EDUCATION FIRST IN UDESTI COMMUNE, JUD. SUCEAVA (Q3097017): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): Project "EDUCATION ON THE FIRST LOVE IN THE COMMUNITY Udesti, JUD. Suceava" proposes that through a focused approach of educational services, financial support, counseling services and professional and school guidance, extracurricular activities (528 workshops, caravans with books, documentaries, 24 excursions and 6 camps, 112 information campaigns), offered by the project partnership of a heterogeneous target group (preschool children, primary...)
(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: translated_label)
label / enlabel / en

Revision as of 10:40, 16 September 2021

Project Q3097017 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Project Q3097017 in Romania


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    3,969,092.107 Romanian Leu
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    4,669,520.11 Romanian Leu
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    933,904.0220000001 Euro
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    17 May 2018
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    16 May 2021
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    Proiectul „EDUCATIA PE PRIMUL LOC IN COMUNA UDESTI, JUD. SUCEAVA” isi propune ca printr-o abordare concentrata de servicii educaționale, sprijin financiar, servicii de consiliere si orientare profesionala și scolara, activitati extracuriculare (528 ateliere, caravane cu carti, filme documentare, 24 excursii si 6 tabere, 112 campanii de informare), oferite de catre parteneriatul proiectului unui grup țintă eterogen (copii prescolari, elevi de nivel primar si gimnazial parinti/tutori, cadre didactice, manageri) din Scoala Gimnaziala Udesti, comunitatea UDESTI, jud. Suceava, identificata urmare a analizei de nevoi - sa reduca si sa previna fenomenul de parasire timpurie a scolii la nivelul comunitatii UDESTI. In regiunea Nord Est, numarul unitatilor de educatie reprezinta 15,46% din numarul total al unitatilor de invatamant existente la nivel national, iar populatia scolara reprezinta 18,07% din totalul populatiei scolare la nivel national (2012). Regiunea detine cea mai mare populatie si suprafata dintre cele opt regiuni de dezvoltare ale Romaniei. In regiune functioneaza 15,87% din numarul total de licee din Romania si 17,64% din cel al scolilor generale. Totodata, desi in regiune se afla 17,9% din populatia prescolara a Romaniei numarul gradinitelor existente reprezinta doar 7,52% din totalul national. La nivelul Regiunii NE, o parte a infrastructurii educationale se confrunta in continuare cu o serie de probleme dintre care cele mai importante sunt: lipsa unor spatii adecvate procesului de instruire, lipsa unor dotari care sa tina pasul cu nevoile mereu in schimbare cauzate de evolutia tehnologiei, si necorelarea ofertei educationale cu nevoile actuale pe piata muncii. Analiza de nevoi realizata la nivelul Scolii Gimnaziale „Acad. H. Mihaescu" Udesti prezinta sitetic urmatoarele: • 1104 copii sunt inregistrati intr-o forma de invatamant din comuna Udesti, din care 206 copii in invatamantul prescolar, 506 elevi in invatamantul primar si 392 elevi in invatamantul gimnazial, • 80 cadre didactice; • gradul de defavorizare al Scolii Gimnaziale „Acad. H. Mihaescu" Udesti; • cel putin 250 copii provin din familii sarace; • 300 de familii beneficiaza de ajutoare sociale; • 120 copii sunt de etnie roma; • 10 copii in risc de abandon; 10 copii cu nevoi speciale; • 10 copii cu procent ridicat de absenteism; • 787 elevi care beneficiaza de ajutoare pentru rechizite si materiale didactice din partea scolii datorita resurselor financiare reduse; • 30 elevi corigenti; • 525 elevi care inregistreaza in medie 15 absente; • neimplicarea scolii in proiecte europene; • interesul scazut a unor cadre didactice pentru formarea continua; • reticienta fata de nou si de schimbare a unor cadre didactice; • disponibilitate scazuta, din partea unor cadre didactice, de a lucra in echipa; • comunicarea ineficienta intre parinti si scoala, implicarea insuficienta a parintilor in viata scolii; • procentul mare al elevilor lasati singuri, in grija buni (Romanian)
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    Project "EDUCATION ON THE FIRST LOVE IN THE COMMUNITY Udesti, JUD. Suceava" proposes that through a focused approach of educational services, financial support, counseling services and professional and school guidance, extracurricular activities (528 workshops, caravans with books, documentaries, 24 excursions and 6 camps, 112 information campaigns), offered by the project partnership of a heterogeneous target group (preschool children, primary level pupils and secondary school parents/tutors, teachers, managers) from Udesti Gymnasium School, Udesti community, county. Suceava, identified as a result of the needs analysis – to reduce and prevent the early school leaving phenomenon at Udesti community level. In the North East region, the number of educational units represents 15.46 % of the total number of educational units existing at national level, and the school population represents 18.07 % of the total school population at national level (2012). The region has the largest population and area of the eight development regions of Romania. In the region there are 15.87 % of the total number of high schools in Romania and 17.64 % of the general schools. At the same time, although in the region there are 17.9 % of the preschool population of Romania, the number of existing kindergartens represents only 7.52 % of the national total. At the level of the NE Region, part of the educational infrastructure still faces a number of problems, the most important of which are: the lack of adequate spaces for the training process, the lack of facilities to keep pace with the constantly changing needs caused by the evolution of the technology, and the mismatch between the educational offer and the current needs on the labour market. Needs analysis carried out at the level of the Secondary School "Acad. H. Mihaescu" Udesti presents the following ethos: • 1104 children are registered in a form of education in Udesti commune, of which 206 children in preschool education, 506 students in primary education and 392 students in secondary education, • 80 teachers; • the degree of disadvantage of the Secondary School "Acad. H. Mihaescu" Udesti; • at least 250 children come from poor families; • 300 families benefit from social benefits; • 120 children are Roma; • 10 children at risk of abandonment; 10 children with special needs; • 10 children with a high percentage of absenteeism; • 787 students who receive aid for school supplies and educational materials due to reduced financial resources; • 30 corigent pupils; • 525 students who register on average 15 absences; • not involving the school in European projects; • the low interest of some teachers in continuing training; • reluctance to new and change teachers; • low availability, from some teachers, to work as a team; • inefficient communication between parents and school, insufficient involvement of parents in school life; • high percentage of students left alone, in good care (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Udeşti, Romania
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    Judeţul Suceava, Romania
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