line with the requirements of the call for proposals and those set out in the call, and are closely aligned with the objectives set out in the relevant EU documents and in the Employment Strategy, the Partnership Agreement and the Human Resource Operational Programme. Handicraft Nonprofit Ltd. M.I.T.'s project “Supporting labour market integration” was designed with multiple objectives. The primary objective of the project is to promote the open market integration of persons in transit employment in B1 or C1. While current labour market trends provide a positive opportunity for the employment of people with disabilities, it is necessary to support the exit of people who have been away from the open market through the development of workers’ competences and the provision of integration services within the framework of the project. In addition, an important objective of the programme is to promote the internal development of people in long-term employment, including through the acquisition of new professional areas, skills and knowledge related to different jobs. This allows for internal progression, but it can also facilitate entry into the open market. The third objective of the project is to facilitate the return to the labour market of permanently inactive people with disabilities who have been absent from the labour market for at least six months. In this case, it is necessary to focus on the implementation of a complex development, in which motivation, basic competence development and the development of professional skills, acquisition of professional knowledge and support for integration will also play an important role. During the development, we support the realisation of complex rehabilitation through various tools — commonly applied in the field of human policy and special occupational rehabilitation. A competence assessment is carried out for all entrants in the programme, on the basis of which we update the personalised rehabilitation plan of our employees, in particular with regard to the career plan and the elements of the assistive process. We prepare a training plan for the inactive. The programme offers the possibility to support training, which is not possible in the use of the rehabilitation budget wage subsidy, and we also make occupational rehabilitation services more widely available to our employees and prospective employees, the use of which facilitates successful rehabilitation, both in the open market and in the protected environment. Mentoring services are provided to all programme participants. We continuously monitor, monitor, and share good practices and experiences with companies implementing similar programs. KÉZMŰ Nonprofit Kft. intends to implement the M.I.T. project between 1 September 2017 and 28 February 2019 over 18 months, with a funding of approximately HUF 140 million. The primary objective of the project is to promote the advancement of individuals in professional areas with significant traditions in the company (e.g. textile industry, furniture manufacturing). The total number of target groups to be included in the project is 100 % equal to the number of participants expected in the call for proposals. In order to increase labour market opportunities for transit workers, the following trainings are planned: digital competence development, job search training, reintegration training, conflict management and problem solving training. In the case of long-term employees, our goal is to find new goals in their careers and to help them reach them, so we plan the following training courses for them: digital competence development, life management and lifestyle training, conflict management and problem solving, learning training, leather craftsman, home textile maker, tailor, ball manufacturer. In the case of the inactive target group, our primary objective is to promote reintegration after long-term absence from the labour market, to develop a realistic career perspective and to achieve long-term employment. To this end, the following training courses are planned for them: reintegration training, learning training, motivational and time management training, leather craftsman, sewing, tailor, ball manufacturer, forklifter. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 10:45, 8 February 2022

Project Q3883402 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
M.I.T. project — Support for labour market integration at Kézmű Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft.
Project Q3883402 in Hungary


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    140,000,000 forint
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    382,707.58 Euro
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    10 December 2021
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    450,244.216 Euro
    0.0027336256 Euro
    10 December 2021
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    164,705,882.353 forint
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    85.0 percent
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    1 March 2018
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    29 February 2020
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    Kézmű Fővárosi Kézműipari Közhasznú Nonprofit Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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    A megvalósítandó projekt célkitűzései összhangban állnak a pályázati felhívásban foglalt elvárásokkal és a felhívásban meghatározottakkal, valamint szorosan illeszkednek a területre vonatkozó európai uniós dokumentumokban, valamint a Foglalkoztatási Stratégiában, a Partnerségi Megállapodásban és az Emberi Erőforrás Operatív Programban meghatározott célokhoz. A Kézmű Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft. M.I.T. – Munkaerőpiaci Integráció Támogatása című projektje többes céllal került megtervezése. A projekt elsődleges célkitűzése, hogy a szervezetnél tranzit foglalkoztatásban lévő, B1 vagy C1 minősítési kategóriába tartozó személyek nyílt piaci integrációját elősegítsük. A jelenlegi munkaerőpiaci tendenciák ugyan kedvező lehetőséget biztosítanak a megváltozott munkaképességű személyek foglalkoztatásához, de a nyílt piactól hosszabb ideje távol lévő személyek kilépését a munkavállalói kompetenciák fejlesztésével és a beilleszkedést segítő szolgáltatások biztosításával szükséges támogatni a projekt keretein belül. Emellett fontos célkitűzése a programnak a tartós foglalkoztatásban résztvevő személyek belső előmenetelének elősegítése, akár új szakmaterületek, eltérő munkakörökhöz kapcsolódó készségek, ismeretek elsajátítása révén. Ez lehetőséget ad a belső előmenetelre, de elősegítheti a nyílt piacra történő kilépést is. A projekt harmadik célkitűzése a tartósan inaktív, a munkaerőpiactól legalább hat hónapja távol lévő megváltozott munkaképességű személyek munkaerőpiaci visszatérésének elősegítése. Ezesetben egy komplex fejlesztés megvalósítására szükséges fókuszálni, melyben a motiválásnak, az alapkompetencia fejlesztésnek és a szakmai készségek fejlesztésének, szakmai ismeretek elsajátításának és a beilleszkedés támogatásának is jelentős szerepe lesz. A fejlesztés során különböző – a humánpolitikai területen általánosan alkalmazott, és speciális foglalkozási rehabilitációs – eszközök révén támogatjuk a komplex rehabilitáció megvalósulását. A programban valamennyi belépő számára kompetencia felmérést készítünk, ami alapján a dolgozóink személyre szabott rehabilitációs tervét aktualizáljuk, különös tekintettel a pályatervre és a segítő folyamat elemeire. Az inaktívak esetében képzési tervet készítünk. A program révén lehetőség van képzések támogatására, melyre a rehabilitációs költségvetési bértámogatás felhasználása során nincs mód, és mindemellett sokkal szélesebb körben hozzáférhetővé tesszük dolgozóink és leendő dolgozóink számára a foglalkozási rehabilitációs szolgáltatásokat is, melyek igénybe vétele elősegíti a sikeres rehabilitációt, mind a nyílt piacon, mind pedig a védett környezetben. Mentori szolgáltatást valamennyi programrésztvevő számára biztosítjuk. A képzéseket és szolgáltatásokat folyamatosan monitorozzuk, ellenőrizzük, valamint a jó gyakorlatokat és tapasztalatokat megosztjuk a hasonló programokat megvalósító cégekkel. A KÉZMŰ Nonprofit Kft. a M.I.T. projektet 2017. szeptember 1. és 2019. február 28. között, 18 hónap alatt kívánja megvalósítani, mintegy 140 millió Ft-os forrás igénybe vételével. A projektben elsődleges célkitűzés, hogy a cégnél jelentős hagyományokkal rendelkező szakmaterületeken az egyének előrelépését elősegítsük (pl. textilipar, bútor gyártás). A projektben bevonni tervezett célcsoporttagok összlétszáma 100%-ban megegyezik a pályázati felhívásban elvárt bevonási létszámmal. A tranzit foglalkoztatottak számára a munkaerőpiaci esélyek növelése érdekében a következő képzéseket tervezzük: digitális kompetenciafejlesztés, álláskeresési tréning, reintegrációs tréning, konfliktuskezelés és problémamegoldás tréning. A tartós foglalkoztatottak esetében célunk, hogy új célokat találjanak a pályájukon és hozzásegítsük őket az elérésükhöz, ezért számukra a következő képzéseket tervezzük: digitális kompetenciafejlesztés, életvezetési és életmód tréning, konfliktuskezelés és problémamegoldás, tanulást segítő tréning, bőrdíszműves, lakástextil készítő, szabó, labdagyártó. Az inaktív célcsoport esetében elsődleges célunk a munkaerőpiactól való tartós távollét után a visszailleszkedés elősegítése, reális pályakép kialakítása és a tartós foglalkoztatás elérése. Ennek érdekében számukra a következő képzéseket tervezzük: reintegrációs tréning, tanulást segítő tréning, motivációs és időgazdálkodási tréning, bőrdíszműves, varró, szabó, labdagyártó, targoncás. (Hungarian)
    0 references
    The objectives of the project to be implemented are in line with the requirements of the call for proposals and those set out in the call, and are closely aligned with the objectives set out in the relevant EU documents and in the Employment Strategy, the Partnership Agreement and the Human Resource Operational Programme. Handicraft Nonprofit Ltd. M.I.T.'s project “Supporting labour market integration” was designed with multiple objectives. The primary objective of the project is to promote the open market integration of persons in transit employment in B1 or C1. While current labour market trends provide a positive opportunity for the employment of people with disabilities, it is necessary to support the exit of people who have been away from the open market through the development of workers’ competences and the provision of integration services within the framework of the project. In addition, an important objective of the programme is to promote the internal development of people in long-term employment, including through the acquisition of new professional areas, skills and knowledge related to different jobs. This allows for internal progression, but it can also facilitate entry into the open market. The third objective of the project is to facilitate the return to the labour market of permanently inactive people with disabilities who have been absent from the labour market for at least six months. In this case, it is necessary to focus on the implementation of a complex development, in which motivation, basic competence development and the development of professional skills, acquisition of professional knowledge and support for integration will also play an important role. During the development, we support the realisation of complex rehabilitation through various tools — commonly applied in the field of human policy and special occupational rehabilitation. A competence assessment is carried out for all entrants in the programme, on the basis of which we update the personalised rehabilitation plan of our employees, in particular with regard to the career plan and the elements of the assistive process. We prepare a training plan for the inactive. The programme offers the possibility to support training, which is not possible in the use of the rehabilitation budget wage subsidy, and we also make occupational rehabilitation services more widely available to our employees and prospective employees, the use of which facilitates successful rehabilitation, both in the open market and in the protected environment. Mentoring services are provided to all programme participants. We continuously monitor, monitor, and share good practices and experiences with companies implementing similar programs. KÉZMŰ Nonprofit Kft. intends to implement the M.I.T. project between 1 September 2017 and 28 February 2019 over 18 months, with a funding of approximately HUF 140 million. The primary objective of the project is to promote the advancement of individuals in professional areas with significant traditions in the company (e.g. textile industry, furniture manufacturing). The total number of target groups to be included in the project is 100 % equal to the number of participants expected in the call for proposals. In order to increase labour market opportunities for transit workers, the following trainings are planned: digital competence development, job search training, reintegration training, conflict management and problem solving training. In the case of long-term employees, our goal is to find new goals in their careers and to help them reach them, so we plan the following training courses for them: digital competence development, life management and lifestyle training, conflict management and problem solving, learning training, leather craftsman, home textile maker, tailor, ball manufacturer. In the case of the inactive target group, our primary objective is to promote reintegration after long-term absence from the labour market, to develop a realistic career perspective and to achieve long-term employment. To this end, the following training courses are planned for them: reintegration training, learning training, motivational and time management training, leather craftsman, sewing, tailor, ball manufacturer, forklifter. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Pásztó, Nógrád
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