Smart COMMUNITY – Early school leaving prevention programme for children with parents away from work abroad (Q3098581): Difference between revisions
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(Created claim: summary (P836): The general objective of the project is to develop and implement a pilot program to stimulate integration in pre-school education and to prevent early school leaving for preschools and students (d from primary school (6-10 years), secondary school (11-14 years) and upper secondary (14-16 years) who have at least one parent abroad. In this respect, the project proposed for financing contributes to the expected results of the Human Capital Operati...) |
(Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: translated_label) |
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Smart COMMUNITY – Early school leaving prevention programme for children with parents away from work abroad |
Revision as of 10:49, 16 September 2021
Project Q3098581 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Smart COMMUNITY – Early school leaving prevention programme for children with parents away from work abroad |
Project Q3098581 in Romania |
4,054,579.71 Romanian Leu
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4,770,093.79 Romanian Leu
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0.85 percent
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1 June 2021
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1 December 2023
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Obiectivul general al proiectului este dezvoltarea si implementarea unui program pilot de stimulare a integrarii in educatie prescolara si de prevenire a fenomenului de parasire timpurie a scolii pentru prescolari si elevi (d din ciclul primar (6 – 10 ani), gimnazial (11-14 ani) si secundar superior (14-16 ani)) care au cel putin un parinte plecat in strainatate. In acest sens proiectul propus spre finantare contribuie la rezultatele asteptate ale Programului Operational Capital Uman 2014-2020 aferente obiectivelor specifice 6.2 si 6.3. Proiectul propus spre finantare are in vedere sprijinirea dezideratului statului membru de a realiza urmatoarele rezultate preconizate: Rata de cuprindere imbunatatita in invatamantul anteprescolar si prescolar, in special pentru categoriile dezavantajate de copii (Rezultatele pe care statul membru cauta sa le obtina prin sprijinul din partea Uniunii in cadrul OS 6.2 – POCU pagina 208) si respectiv Reducerea parasirii timpurii a scolii prin masuri integrate de prevenire si de asigurare a oportunitatilor egale pentru elevii apartinand grupurilor vulnerabile, cu accent pe elevii apartinand minoritatii roma si elevii din mediul rural/ comunitatile dezavantajate socio-economic (Rezultatele pe care statul membru cauta sa le obtina prin sprijinul din partea Uniunii in cadrul OS 6.3 – POCU pagina 208). In acest sens proiectul propus spre finantare are in vedere cresterea gradului de participare al prescolarilor la educatie si totodata are in vedere furnizarea unui sistem de sprijin pentru elevii din ciclul primar (6 – 10 ani), gimnazial (11-14 ani) si secundar superior (14-16 ani) in vederea prevenirii riscului de parasire timpurie a scolii. Totodata proiectul propus contribuie la atingerea celor doua rezultate asteptate de catre statul membru (Romania) ca urmare a implementarii operatiunilor finantate din Programul Operational Capital Uman 2014-2020 OS.6.2 si respectiv OS.6.3 prin faptul ca resursele financiare puse la dispozitie vor fi directionate in vederea sprijinirii prescolarilor si elevilor din grupurile vulnerabile – toti cei 270 de prescolari si elevi care vor beneficia de sprijin se afla intr-o situatie de vulnerabilitate ca urmare a faptului ca cel putin unul din parinti este plecat in strainatate de cel putin 6 luni de zile, totodata minim 200 de prescolari/elevi care beneficiaza de serviciile de sprijin sunt copii care provin din mediul rural ( minim 74.07% din total GT), minim 28 de prescolari/elevi care beneficiaza de serviciile de sprijin sunt copii ce apartin minoritatii roma (minim 10,73% din total GT), si nu in ultimul rand minim 27 dintre prescolarii/elevii care beneficiaza de serviciile de sprijin sunt copii care sunt ancadrate in categoria persoanelor cu dizabilitati sau au nevoi speciale (minim 10% din total GT). In acelasi timp proiectul propus spre finntare are in vedere sprijinirea obiectivelor din Strategia Nationala privind Incluziunea Sociala a Cetatenilor Romani Apartinand Minoritatii Rom (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project is to develop and implement a pilot program to stimulate integration in pre-school education and to prevent early school leaving for preschools and students (d from primary school (6-10 years), secondary school (11-14 years) and upper secondary (14-16 years) who have at least one parent abroad. In this respect, the project proposed for financing contributes to the expected results of the Human Capital Operational Programme 2014-2020 related to specific objectives 6.2 and 6.3. The project proposed for funding is intended to support the Member State’s desire to achieve the following expected results: Improved enrolment rate in pre-preschool and preschool education, especially for disadvantaged categories of children (Results that the Member State seeks to achieve through Union support under OS 6.2 – POCU page 208) and Reduction of early school leaving by integrated measures to prevent and ensure equal opportunities for pupils belonging to vulnerable groups, with a focus on pupils belonging to the Roma minority and rural pupils/socio-economically disadvantaged communities (Results that the Member State seeks to achieve through Union support under OS 6.3 – POCU page 208). In this respect, the project proposed for funding aims to increase the participation of preschoolers in education and also envisages providing a support system for primary school students (6-10 years old), secondary school (11-14 years) and upper secondary (14-16 years) in order to prevent the risk of early school leaving. At the same time, the proposed project contributes to the achievement of the two results expected by the Member State (Romania) as a result of the implementation of the operations financed from the Operational Programme Human Capital 2014-2020 OS.6.2 and OS.6.3 respectively, by the fact that the financial resources made available will be directed in order to support preschoolers and students from vulnerable groups – all 270 preschoolers and students who will benefit from support are in a situation of vulnerability as a result of the fact that at least one of the parents is gone abroad for at least 6 months of the total number of children who have a minimum of 200 preschools/students who benefit from the support services are children coming from the rural environment (the minimum number of children who benefit from the total number of children, who benefit from the total number of children, who have a minimum of 200 preschoolers/students who benefit from the support services are children coming from the rural environment (the total number of children who benefit from the total number of children from the countryside) (the total number of children who benefit from the total number of children, which have a minimum of 200 preschools/students who benefit from the support services are children coming from the rural environment). At the same time, the project proposed for funding aims to support the objectives of the National Strategy on Social Inclusion of Romanian citizens belonging to Roma Minority (English)
16 September 2021
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Lovrin, Romania
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Teremia Mare, Romania
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Municipiul Lugoj, Romania
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