Creating opportunities for women in Nógrád (Q3887121): Difference between revisions

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Property / summary
In the framework of the EFOP 1.2.9-17 ‘Women in the family and the workplace’, the Jonathan Livingston Seagull Foundation, in a consortium with the Nógrád Development Agency Nonprofit Limited Liability Company and IFKA Industrial Development Nonprofit Nonprofit Liability Company, applies for funding for the project entitled ‘Employment for Women in Nógrád’. In line with the objectives of the Facility, the aim of the project is to improve the situation of women in the labour market and to promote the reconciliation of family and work through local solutions and cooperation, in particular by promoting atypical forms of employment. The planned project is located in the Free Entrepreneurship Zone of Nógrád, which covers 4 districts of Nógrád county (Pásztó district Bátonyterenye district, Szécsény district and Salgótarján district) and their settlements. In the districts covered by the territorial scope of the project, nearly 100,000 people live on an area of almost 2.000 km². The common criteria for districts are lower educational attainment among the population and, in part, low employment and activity rates. The involvement of the region is characterised by the fact that Szécsényi district is one of the districts to be developed with the complex program. The project therefore aims to increase the employment of women of working age living in districts, reducing unemployment and inactive rates, improving employability and facilitating access to and stay in work. Both the demand and supply sides of the labour market are reinforced by the development of cooperation between relevant actors in the regional labour market and the expansion of its content, which is one of the activities of the planned project. Cooperation can contribute to improving the content and quality of labour supply training, strengthening the local economy, cooperation between regional employers and the development of regulatory and other measures and change needs to improve the employment situation. The planned activities and services of the programme are coordinated by the Women’s Information and Service Centre (Women-Central-Pont) established within the framework of the project. Within the framework of the project, Nő-Central-Pont provides services for active-age women living in the East-Nógrád region for a period of 36 months, in order to improve their labour market situation, as well as to familiarise themselves with atypical forms of employment. (e.g. part-working, teleworking, employment, self-employment, job sharing.) The established Nő-Central-Pont Salgótarján headquarters provides services, trainings, development and access to some of its activities to all women living in the settlements of the region 20 hours a week with settlements in the most disadvantaged settlements. With the involvement of employers, professional organisations and local communities, the programme aims to help change the social and economic stereotypes of disadvantaged women’s employability through demand-based county and municipal services, thus helping them to reconcile work and family activities. The activities implemented in the programme include the development and operation of a range of services and activities based on the needs assessment of the target group, training to support women’s labour market situation (e.g.: job-search techniques, development of digital competence) development, organisation, mapping and implementation of good practices, organisation and implementation of communication and awareness-raising activities (e.g.: sensitisation, conference, employer advice) and the establishment and operation of a network between the participating partners. The sustainability of the project is ensured by the training and further training of the professionals involved, as well as the regional embedding of the programmes and services. The detailed description of the activities planned in the project and the conditions for their implementation are set out in the technical plan annexed to this grant application. (English)
Property / summary: In the framework of the EFOP 1.2.9-17 ‘Women in the family and the workplace’, the Jonathan Livingston Seagull Foundation, in a consortium with the Nógrád Development Agency Nonprofit Limited Liability Company and IFKA Industrial Development Nonprofit Nonprofit Liability Company, applies for funding for the project entitled ‘Employment for Women in Nógrád’. In line with the objectives of the Facility, the aim of the project is to improve the situation of women in the labour market and to promote the reconciliation of family and work through local solutions and cooperation, in particular by promoting atypical forms of employment. The planned project is located in the Free Entrepreneurship Zone of Nógrád, which covers 4 districts of Nógrád county (Pásztó district Bátonyterenye district, Szécsény district and Salgótarján district) and their settlements. In the districts covered by the territorial scope of the project, nearly 100,000 people live on an area of almost 2.000 km². The common criteria for districts are lower educational attainment among the population and, in part, low employment and activity rates. The involvement of the region is characterised by the fact that Szécsényi district is one of the districts to be developed with the complex program. The project therefore aims to increase the employment of women of working age living in districts, reducing unemployment and inactive rates, improving employability and facilitating access to and stay in work. Both the demand and supply sides of the labour market are reinforced by the development of cooperation between relevant actors in the regional labour market and the expansion of its content, which is one of the activities of the planned project. Cooperation can contribute to improving the content and quality of labour supply training, strengthening the local economy, cooperation between regional employers and the development of regulatory and other measures and change needs to improve the employment situation. The planned activities and services of the programme are coordinated by the Women’s Information and Service Centre (Women-Central-Pont) established within the framework of the project. Within the framework of the project, Nő-Central-Pont provides services for active-age women living in the East-Nógrád region for a period of 36 months, in order to improve their labour market situation, as well as to familiarise themselves with atypical forms of employment. (e.g. part-working, teleworking, employment, self-employment, job sharing.) The established Nő-Central-Pont Salgótarján headquarters provides services, trainings, development and access to some of its activities to all women living in the settlements of the region 20 hours a week with settlements in the most disadvantaged settlements. With the involvement of employers, professional organisations and local communities, the programme aims to help change the social and economic stereotypes of disadvantaged women’s employability through demand-based county and municipal services, thus helping them to reconcile work and family activities. The activities implemented in the programme include the development and operation of a range of services and activities based on the needs assessment of the target group, training to support women’s labour market situation (e.g.: job-search techniques, development of digital competence) development, organisation, mapping and implementation of good practices, organisation and implementation of communication and awareness-raising activities (e.g.: sensitisation, conference, employer advice) and the establishment and operation of a network between the participating partners. The sustainability of the project is ensured by the training and further training of the professionals involved, as well as the regional embedding of the programmes and services. The detailed description of the activities planned in the project and the conditions for their implementation are set out in the technical plan annexed to this grant application. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: In the framework of the EFOP 1.2.9-17 ‘Women in the family and the workplace’, the Jonathan Livingston Seagull Foundation, in a consortium with the Nógrád Development Agency Nonprofit Limited Liability Company and IFKA Industrial Development Nonprofit Nonprofit Liability Company, applies for funding for the project entitled ‘Employment for Women in Nógrád’. In line with the objectives of the Facility, the aim of the project is to improve the situation of women in the labour market and to promote the reconciliation of family and work through local solutions and cooperation, in particular by promoting atypical forms of employment. The planned project is located in the Free Entrepreneurship Zone of Nógrád, which covers 4 districts of Nógrád county (Pásztó district Bátonyterenye district, Szécsény district and Salgótarján district) and their settlements. In the districts covered by the territorial scope of the project, nearly 100,000 people live on an area of almost 2.000 km². The common criteria for districts are lower educational attainment among the population and, in part, low employment and activity rates. The involvement of the region is characterised by the fact that Szécsényi district is one of the districts to be developed with the complex program. The project therefore aims to increase the employment of women of working age living in districts, reducing unemployment and inactive rates, improving employability and facilitating access to and stay in work. Both the demand and supply sides of the labour market are reinforced by the development of cooperation between relevant actors in the regional labour market and the expansion of its content, which is one of the activities of the planned project. Cooperation can contribute to improving the content and quality of labour supply training, strengthening the local economy, cooperation between regional employers and the development of regulatory and other measures and change needs to improve the employment situation. The planned activities and services of the programme are coordinated by the Women’s Information and Service Centre (Women-Central-Pont) established within the framework of the project. Within the framework of the project, Nő-Central-Pont provides services for active-age women living in the East-Nógrád region for a period of 36 months, in order to improve their labour market situation, as well as to familiarise themselves with atypical forms of employment. (e.g. part-working, teleworking, employment, self-employment, job sharing.) The established Nő-Central-Pont Salgótarján headquarters provides services, trainings, development and access to some of its activities to all women living in the settlements of the region 20 hours a week with settlements in the most disadvantaged settlements. With the involvement of employers, professional organisations and local communities, the programme aims to help change the social and economic stereotypes of disadvantaged women’s employability through demand-based county and municipal services, thus helping them to reconcile work and family activities. The activities implemented in the programme include the development and operation of a range of services and activities based on the needs assessment of the target group, training to support women’s labour market situation (e.g.: job-search techniques, development of digital competence) development, organisation, mapping and implementation of good practices, organisation and implementation of communication and awareness-raising activities (e.g.: sensitisation, conference, employer advice) and the establishment and operation of a network between the participating partners. The sustainability of the project is ensured by the training and further training of the professionals involved, as well as the regional embedding of the programmes and services. The detailed description of the activities planned in the project and the conditions for their implementation are set out in the technical plan annexed to this grant application. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 09:53, 8 February 2022

Project Q3887121 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Creating opportunities for women in Nógrád
Project Q3887121 in Hungary


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    Jonathan Livingston Seagull Alapítvány
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    Az EFOP 1.2.9-17 „Nők a családban és a munkahelyen” konstrukció keretében a Jonathan Livingston Seagull Alapítvány a Nógrádi Fejlesztési Ügynökség Nonprofit Korlátolt Felelősségű Társasággal, valamint IFKA Iparfejlesztési Közhasznú Nonprofit Korlátolt Felelősségű Társasággal konzorciumban támogatási igényt nyújt be az „Esélyteremtés nőknek- Nógrádban” című projekt finanszírozására. A konstrukció célkitűzéseivel összhangban a projekt célja a nők munkaerő-piaci helyzetének javítása, valamint a család és munka összeegyeztethetőségének előmozdítása helyi megoldásokkal és együttműködésekkel, különösen az atipikus foglalkoztatási formák népszerűsítésével. A tervezett projekt megvalósulásának helyszíne a Nógrádi Szabad Vállalkozási Zóna, amely 4 Nógrád megyei járásra (Pásztói járás Bátonyterenyei járás, Szécsényi járás és Salgótarjáni járás) és azok településeire terjed ki. A projekt területi hatálya alá tartozó járásokban együttesen közel 2.000 km2 területen közel 100.000 ember él. A járások közös ismérve a lakosságot jellemző alacsonyabb iskolázottság és – részben ezzel összefüggő – alacsony foglalkoztatási és aktivitási arány. A térség érintettségét jól jellemzi, hogy a Szécsényi járás a komplex programmal fejlesztendő járások közé tartozik. A projekt tehát a járásokban élő munkaképes korú nők foglalkoztatottságának növelését tűzte ki célul, a munkanélküliség és az inaktívak arányának csökkentésével, a foglalkoztathatóság javításával, valamint a munkába állás és munkában maradás megkönnyítésével. A munkaerőpiac keresleti és kínálati oldalát egyaránt erősíti a térségi munkaerőpiac releváns szereplői közötti együttműködés kialakítása és tartalmi elemeinek bővítése, amely a tervezett projekt tevékenységei közé tartozik. Az együttműködés hozzájárulhat a munkaerő kínálatot alakító képzések tartalmi és minőségi jellemzőinek javításához, a helyi gazdaság erősítéséhez, a térségi foglalkoztatók együttműködéséhez és a foglakoztatási helyzetet javító szabályozási és egyéb intézkedések, változtatási igények kialakításához. A program tervezett tevékenységeit és szolgáltatásait a projekt keretében kialakított Női Információs és Szolgáltató Központ (Nő-Köz-Pont) koordinálja. A projekt keretében 36 hónapos időtartamban működtetett Nő-Köz-Pont a Kelet- Nógrád térségében élő aktív korú nők számára nyújt szolgáltatásokat annak érdekében, hogy munkaerő-piaci helyzetük javuljon, megismerve és igénybe véve az atipikus foglalkoztatási formákat is.(pl. részfoglalkozás, távmunka, bedolgozás, önfoglalkoztatás, munkakörmegosztás.) A kialakított Nő-Köz-Pont salgótarjáni székhellyel heti 20 órában a térség településein élő minden nő számára biztosít szolgáltatásokat, képzéseket, fejlesztéseket, illetve tevékenységeinek egy részének elérhetőségét a leghátrányosabb helyzetű településeken kitelepülésekkel biztosítja. A program – a munkaadók, szakmai szervezetek, helyi közösségek bevonásával, az igényekre épülő megyeszékhelyi és települési szolgáltatásokkal kívánja segíteni, hogy a hátrányos helyzetű nők foglalkoztathatóságával szembeni társadalmi és gazdasági sztereotípiák megváltozzanak, ezzel is segítve, hogy a számukra a munka és a családi elfoglaltságok összeegyeztethetővé váljanak. A programban megvalósított tevékenységek magukba foglalják a célcsoport igényfelmérésén alapuló szolgáltatási és tevékenység-paletta kialakítását és működtetést, a nők munkaerőpiaci helyzetét támogató képzések (pl.: álláskeresési technikák, digitális kompetencia fejlesztés) kialakítását, szervezését, jó gyakorlatok feltérképezését és implementálását, kommunikációs és ismeretterjesztő, szemléletformáló tevékenységek szervezését, lebonyolítását (pl.: érzékenyítés, konferencia, munkáltatói tanácsadás), valamint a résztvevő partnerek közötti hálózat létrehozását és működtetését. A projekt fenntarthatóságát a bevont szakemberek képzése, továbbképzése, valamint a programok, szolgáltatások térségi beágyazottsága biztosítja. A projektben tervezett tevékenységek részletes ismertetését és megvalósításuk feltételeit jelen támogatási pályázat mellékletét képező szakmai terv tartalmazza. (Hungarian)
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    In the framework of the EFOP 1.2.9-17 ‘Women in the family and the workplace’, the Jonathan Livingston Seagull Foundation, in a consortium with the Nógrád Development Agency Nonprofit Limited Liability Company and IFKA Industrial Development Nonprofit Nonprofit Liability Company, applies for funding for the project entitled ‘Employment for Women in Nógrád’. In line with the objectives of the Facility, the aim of the project is to improve the situation of women in the labour market and to promote the reconciliation of family and work through local solutions and cooperation, in particular by promoting atypical forms of employment. The planned project is located in the Free Entrepreneurship Zone of Nógrád, which covers 4 districts of Nógrád county (Pásztó district Bátonyterenye district, Szécsény district and Salgótarján district) and their settlements. In the districts covered by the territorial scope of the project, nearly 100,000 people live on an area of almost 2.000 km². The common criteria for districts are lower educational attainment among the population and, in part, low employment and activity rates. The involvement of the region is characterised by the fact that Szécsényi district is one of the districts to be developed with the complex program. The project therefore aims to increase the employment of women of working age living in districts, reducing unemployment and inactive rates, improving employability and facilitating access to and stay in work. Both the demand and supply sides of the labour market are reinforced by the development of cooperation between relevant actors in the regional labour market and the expansion of its content, which is one of the activities of the planned project. Cooperation can contribute to improving the content and quality of labour supply training, strengthening the local economy, cooperation between regional employers and the development of regulatory and other measures and change needs to improve the employment situation. The planned activities and services of the programme are coordinated by the Women’s Information and Service Centre (Women-Central-Pont) established within the framework of the project. Within the framework of the project, Nő-Central-Pont provides services for active-age women living in the East-Nógrád region for a period of 36 months, in order to improve their labour market situation, as well as to familiarise themselves with atypical forms of employment. (e.g. part-working, teleworking, employment, self-employment, job sharing.) The established Nő-Central-Pont Salgótarján headquarters provides services, trainings, development and access to some of its activities to all women living in the settlements of the region 20 hours a week with settlements in the most disadvantaged settlements. With the involvement of employers, professional organisations and local communities, the programme aims to help change the social and economic stereotypes of disadvantaged women’s employability through demand-based county and municipal services, thus helping them to reconcile work and family activities. The activities implemented in the programme include the development and operation of a range of services and activities based on the needs assessment of the target group, training to support women’s labour market situation (e.g.: job-search techniques, development of digital competence) development, organisation, mapping and implementation of good practices, organisation and implementation of communication and awareness-raising activities (e.g.: sensitisation, conference, employer advice) and the establishment and operation of a network between the participating partners. The sustainability of the project is ensured by the training and further training of the professionals involved, as well as the regional embedding of the programmes and services. The detailed description of the activities planned in the project and the conditions for their implementation are set out in the technical plan annexed to this grant application. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Salgótarján, Nógrád
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