Development of a digital environment in the educational institutions of the Mezőkövesd Learning District Centre (Q3898256): Difference between revisions

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Property / summary
In the framework of EFOP-3.2.3-17 “Digital environment in public education”, the Mezőkövesd School Center will submit an application in which it intends to involve the following educational institutions: Mezőcsáti Egressy Béni Primary School and Primary Art School Sajószöged Kölcsey Ferenc District Primary School and Primary Art School Tiszaújvárosi Eötvös József High School, Vocational Gymnázium and College Duration of the project: 2017.09.01-2020.09.01 The target group of this proposal is: • Act CXC of 2011 on National Public Education (hereinafter: Students, teachers and specialists of the following public education institutions in accordance with Section 7(1)(b), (c), (g), (h), (j) • the Nkt. Students, teachers and professionals of the following multipurpose institutions pursuant to Article 20(1) The rationale for the development is: The use-oriented deployment of modern IT education tools and applications is essential in order to stop digital disconnection and to contribute to creating opportunities. Building on this, it is necessary to create opportunities for widespread use of digital pedagogical methods in public education in order to create opportunities for the development of basic skills beyond the natural development of digital competences through the use of digital technology. It is predicted that, when the generation currently involved in public education enters the labour market, the number of jobs where ICT is not an essential requirement (hereinafter referred to as: ICT) the use of tools at a skill level and the existence of other skills based on digital technology (media literacy, communication, critical thinking, algorithmic and presentation skills, etc.). The evaluation culture of ICT use is a weakness. This is because the overwhelming majority of institutions do not plan, follow or evaluate the use of ICT, either in the organisation’s functioning or in terms of its impact on learning and teaching. Digital technology is generally only used in IT education. In addition to the IT class, ICT tools are used for demonstration, electronic measurement assessment of pupils, support for pupils’ self- and group work, targeted development of digital and other competences only in isolation, in conjunction with an innovative pedagogue or a small pedagogue community, which results in significant differences and signals both in the educational and educational practices of schools and in the learning outcomes of the pupils. In order to make the most of life-long learning and ICT developments that strengthen the core skills of ICT of key importance for the labour market, the development of learners’ digital competences requires the renewal of teaching staff’s methodological culture in relation to the use of ICT in teaching and extracurricular ICT, increasing the uptake of ICT tools, the integration and use of ICT as a pedagogical tool in the development of key competences. The aim of the development is to implement pilot programmes based on digital pedagogical methodological packages that can be disseminated throughout the public education system in order to increase the digital readiness and methodological culture of teachers, to strengthen the use of ICT in everyday pedagogical work and to develop digital and other key competences more effectively. Milestones for development: • The complex development of digital pedagogical methodologies at institutional level, through the training of teachers and the introduction and integration of support tools, and the introduction and piloting of internationally proven systems of tools. • Develop learners’ mathematical, comprehension, digital and natural science, problem-solving and creative competences. • The development goals of Hungary’s Digital Education Strategy (ICT knowledge, methodological culture and motivation of teachers; Integrating the use of ICT tools into the teaching, learning and evaluation process; Internet and equipment availability; It security, equal opportunities; education in administrative services) • Making digital environmental developments accessible and accessible in institutions implementing the pilot programme, especially for students with disabilities, special educational needs (SNI) and integration, learning and behavioural difficulties (BTM). (English)
Property / summary: In the framework of EFOP-3.2.3-17 “Digital environment in public education”, the Mezőkövesd School Center will submit an application in which it intends to involve the following educational institutions: Mezőcsáti Egressy Béni Primary School and Primary Art School Sajószöged Kölcsey Ferenc District Primary School and Primary Art School Tiszaújvárosi Eötvös József High School, Vocational Gymnázium and College Duration of the project: 2017.09.01-2020.09.01 The target group of this proposal is: • Act CXC of 2011 on National Public Education (hereinafter: Students, teachers and specialists of the following public education institutions in accordance with Section 7(1)(b), (c), (g), (h), (j) • the Nkt. Students, teachers and professionals of the following multipurpose institutions pursuant to Article 20(1) The rationale for the development is: The use-oriented deployment of modern IT education tools and applications is essential in order to stop digital disconnection and to contribute to creating opportunities. Building on this, it is necessary to create opportunities for widespread use of digital pedagogical methods in public education in order to create opportunities for the development of basic skills beyond the natural development of digital competences through the use of digital technology. It is predicted that, when the generation currently involved in public education enters the labour market, the number of jobs where ICT is not an essential requirement (hereinafter referred to as: ICT) the use of tools at a skill level and the existence of other skills based on digital technology (media literacy, communication, critical thinking, algorithmic and presentation skills, etc.). The evaluation culture of ICT use is a weakness. This is because the overwhelming majority of institutions do not plan, follow or evaluate the use of ICT, either in the organisation’s functioning or in terms of its impact on learning and teaching. Digital technology is generally only used in IT education. In addition to the IT class, ICT tools are used for demonstration, electronic measurement assessment of pupils, support for pupils’ self- and group work, targeted development of digital and other competences only in isolation, in conjunction with an innovative pedagogue or a small pedagogue community, which results in significant differences and signals both in the educational and educational practices of schools and in the learning outcomes of the pupils. In order to make the most of life-long learning and ICT developments that strengthen the core skills of ICT of key importance for the labour market, the development of learners’ digital competences requires the renewal of teaching staff’s methodological culture in relation to the use of ICT in teaching and extracurricular ICT, increasing the uptake of ICT tools, the integration and use of ICT as a pedagogical tool in the development of key competences. The aim of the development is to implement pilot programmes based on digital pedagogical methodological packages that can be disseminated throughout the public education system in order to increase the digital readiness and methodological culture of teachers, to strengthen the use of ICT in everyday pedagogical work and to develop digital and other key competences more effectively. Milestones for development: • The complex development of digital pedagogical methodologies at institutional level, through the training of teachers and the introduction and integration of support tools, and the introduction and piloting of internationally proven systems of tools. • Develop learners’ mathematical, comprehension, digital and natural science, problem-solving and creative competences. • The development goals of Hungary’s Digital Education Strategy (ICT knowledge, methodological culture and motivation of teachers; Integrating the use of ICT tools into the teaching, learning and evaluation process; Internet and equipment availability; It security, equal opportunities; education in administrative services) • Making digital environmental developments accessible and accessible in institutions implementing the pilot programme, especially for students with disabilities, special educational needs (SNI) and integration, learning and behavioural difficulties (BTM). (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: In the framework of EFOP-3.2.3-17 “Digital environment in public education”, the Mezőkövesd School Center will submit an application in which it intends to involve the following educational institutions: Mezőcsáti Egressy Béni Primary School and Primary Art School Sajószöged Kölcsey Ferenc District Primary School and Primary Art School Tiszaújvárosi Eötvös József High School, Vocational Gymnázium and College Duration of the project: 2017.09.01-2020.09.01 The target group of this proposal is: • Act CXC of 2011 on National Public Education (hereinafter: Students, teachers and specialists of the following public education institutions in accordance with Section 7(1)(b), (c), (g), (h), (j) • the Nkt. Students, teachers and professionals of the following multipurpose institutions pursuant to Article 20(1) The rationale for the development is: The use-oriented deployment of modern IT education tools and applications is essential in order to stop digital disconnection and to contribute to creating opportunities. Building on this, it is necessary to create opportunities for widespread use of digital pedagogical methods in public education in order to create opportunities for the development of basic skills beyond the natural development of digital competences through the use of digital technology. It is predicted that, when the generation currently involved in public education enters the labour market, the number of jobs where ICT is not an essential requirement (hereinafter referred to as: ICT) the use of tools at a skill level and the existence of other skills based on digital technology (media literacy, communication, critical thinking, algorithmic and presentation skills, etc.). The evaluation culture of ICT use is a weakness. This is because the overwhelming majority of institutions do not plan, follow or evaluate the use of ICT, either in the organisation’s functioning or in terms of its impact on learning and teaching. Digital technology is generally only used in IT education. In addition to the IT class, ICT tools are used for demonstration, electronic measurement assessment of pupils, support for pupils’ self- and group work, targeted development of digital and other competences only in isolation, in conjunction with an innovative pedagogue or a small pedagogue community, which results in significant differences and signals both in the educational and educational practices of schools and in the learning outcomes of the pupils. In order to make the most of life-long learning and ICT developments that strengthen the core skills of ICT of key importance for the labour market, the development of learners’ digital competences requires the renewal of teaching staff’s methodological culture in relation to the use of ICT in teaching and extracurricular ICT, increasing the uptake of ICT tools, the integration and use of ICT as a pedagogical tool in the development of key competences. The aim of the development is to implement pilot programmes based on digital pedagogical methodological packages that can be disseminated throughout the public education system in order to increase the digital readiness and methodological culture of teachers, to strengthen the use of ICT in everyday pedagogical work and to develop digital and other key competences more effectively. Milestones for development: • The complex development of digital pedagogical methodologies at institutional level, through the training of teachers and the introduction and integration of support tools, and the introduction and piloting of internationally proven systems of tools. • Develop learners’ mathematical, comprehension, digital and natural science, problem-solving and creative competences. • The development goals of Hungary’s Digital Education Strategy (ICT knowledge, methodological culture and motivation of teachers; Integrating the use of ICT tools into the teaching, learning and evaluation process; Internet and equipment availability; It security, equal opportunities; education in administrative services) • Making digital environmental developments accessible and accessible in institutions implementing the pilot programme, especially for students with disabilities, special educational needs (SNI) and integration, learning and behavioural difficulties (BTM). (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 12:12, 8 February 2022

Project Q3898256 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Development of a digital environment in the educational institutions of the Mezőkövesd Learning District Centre
Project Q3898256 in Hungary


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    A Mezőkövesdi Tankerületi Központ pályázatot nyújt be EFOP-3.2.3-17 „Digitális környezet a köznevelésben” konstrukció keretében, amelybe az alábbi oktatási intézményeket kívánja bevonni: Mezőkövesdi Általános Iskola és Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola Mezőcsáti Egressy Béni Általános Iskola és Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola Sajószögedi Kölcsey Ferenc Körzeti Általános Iskola és Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola Tiszaújvárosi Eötvös József Gimnázium, Szakgimnázium és Kollégium A projekt időtartama: 2017.09.01- 2020.09.01 Jelen pályázat célcsoportja: • a nemzeti köznevelésről szóló 2011. évi CXC. törvény (a továbbiakban: Nkt.) 7. § (1) b), c), g), h), j) szerinti alábbi köznevelési intézmények tanulói, pedagógusai, szakemberei • az Nkt. 20. § (1) szerinti, alábbi többcélú intézmények tanulói, pedagógusai, szakemberei A fejlesztés indokoltsága: A digitális leszakadás megállításában, illetve az esélyteremtéshez való hozzájárulás érdekében elengedhetetlen az informatikai oktatás modern eszközrendszerének és az alkalmazásoknak használatorientált megjelenése. Erre építve meg kell teremteni a digitális pedagógia módszereinek széleskörű alkalmazásának lehetőségét a köznevelésben, annak érdekében, hogy a digitális technológia használatával a digitális kompetenciák természetszerű fejlesztésén túlmenően egyéb, alapkészségek fejlesztésének lehetősége is megteremtődjön. Az előrejelzések szerint – amikor a jelenleg köznevelésben részt vevő generáció a munkaerő-piacra lép – szinte elhanyagolható lesz azon munkahelyek száma, ahol nem alapvető követelmény az infokommunikációs technológiai (továbbiakban: IKT) eszközök készségszintű használata és a digitális technológiára épülő egyéb készségek (médiatudatosság, kommunikáció, kritikai szemlélet, algoritmizálási és prezentációs képességek stb.) megléte. Gyenge pont az IKT használatára vonatkozó értékelési kultúra. Ennek az az oka, hogy az intézmények elsöprő többségében nem tervezik, nem követik és nem értékelik az IKT alkalmazását sem a szervezet működése terén, sem a tanulásra és a tanításra gyakorolt hatását tekintve. A digitális technológia általánosan csak az informatika oktatásban kapott helyet. Az informatika órán kívül szemléltetésre, a tanulók elektronikus mérés-értékelésére, a tanulók önálló és csoportos munkvavégzésének támogatására, a digitális és egyéb kompetenciák célzott fejlesztésére az IKT eszközöket csak szigetszerűen, egy-egy innovatív pedagógusohoz, vagy kisebb pedagógusok közösséghez kapcsolódóan veszik igénybe, amely jelentős különségeket eredményez és jelez egyszerre az iskolák nevelési-oktatási gyakorlatában és a tanulók tanulási eredményeiben. Az élethosszig tartó tanulás és a munkaerőpiac számára kiemelt fontosságú IKT alapkészségeket megerősítő IKT fejlesztések minél nagyobb hatásfokkal történő hasznosulásához, a tanulók digitális kompetenciáinak fejlesztéséhez szükség van a pedagógusok tanórai és tanórán kívüli IKT eszközhasználatával összefüggő módszertani kultúrájának megújulására, az IKT eszközök kihasználtságának növelésére, az IKT, mint pedagógiai eszköz beépítésére és felhasználására a kulcskompetenciák fejlesztésében. A fejlesztés célja A fejlesztés célja, hogy olyan, a digitális pedagógiai módszertani csomagokra épülő pilot programokat valósítson meg, amelyek elterjeszthetőek a teljes köznevelési rendszerben a pedagógusok digitális felkészültségének, módszertani kultúrájának növelése, a mindennapi pedagógiai munka során az IKT-használat erősítése és elsősorban a digitális és egyéb kulcskompetenciák hatékonyabb fejlesztése érdekében. A fejlesztés részcéljai: • A digitális pedagógiai módszertanok komplex, intézményi szintű fejlesztése a pedagógusok képzésével és a támogató eszközöknek bevezetésével és beválás-vizsgálatával, illetve a nemzetközileg bevált eszközrendszerek meghonosítása és kísérleti jellegű bevezetése. • A tanulók matematikai, szövegértési, digitális és természettudományos, valamint problémamegoldó és kreatív kompetenciáinak fejlesztése. • Magyarország Digitális Oktatási Stratégiájában foglalt fejlesztési célok (a pedagógusok IKT tudása, módszertani kulturája, motivációja; IKT-eszközök használatának beépülése a tanítás-tanulás és az értékelés folyamatába; internet és eszközellátottság; IT biztonság, esélyegyenlőség; oktatás adminisztrációs szolgáltatások) megvalósítása. • A pilot programot megvalósító intézményekben a digitális környezeti fejlesztések hozzáférhetővé, akadálymentessé tétele, kiemelten a fogyatékossággal élő, a sajátos nevelési igényű (SNI) és a beilleszkedési, tanulási és magatartási nehézséggel küzdő tanulók (BTM) számára. (Hungarian)
    0 references
    In the framework of EFOP-3.2.3-17 “Digital environment in public education”, the Mezőkövesd School Center will submit an application in which it intends to involve the following educational institutions: Mezőcsáti Egressy Béni Primary School and Primary Art School Sajószöged Kölcsey Ferenc District Primary School and Primary Art School Tiszaújvárosi Eötvös József High School, Vocational Gymnázium and College Duration of the project: 2017.09.01-2020.09.01 The target group of this proposal is: • Act CXC of 2011 on National Public Education (hereinafter: Students, teachers and specialists of the following public education institutions in accordance with Section 7(1)(b), (c), (g), (h), (j) • the Nkt. Students, teachers and professionals of the following multipurpose institutions pursuant to Article 20(1) The rationale for the development is: The use-oriented deployment of modern IT education tools and applications is essential in order to stop digital disconnection and to contribute to creating opportunities. Building on this, it is necessary to create opportunities for widespread use of digital pedagogical methods in public education in order to create opportunities for the development of basic skills beyond the natural development of digital competences through the use of digital technology. It is predicted that, when the generation currently involved in public education enters the labour market, the number of jobs where ICT is not an essential requirement (hereinafter referred to as: ICT) the use of tools at a skill level and the existence of other skills based on digital technology (media literacy, communication, critical thinking, algorithmic and presentation skills, etc.). The evaluation culture of ICT use is a weakness. This is because the overwhelming majority of institutions do not plan, follow or evaluate the use of ICT, either in the organisation’s functioning or in terms of its impact on learning and teaching. Digital technology is generally only used in IT education. In addition to the IT class, ICT tools are used for demonstration, electronic measurement assessment of pupils, support for pupils’ self- and group work, targeted development of digital and other competences only in isolation, in conjunction with an innovative pedagogue or a small pedagogue community, which results in significant differences and signals both in the educational and educational practices of schools and in the learning outcomes of the pupils. In order to make the most of life-long learning and ICT developments that strengthen the core skills of ICT of key importance for the labour market, the development of learners’ digital competences requires the renewal of teaching staff’s methodological culture in relation to the use of ICT in teaching and extracurricular ICT, increasing the uptake of ICT tools, the integration and use of ICT as a pedagogical tool in the development of key competences. The aim of the development is to implement pilot programmes based on digital pedagogical methodological packages that can be disseminated throughout the public education system in order to increase the digital readiness and methodological culture of teachers, to strengthen the use of ICT in everyday pedagogical work and to develop digital and other key competences more effectively. Milestones for development: • The complex development of digital pedagogical methodologies at institutional level, through the training of teachers and the introduction and integration of support tools, and the introduction and piloting of internationally proven systems of tools. • Develop learners’ mathematical, comprehension, digital and natural science, problem-solving and creative competences. • The development goals of Hungary’s Digital Education Strategy (ICT knowledge, methodological culture and motivation of teachers; Integrating the use of ICT tools into the teaching, learning and evaluation process; Internet and equipment availability; It security, equal opportunities; education in administrative services) • Making digital environmental developments accessible and accessible in institutions implementing the pilot programme, especially for students with disabilities, special educational needs (SNI) and integration, learning and behavioural difficulties (BTM). (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Mezőkövesd, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén
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