On premise implementation of the business information communication system at Optimit Hungária Kft. in Derecsken (Q3923284): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: add summary)
(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
The applicant plans to introduce a corporate governance system by incorporating the following functional target areas: 1.corporate CRM, Sales Area, 2nd Production Area, 4.Controling and Decision Support, 5.Procurement, Logistics Area, 6th Distance and Group Work Support, 7.Financial, Accounting Area, 8.Internet Sales (Business Webshop), 10.Work Process Management System (WF), 13.mobile System. The company does not currently have an integrated corporate governance system, but it has now reached the scale where managers are no longer able to understand the company’s operations in their head. The lack of an ERP system is at the expense of production, turnover and cost-effectiveness. The ERP system can take advantage of reserves currently in the order of 10-15 % due to the lack of a corporate governance system in each area. The Kft has a corporate webshop, but the system of the existing webshop cannot be connected properly to all its activities and to all modules of the ERP system to be introduced, therefore it is also justified to create a new corporate webshop besides the introduction of other modules, which is based on a completely different technology than its existing system, and as a result, more efficient, more specific sales and marketing activities can be carried out with the new system to ensure greater customer satisfaction. On the ERP system to be introduced in the framework of the development: Customer and product master data can be structured into groups of items, optionally specified properties that underpin control and decision support functions, complete overview of commercial and manufacturing activities. In the customer and articles matrix, a discount system can be developed that greatly helps to increase sales efficiency through personalised pricing. The discount scheme provides the possibility to use several price lists at the same time, to provide discount groups and individual prices linked to a partner and to create discounts depending on quantity for groups of articles, article properties and individual items. Customer offers and orders recorded by the employees working in teleworking or mobile devices are recorded on-line at the premises, therefore the related processes related to the fulfillment of the customer’s needs begin immediately. Orders can be made from the offer without further data recording, preparation of the goods in the warehouse (comissio list), the buyer’s delivery note and invoice. Based on customer requirements, production can be started with manufacturing instructions. The procurement processes can also be started and optimised in relation to customer needs, resulting in an improvement in the availability of products despite the minimisation of stocks. As a result of the development, the company can produce better quality products more cost-effectively with higher capacity and provide higher quality services, which contributes to the strengthening of the market position and the growth of turnover. (English)
Property / summary: The applicant plans to introduce a corporate governance system by incorporating the following functional target areas: 1.corporate CRM, Sales Area, 2nd Production Area, 4.Controling and Decision Support, 5.Procurement, Logistics Area, 6th Distance and Group Work Support, 7.Financial, Accounting Area, 8.Internet Sales (Business Webshop), 10.Work Process Management System (WF), 13.mobile System. The company does not currently have an integrated corporate governance system, but it has now reached the scale where managers are no longer able to understand the company’s operations in their head. The lack of an ERP system is at the expense of production, turnover and cost-effectiveness. The ERP system can take advantage of reserves currently in the order of 10-15 % due to the lack of a corporate governance system in each area. The Kft has a corporate webshop, but the system of the existing webshop cannot be connected properly to all its activities and to all modules of the ERP system to be introduced, therefore it is also justified to create a new corporate webshop besides the introduction of other modules, which is based on a completely different technology than its existing system, and as a result, more efficient, more specific sales and marketing activities can be carried out with the new system to ensure greater customer satisfaction. On the ERP system to be introduced in the framework of the development: Customer and product master data can be structured into groups of items, optionally specified properties that underpin control and decision support functions, complete overview of commercial and manufacturing activities. In the customer and articles matrix, a discount system can be developed that greatly helps to increase sales efficiency through personalised pricing. The discount scheme provides the possibility to use several price lists at the same time, to provide discount groups and individual prices linked to a partner and to create discounts depending on quantity for groups of articles, article properties and individual items. Customer offers and orders recorded by the employees working in teleworking or mobile devices are recorded on-line at the premises, therefore the related processes related to the fulfillment of the customer’s needs begin immediately. Orders can be made from the offer without further data recording, preparation of the goods in the warehouse (comissio list), the buyer’s delivery note and invoice. Based on customer requirements, production can be started with manufacturing instructions. The procurement processes can also be started and optimised in relation to customer needs, resulting in an improvement in the availability of products despite the minimisation of stocks. As a result of the development, the company can produce better quality products more cost-effectively with higher capacity and provide higher quality services, which contributes to the strengthening of the market position and the growth of turnover. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The applicant plans to introduce a corporate governance system by incorporating the following functional target areas: 1.corporate CRM, Sales Area, 2nd Production Area, 4.Controling and Decision Support, 5.Procurement, Logistics Area, 6th Distance and Group Work Support, 7.Financial, Accounting Area, 8.Internet Sales (Business Webshop), 10.Work Process Management System (WF), 13.mobile System. The company does not currently have an integrated corporate governance system, but it has now reached the scale where managers are no longer able to understand the company’s operations in their head. The lack of an ERP system is at the expense of production, turnover and cost-effectiveness. The ERP system can take advantage of reserves currently in the order of 10-15 % due to the lack of a corporate governance system in each area. The Kft has a corporate webshop, but the system of the existing webshop cannot be connected properly to all its activities and to all modules of the ERP system to be introduced, therefore it is also justified to create a new corporate webshop besides the introduction of other modules, which is based on a completely different technology than its existing system, and as a result, more efficient, more specific sales and marketing activities can be carried out with the new system to ensure greater customer satisfaction. On the ERP system to be introduced in the framework of the development: Customer and product master data can be structured into groups of items, optionally specified properties that underpin control and decision support functions, complete overview of commercial and manufacturing activities. In the customer and articles matrix, a discount system can be developed that greatly helps to increase sales efficiency through personalised pricing. The discount scheme provides the possibility to use several price lists at the same time, to provide discount groups and individual prices linked to a partner and to create discounts depending on quantity for groups of articles, article properties and individual items. Customer offers and orders recorded by the employees working in teleworking or mobile devices are recorded on-line at the premises, therefore the related processes related to the fulfillment of the customer’s needs begin immediately. Orders can be made from the offer without further data recording, preparation of the goods in the warehouse (comissio list), the buyer’s delivery note and invoice. Based on customer requirements, production can be started with manufacturing instructions. The procurement processes can also be started and optimised in relation to customer needs, resulting in an improvement in the availability of products despite the minimisation of stocks. As a result of the development, the company can produce better quality products more cost-effectively with higher capacity and provide higher quality services, which contributes to the strengthening of the market position and the growth of turnover. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 17:39, 8 February 2022

Project Q3923284 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
On premise implementation of the business information communication system at Optimit Hungária Kft. in Derecsken
Project Q3923284 in Hungary


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    19,658,200 forint
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    54,359.05 Euro
    0.00276521 Euro
    3 December 2021
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    134,345.397 Euro
    0.0027336256 Euro
    15 December 2021
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    49,145,500.0 forint
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    40.0 percent
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    10 March 2017
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    24 January 2019
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    OPTIMIT HUNGÁRIA Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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    47°20'10.68"N, 21°32'3.91"E
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    A pályázó vállalatirányítási rendszer bevezetését tervezi az alábbi funkcionális célterületek beépítésével: 1.vállalati CRM, értékesítési terület, 2.gyártási terület, 4.kontrolling és döntéstámogatás, 5.beszerzési, logisztikai terület, 6.táv- és csoportmunka támogatás, 7.pénzügyi, számviteli terület, 8.internetes értékesítés (vállalati webáruház), 10.munkafolyamat-irányítási rendszer (WF), 13.mobil technikát használó rendszer. A vállalkozás jelenleg nem rendelkezik integrált vállalatirányítási rendszerrel, de mára elérte azt a nagyságrendet, ahol a vezetők már nem tudják fejben átlátni a vállalat működését. Az ERP rendszer hiánya a termelés, az árbevétel, a költséghatékonyság rovására megy. Az ERP rendszerrel kihasználhatóak azok a tartalékok, amelyek jelenleg az egyes területeken a vállalatirányítási rendszer hiánya miatt akár 10-15 %-os nagyságrendben is megvannak. A Kft rendelkezik vállalati webáruházzal, azonban meglévő webáruház rendszere nem megfelelően kapcsolható minden tevékenységéhez és a bevezetendő ERP rendszer minden moduljához, ezért indokolt az új vállalati webáruház kialakítása is a többi modul bevezetése mellett, mely egészen más technológiára épül, mint a meglévő rendszere, s ennek következtében az új rendszerrel hatékonyabb, specifikusabb értékesítés és marketing tevékenységek valósíthatóak meg az ügyfél nagyobb mértékű elégedettsége érdekében. A fejlesztés keretében bevezetendő ERP rendszerről: A vevő és termék törzsadatok oly módon strukturálhatók cikkcsoportokba, tetszőlegesen megadható tulajdonságokba melyek megalapozzák a kontrolling és döntéstámogató funkciókat, a kereskedelmi és gyártási tevékenység teljes körű áttekintését. A vevő és cikkek mátrixában olyan kedvezmény rendszer alakítható ki, ami nagymértékben elősegíti az értékesítés hatékonyságának növelését a személyre szabott árképzéssel. A kedvezményrendszer lehetőséget biztosít több árlista egyidejű használatára, engedménycsoportok és partnerhez kapcsolt egyedi árak megadásához és mennyiségtől függő kedvezmények kialakításhoz cikkcsoportokra, cikk tulajdonságokra és egyedi cikkekre egyaránt. A telephelyeken a távmunkában vagy mobil eszközről dolgozó munkatársak által rögzített vevő ajánlatok, rendelések on-line rögzítésre kerülnek, ezért azonnal megkezdődnek a vevő igények teljesítéséhez kapcsolódó egymással összefüggő folyamatok. Az ajánlatból további adatrögzítés nélkül elkészíthető vevő rendelés, az áru raktári összekészítése (komissió lista), a vevő szállítólevél és számla. A vevői igények alapján indítható a gyártás, gyártási utasítással. Szintén a vevői igényekhez kapcsolódóan indíthatók és optimalizálhatók a beszerzési folyamatok melynek eredményeként a készlet minimalizálása ellenére javul a termékek rendelkezésre állása. A fejlesztés hatására a cég nagyobb kapacitással, jobb minőségű termékeket tud költséghatékonyabban előállítani, magasabb színvonalú szolgáltatást tud nyújtani, ami hozzájárul a piaci pozíció erősödéséhez és az árbevétel növekedéséhez. (Hungarian)
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    The applicant plans to introduce a corporate governance system by incorporating the following functional target areas: 1.corporate CRM, Sales Area, 2nd Production Area, 4.Controling and Decision Support, 5.Procurement, Logistics Area, 6th Distance and Group Work Support, 7.Financial, Accounting Area, 8.Internet Sales (Business Webshop), 10.Work Process Management System (WF), 13.mobile System. The company does not currently have an integrated corporate governance system, but it has now reached the scale where managers are no longer able to understand the company’s operations in their head. The lack of an ERP system is at the expense of production, turnover and cost-effectiveness. The ERP system can take advantage of reserves currently in the order of 10-15 % due to the lack of a corporate governance system in each area. The Kft has a corporate webshop, but the system of the existing webshop cannot be connected properly to all its activities and to all modules of the ERP system to be introduced, therefore it is also justified to create a new corporate webshop besides the introduction of other modules, which is based on a completely different technology than its existing system, and as a result, more efficient, more specific sales and marketing activities can be carried out with the new system to ensure greater customer satisfaction. On the ERP system to be introduced in the framework of the development: Customer and product master data can be structured into groups of items, optionally specified properties that underpin control and decision support functions, complete overview of commercial and manufacturing activities. In the customer and articles matrix, a discount system can be developed that greatly helps to increase sales efficiency through personalised pricing. The discount scheme provides the possibility to use several price lists at the same time, to provide discount groups and individual prices linked to a partner and to create discounts depending on quantity for groups of articles, article properties and individual items. Customer offers and orders recorded by the employees working in teleworking or mobile devices are recorded on-line at the premises, therefore the related processes related to the fulfillment of the customer’s needs begin immediately. Orders can be made from the offer without further data recording, preparation of the goods in the warehouse (comissio list), the buyer’s delivery note and invoice. Based on customer requirements, production can be started with manufacturing instructions. The procurement processes can also be started and optimised in relation to customer needs, resulting in an improvement in the availability of products despite the minimisation of stocks. As a result of the development, the company can produce better quality products more cost-effectively with higher capacity and provide higher quality services, which contributes to the strengthening of the market position and the growth of turnover. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Derecske, Hajdú-Bihar
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