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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic, as the central body of the State administration for state employment and legal relations in the performance of work in the public interest within the meaning of Act No 575/2001 Coll., has an obligation under Act No 55/2017 on state service and amending certain acts and Strategy for the management of human resources in the State Service for 2015 2020 to ensure central methodological coordinatio...)
Property / summary
The Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic, as the central body of the State administration for state employment and legal relations in the performance of work in the public interest within the meaning of Act No 575/2001 Coll., has an obligation under Act No 55/2017 on state service and amending certain acts and Strategy for the management of human resources in the State Service for 2015 2020 to ensure central methodological coordination management of the state service and human resources in the state service. The National Agency for Network and Electronic Services (NASES), which was established by Decision No 1/2008 of the Head of the Government Office of the Slovak Republic, established by the Act No 532/2004 on the budgetary rules of public administration and amending certain acts, as amended by late regulations, will be both the operator and the project promoter of the proposed CISS. “Pursuant to Article III, point 1(a) of the Statute and the relevant amendments approved by the Head of the Government Office of the Slovak Republic, NASES implements and comprehensively implements projects from the European Structural and Investment Funds, the Cohesion Fund and other financial instruments of the European Union.” The aim of the project is, in the sense of the approved strategy material and the State Service Act, the establishment of the Central Information System of the State Service (CISS) as an overhead personnel and information system.CISS will be filled within the meaning of the NKVIS two main funkcie:Centrálny block for the management of human resources and support of the life situation: access to information,Analytical-strategic tool of the ÚV SR for the development of human resources in the state service.The implementation of the project is dosiahne:lepie use of data, analysis and knowledge in decision-making processes;increased quality, standard and accessibility of electronic services for citizens; development of competences, expertise and effective management of human resources in the state service; provision of centralised services for service offices. (English)
Property / summary: The Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic, as the central body of the State administration for state employment and legal relations in the performance of work in the public interest within the meaning of Act No 575/2001 Coll., has an obligation under Act No 55/2017 on state service and amending certain acts and Strategy for the management of human resources in the State Service for 2015 2020 to ensure central methodological coordination management of the state service and human resources in the state service. The National Agency for Network and Electronic Services (NASES), which was established by Decision No 1/2008 of the Head of the Government Office of the Slovak Republic, established by the Act No 532/2004 on the budgetary rules of public administration and amending certain acts, as amended by late regulations, will be both the operator and the project promoter of the proposed CISS. “Pursuant to Article III, point 1(a) of the Statute and the relevant amendments approved by the Head of the Government Office of the Slovak Republic, NASES implements and comprehensively implements projects from the European Structural and Investment Funds, the Cohesion Fund and other financial instruments of the European Union.” The aim of the project is, in the sense of the approved strategy material and the State Service Act, the establishment of the Central Information System of the State Service (CISS) as an overhead personnel and information system.CISS will be filled within the meaning of the NKVIS two main funkcie:Centrálny block for the management of human resources and support of the life situation: access to information,Analytical-strategic tool of the ÚV SR for the development of human resources in the state service.The implementation of the project is dosiahne:lepie use of data, analysis and knowledge in decision-making processes;increased quality, standard and accessibility of electronic services for citizens; development of competences, expertise and effective management of human resources in the state service; provision of centralised services for service offices. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic, as the central body of the State administration for state employment and legal relations in the performance of work in the public interest within the meaning of Act No 575/2001 Coll., has an obligation under Act No 55/2017 on state service and amending certain acts and Strategy for the management of human resources in the State Service for 2015 2020 to ensure central methodological coordination management of the state service and human resources in the state service. The National Agency for Network and Electronic Services (NASES), which was established by Decision No 1/2008 of the Head of the Government Office of the Slovak Republic, established by the Act No 532/2004 on the budgetary rules of public administration and amending certain acts, as amended by late regulations, will be both the operator and the project promoter of the proposed CISS. “Pursuant to Article III, point 1(a) of the Statute and the relevant amendments approved by the Head of the Government Office of the Slovak Republic, NASES implements and comprehensively implements projects from the European Structural and Investment Funds, the Cohesion Fund and other financial instruments of the European Union.” The aim of the project is, in the sense of the approved strategy material and the State Service Act, the establishment of the Central Information System of the State Service (CISS) as an overhead personnel and information system.CISS will be filled within the meaning of the NKVIS two main funkcie:Centrálny block for the management of human resources and support of the life situation: access to information,Analytical-strategic tool of the ÚV SR for the development of human resources in the state service.The implementation of the project is dosiahne:lepie use of data, analysis and knowledge in decision-making processes;increased quality, standard and accessibility of electronic services for citizens; development of competences, expertise and effective management of human resources in the state service; provision of centralised services for service offices. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 15 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 13:24, 15 September 2021

Project Q3101836 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
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Project Q3101836 in Slovakia


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    77,573.53 Euro
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    3,905,143.33 Euro
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    0.67 percent
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    1 April 2018
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    1 September 2022
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    Národná agentúra pre sieové a elektronické služby
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    48°22'55.06"N, 17°34'6.35"E
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    Úrad vlády SR, ako ústredný orgán štátnej správy pre štátnozamestnanecké vzahy a právne vzahy pri výkone práce vo verejnom záujme v zmysle zákona č.575/2001 Z. z., má v zmysle zákona č. 55/2017 Z. z. o štátnej službe a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov a Stratégie riadenia žudských zdrojov v štátnej službe na roky 2015 – 2020 povinnos zabezpečova centrálne metodicko–koordinačné riadenie štátnej služby a žudských zdrojov v štátnej službe. Prevádzkovatežom a súčasne realizátorom projektu navrhovaného CISŠS bude Národná agentúra pre sieové a elektronické služby (NASES), ktorá bola zriadená rozhodnutím vedúceho Úradu vlády Slovenskej republiky č. 1/2008 zriaďovacou listinou podža zákona č. 532/2004 Z. z. o rozpočtových pravidlách verejnej správy a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov, v znení neskorších predpisov. "V zmysle čl. III, bod 1 a) štatútu a príslušných dodatkov schválených vedúcim Úradu vlády Slovenskej republiky, vykonáva NASES realizáciu a komplexnú implementáciu projektov z európskych štrukturálnych a investičných fondov, Kohézneho fondu a iných finančných nástrojov Európskej únie."Ciežom projektu je, v zmysle schváleného materiálu stratégie a zákona o štátnej službe, vybudovanie Centrálneho informačného systému štátnej služby (ďalej len „CISŠS“) ako nadrezortného personálno-informačného systému.CISŠS bude plni v zmysle NKVIS dve hlavné funkcie:Centrálny blok na riadenie žudských zdrojov a podporu životnej situácie: prístup k informáciám,Analyticko-strategický nástroj ÚV SR pre rozvoj žudských zdrojov v štátnej službe.Realizáciou projektu sa dosiahne:lepšie využívanie dát,  analýz a znalostí v rozhodovacích procesoch;zvýšenie kvality, štandardu a dostupnosti elektronických služieb pre občanov;rozvoj kompetencií, odbornosti a efektívneho riadenia žudských zdrojov v štátnej službe;poskytovanie centralizovaných služieb pre služobné úrady. (Slovak)
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    The Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic, as the central body of the State administration for state employment and legal relations in the performance of work in the public interest within the meaning of Act No 575/2001 Coll., has an obligation under Act No 55/2017 on state service and amending certain acts and Strategy for the management of human resources in the State Service for 2015 2020 to ensure central methodological coordination management of the state service and human resources in the state service. The National Agency for Network and Electronic Services (NASES), which was established by Decision No 1/2008 of the Head of the Government Office of the Slovak Republic, established by the Act No 532/2004 on the budgetary rules of public administration and amending certain acts, as amended by late regulations, will be both the operator and the project promoter of the proposed CISS. “Pursuant to Article III, point 1(a) of the Statute and the relevant amendments approved by the Head of the Government Office of the Slovak Republic, NASES implements and comprehensively implements projects from the European Structural and Investment Funds, the Cohesion Fund and other financial instruments of the European Union.” The aim of the project is, in the sense of the approved strategy material and the State Service Act, the establishment of the Central Information System of the State Service (CISS) as an overhead personnel and information system.CISS will be filled within the meaning of the NKVIS two main funkcie:Centrálny block for the management of human resources and support of the life situation: access to information,Analytical-strategic tool of the ÚV SR for the development of human resources in the state service.The implementation of the project is dosiahne:lepie use of data, analysis and knowledge in decision-making processes;increased quality, standard and accessibility of electronic services for citizens; development of competences, expertise and effective management of human resources in the state service; provision of centralised services for service offices. (English)
    15 September 2021
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