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(Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: Setting new description) |
(Created claim: summary (P836): *Training activities (including information days, seminars, training sessions, workshops, conferences, study trips, courses, etc.) are planned and launched in four main groups: 6.1.1. long-term development programmes based on the different job-specifics and environments and development needs of youth workers. Long-term training programmes consist of several modules – a series of training activities aimed at achieving a long-term impact across a...) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
*Training activities (including information days, seminars, training sessions, workshops, conferences, study trips, courses, etc.) are planned and launched in four main groups: 6.1.1. long-term development programmes based on the different job-specifics and environments and development needs of youth workers. Long-term training programmes consist of several modules – a series of training activities aimed at achieving a long-term impact across a given work stream. Long-term development programmes will be implemented in the following groups: schools of interest (including music, arts, dance schools), youth centres and youth associations, school interest managers. Negotiations with target groups and their representative associations will take place in order to design and organise long-term development programmes. 6.1.2. thematic training activities supporting the development of competences of youth workers on priority topics. The priorities of training activities are based on the objectives set out in the Youth Sector Development Plan 2014-2020 and the implementation of the principles that pass through the development plan. Thematic training activities aim to support the development of knowledge and skills of youth workers in any position and/or institution. 6.1.3. training activities supporting regional development in the youth field. Training activities contribute to the development of trans-municipal youth work services. The aim is to ensure cooperation between local authorities in order to increase access to youth work services. Training activities aim at strengthening the long-term capacity of local authorities to provide youth work services in cooperation. 6.1.4. international cooperation is supported by training activities that strengthen youth work placements with international knowledge and skills. The aim is to support the quality of Estonian youth work with international practice. 6.2. Support for the development and quality of the training system This activity supports the development of a comprehensive training system in the youth field, monitors the quality of training and develops (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: *Training activities (including information days, seminars, training sessions, workshops, conferences, study trips, courses, etc.) are planned and launched in four main groups: 6.1.1. long-term development programmes based on the different job-specifics and environments and development needs of youth workers. Long-term training programmes consist of several modules – a series of training activities aimed at achieving a long-term impact across a given work stream. Long-term development programmes will be implemented in the following groups: schools of interest (including music, arts, dance schools), youth centres and youth associations, school interest managers. Negotiations with target groups and their representative associations will take place in order to design and organise long-term development programmes. 6.1.2. thematic training activities supporting the development of competences of youth workers on priority topics. The priorities of training activities are based on the objectives set out in the Youth Sector Development Plan 2014-2020 and the implementation of the principles that pass through the development plan. Thematic training activities aim to support the development of knowledge and skills of youth workers in any position and/or institution. 6.1.3. training activities supporting regional development in the youth field. Training activities contribute to the development of trans-municipal youth work services. The aim is to ensure cooperation between local authorities in order to increase access to youth work services. Training activities aim at strengthening the long-term capacity of local authorities to provide youth work services in cooperation. 6.1.4. international cooperation is supported by training activities that strengthen youth work placements with international knowledge and skills. The aim is to support the quality of Estonian youth work with international practice. 6.2. Support for the development and quality of the training system This activity supports the development of a comprehensive training system in the youth field, monitors the quality of training and develops (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: *Training activities (including information days, seminars, training sessions, workshops, conferences, study trips, courses, etc.) are planned and launched in four main groups: 6.1.1. long-term development programmes based on the different job-specifics and environments and development needs of youth workers. Long-term training programmes consist of several modules – a series of training activities aimed at achieving a long-term impact across a given work stream. Long-term development programmes will be implemented in the following groups: schools of interest (including music, arts, dance schools), youth centres and youth associations, school interest managers. Negotiations with target groups and their representative associations will take place in order to design and organise long-term development programmes. 6.1.2. thematic training activities supporting the development of competences of youth workers on priority topics. The priorities of training activities are based on the objectives set out in the Youth Sector Development Plan 2014-2020 and the implementation of the principles that pass through the development plan. Thematic training activities aim to support the development of knowledge and skills of youth workers in any position and/or institution. 6.1.3. training activities supporting regional development in the youth field. Training activities contribute to the development of trans-municipal youth work services. The aim is to ensure cooperation between local authorities in order to increase access to youth work services. Training activities aim at strengthening the long-term capacity of local authorities to provide youth work services in cooperation. 6.1.4. international cooperation is supported by training activities that strengthen youth work placements with international knowledge and skills. The aim is to support the quality of Estonian youth work with international practice. 6.2. Support for the development and quality of the training system This activity supports the development of a comprehensive training system in the youth field, monitors the quality of training and develops (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 16 August 2021
Revision as of 11:36, 16 August 2021
Project Q3067200 in Estonia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | No label defined |
Project Q3067200 in Estonia |
1,704,037.50 Euro
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2,004,750.0 Euro
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85.0 percent
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1 January 2015
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31 December 2019
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Sihtasutus Archimedes
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*Koolitustegevused (sh infopäevad, seminarid, koolitused, töötoad, konverentsid, õppereisid, kursused jmt) kavandatakse ja käivitatakse neljas peamises grupis: 6.1.1. pikaajalised arenguprogrammid, mis lähtuvad noortevaldkonna töötajate erinevast tööspetsiifikast ja –keskkonnast ning arenguvajadustest. Pikaajalised koolitusprogrammid koosnevad mitmest moodulist – tegemist on koolitustegevuste sarjaga, mille eesmärk on saavutada pikaajaline mõju konkreetse töösuuna lõikes. Pikaajaliste arenguprogrammide elluviimist alustatakse järgmiste gruppide suunal: huvikoolid (sh muusika-, kunsti-, tantsukoolid), noortekeskused ja noorteühingud, koolide huvijuhid. Pikaajaliste arenguprogrammide kavandamiseks ja korraldamiseks toimuvad läbirääkimised sihtgruppidega ja nende esindusliitudega. 6.1.2. temaatilised koolitustegevused, mis toetavad noortevaldkonna töötajate pädevuste arengut prioriteetsetel teemadel. Koolitustegevuste prioriteedid tulenevad Noortevaldkonna arengukavas 2014-2020 sätestatud eesmärkidest ning arengukava läbivate põhimõtete elluviimisest. Temaatiliste koolitustegevuste eesmärgiks on toetada noortevaldkonna töötajate teadmiste ja oskuste arengut mistahes ametikohal ja/või institutsioonis. 6.1.3. koolitustegevused, mis toetavad piirkondlikku arengut noortevaldkonnas. Koolitustegevused aitavad kaasa omavalitsusüleste noorsootööalaste teenuste arengule. Eesmärgiks on noorsootöö teenuste kättesaadavuse suurendamiseks tagada kohalike omavalitsuste koostöö. Koolitustegevuste sihiks on tugevdada kohalike omavalitsuste pikaajalist võimekust osutada koostöös noorsootöö teenuseid. 6.1.4. rahvusvahelist koostööd toetavad koolitused, mis tugevdavad noorsootöö praktikat rahvusvaheliste teadmiste ja oskustega. Eesmärgiks on toetada Eesti noorsootöö kvaliteeti rahvusvahelise praktikaga. 6.2. Koolitussüsteemi arengu ja kvaliteedi toetamine Käesoleva tegevuse raames toetatakse tervikliku koolitussüsteemi arengut noortevaldkonnas, seiratakse koolituste kvaliteeti ja arendata (Estonian)
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*Training activities (including information days, seminars, training sessions, workshops, conferences, study trips, courses, etc.) are planned and launched in four main groups: 6.1.1. long-term development programmes based on the different job-specifics and environments and development needs of youth workers. Long-term training programmes consist of several modules – a series of training activities aimed at achieving a long-term impact across a given work stream. Long-term development programmes will be implemented in the following groups: schools of interest (including music, arts, dance schools), youth centres and youth associations, school interest managers. Negotiations with target groups and their representative associations will take place in order to design and organise long-term development programmes. 6.1.2. thematic training activities supporting the development of competences of youth workers on priority topics. The priorities of training activities are based on the objectives set out in the Youth Sector Development Plan 2014-2020 and the implementation of the principles that pass through the development plan. Thematic training activities aim to support the development of knowledge and skills of youth workers in any position and/or institution. 6.1.3. training activities supporting regional development in the youth field. Training activities contribute to the development of trans-municipal youth work services. The aim is to ensure cooperation between local authorities in order to increase access to youth work services. Training activities aim at strengthening the long-term capacity of local authorities to provide youth work services in cooperation. 6.1.4. international cooperation is supported by training activities that strengthen youth work placements with international knowledge and skills. The aim is to support the quality of Estonian youth work with international practice. 6.2. Support for the development and quality of the training system This activity supports the development of a comprehensive training system in the youth field, monitors the quality of training and develops (English)
16 August 2021
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