Women’s Day 365 Operation of Women-Central Point in West Baranya with Szigetvár centre (Q3887241): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
The aim of the “Women’s Day 365” project is to create and operate the Nő-Central-Pont in Szigetvár, which, through its services, trainings and events, contributes to the reconciliation of the roles of women in the family, society and the labour market, promotes the employability of women, their atypical work, cooperation between employers and workers, and the reconciliation of family and work. In order to achieve this, the consortium leader in Szigetvár, the Visit Border Public Benefit Association, primarily engaged in the achievement, training and development of the local female target group and its environment, the Pécs-Baranya Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the sensitisation of the entrepreneurial, employer and institutional circle, and the professional and methodological part of the implementation of the project. The project was planned for 36 months with Szigetvár centre starting on January 1, 2018. The choice of location is justified by the fact that Szigetvár, Sellye (area to be developed with a complex programme) and Szentlőrinc are areas particularly affected by job difficulties. The consortium partners have social embedding, local knowledge and existing relationships. The accessible property available at the head office of the consortium leader at the headquarters of the consortium leader can be made suitable for the tasks of the project with minimal refurbishment. Both advice and training and related services are available in a suitable space and function. The necessary additional tools — IT tools, games, specialised books — will be procured in the framework of the project. Due to the small village structure and heavy traffic, we rent a minivan for better mobility. And many of our events are carried out in external locations. Target groups of the project: women in the region looking for work who face difficulties in finding work due to their family background, job-specific problems, lack of skills or physical distance from work; employers and entrepreneurs providing solutions for women through atypical employment; family members (fathers, children, grandparents);institutions and organisations whose activities directly or indirectly influence the project. The services were compiled on the basis of the region’s labour market needs and offers, supported by research, questionnaires and face-to-face inquiries, taking into account the specific needs specified by the target groups. Activities: Sensitisation of stakeholders: It takes the form of job fairs, workshops, trainings, teamcoaching meetings, round table discussions, trainings, family-friendly Workplace Awards, etc. We provide continuous assistance to the ladies through the use of mentors and work counsellors, individual, group development, diverse skills/skill development and professional training (including in skills shortages), club activities, professional and family days in the countryside, organisation of company open days to bring the opportunities closer to those living there. Due to the nature of the region, the services provided to producers of local products and farmers, the strengthening of their role in economic development, and the promotion of entrepreneurship are emphasised in our project. We develop and operate an electronic interface for the organisation of assistance services (on-line communication specialist). Open days at work bring employers and workers closer. The Development and Entrepreneurship Coordinator is involved. We complement all this with important background services such as supervision for professionals, quality assurance, collection of good practices, preparation and adaptation of methodological materials carried out by IFKA staff. During the project, we will establish 1 Women’s Information and Service Centre, in which at least 500 persons will receive training and development, and a minimum of 500 people will use assistance services. We carry out 5 adapted training programmes. In the course of communication activities, we reach 1000 people. We establish cooperation with a minimum of 20 local employers. We involve 50 individual helpers and service providers. The consortium develops its own internal communication, including quarterly face-to-face consultation, annual evaluation and adaptation of amendments proposals. The information flow and the availability of the services are ensured by the project’s IT background, its website, Facebook page and promotional events that are suitable for the transmission of services and assistance services. The Consortium will be in continuous contact with the regional base centres under the EFOP-1.2.6 project and the developers will participate in preparatory trainings. The experts provided by the Consortium for the management and implementation of the project have the appropriate qualifications, specialist diplomas and many years of work experience. Several people participated in the implementation of similar projects in Hungary and internationally (English)
Property / summary: The aim of the “Women’s Day 365” project is to create and operate the Nő-Central-Pont in Szigetvár, which, through its services, trainings and events, contributes to the reconciliation of the roles of women in the family, society and the labour market, promotes the employability of women, their atypical work, cooperation between employers and workers, and the reconciliation of family and work. In order to achieve this, the consortium leader in Szigetvár, the Visit Border Public Benefit Association, primarily engaged in the achievement, training and development of the local female target group and its environment, the Pécs-Baranya Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the sensitisation of the entrepreneurial, employer and institutional circle, and the professional and methodological part of the implementation of the project. The project was planned for 36 months with Szigetvár centre starting on January 1, 2018. The choice of location is justified by the fact that Szigetvár, Sellye (area to be developed with a complex programme) and Szentlőrinc are areas particularly affected by job difficulties. The consortium partners have social embedding, local knowledge and existing relationships. The accessible property available at the head office of the consortium leader at the headquarters of the consortium leader can be made suitable for the tasks of the project with minimal refurbishment. Both advice and training and related services are available in a suitable space and function. The necessary additional tools — IT tools, games, specialised books — will be procured in the framework of the project. Due to the small village structure and heavy traffic, we rent a minivan for better mobility. And many of our events are carried out in external locations. Target groups of the project: women in the region looking for work who face difficulties in finding work due to their family background, job-specific problems, lack of skills or physical distance from work; employers and entrepreneurs providing solutions for women through atypical employment; family members (fathers, children, grandparents);institutions and organisations whose activities directly or indirectly influence the project. The services were compiled on the basis of the region’s labour market needs and offers, supported by research, questionnaires and face-to-face inquiries, taking into account the specific needs specified by the target groups. Activities: Sensitisation of stakeholders: It takes the form of job fairs, workshops, trainings, teamcoaching meetings, round table discussions, trainings, family-friendly Workplace Awards, etc. We provide continuous assistance to the ladies through the use of mentors and work counsellors, individual, group development, diverse skills/skill development and professional training (including in skills shortages), club activities, professional and family days in the countryside, organisation of company open days to bring the opportunities closer to those living there. Due to the nature of the region, the services provided to producers of local products and farmers, the strengthening of their role in economic development, and the promotion of entrepreneurship are emphasised in our project. We develop and operate an electronic interface for the organisation of assistance services (on-line communication specialist). Open days at work bring employers and workers closer. The Development and Entrepreneurship Coordinator is involved. We complement all this with important background services such as supervision for professionals, quality assurance, collection of good practices, preparation and adaptation of methodological materials carried out by IFKA staff. During the project, we will establish 1 Women’s Information and Service Centre, in which at least 500 persons will receive training and development, and a minimum of 500 people will use assistance services. We carry out 5 adapted training programmes. In the course of communication activities, we reach 1000 people. We establish cooperation with a minimum of 20 local employers. We involve 50 individual helpers and service providers. The consortium develops its own internal communication, including quarterly face-to-face consultation, annual evaluation and adaptation of amendments proposals. The information flow and the availability of the services are ensured by the project’s IT background, its website, Facebook page and promotional events that are suitable for the transmission of services and assistance services. The Consortium will be in continuous contact with the regional base centres under the EFOP-1.2.6 project and the developers will participate in preparatory trainings. The experts provided by the Consortium for the management and implementation of the project have the appropriate qualifications, specialist diplomas and many years of work experience. Several people participated in the implementation of similar projects in Hungary and internationally (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the “Women’s Day 365” project is to create and operate the Nő-Central-Pont in Szigetvár, which, through its services, trainings and events, contributes to the reconciliation of the roles of women in the family, society and the labour market, promotes the employability of women, their atypical work, cooperation between employers and workers, and the reconciliation of family and work. In order to achieve this, the consortium leader in Szigetvár, the Visit Border Public Benefit Association, primarily engaged in the achievement, training and development of the local female target group and its environment, the Pécs-Baranya Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the sensitisation of the entrepreneurial, employer and institutional circle, and the professional and methodological part of the implementation of the project. The project was planned for 36 months with Szigetvár centre starting on January 1, 2018. The choice of location is justified by the fact that Szigetvár, Sellye (area to be developed with a complex programme) and Szentlőrinc are areas particularly affected by job difficulties. The consortium partners have social embedding, local knowledge and existing relationships. The accessible property available at the head office of the consortium leader at the headquarters of the consortium leader can be made suitable for the tasks of the project with minimal refurbishment. Both advice and training and related services are available in a suitable space and function. The necessary additional tools — IT tools, games, specialised books — will be procured in the framework of the project. Due to the small village structure and heavy traffic, we rent a minivan for better mobility. And many of our events are carried out in external locations. Target groups of the project: women in the region looking for work who face difficulties in finding work due to their family background, job-specific problems, lack of skills or physical distance from work; employers and entrepreneurs providing solutions for women through atypical employment; family members (fathers, children, grandparents);institutions and organisations whose activities directly or indirectly influence the project. The services were compiled on the basis of the region’s labour market needs and offers, supported by research, questionnaires and face-to-face inquiries, taking into account the specific needs specified by the target groups. Activities: Sensitisation of stakeholders: It takes the form of job fairs, workshops, trainings, teamcoaching meetings, round table discussions, trainings, family-friendly Workplace Awards, etc. We provide continuous assistance to the ladies through the use of mentors and work counsellors, individual, group development, diverse skills/skill development and professional training (including in skills shortages), club activities, professional and family days in the countryside, organisation of company open days to bring the opportunities closer to those living there. Due to the nature of the region, the services provided to producers of local products and farmers, the strengthening of their role in economic development, and the promotion of entrepreneurship are emphasised in our project. We develop and operate an electronic interface for the organisation of assistance services (on-line communication specialist). Open days at work bring employers and workers closer. The Development and Entrepreneurship Coordinator is involved. We complement all this with important background services such as supervision for professionals, quality assurance, collection of good practices, preparation and adaptation of methodological materials carried out by IFKA staff. During the project, we will establish 1 Women’s Information and Service Centre, in which at least 500 persons will receive training and development, and a minimum of 500 people will use assistance services. We carry out 5 adapted training programmes. In the course of communication activities, we reach 1000 people. We establish cooperation with a minimum of 20 local employers. We involve 50 individual helpers and service providers. The consortium develops its own internal communication, including quarterly face-to-face consultation, annual evaluation and adaptation of amendments proposals. The information flow and the availability of the services are ensured by the project’s IT background, its website, Facebook page and promotional events that are suitable for the transmission of services and assistance services. The Consortium will be in continuous contact with the regional base centres under the EFOP-1.2.6 project and the developers will participate in preparatory trainings. The experts provided by the Consortium for the management and implementation of the project have the appropriate qualifications, specialist diplomas and many years of work experience. Several people participated in the implementation of similar projects in Hungary and internationally (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 09:53, 8 February 2022

Project Q3887241 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Women’s Day 365 Operation of Women-Central Point in West Baranya with Szigetvár centre
Project Q3887241 in Hungary


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    546,722.4 Euro
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    1 January 2018
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    Láthatár Közhasznú Egyesület
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    A „Nőnap 365” projekt célja a Szigetváron kialakítandó Nő-Köz-Pont létrehozása és működtetése, mely szolgáltatásai, képzései és rendezvényei révén hozzájárul a térségben élő nők családi, társadalmi és munkaerő-piaci szerepeinek összeegyeztetéséhez, elősegíti a nők foglalkoztathatóságát, atipikus munkavégzését, a munkáltatók és munkavállalók közötti együttműködést, és a család és munka összeegyeztethetőségét. Ennek érdekében a konzorciumvezető szigetvári Láthatár Közhasznú Egyesület elsősorban a helyi női célcsoport és környezetének elérését, képzését, fejlesztését, a Pécs-Baranyai Kereskedelmi és Iparkamra a vállalkozói, munkaadói és intézményi kör érzékenyítését, az IFKA a projekt megvalósításának szakmai, módszertani részét vállalta. A projektet 36 hónapra terveztük 2018. január 01-i kezdéssel, Szigetvár központtal. A helyszínválasztást indokolja, hogy Szigetvár, Sellye (komplex programmal fejlesztendő térség), és Szentlőrinc a munkavállalás nehézségeivel különösen érintett terület. A konzorciumi partnerek társadalmi beágyazottsággal, helyismerettel és meglévő kapcsolatrendszerrel rendelkeznek. A konzorciumvezető székhelyén rendelkezésre álló, központi helyen lévő, akadálymentes ingatlan minimális átalakítással alkalmassá tehető a projekt feladatainak ellátására. Mind a tanácsadás és képzés, mind az ehhez kapcsolódó szolgáltatások nyújtására rendelkezésre áll megfelelő alapterületű és funkciójú helység. A szükséges további eszközöket – informatikai eszközök, játékok, szakkönyvek – a projekt keretében fogjuk beszerezni. Az aprófalvas településszerkezet és nehézkes közlekedés miatt kisbuszt bérlünk a jobb mobilitás miatt. Valamint sok rendezvényünket külső helyszíneken valósítjuk meg. A projekt célcsoportjai: a térségben élő, munkát kereső nők, akik családi hátterük, munkavállalási szempontból speciális problémáik, hiányzó készségeik vagy a munkahelytől való fizikai távolságuk miatt a munkakeresésük során nehézségekkel szembesülnek; a nők számára - atipikus foglalkoztatással - megoldást nyújtó munkáltatók, vállalkozók; a családtagok (apák,gyermekek,nagyszülők);olyan intézmények, szervezetek, melyek tevékenységi köre direkt vagy indirekt módon befolyással bír a projekt szempontjából. A szolgáltatásokat a térség munkaerő-piaci igényeinek és kínálatának lehetőségeit alapul véve állítottuk össze, amit kutatás, kérdőíves és személyes lekérdezés támaszt alá, figyelembe véve a célcsoportok által pontosított speciális igényeket is. Tevékenységek: Az érintettek érzékenyítése: Állásbörzék, különböző tematikájú workshopok,képzések, teamcoaching ülések, kerekasztal beszélgetések, tréningek, Családbarát Munkahely díj, stb. formájában történik. A hölgyek számára biztosítunk folyamatos segítséget mentor és munkavállalási tanácsadó alkalmazásával, egyéni, csoportos fejlesztéseket, sokszínű készség/képesség fejlesztő és szakmai képzéseket (többek között hiányszakmákban), klubfoglalkozásokat, vidéken pedig szakmai és családi napok, céges nyitott napok szervezésével visszük közelebb az ott élőkhöz a lehetőségeket. A térség jellege miatt hangsúlyos projektünkben a helyi terméket előállítók, és gazdálkodók hölgyek számára nyújtott szolgáltatások, szerepük erősítése a gazdaságfejlesztésben, valamint a vállalkozóvá válás elősegítése. A segítő szolgáltatások szervezése céljából elektronikus felületet alakítunk ki és működtetünk (on-line kommunikációs szakember). A munkahelyi nyílt napok közelebb hozzák a munkáltatókat és munkavállalókat. Ebben a fejlesztési és vállalkozói koordinátor működik közre. Mindezt fontos háttérszolgáltatásokkal egészítjük ki, mint szupervízió a szakembereknek, minőségbiztosítás, jó gyakorlatok gyűjtése, módszertani anyagok készítése, adaptálása melyet az IFKA munkatársai végeznek. A Projekt során tehát kialakítunk 1 db Női Információs és Szolgáltató Központot, melyben képzésekben és fejlesztésben részesül minimum 500 fő, segítő szolgáltatásokat vesz igénybe minimum 500 fő. 5 db adaptált képzési programot bonyolítunk le. A kommunikációs aktivitások során 1000 főt érünk el. Együttműködést alakítunk ki minimum 20 helyi munkáltatóval. 50 egyéni segítő és szolgáltatást nyújtót vonunk be. A konzorcium kialakítja saját belső kommunikációját, melynek része a negyedévenkénti személyes egyeztetés, az éves értékelés, és a módosítási javaslatok adaptációja. Az információk áramlását, a szolgáltatások elérhetőségét biztosítja a projekt informatikai háttere, a szolgáltatások és segítő szolgáltatások közvetítésére is alkalmas weboldala, Facebook oldala, és promóciós rendezvényei. A konzorcium folyamatos kapcsolatban lesz az EFOP-1.2.6 projekt keretében létrejövő regionális bázisközpontokkal, a megvalósítók részt vesznek a felkészítő képzéseken. A konzorcium által a projekt menedzseléséhez, megvalósításához biztosított szakemberek rendelkeznek megfelelő szakképesítéssel, szakirányú diplomával és sok éves munkatapasztalattal. Többen részt vettek hasonló tematikájú projektek hazai és nemzetközi megvalósításában (Hungarian)
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    The aim of the “Women’s Day 365” project is to create and operate the Nő-Central-Pont in Szigetvár, which, through its services, trainings and events, contributes to the reconciliation of the roles of women in the family, society and the labour market, promotes the employability of women, their atypical work, cooperation between employers and workers, and the reconciliation of family and work. In order to achieve this, the consortium leader in Szigetvár, the Visit Border Public Benefit Association, primarily engaged in the achievement, training and development of the local female target group and its environment, the Pécs-Baranya Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the sensitisation of the entrepreneurial, employer and institutional circle, and the professional and methodological part of the implementation of the project. The project was planned for 36 months with Szigetvár centre starting on January 1, 2018. The choice of location is justified by the fact that Szigetvár, Sellye (area to be developed with a complex programme) and Szentlőrinc are areas particularly affected by job difficulties. The consortium partners have social embedding, local knowledge and existing relationships. The accessible property available at the head office of the consortium leader at the headquarters of the consortium leader can be made suitable for the tasks of the project with minimal refurbishment. Both advice and training and related services are available in a suitable space and function. The necessary additional tools — IT tools, games, specialised books — will be procured in the framework of the project. Due to the small village structure and heavy traffic, we rent a minivan for better mobility. And many of our events are carried out in external locations. Target groups of the project: women in the region looking for work who face difficulties in finding work due to their family background, job-specific problems, lack of skills or physical distance from work; employers and entrepreneurs providing solutions for women through atypical employment; family members (fathers, children, grandparents);institutions and organisations whose activities directly or indirectly influence the project. The services were compiled on the basis of the region’s labour market needs and offers, supported by research, questionnaires and face-to-face inquiries, taking into account the specific needs specified by the target groups. Activities: Sensitisation of stakeholders: It takes the form of job fairs, workshops, trainings, teamcoaching meetings, round table discussions, trainings, family-friendly Workplace Awards, etc. We provide continuous assistance to the ladies through the use of mentors and work counsellors, individual, group development, diverse skills/skill development and professional training (including in skills shortages), club activities, professional and family days in the countryside, organisation of company open days to bring the opportunities closer to those living there. Due to the nature of the region, the services provided to producers of local products and farmers, the strengthening of their role in economic development, and the promotion of entrepreneurship are emphasised in our project. We develop and operate an electronic interface for the organisation of assistance services (on-line communication specialist). Open days at work bring employers and workers closer. The Development and Entrepreneurship Coordinator is involved. We complement all this with important background services such as supervision for professionals, quality assurance, collection of good practices, preparation and adaptation of methodological materials carried out by IFKA staff. During the project, we will establish 1 Women’s Information and Service Centre, in which at least 500 persons will receive training and development, and a minimum of 500 people will use assistance services. We carry out 5 adapted training programmes. In the course of communication activities, we reach 1000 people. We establish cooperation with a minimum of 20 local employers. We involve 50 individual helpers and service providers. The consortium develops its own internal communication, including quarterly face-to-face consultation, annual evaluation and adaptation of amendments proposals. The information flow and the availability of the services are ensured by the project’s IT background, its website, Facebook page and promotional events that are suitable for the transmission of services and assistance services. The Consortium will be in continuous contact with the regional base centres under the EFOP-1.2.6 project and the developers will participate in preparatory trainings. The experts provided by the Consortium for the management and implementation of the project have the appropriate qualifications, specialist diplomas and many years of work experience. Several people participated in the implementation of similar projects in Hungary and internationally (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Szigetvár, Baranya
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