Implementation of “parent-Suli” programs in the institutions of the Eger county (Q3897529): Difference between revisions

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Property / summary
The Eger Department of Eger submits an application in the framework of the EFOP-3.11,1-17 “Petitive-Suli” programmes in the institutions of the Eger Department of Eger, in which it intends to involve the following educational institutions: Szent James Catholic Primary School of Adács Matthias Király Catholic Primary School Petrovay György Catholic Primary School, Primary Art School, Nursery School — Nkt. tv. Section 7(1)(b) primary school unit Káli Gárdonyi Géza Catholic Primary School Gönczy Pál Catholic Primary School Duration of the project: 2017.09.01-2020.06.30 The target group of this proposal is: • the subsidised public education institutions shall be governed by Act CXC of 2011 on national public education (hereinafter: Students who are at risk of dropping out as defined in Section 4(37) of the NKT.5, their parents, grandparents or relatives living in a household • managers, educators of supported public education institutions and staff assisting pedagogical work • inactive teachers, candidates for teachers As regards the policy framework to reduce school leaving without education, the Education Council of the European Union issued a specific recommendation in 2011 to Member States to develop a strategy covering the following areas: The purpose of this call is to intervene in the strategy for school leaving without qualifications. Preventive and compensatory interventions in the Human Resource Development Operational Programme (hereinafter referred to as: EFOP) will be implemented through other calls under Priority Axis 3 (Principal Axis 3). In the context of this call, the following interventions shall be used: — developing and applying methods to support individual learning pathways that are suitable for reducing early school leaving (identification of individual learning pathways, development and implementation of individual development plans, assessment of individual performances, monitoring of progress); — institutional capacity-building and related methodological training to integrate retired educators and educators to support the family environment supporting individual development and progression; — developing and disseminating innovative local methodologies for individual development to primary public education institutions; — the development and implementation of programmes available to parents and grandparents to support children’s educational progress and the reduction of early school leaving, to learn learning, to know subject requirements, to interpret scientific explanations, to acquire basic information on health awareness and disease prevention in order to succeed in individual development. In the vast majority of cases, pupils at risk of leaving early school and their families have a particularly difficult background and are very vulnerable, so they often need support for life management and social integration. Therefore, the fundamentally more resource- and cost-intensive individual development and adult education form an integral whole in every project. One of the biggest challenges for implementation is the lack of capacity in the targeted institutions, which the call aims to bridge by further training of inactive teachers to be involved in projects and by training candidates for educators. The special preparation, further training and exchange of experience of all the professionals working in the programme are essential for the successful implementation of the call. As a result of the above, this call serves, directly and indirectly, targeted support for groups of children/students at risk of school failure and their families who are exposed to school leaving without education. The aim of this development is to complete the EFOP 3.1.2, 3.1.5 and 3.1.7 with effective interventions among pupils at risk of early school leaving and their families through the complex programmes of institutions. The development supports complex programmes that can reach those typically disadvantaged pupils and their families who are most at risk from early school leaving with their innovative pedagogical tool and impact system, person-centred activities based on individual development and the development of school-family cooperation. (English)
Property / summary: The Eger Department of Eger submits an application in the framework of the EFOP-3.11,1-17 “Petitive-Suli” programmes in the institutions of the Eger Department of Eger, in which it intends to involve the following educational institutions: Szent James Catholic Primary School of Adács Matthias Király Catholic Primary School Petrovay György Catholic Primary School, Primary Art School, Nursery School — Nkt. tv. Section 7(1)(b) primary school unit Káli Gárdonyi Géza Catholic Primary School Gönczy Pál Catholic Primary School Duration of the project: 2017.09.01-2020.06.30 The target group of this proposal is: • the subsidised public education institutions shall be governed by Act CXC of 2011 on national public education (hereinafter: Students who are at risk of dropping out as defined in Section 4(37) of the NKT.5, their parents, grandparents or relatives living in a household • managers, educators of supported public education institutions and staff assisting pedagogical work • inactive teachers, candidates for teachers As regards the policy framework to reduce school leaving without education, the Education Council of the European Union issued a specific recommendation in 2011 to Member States to develop a strategy covering the following areas: The purpose of this call is to intervene in the strategy for school leaving without qualifications. Preventive and compensatory interventions in the Human Resource Development Operational Programme (hereinafter referred to as: EFOP) will be implemented through other calls under Priority Axis 3 (Principal Axis 3). In the context of this call, the following interventions shall be used: — developing and applying methods to support individual learning pathways that are suitable for reducing early school leaving (identification of individual learning pathways, development and implementation of individual development plans, assessment of individual performances, monitoring of progress); — institutional capacity-building and related methodological training to integrate retired educators and educators to support the family environment supporting individual development and progression; — developing and disseminating innovative local methodologies for individual development to primary public education institutions; — the development and implementation of programmes available to parents and grandparents to support children’s educational progress and the reduction of early school leaving, to learn learning, to know subject requirements, to interpret scientific explanations, to acquire basic information on health awareness and disease prevention in order to succeed in individual development. In the vast majority of cases, pupils at risk of leaving early school and their families have a particularly difficult background and are very vulnerable, so they often need support for life management and social integration. Therefore, the fundamentally more resource- and cost-intensive individual development and adult education form an integral whole in every project. One of the biggest challenges for implementation is the lack of capacity in the targeted institutions, which the call aims to bridge by further training of inactive teachers to be involved in projects and by training candidates for educators. The special preparation, further training and exchange of experience of all the professionals working in the programme are essential for the successful implementation of the call. As a result of the above, this call serves, directly and indirectly, targeted support for groups of children/students at risk of school failure and their families who are exposed to school leaving without education. The aim of this development is to complete the EFOP 3.1.2, 3.1.5 and 3.1.7 with effective interventions among pupils at risk of early school leaving and their families through the complex programmes of institutions. The development supports complex programmes that can reach those typically disadvantaged pupils and their families who are most at risk from early school leaving with their innovative pedagogical tool and impact system, person-centred activities based on individual development and the development of school-family cooperation. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The Eger Department of Eger submits an application in the framework of the EFOP-3.11,1-17 “Petitive-Suli” programmes in the institutions of the Eger Department of Eger, in which it intends to involve the following educational institutions: Szent James Catholic Primary School of Adács Matthias Király Catholic Primary School Petrovay György Catholic Primary School, Primary Art School, Nursery School — Nkt. tv. Section 7(1)(b) primary school unit Káli Gárdonyi Géza Catholic Primary School Gönczy Pál Catholic Primary School Duration of the project: 2017.09.01-2020.06.30 The target group of this proposal is: • the subsidised public education institutions shall be governed by Act CXC of 2011 on national public education (hereinafter: Students who are at risk of dropping out as defined in Section 4(37) of the NKT.5, their parents, grandparents or relatives living in a household • managers, educators of supported public education institutions and staff assisting pedagogical work • inactive teachers, candidates for teachers As regards the policy framework to reduce school leaving without education, the Education Council of the European Union issued a specific recommendation in 2011 to Member States to develop a strategy covering the following areas: The purpose of this call is to intervene in the strategy for school leaving without qualifications. Preventive and compensatory interventions in the Human Resource Development Operational Programme (hereinafter referred to as: EFOP) will be implemented through other calls under Priority Axis 3 (Principal Axis 3). In the context of this call, the following interventions shall be used: — developing and applying methods to support individual learning pathways that are suitable for reducing early school leaving (identification of individual learning pathways, development and implementation of individual development plans, assessment of individual performances, monitoring of progress); — institutional capacity-building and related methodological training to integrate retired educators and educators to support the family environment supporting individual development and progression; — developing and disseminating innovative local methodologies for individual development to primary public education institutions; — the development and implementation of programmes available to parents and grandparents to support children’s educational progress and the reduction of early school leaving, to learn learning, to know subject requirements, to interpret scientific explanations, to acquire basic information on health awareness and disease prevention in order to succeed in individual development. In the vast majority of cases, pupils at risk of leaving early school and their families have a particularly difficult background and are very vulnerable, so they often need support for life management and social integration. Therefore, the fundamentally more resource- and cost-intensive individual development and adult education form an integral whole in every project. One of the biggest challenges for implementation is the lack of capacity in the targeted institutions, which the call aims to bridge by further training of inactive teachers to be involved in projects and by training candidates for educators. The special preparation, further training and exchange of experience of all the professionals working in the programme are essential for the successful implementation of the call. As a result of the above, this call serves, directly and indirectly, targeted support for groups of children/students at risk of school failure and their families who are exposed to school leaving without education. The aim of this development is to complete the EFOP 3.1.2, 3.1.5 and 3.1.7 with effective interventions among pupils at risk of early school leaving and their families through the complex programmes of institutions. The development supports complex programmes that can reach those typically disadvantaged pupils and their families who are most at risk from early school leaving with their innovative pedagogical tool and impact system, person-centred activities based on individual development and the development of school-family cooperation. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 12:06, 8 February 2022

Project Q3897529 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Implementation of “parent-Suli” programs in the institutions of the Eger county
Project Q3897529 in Hungary


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    80,000,000 forint
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    Egri Főegyházmegye
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    Az Egri Főegyházmegye pályázatot nyújt be EFOP-3.11.1-17 „„Szülő-Suli” programok megvalósítása az Egri Főegyházmegye intézményeiben” konstrukció keretében, amelybe az alábbi oktatási intézményeket kívánja bevonni: Adácsi Szent Jakab Katolikus Általános Iskola Mátyás Király Katolikus Általános Iskola Petrovay György Katolikus Általános Iskola, Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola, Óvoda – Nkt. tv. 7.§ (1) b) pontban meghatározott általános iskola intézményegység Káli Gárdonyi Géza Katolikus Általános Iskola Gönczy Pál Katolikus Általános Iskola A projekt időtartama: 2017.09.01- 2020.06.30 Jelen pályázat célcsoportja: • a támogatásban részesített köznevelési intézmények a nemzeti köznevelésről szóló 2011. évi CXC. törvény (a továbbiakban: Nkt.) 4.§ 37. pont szerinti lemorzsolódással veszélyeztetett tanulói5, azok szülei, nagyszülei, vagy egy háztartásban élő hozzátartozói • a támogatásban részesített köznevelési intézmények vezetői, pedagógusai, és a pedagógiai munkát segítő munkatársai • inaktív pedagógusok, pedagógusjelöltek A fejlesztés indokoltsága: A végzettség nélküli iskolaelhagyás csökkentését célzó szakpolitikai keretre vonatkozóan az Európai Unió Oktatási Tanácsa 2011-ben külön ajánlást adott ki, az alábbi területekre kiterjedő stratégia kidolgozását javasolja a Tagállamok számára: Jelen felhívás célja a végzettség nélküli iskolaelhagyásra vonatkozó stratégia intervenciós beavatkozása. A prevenciós és a kompenzációs célú beavatkozások az Emberi Erőforrás Fejlesztési Operatív Program (a továbbiakban: EFOP) 3. prioritási tengelye keretében meghirdetett és meghirdetésre kerülő egyéb felhívások keretében valósulnak meg. Jelen felhívás keretében az intervenciót az alábbi beavatkozások szolgálják: - a lemorzsolódás visszaszorítására alkalmas, egyéni tanulási utakat támogató módszerek kialakítása és alkalmazása (egyéni tanulási utak meghatározása, egyéni fejlesztési tervek kialakítása, megvalósítása, egyéni teljesítmények értékelése, előrehaladás nyomon követése); - az egyéni fejlesztést és az előrehaladást segítő családi környezet támogatását szolgáló, nyugdíjas pedagógusokat és pedagógus-jelölteket is integráló intézményi kapacitásbővítés, illetve kapcsolódó módszertani képzés; - egyéni fejlesztés helyi innovatív módszertanainak kidolgozása és terjesztése az alapfokú köznevelési intézmények részére; - szülők, nagyszülők számára elérhető, a gyermekek tanulmányi előrehaladását és a korai iskolaelhagyás visszaszorítását támogató, a tanulás tanulásának, a tantárgyi követelmények ismeretének, a tudományos magyarázatok értelmezési képességének, az egészségtudatosság és betegségmegelőzés alapinformációinak elsajátítását célzó programok kidolgozása és megvalósítása az egyéni fejlesztés sikeressége érdekében. A korai iskola elhagyással veszélyezetett tanulók és családjaik az esetek döntő többségében különösen nehéz háttérrel rendelkeznek, nagyon sérülékenyek, így gyakran az életvezetéshez, a társadalomba illeszkedéshez is szükségük van támogatásra. Ezért az alapvetően erőforrás- és költségigényesebb egyéni fejlesztés és felnőttoktatás szerves egészet alkotnak minden projektben. A megvalósítás egyik legnagyobb kihívása a megcélzott intézményeknél tapasztalható kapacitáshiány, amelyet a felhívás a projektekbe bevonandó inaktív pedagógusok továbbképzésével és a pedagógus-jelöltek képzésével kíván áthidalni. A programban dolgozó valamennyi szakember speciális felkészítése, továbbképzése, tapasztalatcseréje a felhívás sikeres megvalósításának elengedhetetlen feltétele. A fentiekből következően jelen felhívás közvetlenül és közvetetten is a végzettség nélküli iskolaelhagyásnak kitett, az iskolai kudarc szempontjából veszélyeztetett gyermekek/tanulók csoportjának illetve családjaiknak célzott támogatását szolgálja. A fejlesztés célja Jelen fejlesztés az EFOP 3.1.2, 3.1.5 és 3.1.7 konstrukciókat kiegészítve kíván hatékony beavatkozásokat megvalósítani a korai iskolaelhagyással veszélyeztetett tanulók és családjai körében az intézmények komplex programjain keresztül. A fejlesztés olyan komplex programokat támogat, melyek innovatív pedagógiai eszköz- és hatásrendszerükkel, személyközpontú, egyéni fejlesztésen és az iskola-család együttműködés fejlesztésén alapuló tevékenységeikkel képesek megszólítani azokat a jellemzően hátrányos helyzetű tanulókat és családjaikat, akik a leginkább veszélyeztetettek a korai iskolaelhagyással. (Hungarian)
    0 references
    The Eger Department of Eger submits an application in the framework of the EFOP-3.11,1-17 “Petitive-Suli” programmes in the institutions of the Eger Department of Eger, in which it intends to involve the following educational institutions: Szent James Catholic Primary School of Adács Matthias Király Catholic Primary School Petrovay György Catholic Primary School, Primary Art School, Nursery School — Nkt. tv. Section 7(1)(b) primary school unit Káli Gárdonyi Géza Catholic Primary School Gönczy Pál Catholic Primary School Duration of the project: 2017.09.01-2020.06.30 The target group of this proposal is: • the subsidised public education institutions shall be governed by Act CXC of 2011 on national public education (hereinafter: Students who are at risk of dropping out as defined in Section 4(37) of the NKT.5, their parents, grandparents or relatives living in a household • managers, educators of supported public education institutions and staff assisting pedagogical work • inactive teachers, candidates for teachers As regards the policy framework to reduce school leaving without education, the Education Council of the European Union issued a specific recommendation in 2011 to Member States to develop a strategy covering the following areas: The purpose of this call is to intervene in the strategy for school leaving without qualifications. Preventive and compensatory interventions in the Human Resource Development Operational Programme (hereinafter referred to as: EFOP) will be implemented through other calls under Priority Axis 3 (Principal Axis 3). In the context of this call, the following interventions shall be used: — developing and applying methods to support individual learning pathways that are suitable for reducing early school leaving (identification of individual learning pathways, development and implementation of individual development plans, assessment of individual performances, monitoring of progress); — institutional capacity-building and related methodological training to integrate retired educators and educators to support the family environment supporting individual development and progression; — developing and disseminating innovative local methodologies for individual development to primary public education institutions; — the development and implementation of programmes available to parents and grandparents to support children’s educational progress and the reduction of early school leaving, to learn learning, to know subject requirements, to interpret scientific explanations, to acquire basic information on health awareness and disease prevention in order to succeed in individual development. In the vast majority of cases, pupils at risk of leaving early school and their families have a particularly difficult background and are very vulnerable, so they often need support for life management and social integration. Therefore, the fundamentally more resource- and cost-intensive individual development and adult education form an integral whole in every project. One of the biggest challenges for implementation is the lack of capacity in the targeted institutions, which the call aims to bridge by further training of inactive teachers to be involved in projects and by training candidates for educators. The special preparation, further training and exchange of experience of all the professionals working in the programme are essential for the successful implementation of the call. As a result of the above, this call serves, directly and indirectly, targeted support for groups of children/students at risk of school failure and their families who are exposed to school leaving without education. The aim of this development is to complete the EFOP 3.1.2, 3.1.5 and 3.1.7 with effective interventions among pupils at risk of early school leaving and their families through the complex programmes of institutions. The development supports complex programmes that can reach those typically disadvantaged pupils and their families who are most at risk from early school leaving with their innovative pedagogical tool and impact system, person-centred activities based on individual development and the development of school-family cooperation. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Eger, Heves
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