Equal chances for quality e-education (Q3100326): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The general objective of the project Equal Opportunities for Quality e-education aims to promote the necessary investments to ensure that students with material difficulties (beneficiaries of social and occasional scholarships) have access to the online learning process under the best conditions. It can be summarised that the aim of the project is to ensure favourable conditions in higher education, respecting the principle of equal opportunitie...)
(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: translated_label)
label / enlabel / en
Equal chances for quality e-education

Revision as of 11:15, 16 September 2021

Project Q3100326 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Equal chances for quality e-education
Project Q3100326 in Romania


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    3,371,624.98 Romanian Leu
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    674,324.996 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    3,966,617.62 Romanian Leu
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    793,323.5240000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.85 percent
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    1 August 2021
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    31 July 2022
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului Șanse egale pentru e-educație de calitate vizează promovarea investiţiilor necesare pentru asigurarea accesului, în cele mai bune condiţii, studenţilor cu dificultăţi materiale (beneficiari ai burselor sociale şi ocazionale) la procesul de învăţare în mediul on-line. Sintetic se poate formula că scopul proiectului este de a asigura condiții propice în cadrul învăţământului superior, cu respectarea principiului privind egalitatea de şansă, prin mobilizarea fondurilor aferente politicii de coeziune pentru a răspunde într-o manieră flexibilă la nevoile apărute în contextul pandemiei. Pentru a permite acest lucru, este necesar să fie asigurată pe lângă infrastructura educaţională oferită de platformele de educaţie on-line din Universitatea din Craiova, şi a resurselor materiale indispensabile pentru ca studenţii cu posibilităţi materiale reduse sau studenţii cu handicap care beneficiază de burse sociale şi ocazionale să poată beneficia, fără discriminare, la actul educaţionalavând la dispoziţie instrumente adecvate necesare unei educaţii de calitate. Desfăşurarea de activităţi didactice în anul universitar 2020/2021 presupune o serie de măsuri necesare pentru desfăşurarea în bune condiţii a procesului educaţional în contextul crizei pandemice create de coronavirusul SARS-CoV-2, pentru a evita o creştere rapidă a infecţiei cu coronavirus, dar şi pentru a crea condiţiile necesare desfăşurăriiactivităţilor didactice. Această măsură vizează interesul strategic naţional, acela de a asigura în bune condiţiidesfăşurareaactivităţilor didactice în anul universitar 2020-2021, respectiv de a asigura desfăşurarea în bune condiţii a serviciului public de educaţie (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project Equal Opportunities for Quality e-education aims to promote the necessary investments to ensure that students with material difficulties (beneficiaries of social and occasional scholarships) have access to the online learning process under the best conditions. It can be summarised that the aim of the project is to ensure favourable conditions in higher education, respecting the principle of equal opportunities, by mobilising cohesion policy funds to respond in a flexible manner to needs arising in the context of the pandemic. In order to allow this, it is necessary to provide in addition to the educational infrastructure provided by the online education platforms of the University of Craiova, and the material resources indispensable to ensure that students with reduced material possibilities or students with disabilities who receive social and occasional scholarships can benefit, without discrimination, from the educational act with the appropriate tools necessary for quality education. Carrying out teaching activities in the academic year 2020/2021 requires a series of measures necessary for the smooth conduct of the educational process in the context of the pandemic crisis created by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, in order to avoid a rapid increase in the coronavirus infection, but also to create the necessary conditions for teaching activities. This measure concerns the national strategic interest, namely to ensure the smooth performance of teaching activities in the academic year 2020-2021, namely to ensure the smooth running of the public education service. (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Municipiul Craiova, Romania
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    Municipiul Drobeta-Turnu Severin, Romania
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