Wise Owl Tanoda (Q3898868): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
The project is carried out by the Frequency Association, the venue of the implementation is the Debrecen Repair Institute of the EMMI. The main tasks of the 27-month project are: 1. Contracts are concluded at the beginning of the project, procurement takes place, preparation for the implementation of the project, information, recruitment and selection of participants, and provision of publicity. For the professional implementers participating in the project, a training course is carried out at the start of the project and at the beginning of the two academic years in 3-3 days. 2. The school ensures the development of competence by employing a real, humanities teacher in the afternoon, five days a week, outside school hours. One week, 4 competency development classes will be held in parallel sessions on Mondays and Tuesdays. In August 2016 and 2017, subject training sessions will be organised for those who are required to take a corrective exam, as well as for those who wish to repeat. 3. For career guidance sessions, 4 times 4 hours in the two full academic years, role models are invited to young people 5 times, learning methodology group sessions are planned on Wednesdays in school time. 4. Once a week, on Thursday afternoon, leisure activities and clubs are organised. The table games take place in 25 hours and homework in 20 hours. Conscious career construction takes place during the two full academic years in 20 hours, as well as a healthy lifestyle education for 25 hours per group during the two full academic years. 5. The pupils perform horticulture and animal care every Friday. 6. The follow-up will be carried out as necessary, but at least every six months after the pupils leave the project, as a mentor. 7. As necessary, but at least once a month, the social professional shall liaise with the parents. Social counselling for parents is provided with the staff of the competent family support service of the pupil’s place of residence. 8. Open school programs are organised six times, with a minimum of 180 participants. The programmes are organised by the professional manager, the mentor and the volunteers. 9. The programs outside the school are implemented in 6 locations, the programs are organised by the mentor and the professional manager. At least 70 % of pupils take part in excursions. 10. The camps are organised during the summer break, for four or four weeks in both summers, in the organisation of external professionals and volunteers. 11. Project management and professional implementers discuss every month the work done in the last month and plan the tasks arising in the next period. During the evaluation meetings held at the milestones of the project, the management examines the fulfilment of the tasks undertaken in the application. The experts involved in the project meet twice during the implementation of the project, and the project and the grant agreement will be described in detail at the opening meeting. At the final meeting, project implementers and partners will assess the project as a whole, the results achieved, the lessons learned from implementation, and plan the possibility of further cooperation. 12. With the two schools working together, a joint programme will be organised. There is continuous contact with the organisations operating in the city. Representatives of the schools involved will be invited to the evaluation meetings at the milestones of the project. A detailed description of the cooperating partners can be found in the professional concept. (English)
Property / summary: The project is carried out by the Frequency Association, the venue of the implementation is the Debrecen Repair Institute of the EMMI. The main tasks of the 27-month project are: 1. Contracts are concluded at the beginning of the project, procurement takes place, preparation for the implementation of the project, information, recruitment and selection of participants, and provision of publicity. For the professional implementers participating in the project, a training course is carried out at the start of the project and at the beginning of the two academic years in 3-3 days. 2. The school ensures the development of competence by employing a real, humanities teacher in the afternoon, five days a week, outside school hours. One week, 4 competency development classes will be held in parallel sessions on Mondays and Tuesdays. In August 2016 and 2017, subject training sessions will be organised for those who are required to take a corrective exam, as well as for those who wish to repeat. 3. For career guidance sessions, 4 times 4 hours in the two full academic years, role models are invited to young people 5 times, learning methodology group sessions are planned on Wednesdays in school time. 4. Once a week, on Thursday afternoon, leisure activities and clubs are organised. The table games take place in 25 hours and homework in 20 hours. Conscious career construction takes place during the two full academic years in 20 hours, as well as a healthy lifestyle education for 25 hours per group during the two full academic years. 5. The pupils perform horticulture and animal care every Friday. 6. The follow-up will be carried out as necessary, but at least every six months after the pupils leave the project, as a mentor. 7. As necessary, but at least once a month, the social professional shall liaise with the parents. Social counselling for parents is provided with the staff of the competent family support service of the pupil’s place of residence. 8. Open school programs are organised six times, with a minimum of 180 participants. The programmes are organised by the professional manager, the mentor and the volunteers. 9. The programs outside the school are implemented in 6 locations, the programs are organised by the mentor and the professional manager. At least 70 % of pupils take part in excursions. 10. The camps are organised during the summer break, for four or four weeks in both summers, in the organisation of external professionals and volunteers. 11. Project management and professional implementers discuss every month the work done in the last month and plan the tasks arising in the next period. During the evaluation meetings held at the milestones of the project, the management examines the fulfilment of the tasks undertaken in the application. The experts involved in the project meet twice during the implementation of the project, and the project and the grant agreement will be described in detail at the opening meeting. At the final meeting, project implementers and partners will assess the project as a whole, the results achieved, the lessons learned from implementation, and plan the possibility of further cooperation. 12. With the two schools working together, a joint programme will be organised. There is continuous contact with the organisations operating in the city. Representatives of the schools involved will be invited to the evaluation meetings at the milestones of the project. A detailed description of the cooperating partners can be found in the professional concept. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The project is carried out by the Frequency Association, the venue of the implementation is the Debrecen Repair Institute of the EMMI. The main tasks of the 27-month project are: 1. Contracts are concluded at the beginning of the project, procurement takes place, preparation for the implementation of the project, information, recruitment and selection of participants, and provision of publicity. For the professional implementers participating in the project, a training course is carried out at the start of the project and at the beginning of the two academic years in 3-3 days. 2. The school ensures the development of competence by employing a real, humanities teacher in the afternoon, five days a week, outside school hours. One week, 4 competency development classes will be held in parallel sessions on Mondays and Tuesdays. In August 2016 and 2017, subject training sessions will be organised for those who are required to take a corrective exam, as well as for those who wish to repeat. 3. For career guidance sessions, 4 times 4 hours in the two full academic years, role models are invited to young people 5 times, learning methodology group sessions are planned on Wednesdays in school time. 4. Once a week, on Thursday afternoon, leisure activities and clubs are organised. The table games take place in 25 hours and homework in 20 hours. Conscious career construction takes place during the two full academic years in 20 hours, as well as a healthy lifestyle education for 25 hours per group during the two full academic years. 5. The pupils perform horticulture and animal care every Friday. 6. The follow-up will be carried out as necessary, but at least every six months after the pupils leave the project, as a mentor. 7. As necessary, but at least once a month, the social professional shall liaise with the parents. Social counselling for parents is provided with the staff of the competent family support service of the pupil’s place of residence. 8. Open school programs are organised six times, with a minimum of 180 participants. The programmes are organised by the professional manager, the mentor and the volunteers. 9. The programs outside the school are implemented in 6 locations, the programs are organised by the mentor and the professional manager. At least 70 % of pupils take part in excursions. 10. The camps are organised during the summer break, for four or four weeks in both summers, in the organisation of external professionals and volunteers. 11. Project management and professional implementers discuss every month the work done in the last month and plan the tasks arising in the next period. During the evaluation meetings held at the milestones of the project, the management examines the fulfilment of the tasks undertaken in the application. The experts involved in the project meet twice during the implementation of the project, and the project and the grant agreement will be described in detail at the opening meeting. At the final meeting, project implementers and partners will assess the project as a whole, the results achieved, the lessons learned from implementation, and plan the possibility of further cooperation. 12. With the two schools working together, a joint programme will be organised. There is continuous contact with the organisations operating in the city. Representatives of the schools involved will be invited to the evaluation meetings at the milestones of the project. A detailed description of the cooperating partners can be found in the professional concept. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 12:11, 8 February 2022

Project Q3898868 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Wise Owl Tanoda
Project Q3898868 in Hungary


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    77,908.33 Euro
    0.0027336256 Euro
    10 December 2021
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    28,500,000 forint
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    91,656.858 Euro
    0.0027336256 Euro
    10 December 2021
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    33,529,411.765 forint
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    85.0 percent
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    1 October 2016
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    31 December 2018
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    Frekvencia Egyesület
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    A projektet a Frekvencia Egyesület valósítja meg, a megvalósítás helyszíne az EMMI Debreceni Javítóintézet. A 27 hónapos projekt fő feladatai: 1. A projekt elején megkötésre kerülnek a szerződések, megtörténik a beszerzés, a felkészülés a projekt végrehajtására, a résztvevők tájékoztatása, toborzása, kiválasztása, a nyilvánosság biztosítása. A projektben résztvevő szakmai megvalósítók részére a projekt kezdetekor, illetve a két tanév kezdetén 3-3 napban felkészítő tréning kerül megvalósításra. 2. A tanoda a hét öt napján, iskolai időn kívül, délutáni idősávban biztosítja a kompetenciafejlesztést reálszakos, humánszakos tanár alkalmazásával. Egy héten 4 kompetenciafejlesztő óra kerül megtartásra párhuzamos óratartással hétfőn és kedden. 2016 és 2017 augusztusában tantárgyi felkészítés, tanulástechnikai foglalkozások kerülnek megszervezésre azok számára, akiknek javító vizsgát kell tennie, valamint azoknak, akik szeretnének ismételni. 3. Pályaorientációs foglalkozásokra a két teljes tanévben 4 alkalommal 4 órában kerül megtartásra, szerepmodelleket 5 alkalommal hívunk a fiatalokhoz, tanulásmódszertan csoportos foglalkozás szerdánként került betervezésre iskolai időben. 4. Heti egy alkalommal, csütörtök délután szabadidős tevékenységek, klubok kerülnek megszervezésre. A táblajátékok lebonyolítására 25 órában, háztartási ismeretek elsajátítására pedig 20 órában kerül sor. Tudatos életpálya építésre a két teljes tanév alatt megosztva 20 órában, valamint egészséges életmódra nevelésre a két teljes tanév alatt megosztva csoportonként 25 órában kerül sor. 5. Kertművelést, állatgondozást minden pénteken végeznek a tanulók. 6. Az utánkövetésre a tanulók projektből való kilépését követően szükség szerint, de legalább félévente kerül sor a mentor feladataként. 7. Szükség szerint, de legalább havonta egyszer a szociális szakember kapcsolatot tart a szülőkkel. A szülőknek szervezett szociális tanácsadás a tanuló lakhelye szerinti illetékes családsegítő szolgálat munkatársával zajlik. 8. Nyitott tanodai programokat hatszor szervezünk, minimum 180 fő részvételével. A programokat a szakmai vezető, a mentor, valamint az önkéntesek szervezik. 9. A tanodán kívüli programokat 6 helyszínen valósítjuk meg, a programokat a mentor és a szakmai vezető szervezik. A tanulók legalább 70%-a részt vesz a kirándulásokon. 10. A táborok megszervezésére a nyári szünetben kerül sor, mindkét nyáron négy-négy héten keresztül, külső szakemberek, önkéntesek lebonyolításában. 11. A projektmenedzsment és a szakmai megvalósítók havonta megbeszélik az elmúlt hónapban elvégzett munkát, megtervezik a következő időszakban felmerülő feladatokat. A projekt mérföldköveinél tartott értékelő megbeszélések során a menedzsment vizsgálja a pályázatban vállalt feladatok teljesülését. A projektben érintett szakemberek a projekt megvalósítás során kétszer ülnek össze, a nyitó találkozón kerül sor a projekt és a támogatási szerződés részletes ismertetésére. A záró megbeszélésen a projektmegvalósítók és a partnerek értékelik a projekt egészét, az elért eredményeket, levonják megvalósítás tanulságait, megtervezik a további együttműködés lehetőségét. 12. Az együttműködő két tanodával egy-egy közös program kerül lebonyolításra. A városban működő szervezetekkel folyamatos a kapcsolattartás. A bevont iskolák képviselői meghívást kapnak a projekt mérföldköveinél tartott értékelő megbeszélésekre. Az együttműködő partnerek részletes bemutatása a szakmai koncepcióban található. (Hungarian)
    0 references
    The project is carried out by the Frequency Association, the venue of the implementation is the Debrecen Repair Institute of the EMMI. The main tasks of the 27-month project are: 1. Contracts are concluded at the beginning of the project, procurement takes place, preparation for the implementation of the project, information, recruitment and selection of participants, and provision of publicity. For the professional implementers participating in the project, a training course is carried out at the start of the project and at the beginning of the two academic years in 3-3 days. 2. The school ensures the development of competence by employing a real, humanities teacher in the afternoon, five days a week, outside school hours. One week, 4 competency development classes will be held in parallel sessions on Mondays and Tuesdays. In August 2016 and 2017, subject training sessions will be organised for those who are required to take a corrective exam, as well as for those who wish to repeat. 3. For career guidance sessions, 4 times 4 hours in the two full academic years, role models are invited to young people 5 times, learning methodology group sessions are planned on Wednesdays in school time. 4. Once a week, on Thursday afternoon, leisure activities and clubs are organised. The table games take place in 25 hours and homework in 20 hours. Conscious career construction takes place during the two full academic years in 20 hours, as well as a healthy lifestyle education for 25 hours per group during the two full academic years. 5. The pupils perform horticulture and animal care every Friday. 6. The follow-up will be carried out as necessary, but at least every six months after the pupils leave the project, as a mentor. 7. As necessary, but at least once a month, the social professional shall liaise with the parents. Social counselling for parents is provided with the staff of the competent family support service of the pupil’s place of residence. 8. Open school programs are organised six times, with a minimum of 180 participants. The programmes are organised by the professional manager, the mentor and the volunteers. 9. The programs outside the school are implemented in 6 locations, the programs are organised by the mentor and the professional manager. At least 70 % of pupils take part in excursions. 10. The camps are organised during the summer break, for four or four weeks in both summers, in the organisation of external professionals and volunteers. 11. Project management and professional implementers discuss every month the work done in the last month and plan the tasks arising in the next period. During the evaluation meetings held at the milestones of the project, the management examines the fulfilment of the tasks undertaken in the application. The experts involved in the project meet twice during the implementation of the project, and the project and the grant agreement will be described in detail at the opening meeting. At the final meeting, project implementers and partners will assess the project as a whole, the results achieved, the lessons learned from implementation, and plan the possibility of further cooperation. 12. With the two schools working together, a joint programme will be organised. There is continuous contact with the organisations operating in the city. Representatives of the schools involved will be invited to the evaluation meetings at the milestones of the project. A detailed description of the cooperating partners can be found in the professional concept. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Debrecen, Hajdú-Bihar
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