Capacity-enhancing investment in the bakery plant of Balmaz-sütöde Kft. (Q3920118): Difference between revisions

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Property / summary
The project will purchase high-tech bakery equipment with CE declaration of conformity. The development guidelines have been set, the quotations are requested, and in the case of a sponsor decision, the company management conducts the public procurement procedure and then enters into a contract. A specialist with technological, sales and managerial expertise will be involved in the implementation of the project. The management tasks will be carried out by Zsolt Fülep, owner and manager of the company, who has already gained many experience in the implementation of previous tenders. Machinery to be procured: Baugette Roller: the aim is to eliminate the unbalanced quality of the manual production of soft dough so far. The quality of the dough is balanced, the pasta varieties produced so far can be supplied with filling, a higher level of product is produced. Flip-flop: its use can achieve a significant improvement in quality, resulting in a premium product. The small weight (10 dkg) doughs become refillable, resulting in a higher level of product. Furnaces: with the implementation of the on-site baking production direction, the visual and fragrances generated in the sales are encouraged to consume additional consumption, resulting in an increase in capacity for the applicant. Term. added value: the only equipment of this kind with a special programme (60 °C/min capable of rapid temperature change). Hatch break chamber: the production process will be scheduled. With long, interrupted hatching, extraordinary flavours and flavourings can be obtained in the final product. Term. added value: using less yeast and producing intensive products, thanks to the longer maturation process, it is possible to produce a product rich in enzymes with a higher content than before, which has a positive (digestive) effect on the health of the mass caterers (children). Discrepancy: deposition on the surface of the plate can lead to an excess energy consumption of up to 40 %, which the equipment is intended to eliminate. Term. added value: its use reduces 100 % of the amount of scrap resulting from the contamination, and after removing the calcined calcined material burned on the plates, the safety of the finished product increases. Pasta and margarine presses: in the past handmade pasta quality, the raw pasta becomes much more uniform as a result of folded butter/margarine. Term. added value: at the same time, it will be possible to press the dough and the filling in it and to create a marbled dough surface. Dough splitter: using it to produce large quantities of equal quality from 1 product type. Term. added value: it will be possible to produce large quantities of different types of pasta in varying colours and shapes and to serve all production processes in the plant, such as fresh, delayed and frozen production directions, with raw pasta. (English)
Property / summary: The project will purchase high-tech bakery equipment with CE declaration of conformity. The development guidelines have been set, the quotations are requested, and in the case of a sponsor decision, the company management conducts the public procurement procedure and then enters into a contract. A specialist with technological, sales and managerial expertise will be involved in the implementation of the project. The management tasks will be carried out by Zsolt Fülep, owner and manager of the company, who has already gained many experience in the implementation of previous tenders. Machinery to be procured: Baugette Roller: the aim is to eliminate the unbalanced quality of the manual production of soft dough so far. The quality of the dough is balanced, the pasta varieties produced so far can be supplied with filling, a higher level of product is produced. Flip-flop: its use can achieve a significant improvement in quality, resulting in a premium product. The small weight (10 dkg) doughs become refillable, resulting in a higher level of product. Furnaces: with the implementation of the on-site baking production direction, the visual and fragrances generated in the sales are encouraged to consume additional consumption, resulting in an increase in capacity for the applicant. Term. added value: the only equipment of this kind with a special programme (60 °C/min capable of rapid temperature change). Hatch break chamber: the production process will be scheduled. With long, interrupted hatching, extraordinary flavours and flavourings can be obtained in the final product. Term. added value: using less yeast and producing intensive products, thanks to the longer maturation process, it is possible to produce a product rich in enzymes with a higher content than before, which has a positive (digestive) effect on the health of the mass caterers (children). Discrepancy: deposition on the surface of the plate can lead to an excess energy consumption of up to 40 %, which the equipment is intended to eliminate. Term. added value: its use reduces 100 % of the amount of scrap resulting from the contamination, and after removing the calcined calcined material burned on the plates, the safety of the finished product increases. Pasta and margarine presses: in the past handmade pasta quality, the raw pasta becomes much more uniform as a result of folded butter/margarine. Term. added value: at the same time, it will be possible to press the dough and the filling in it and to create a marbled dough surface. Dough splitter: using it to produce large quantities of equal quality from 1 product type. Term. added value: it will be possible to produce large quantities of different types of pasta in varying colours and shapes and to serve all production processes in the plant, such as fresh, delayed and frozen production directions, with raw pasta. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The project will purchase high-tech bakery equipment with CE declaration of conformity. The development guidelines have been set, the quotations are requested, and in the case of a sponsor decision, the company management conducts the public procurement procedure and then enters into a contract. A specialist with technological, sales and managerial expertise will be involved in the implementation of the project. The management tasks will be carried out by Zsolt Fülep, owner and manager of the company, who has already gained many experience in the implementation of previous tenders. Machinery to be procured: Baugette Roller: the aim is to eliminate the unbalanced quality of the manual production of soft dough so far. The quality of the dough is balanced, the pasta varieties produced so far can be supplied with filling, a higher level of product is produced. Flip-flop: its use can achieve a significant improvement in quality, resulting in a premium product. The small weight (10 dkg) doughs become refillable, resulting in a higher level of product. Furnaces: with the implementation of the on-site baking production direction, the visual and fragrances generated in the sales are encouraged to consume additional consumption, resulting in an increase in capacity for the applicant. Term. added value: the only equipment of this kind with a special programme (60 °C/min capable of rapid temperature change). Hatch break chamber: the production process will be scheduled. With long, interrupted hatching, extraordinary flavours and flavourings can be obtained in the final product. Term. added value: using less yeast and producing intensive products, thanks to the longer maturation process, it is possible to produce a product rich in enzymes with a higher content than before, which has a positive (digestive) effect on the health of the mass caterers (children). Discrepancy: deposition on the surface of the plate can lead to an excess energy consumption of up to 40 %, which the equipment is intended to eliminate. Term. added value: its use reduces 100 % of the amount of scrap resulting from the contamination, and after removing the calcined calcined material burned on the plates, the safety of the finished product increases. Pasta and margarine presses: in the past handmade pasta quality, the raw pasta becomes much more uniform as a result of folded butter/margarine. Term. added value: at the same time, it will be possible to press the dough and the filling in it and to create a marbled dough surface. Dough splitter: using it to produce large quantities of equal quality from 1 product type. Term. added value: it will be possible to produce large quantities of different types of pasta in varying colours and shapes and to serve all production processes in the plant, such as fresh, delayed and frozen production directions, with raw pasta. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 17:15, 8 February 2022

Project Q3920118 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Capacity-enhancing investment in the bakery plant of Balmaz-sütöde Kft.
Project Q3920118 in Hungary


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    99,628,000 forint
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    275,492.34 Euro
    0.00276521 Euro
    3 December 2021
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    544,691.303 Euro
    0.0027336256 Euro
    14 December 2021
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    199,256,000.0 forint
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    50.0 percent
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    9 July 2018
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    10 September 2018
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    BALMAZ-SÜTŐDE Élelmiszeripari Feldolgozó és Kereskedelmi Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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    47°36'41.87"N, 21°20'37.46"E
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    A projektben csúcstechnológiát képviselő, CE megfelelőségi nyilatkozattal rendelkező sütőipari berendezések beszerzésére kerül sor. Megtörtént a fejlesztési irányvonalak kijelölése, az árajánlatok bekérése, támogatói döntés esetén a cégvezetés lefolytatja a közbeszerzési eljárást, majd szerződést köt. A projekt megvalósításában technológiai, értékesítési és vezetői szakértelemmel bíró szakember fog közreműködni. A menedzsment feladatokat a korábbi pályázatok lebonyolításában már számos tapasztalatot szerzett Fülep Zsolt, a vállalkozás tulajdonosa, cégvezetője fogja elvégezni. Beszerzendő gépek: Baugettesodró: a lágy tészta eddigi kézi gyártásának kiegyensúlyozatlan minőségét hivatott kiküszöbölni. A tészta minősége kiegyensúlyozottá válik, használatával az eddig előállított tésztaféleségek töltelékkel elláthatóvá válnak, magasabb feldolg. szintű termék keletkezik. Kiflisodró: használata által jelentős minőségi javulás érhető el, amely prémium terméket eredményez. A kis tömegű (10 dkg) tészták tölthetővé válnak, így magasabb feldolg. szintű termék keletkezik. Kemence: a helyben sütési termelési irány megvalósulásával értékesítési színtéren keletkező látvány- és illatanyagok többletfogyasztásra ösztönzik a vásárlókat, amely kapacitásbővülést eredményez a pályázónál. Term. hozzáad. érték: az egyetlen ilyen jellegű, speciális programmal bíró (gyors hőmérséklet változtatásra képes 60oC/perc) berendezés. Kelesztést megszakító kamra: ütemezhetővé válik az előállítási folyamat. A hosszú, megszakított kelesztéssel rendkívüli íz- és aromaanyagok érhetőek el a végtermékben. Term. hozzáad. érték: használatával kevesebb élesztő felhasználásával, intenzív termék előállítás mellett, a hosszabb érési folyamatnak köszönhetően az eddigieknél kedvezőbb beltartalmú, enzimekben gazdag termék készíthető, melynek pozitív (emésztést serkentő) hatása van a közétkeztetésben résztvevők (gyermekek) egészségére. Lemeztiszító: a lemez felületén történő lerakódás akár 40%-os energiatöbblet felhasználást is előidézhet, a berendezés ezt hivatott kiküszöbölni. Term. hozzáad. érték: használata által 100%-ban csökken a visszaszennyeződésből adódó selejt mennyiség, illetve a lemezekre ráégett kalcigoném anyag eltávolítása után a késztermék eü-i biztonsága nő. Tészta- és margarinprés: az eddig kézzel készített tésztaminőségben a nyerstészta jóval egyenletesebbé válik a hajtogatott vaj/margarin következtében. Term. hozzáad. érték: egyidejűleg lehetővé válik a tészta és az abban elhelyezendő töltelék préselése, márványozott tésztafelület kialakítása. Tésztaosztó: alkalmazásával 1-1 terméktípusból kiegyenlített minőségű, nagy mennyiségű adag állítható elő. Term. hozzáad. érték: lehetővé válik a különböző típusú tészták változatos színben és formában történő, nagy tömegű legyártása, valamint, hogy az üzemben meglévő valamennyi termelési eljárás - úgymint friss, kelesztve késleltetett és fagyasztott termelési irány - nyerstészta alapanyaggal kiszolgálhatóvá válik. (Hungarian)
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    The project will purchase high-tech bakery equipment with CE declaration of conformity. The development guidelines have been set, the quotations are requested, and in the case of a sponsor decision, the company management conducts the public procurement procedure and then enters into a contract. A specialist with technological, sales and managerial expertise will be involved in the implementation of the project. The management tasks will be carried out by Zsolt Fülep, owner and manager of the company, who has already gained many experience in the implementation of previous tenders. Machinery to be procured: Baugette Roller: the aim is to eliminate the unbalanced quality of the manual production of soft dough so far. The quality of the dough is balanced, the pasta varieties produced so far can be supplied with filling, a higher level of product is produced. Flip-flop: its use can achieve a significant improvement in quality, resulting in a premium product. The small weight (10 dkg) doughs become refillable, resulting in a higher level of product. Furnaces: with the implementation of the on-site baking production direction, the visual and fragrances generated in the sales are encouraged to consume additional consumption, resulting in an increase in capacity for the applicant. Term. added value: the only equipment of this kind with a special programme (60 °C/min capable of rapid temperature change). Hatch break chamber: the production process will be scheduled. With long, interrupted hatching, extraordinary flavours and flavourings can be obtained in the final product. Term. added value: using less yeast and producing intensive products, thanks to the longer maturation process, it is possible to produce a product rich in enzymes with a higher content than before, which has a positive (digestive) effect on the health of the mass caterers (children). Discrepancy: deposition on the surface of the plate can lead to an excess energy consumption of up to 40 %, which the equipment is intended to eliminate. Term. added value: its use reduces 100 % of the amount of scrap resulting from the contamination, and after removing the calcined calcined material burned on the plates, the safety of the finished product increases. Pasta and margarine presses: in the past handmade pasta quality, the raw pasta becomes much more uniform as a result of folded butter/margarine. Term. added value: at the same time, it will be possible to press the dough and the filling in it and to create a marbled dough surface. Dough splitter: using it to produce large quantities of equal quality from 1 product type. Term. added value: it will be possible to produce large quantities of different types of pasta in varying colours and shapes and to serve all production processes in the plant, such as fresh, delayed and frozen production directions, with raw pasta. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Balmazújváros, Hajdú-Bihar
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