Centre for flexible care for children in Poprad (Q3102280): Difference between revisions

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Občianske združenie Sasa
Property / beneficiary name (string): Občianske združenie Sasa / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
Realizáciou predkladaného projektu plánuje Občianske združenie Sasa profesionalizova činnos v oblasti starostlivosti o deti v predškolskom a  mladšom školskom veku.  Prostredníctvom integrácie chce zabezpeči starostlivos o deti, z ktorých niektoré budú patri do skupiny detí so špeciálnymi výchovno-vzdelávacími potrebami, konkrétne s  pervazívnymi vývinovými poruchami, oneskoreným vývinom a deom s ADHD a ADD.  Flexibilnou starostlivosou zabezpečí integráciu takýchto detí do spoločnosti, ale najmä umožní ich rodičom uplatni sa na trhu práce či získa čas na vzdelávanie alebo rekvalifikáciu. Flexibilnú starostlivos bude združenie poskytova v prenajatých priestoroch v Poprade na adrese Velické námestie 11. Starostlivos plánuje poskytova pre 7 – 12 detí, z toho minimálne 1 diea so špeciálnymi výchovno- vzdelávacími potrebami. Personálne zabezpečenie v projekte bude realizované prostredníctvom 2 vychovávateliek a jednej vychovávatežky pre deti so špeciálnymi výchovno-vzdelávacími potrebami (ďalej len deti zo ŠVVP).Činnos flexibilnej starostlivosti o deti v rámci projektu plánujeme spusti od júla 2018 na 24 mesiacov, pričom plánujeme následne udrža prevádzku z vlastných zdrojov a z príspevkov rodičov aj po skončení financovania z projektu minimálne 6 mesiacov. Hlavným ciežom projektu je zlepšením  podmienok pre zosúladenie pracovného a rodinného života , zvýši zamestnanos osôb s rodičovskými povinnosami, najmä žien.Ciežovou skupinou, na ktorú sa projekt zameriava sú rodičia po materskej, rodičovskej dovolenke, uchádzači o zamestnanie s rodičovskými povinnosami, záujemcovia o zamestnanie s rodičovskými povinnosami, uchádzači o zamestnanie s dôrazom na osoby s problémami pri zosúlaďovaní rodinného a pracovného života, záujemcovia o zamestnanie s dôrazom na osoby s problémami pri zosúlaďovaní rodinného a pracovného života, zamestnanci a SZČO  s rodičovskými povinnosami.Do projektu vstupuje Občianske združenie SASA ako nové zariadenie, keďže 12 mesiacov pred predložením ŽoNFP neposkytovalo služby starostlivosti o deti plateným personálom. Združenie doteraz fungovalo na dobrovožníckej báze. (Slovak)
Property / summary: Realizáciou predkladaného projektu plánuje Občianske združenie Sasa profesionalizova činnos v oblasti starostlivosti o deti v predškolskom a  mladšom školskom veku.  Prostredníctvom integrácie chce zabezpeči starostlivos o deti, z ktorých niektoré budú patri do skupiny detí so špeciálnymi výchovno-vzdelávacími potrebami, konkrétne s  pervazívnymi vývinovými poruchami, oneskoreným vývinom a deom s ADHD a ADD.  Flexibilnou starostlivosou zabezpečí integráciu takýchto detí do spoločnosti, ale najmä umožní ich rodičom uplatni sa na trhu práce či získa čas na vzdelávanie alebo rekvalifikáciu. Flexibilnú starostlivos bude združenie poskytova v prenajatých priestoroch v Poprade na adrese Velické námestie 11. Starostlivos plánuje poskytova pre 7 – 12 detí, z toho minimálne 1 diea so špeciálnymi výchovno- vzdelávacími potrebami. Personálne zabezpečenie v projekte bude realizované prostredníctvom 2 vychovávateliek a jednej vychovávatežky pre deti so špeciálnymi výchovno-vzdelávacími potrebami (ďalej len deti zo ŠVVP).Činnos flexibilnej starostlivosti o deti v rámci projektu plánujeme spusti od júla 2018 na 24 mesiacov, pričom plánujeme následne udrža prevádzku z vlastných zdrojov a z príspevkov rodičov aj po skončení financovania z projektu minimálne 6 mesiacov. Hlavným ciežom projektu je zlepšením  podmienok pre zosúladenie pracovného a rodinného života , zvýši zamestnanos osôb s rodičovskými povinnosami, najmä žien.Ciežovou skupinou, na ktorú sa projekt zameriava sú rodičia po materskej, rodičovskej dovolenke, uchádzači o zamestnanie s rodičovskými povinnosami, záujemcovia o zamestnanie s rodičovskými povinnosami, uchádzači o zamestnanie s dôrazom na osoby s problémami pri zosúlaďovaní rodinného a pracovného života, záujemcovia o zamestnanie s dôrazom na osoby s problémami pri zosúlaďovaní rodinného a pracovného života, zamestnanci a SZČO  s rodičovskými povinnosami.Do projektu vstupuje Občianske združenie SASA ako nové zariadenie, keďže 12 mesiacov pred predložením ŽoNFP neposkytovalo služby starostlivosti o deti plateným personálom. Združenie doteraz fungovalo na dobrovožníckej báze. (Slovak) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
By implementing this project, the civic association of Sasa plans professionalisation in the field of childcare in preschool and young school age.  Through integration, she wants to provide care for children, some of whom will belong to the group of children with special educational needs, namely pervasive developmental disorders, delayed development and deom with ADHD and ADD.  With flexible care, it will ensure the integration of such children into society, but in particular it will make them more likely to apply to their parents in the labour market or gain time for education or retraining. Flexible care will be provided in rented premises in Poprad at Velické námestie 11. Care plans to provide 7 12 children, of which at least 1 child with special educational needs. Staffing in the project will be implemented through 2 educators and one educator for children with special educational needs (hereinafter referred to as children from the VVP). The project’s flexible childcare activity is planned to be started from July 2018 for 24 months, and we plan to operate from our own resources and from parents’ contributions for at least 6 months after the end of the project funding. The main objective of the project is to improve the conditions for reconciling work and family life, to increase the employment of persons with parental responsibilities, in particular to the target group of parents after maternity, parental leave, jobseekers with parental responsibilities, job seekers with parental responsibilities, jobseekers with parental responsibilities, with emphasis on people with difficulties in reconciling family and work life, job-seekers with emphasis on people with difficulties in reconciling family and work life, employees and self-employed persons with parental responsibilities.The project enters the civic association SASA as a new facility, when 12 months before the submission of the grant did not provide childcare services to paid staff. So far, the association has worked on a voluntary basis. (English)
Property / summary: By implementing this project, the civic association of Sasa plans professionalisation in the field of childcare in preschool and young school age.  Through integration, she wants to provide care for children, some of whom will belong to the group of children with special educational needs, namely pervasive developmental disorders, delayed development and deom with ADHD and ADD.  With flexible care, it will ensure the integration of such children into society, but in particular it will make them more likely to apply to their parents in the labour market or gain time for education or retraining. Flexible care will be provided in rented premises in Poprad at Velické námestie 11. Care plans to provide 7 12 children, of which at least 1 child with special educational needs. Staffing in the project will be implemented through 2 educators and one educator for children with special educational needs (hereinafter referred to as children from the VVP). The project’s flexible childcare activity is planned to be started from July 2018 for 24 months, and we plan to operate from our own resources and from parents’ contributions for at least 6 months after the end of the project funding. The main objective of the project is to improve the conditions for reconciling work and family life, to increase the employment of persons with parental responsibilities, in particular to the target group of parents after maternity, parental leave, jobseekers with parental responsibilities, job seekers with parental responsibilities, jobseekers with parental responsibilities, with emphasis on people with difficulties in reconciling family and work life, job-seekers with emphasis on people with difficulties in reconciling family and work life, employees and self-employed persons with parental responsibilities.The project enters the civic association SASA as a new facility, when 12 months before the submission of the grant did not provide childcare services to paid staff. So far, the association has worked on a voluntary basis. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: By implementing this project, the civic association of Sasa plans professionalisation in the field of childcare in preschool and young school age.  Through integration, she wants to provide care for children, some of whom will belong to the group of children with special educational needs, namely pervasive developmental disorders, delayed development and deom with ADHD and ADD.  With flexible care, it will ensure the integration of such children into society, but in particular it will make them more likely to apply to their parents in the labour market or gain time for education or retraining. Flexible care will be provided in rented premises in Poprad at Velické námestie 11. Care plans to provide 7 12 children, of which at least 1 child with special educational needs. Staffing in the project will be implemented through 2 educators and one educator for children with special educational needs (hereinafter referred to as children from the VVP). The project’s flexible childcare activity is planned to be started from July 2018 for 24 months, and we plan to operate from our own resources and from parents’ contributions for at least 6 months after the end of the project funding. The main objective of the project is to improve the conditions for reconciling work and family life, to increase the employment of persons with parental responsibilities, in particular to the target group of parents after maternity, parental leave, jobseekers with parental responsibilities, job seekers with parental responsibilities, jobseekers with parental responsibilities, with emphasis on people with difficulties in reconciling family and work life, job-seekers with emphasis on people with difficulties in reconciling family and work life, employees and self-employed persons with parental responsibilities.The project enters the civic association SASA as a new facility, when 12 months before the submission of the grant did not provide childcare services to paid staff. So far, the association has worked on a voluntary basis. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 15 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 12:34, 27 September 2021

Project Q3102280 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
Centre for flexible care for children in Poprad
Project Q3102280 in Slovakia


    0 references
    100,665.57 Euro
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    118,430.08 Euro
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    0.85 percent
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    1 September 2018
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    1 October 2020
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    49°3'7.92"N, 20°19'50.38"E
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