Creating a digital environment in the educational and educational institutions of the Church of Faith (Q3898312): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
Creating a digital environment in education is just as important as the use of new technologies in other areas, as education is also the basis for economic, social and environmental processes. Some pedagogical methods have become obsolete with the development of education science and other educational and educational disciplines and the expansion of knowledge. Students and pedagogues also saw the need to change the practice. In the course of the project, new digital methodologies would be introduced in the three institutions maintained by the Church of Hit and involved in the project. During the preparation, the institutions drafted Digital Development Plans in which they set new pedagogical objectives based on the assessment of the situation, in line with the call and the national strategic goals. The target group of teachers was also involved in the preparation of the plan and in the planning process of implementation. They were selected from the digital methodological packages offered by the Digital Pedagogical Methodology Centre for the areas of competence for students and subjects to be developed and/or further strengthened. The scheduling of the activities needed to achieve the objectives of the project is aligned with the interdependence of the tasks (e.g. the completion of the courses planned prior to the courses supported by the digital methodology) and the structure of the school years. The activities planned will contribute to the achievement of the development objectives. The professional activities planned for the implementation period include: implementation of the accredited training of the target group (in line with the chosen methodological packages)? implementation of horizontal requirements (equal to the chosen methodological packages)? horizontal requirements (equal opportunities and environmental aspects)? The institutions cooperate closely with each other, with the Digital Pedagogical Methodology Centre, the organisation responsible for the content development of the National Public Education Portal, the body responsible for the content development of the National Public Education Portal and the beneficiary consortium leader of the EFOP-3.1.2-16 programme. Project objectives and quantifiable results have been formulated to ensure the success of the implementation, the achievement/achievement of which may lead to new impacts. They involve project manager and finance manager (collectively project management members), professional manager, one pedagogical methodological assistant per institution and an administrator with several years of professional experience. In addition, other external professional actors will be involved which are not eligible for the tasks to be performed either by the maintainer or by the institutions (e.g. responsible accredited public procurement consultant) or who wished to achieve the appropriate professionalism. (e.g. external speakers at events). During the preparation and planning, potential risks were identified for which management proposals have been drawn up. Similarly, the sustainability of the project has been examined, which shows that it is expected to benefit in the long term and that equality and sustainability aspects are respected. All three institutions involve SNI and BTM pupils with disabilities, disadvantaged, regular child protection benefits, whose proportion is high in some places (42.1 %). None of the projects supported by European Union funds after 1 January 2013 had the same development objective as this project, so that the development activities of the present aid application can be clearly defined. Develops the key competences of pupils in line with the call and domestic strategies, contributing in particular to the growth of sustainable digital literacy (English)
Property / summary: Creating a digital environment in education is just as important as the use of new technologies in other areas, as education is also the basis for economic, social and environmental processes. Some pedagogical methods have become obsolete with the development of education science and other educational and educational disciplines and the expansion of knowledge. Students and pedagogues also saw the need to change the practice. In the course of the project, new digital methodologies would be introduced in the three institutions maintained by the Church of Hit and involved in the project. During the preparation, the institutions drafted Digital Development Plans in which they set new pedagogical objectives based on the assessment of the situation, in line with the call and the national strategic goals. The target group of teachers was also involved in the preparation of the plan and in the planning process of implementation. They were selected from the digital methodological packages offered by the Digital Pedagogical Methodology Centre for the areas of competence for students and subjects to be developed and/or further strengthened. The scheduling of the activities needed to achieve the objectives of the project is aligned with the interdependence of the tasks (e.g. the completion of the courses planned prior to the courses supported by the digital methodology) and the structure of the school years. The activities planned will contribute to the achievement of the development objectives. The professional activities planned for the implementation period include: implementation of the accredited training of the target group (in line with the chosen methodological packages)? implementation of horizontal requirements (equal to the chosen methodological packages)? horizontal requirements (equal opportunities and environmental aspects)? The institutions cooperate closely with each other, with the Digital Pedagogical Methodology Centre, the organisation responsible for the content development of the National Public Education Portal, the body responsible for the content development of the National Public Education Portal and the beneficiary consortium leader of the EFOP-3.1.2-16 programme. Project objectives and quantifiable results have been formulated to ensure the success of the implementation, the achievement/achievement of which may lead to new impacts. They involve project manager and finance manager (collectively project management members), professional manager, one pedagogical methodological assistant per institution and an administrator with several years of professional experience. In addition, other external professional actors will be involved which are not eligible for the tasks to be performed either by the maintainer or by the institutions (e.g. responsible accredited public procurement consultant) or who wished to achieve the appropriate professionalism. (e.g. external speakers at events). During the preparation and planning, potential risks were identified for which management proposals have been drawn up. Similarly, the sustainability of the project has been examined, which shows that it is expected to benefit in the long term and that equality and sustainability aspects are respected. All three institutions involve SNI and BTM pupils with disabilities, disadvantaged, regular child protection benefits, whose proportion is high in some places (42.1 %). None of the projects supported by European Union funds after 1 January 2013 had the same development objective as this project, so that the development activities of the present aid application can be clearly defined. Develops the key competences of pupils in line with the call and domestic strategies, contributing in particular to the growth of sustainable digital literacy (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Creating a digital environment in education is just as important as the use of new technologies in other areas, as education is also the basis for economic, social and environmental processes. Some pedagogical methods have become obsolete with the development of education science and other educational and educational disciplines and the expansion of knowledge. Students and pedagogues also saw the need to change the practice. In the course of the project, new digital methodologies would be introduced in the three institutions maintained by the Church of Hit and involved in the project. During the preparation, the institutions drafted Digital Development Plans in which they set new pedagogical objectives based on the assessment of the situation, in line with the call and the national strategic goals. The target group of teachers was also involved in the preparation of the plan and in the planning process of implementation. They were selected from the digital methodological packages offered by the Digital Pedagogical Methodology Centre for the areas of competence for students and subjects to be developed and/or further strengthened. The scheduling of the activities needed to achieve the objectives of the project is aligned with the interdependence of the tasks (e.g. the completion of the courses planned prior to the courses supported by the digital methodology) and the structure of the school years. The activities planned will contribute to the achievement of the development objectives. The professional activities planned for the implementation period include: implementation of the accredited training of the target group (in line with the chosen methodological packages)? implementation of horizontal requirements (equal to the chosen methodological packages)? horizontal requirements (equal opportunities and environmental aspects)? The institutions cooperate closely with each other, with the Digital Pedagogical Methodology Centre, the organisation responsible for the content development of the National Public Education Portal, the body responsible for the content development of the National Public Education Portal and the beneficiary consortium leader of the EFOP-3.1.2-16 programme. Project objectives and quantifiable results have been formulated to ensure the success of the implementation, the achievement/achievement of which may lead to new impacts. They involve project manager and finance manager (collectively project management members), professional manager, one pedagogical methodological assistant per institution and an administrator with several years of professional experience. In addition, other external professional actors will be involved which are not eligible for the tasks to be performed either by the maintainer or by the institutions (e.g. responsible accredited public procurement consultant) or who wished to achieve the appropriate professionalism. (e.g. external speakers at events). During the preparation and planning, potential risks were identified for which management proposals have been drawn up. Similarly, the sustainability of the project has been examined, which shows that it is expected to benefit in the long term and that equality and sustainability aspects are respected. All three institutions involve SNI and BTM pupils with disabilities, disadvantaged, regular child protection benefits, whose proportion is high in some places (42.1 %). None of the projects supported by European Union funds after 1 January 2013 had the same development objective as this project, so that the development activities of the present aid application can be clearly defined. Develops the key competences of pupils in line with the call and domestic strategies, contributing in particular to the growth of sustainable digital literacy (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 12:13, 8 February 2022

Project Q3898312 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Creating a digital environment in the educational and educational institutions of the Church of Faith
Project Q3898312 in Hungary


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    84,564,338 forint
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    231,167.24 Euro
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    10 December 2021
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    271,961.458 Euro
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    10 December 2021
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    99,487,456.471 forint
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    85.0 percent
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    1 February 2018
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    15 June 2021
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    Hit Gyülekezete
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    A digitális környezet megteremtése az oktatásban legalább annyira fontos, mint az új technológiák más területeken való alkalmazása, hiszen az oktatás alapja a gazdasági, társadalmi és környezeti folyamatoknak is. A nevelés tudomány és egyéb oktatási-nevelési szakterületek fejlődésével, az ismeretek bővülésével egyes pedagógiai módszerek elavulttá váltak. A diákokban és a pedagógusokban is megjelent az igény a gyakorlat változtatására. A projekt során a Hit Gyülekezete által fenntartott, projektbe bevont három intézményben kerülnének bevezetésre új digitális módszertanok. Az előkészítés során az intézmények Digitális Fejlesztési Terveket fogalmaztak meg, amelyben a helyzetértékelésen alapulva új pedagógiai célokat tűztek ki a felhíváshoz és a hazai stratégiai célokhoz igazodva. A terv elkészítésébe, a megvalósítás tervezési folyamatába a pedagógusi célcsoport is bevonásra került. A fejlesztendő és/vagy tovább erősítendő tanulói, tantárgyi kompetenciaterületekhez a Digitális Pedagógiai Módszertani Központ által kínált digitális módszertani csomagokból választottak. A projekt céljainak eléréséhez szükséges tevékenységek ütemezése igazodik a feladatok egymásra épüléséhez (pl. a digitális módszertannal támogatott tanórákat megelőzően tervezett a képzések elvégzése), és a tanévek felépítéséhez is. A betervezett tevékenységek hozzájárulnak a fejlesztési célok eléréséhez. A megvalósítás időszakára tervezett szakmai tevékenységek között szerepelnek az alábbiak:  ? célcsoport akkreditált képzésének megvalósítása (a választott módszertani csomagokhoz illeszkedően) ? közbeszerzési eljárás keretében digitális eszközök beszerzése ? digitális módszertannal támogatott tanórák tartása ? oktatási és tananyagok, oktatási segédanyagok fejlesztése ? pilot program implementációját támogató események, rendezvények ? kampányok és egyéb kommunikációs tevékenységek ? kötelezően előírt nyilvánosság biztosítása ? projektmenedzsment tagok és egyéb szakmai szereplők kiválasztása ? horizontális követelmények megvalósítása (esélyegyenlőség és környezetvédelmi szempontok érvényesítése) Az intézmények szorosan együttműködnek egymással, a Digitális Pedagógiai Módszertani Központtal, a Nemzeti Köznevelési Portál tartalmi fejlesztéséért felelős szervezettel, és az EFOP-3.1.2-16 program kedvezményezett konzorciumvezetőjével. A megvalósítás sikeressége érdekében projektcélok és számszerűsíthető eredmények kerültek megfogalmazásra, amelyek teljesítése/elérése újabb hatásokat hozhat létre. Bevonásra kerülnek projektmenedzser és pénzügyi vezető (együttesen projektmenedzsment tagok), szakmai vezető, intézményenként egy-egy pedagógiai módszertani asszisztens és egy rendszergazda, akik több éves szakmai tapasztalattal rendelkeznek. Ezen kívül olyan egyéb külső szakmai szereplők kerülnek bevonásra, amelyek által elvégzendő feladatokra nem jogosult sem a fenntartó, sem az intézmények (pl. felelős akkreditált közbeszerzési tanácsadó), vagy a megfelelő szakmaiságot kívánták elérni. (pl. külső előadók a rendezvényeken). Az előkészítés, tervezés során lehetséges kockázatok kerültek megállapításra, amelyekre kezelési javaslatokat állítottak össze. Hasonlóan megvizsgálásra került a projekt fenntarthatósága, amelyből láthatóvá vált, hogy hosszú távú hasznosulása várható, valamint érvényesülnek az esélyegyenlőségi és fenntarthatósági szempontok. Mindhárom intézmény által bevonásra kerülnek fogyatékossággal élő, hátrányos helyzetű, rendszeres gyermekvédelmi kedvezményben részesülő, SNI, BTM tanulók, akik aránya helyenként magas értéket mutat (42,1%). A 2013. január 1. utáni európai uniós forrásból támogatott projektek egyike sem irányult a jelen projekttel azonos fejlesztési célra, ezáltal jelen támogatási kérelem fejlesztési tevékenységei jól lehatárolhatók. Illeszkedve a felhíváshoz és hazai stratégiákhoz fejleszti a tanulók kulcskompetenciáit, kiemelten hozzájárulva a fenntartható digitális írástudás növekedéséhez (Hungarian)
    0 references
    Creating a digital environment in education is just as important as the use of new technologies in other areas, as education is also the basis for economic, social and environmental processes. Some pedagogical methods have become obsolete with the development of education science and other educational and educational disciplines and the expansion of knowledge. Students and pedagogues also saw the need to change the practice. In the course of the project, new digital methodologies would be introduced in the three institutions maintained by the Church of Hit and involved in the project. During the preparation, the institutions drafted Digital Development Plans in which they set new pedagogical objectives based on the assessment of the situation, in line with the call and the national strategic goals. The target group of teachers was also involved in the preparation of the plan and in the planning process of implementation. They were selected from the digital methodological packages offered by the Digital Pedagogical Methodology Centre for the areas of competence for students and subjects to be developed and/or further strengthened. The scheduling of the activities needed to achieve the objectives of the project is aligned with the interdependence of the tasks (e.g. the completion of the courses planned prior to the courses supported by the digital methodology) and the structure of the school years. The activities planned will contribute to the achievement of the development objectives. The professional activities planned for the implementation period include: implementation of the accredited training of the target group (in line with the chosen methodological packages)? implementation of horizontal requirements (equal to the chosen methodological packages)? horizontal requirements (equal opportunities and environmental aspects)? The institutions cooperate closely with each other, with the Digital Pedagogical Methodology Centre, the organisation responsible for the content development of the National Public Education Portal, the body responsible for the content development of the National Public Education Portal and the beneficiary consortium leader of the EFOP-3.1.2-16 programme. Project objectives and quantifiable results have been formulated to ensure the success of the implementation, the achievement/achievement of which may lead to new impacts. They involve project manager and finance manager (collectively project management members), professional manager, one pedagogical methodological assistant per institution and an administrator with several years of professional experience. In addition, other external professional actors will be involved which are not eligible for the tasks to be performed either by the maintainer or by the institutions (e.g. responsible accredited public procurement consultant) or who wished to achieve the appropriate professionalism. (e.g. external speakers at events). During the preparation and planning, potential risks were identified for which management proposals have been drawn up. Similarly, the sustainability of the project has been examined, which shows that it is expected to benefit in the long term and that equality and sustainability aspects are respected. All three institutions involve SNI and BTM pupils with disabilities, disadvantaged, regular child protection benefits, whose proportion is high in some places (42.1 %). None of the projects supported by European Union funds after 1 January 2013 had the same development objective as this project, so that the development activities of the present aid application can be clearly defined. Develops the key competences of pupils in line with the call and domestic strategies, contributing in particular to the growth of sustainable digital literacy (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Hajdúsámson, Hajdú-Bihar
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