Q3755469 (Q3755469): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: Setting new description)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): Finland is also living in exceptional circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Not all real impacts on business or private service providers can be predicted or predicted. The project has been prepared on the assumption that the acute situation will normalise by autumn 2020. This should enable service providers to focus on development activities. The measures can also support service providers under threat of crisis in the renewal of their op...)
Property / summary
Finland is also living in exceptional circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Not all real impacts on business or private service providers can be predicted or predicted. The project has been prepared on the assumption that the acute situation will normalise by autumn 2020. This should enable service providers to focus on development activities. The measures can also support service providers under threat of crisis in the renewal of their operations.The value networks of the wellbeing sector in North Karelia in 2019 were mapped out of the value networks of the welfare sector in North Karelia and Heinävesi. Cooperation between the university and the development company was perceived as an effective and effective way of working.The objectives of this project have been specified on the basis of the previous project. Development needs have increased from North Karelian service providers in the social services sector with stakeholders, industry reports, Sitra’s megatrends and small entrepreneurship studies. The provincial welfare strategy has been taken into account in the planning of the project. In addition to service providers in the social services sector, the project involves ICT, catering and transport operators. In order to maintain the vitality of the province of North Karelia, the social and social services sector must be developed in a comprehensive and long-term manner. In order to achieve effectiveness, it is necessary to: 1.Increase multiple and permanent partnerships and networks/value networks. 2.Develop future services and service processes in a customer-centred and multifunctional way. 3.Increase the use of technology and digitalisation in business. 4.Develop management expertise based on strategy, including change and personnel leadership and digital leadership. The goal is 1.Increase the opportunities for private service providers in the social services sector to utilise foresight information and its utilisation in the development of their own business and services. 2.Create new partnerships to develop the business of social services providers using technological solutions and digital. 3.Increase knowledge and readiness for future business management. 4.Create the capacity to develop new and new types of business for the wellbeing sector. 5.Support the continuous development of effective ecosystems in the wellbeing sector.The project organises multifunctional events and workshops for networking and business development, as well as experiments with new services and service processes. Benchmarking and/or fair trips are carried out in two home countries and one abroad — the destinations are selected according to the needs of the participants. The project aims to create new business, business and networks using modern technology. In the long term, the strengthening and development of the provincial welfare ecosystem has been supported. (English)
Property / summary: Finland is also living in exceptional circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Not all real impacts on business or private service providers can be predicted or predicted. The project has been prepared on the assumption that the acute situation will normalise by autumn 2020. This should enable service providers to focus on development activities. The measures can also support service providers under threat of crisis in the renewal of their operations.The value networks of the wellbeing sector in North Karelia in 2019 were mapped out of the value networks of the welfare sector in North Karelia and Heinävesi. Cooperation between the university and the development company was perceived as an effective and effective way of working.The objectives of this project have been specified on the basis of the previous project. Development needs have increased from North Karelian service providers in the social services sector with stakeholders, industry reports, Sitra’s megatrends and small entrepreneurship studies. The provincial welfare strategy has been taken into account in the planning of the project. In addition to service providers in the social services sector, the project involves ICT, catering and transport operators. In order to maintain the vitality of the province of North Karelia, the social and social services sector must be developed in a comprehensive and long-term manner. In order to achieve effectiveness, it is necessary to: 1.Increase multiple and permanent partnerships and networks/value networks. 2.Develop future services and service processes in a customer-centred and multifunctional way. 3.Increase the use of technology and digitalisation in business. 4.Develop management expertise based on strategy, including change and personnel leadership and digital leadership. The goal is 1.Increase the opportunities for private service providers in the social services sector to utilise foresight information and its utilisation in the development of their own business and services. 2.Create new partnerships to develop the business of social services providers using technological solutions and digital. 3.Increase knowledge and readiness for future business management. 4.Create the capacity to develop new and new types of business for the wellbeing sector. 5.Support the continuous development of effective ecosystems in the wellbeing sector.The project organises multifunctional events and workshops for networking and business development, as well as experiments with new services and service processes. Benchmarking and/or fair trips are carried out in two home countries and one abroad — the destinations are selected according to the needs of the participants. The project aims to create new business, business and networks using modern technology. In the long term, the strengthening and development of the provincial welfare ecosystem has been supported. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Finland is also living in exceptional circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Not all real impacts on business or private service providers can be predicted or predicted. The project has been prepared on the assumption that the acute situation will normalise by autumn 2020. This should enable service providers to focus on development activities. The measures can also support service providers under threat of crisis in the renewal of their operations.The value networks of the wellbeing sector in North Karelia in 2019 were mapped out of the value networks of the welfare sector in North Karelia and Heinävesi. Cooperation between the university and the development company was perceived as an effective and effective way of working.The objectives of this project have been specified on the basis of the previous project. Development needs have increased from North Karelian service providers in the social services sector with stakeholders, industry reports, Sitra’s megatrends and small entrepreneurship studies. The provincial welfare strategy has been taken into account in the planning of the project. In addition to service providers in the social services sector, the project involves ICT, catering and transport operators. In order to maintain the vitality of the province of North Karelia, the social and social services sector must be developed in a comprehensive and long-term manner. In order to achieve effectiveness, it is necessary to: 1.Increase multiple and permanent partnerships and networks/value networks. 2.Develop future services and service processes in a customer-centred and multifunctional way. 3.Increase the use of technology and digitalisation in business. 4.Develop management expertise based on strategy, including change and personnel leadership and digital leadership. The goal is 1.Increase the opportunities for private service providers in the social services sector to utilise foresight information and its utilisation in the development of their own business and services. 2.Create new partnerships to develop the business of social services providers using technological solutions and digital. 3.Increase knowledge and readiness for future business management. 4.Create the capacity to develop new and new types of business for the wellbeing sector. 5.Support the continuous development of effective ecosystems in the wellbeing sector.The project organises multifunctional events and workshops for networking and business development, as well as experiments with new services and service processes. Benchmarking and/or fair trips are carried out in two home countries and one abroad — the destinations are selected according to the needs of the participants. The project aims to create new business, business and networks using modern technology. In the long term, the strengthening and development of the provincial welfare ecosystem has been supported. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 23 November 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 03:35, 23 November 2021

Project Q3755469 in France
Language Label Description Also known as
No label defined
Project Q3755469 in France


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    451,283 Euro
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    527,841.0 Euro
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    85.5 percent
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    1 September 2020
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    28 February 2023
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    Karelia Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy
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    Suomessakin eletään poikkeuksellisissa olosuhteissa korona-pandemian myötä. Kaikkia todellisia vaikutuksia elinkeinoelämään tai yksityisiin palveluntuottajiin ei voida ennakoida eikä ennustaa. Hankkeen valmistelu on tehty oletuksella akuuttitilanteen normalisoitumisesta viimeistään syksyllä 2020. Tällöin palveluntuottajat pystynevät keskittymään kehittämistoimiin. Toimenpiteillä voidaan tukea myös kriisiytymisuhan alla olevia palveluntuottajia toimintansa uudistamisessa.Hyvinvointialan arvoverkot Pohjois-Karjalassa hankkeessa 2019 kartoitettiin hyvinvointialan arvoverkot Pohjois-Karjalassa ja Heinävedellä. Korkeakoulun ja kehitysyhtiön yhteistyö koettiin toimivaksi ja tulokselliseksi toimintatavaksi.Tämän hankkeen tavoitteet ovat täsmentyneet edeltävän hankkeen pohjalta. Kehittämistarpeet ovat nousseet pohjoiskarjalaisilta sotehy-alan palveluntuottajilta sidosryhmineen, toimialaraporteista, Sitran megatrendeistä sekä pienyrittäjyystutkimuksista. Maakunnallinen hyvinvointistrategia on huomioitu hankkeen suunnittelussa. Hankkeeseen osallistetaan sotehy-alan palveluntuottajien lisäksi ICT-, ravitsemispalvelu- ja kuljetusalan toimijoita. Hankkeen toteuttamisessa hyödynnetään opettaja ja opiskelija verkostoja asiantuntijoiden lisäksi.Pohjois-Karjalan maakunnan pysymiseksi elinvoimaisena tulee sotehy-toimialaa kehittää kokonaisvaltaisesti ja pitkäjänteisesti. Vaikuttavuuden saavuttamiseksi tulee: 1.Lisätä moninaisia ja pysyväluonteisia kumppanuuksia ja verkostoja/arvoverkkoja. 2.Kehittää tulevaisuuden palveluja ja palveluprosesseja asiakaskeskeisesti ja monitoimijaisesti. 3.Lisätä teknologian ja digitalisaation hyödyntämistä liiketoiminnassa. 4.Kehittää johtamisosaamista strategiaan perustuen koskien mm. muutos- ja henkilöstöjohtajuutta ja digitaalisuuden johtamista.Tavoitteena on 1.Lisätä sotehy-alan yksityisten palveluntuottajien mahdollisuuksia hyödyntää ennakointitietoa ja sen hyödyntämistä oman liiketoiminnan ja palvelujen kehittämisessä. 2.Luoda uusia kumppanuuksia sotehy-alan palveluntuottajien liiketoiminnan kehittämiseen hyödyntäen teknologisia ratkaisuja ja digitaalisuutta. 3.Lisätä tietoa ja valmiutta tulevaisuuden liiketoiminnan johtamiseen. 4.Luoda valmiuksia kehittää uutta ja uudenlaista liiketoimintaa hyvinvointialalle. 5.Tukea vaikuttavien hyvinvointialan ekosysteemien jatkuvaa kehittämistyötä.Hankkeessa järjestetään verkostoitumiseen ja liiketoiminnan kehittämiseen monitoimijaisia tilaisuuksia ja työpajoja sekä toteutetaan uusien palvelujen ja palveluprosessien kokeiluja. Benchmarking- ja/tai messumatkoja toteutetaan kaksi kotimaahan ja yksi ulkomaille – kohteet valikoituvat osallistujien tarpeiden perusteella.Hankkeella tavoitellaan syntyvän uutta yritys- ja liiketoimintaa sekä verkostoja, joissa hyödynnetään nykyteknologiaa. Pitkällä aikavälillä on tuettu maakunnallisen hyvinvointialan ekosysteemin vahvistumista ja kehittämistä. (Finnish)
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    Finland is also living in exceptional circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Not all real impacts on business or private service providers can be predicted or predicted. The project has been prepared on the assumption that the acute situation will normalise by autumn 2020. This should enable service providers to focus on development activities. The measures can also support service providers under threat of crisis in the renewal of their operations.The value networks of the wellbeing sector in North Karelia in 2019 were mapped out of the value networks of the welfare sector in North Karelia and Heinävesi. Cooperation between the university and the development company was perceived as an effective and effective way of working.The objectives of this project have been specified on the basis of the previous project. Development needs have increased from North Karelian service providers in the social services sector with stakeholders, industry reports, Sitra’s megatrends and small entrepreneurship studies. The provincial welfare strategy has been taken into account in the planning of the project. In addition to service providers in the social services sector, the project involves ICT, catering and transport operators. In order to maintain the vitality of the province of North Karelia, the social and social services sector must be developed in a comprehensive and long-term manner. In order to achieve effectiveness, it is necessary to: 1.Increase multiple and permanent partnerships and networks/value networks. 2.Develop future services and service processes in a customer-centred and multifunctional way. 3.Increase the use of technology and digitalisation in business. 4.Develop management expertise based on strategy, including change and personnel leadership and digital leadership. The goal is 1.Increase the opportunities for private service providers in the social services sector to utilise foresight information and its utilisation in the development of their own business and services. 2.Create new partnerships to develop the business of social services providers using technological solutions and digital. 3.Increase knowledge and readiness for future business management. 4.Create the capacity to develop new and new types of business for the wellbeing sector. 5.Support the continuous development of effective ecosystems in the wellbeing sector.The project organises multifunctional events and workshops for networking and business development, as well as experiments with new services and service processes. Benchmarking and/or fair trips are carried out in two home countries and one abroad — the destinations are selected according to the needs of the participants. The project aims to create new business, business and networks using modern technology. In the long term, the strengthening and development of the provincial welfare ecosystem has been supported. (English)
    23 November 2021
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