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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The applicant shall use the abbreviations: N- teacher (ka), U- pupil/nica, SPInKa — School Information Point and Career, Dez — educational and vocational counselling, K- woman, M- male, Oza-N- person with disabilities. The objective is to improve the quality and access to Dez in cooperation with the labour market in 6 vocational schools (4 techniques and 2 based schools.) with a power-channel through acquisition and upgrading of the Desz from De...)
Property / summary
The applicant shall use the abbreviations: N- teacher (ka), U- pupil/nica, SPInKa — School Information Point and Career, Dez — educational and vocational counselling, K- woman, M- male, Oza-N- person with disabilities. The objective is to improve the quality and access to Dez in cooperation with the labour market in 6 vocational schools (4 techniques and 2 based schools.) with a power-channel through acquisition and upgrading of the Desz from Dez by 30N (K26, M4), creation of SPInKa in 4 Schools and Dez for 700U (200K, 500M), in the period 1.VIII 2017-31 VII 2019. The need for the project results from the diagnosis of the needs of the schools carried out by the applicant IX 2016 in the professional training school. The actions foreseen are aimed at the systemic strengthening of Desz in vocational schools and the preparation of schools for the provision of such services. 5 tasks are planned: 1) Acquisition/upgrading of qualifications in post-graduate studies and training by persons performing tasks in the area of Delz. — from X2017 to IV2019r.2) Creation of 4 SPInKa and consultancy from X2017 to IV 2019r.3. — from X 2017 to VI2019R.4) Implementation of external school support from Dez from X2017 to VII2019r 5) “The labour market” — employers’ cooperation with school from XII2017to IV2019. The activities will help to improve the performance of the school in school and initiate/develop cooperation between schools and the social environment/employers, which will have an impact on the responsiveness of education to the labour market needs. The project is addressed to the U regardless of sex, the material situation, the living conditions fully respected the principle of non-discrimination. Is compatible with Community policy implemented in a manner accessible to N, K, M; a message free from stereotypes will be used. (English)
Property / summary: The applicant shall use the abbreviations: N- teacher (ka), U- pupil/nica, SPInKa — School Information Point and Career, Dez — educational and vocational counselling, K- woman, M- male, Oza-N- person with disabilities. The objective is to improve the quality and access to Dez in cooperation with the labour market in 6 vocational schools (4 techniques and 2 based schools.) with a power-channel through acquisition and upgrading of the Desz from Dez by 30N (K26, M4), creation of SPInKa in 4 Schools and Dez for 700U (200K, 500M), in the period 1.VIII 2017-31 VII 2019. The need for the project results from the diagnosis of the needs of the schools carried out by the applicant IX 2016 in the professional training school. The actions foreseen are aimed at the systemic strengthening of Desz in vocational schools and the preparation of schools for the provision of such services. 5 tasks are planned: 1) Acquisition/upgrading of qualifications in post-graduate studies and training by persons performing tasks in the area of Delz. — from X2017 to IV2019r.2) Creation of 4 SPInKa and consultancy from X2017 to IV 2019r.3. — from X 2017 to VI2019R.4) Implementation of external school support from Dez from X2017 to VII2019r 5) “The labour market” — employers’ cooperation with school from XII2017to IV2019. The activities will help to improve the performance of the school in school and initiate/develop cooperation between schools and the social environment/employers, which will have an impact on the responsiveness of education to the labour market needs. The project is addressed to the U regardless of sex, the material situation, the living conditions fully respected the principle of non-discrimination. Is compatible with Community policy implemented in a manner accessible to N, K, M; a message free from stereotypes will be used. (English) / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 11:24, 9 March 2020

Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    410,142.0 zloty
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    98,434.08 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    512,677.5 zloty
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    123,042.59999999999 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    80.0 percent
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    1 August 2017
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    31 July 2019
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    Wnioskodawca używa skrótów: N- nauczyciel(ka), U- uczeń/nica, SPInKa – Szkolny Punkt Informacji i Kariery, DEZ – doradztwo edukacyjno- zawodowe, K- kobieta, M- mężczyzna, OzN- osoba z niepełnosprawnością. Celem gł. jest podniesienie jakości i zwiększenie dostępu do DEZ we współpracy z rynkiem pracy w 6 szkołach zawodowych (4 technika i 2 zasad. szkoły zawod.) z pow. ciechanowskiego-poprzez nabycie i podniesienie kwalifikacji z DEZ przez 30N (K26, M4), stworzenie SPInKa w 4 Zespołach Szkół i realizację DEZ dla 700U(200K, 500M) , w okresie 1.VIII 2017 – 31 VII 2019r. Potrzeba realizacji projektu wynika z diagnozy potrzeb szkół przeprowadzonej przez wnioskodawcę IX 2016r.w szkoł. zawodow., dla których jest organem prowadzącym.Wyniki diagnozy wskazują na niski poziom DEZ w szkoł., brak specjalistów z kwalifik. z DEZ oraz brak bazy do realizacji DEZ. Przewidziane działania są zorientowane na systemowe wzmocnienie DEZ w szkołach zawodowych oraz przygotowanie szkół do świadczenia tego typu usług. Zaplanowano realizację 5 zadań: 1)Uzyskanie/ podniesienie kwalifikacji na studiach podyplom. i szkoleniach, przez osoby realizujące zadania z zakresu DEZ w szkoł. - od X2017r. do IV2019r.2)Utworzenie 4 SPInKa i doradztwo indyw. od X2017r. do IV 2019r.3)Realizacja DEZ i warsztatów z zakresu kompet.miękkichw szkoł. - od X 2017r. do VI2019r.4) Wdrożenie zewnętrznego wsparcia szkół z DEZ od X2017r. do VII2019r 5)„Bliżej rynku pracy” - współpraca pracodawców ze szkoł. od IV2019r. W/w działania przyczynią się do poprawy funkcjonowania DEZ w szkoł. oraz zainicjują/ rozwiną współpracę szkół z otoczeniem społ.-gospodarcz./pracodawcami, co wpłynie na dopasowanie kształcenia zawod. do zapotrzebowania na rynku pracy. Projekt skierowany jest do U bez względu na płeć, sytuację materialną, warunki bytowe-w pełni respektuje zasadę niedyskryminacji. Jest zgodny z polityk. wspólnotowymi, realizowany w sposób dostępny dla OzN, K, M; będzie stosowany przekaz wolny od stereotypów. (Polish)
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    The applicant shall use the abbreviations: N- teacher (ka), U- pupil/nica, SPInKa — School Information Point and Career, Dez — educational and vocational counselling, K- woman, M- male, Oza-N- person with disabilities. The objective is to improve the quality and access to Dez in cooperation with the labour market in 6 vocational schools (4 techniques and 2 based schools.) with a power-channel through acquisition and upgrading of the Desz from Dez by 30N (K26, M4), creation of SPInKa in 4 Schools and Dez for 700U (200K, 500M), in the period 1.VIII 2017-31 VII 2019. The need for the project results from the diagnosis of the needs of the schools carried out by the applicant IX 2016 in the professional training school. The actions foreseen are aimed at the systemic strengthening of Desz in vocational schools and the preparation of schools for the provision of such services. 5 tasks are planned: 1) Acquisition/upgrading of qualifications in post-graduate studies and training by persons performing tasks in the area of Delz. — from X2017 to IV2019r.2) Creation of 4 SPInKa and consultancy from X2017 to IV 2019r.3. — from X 2017 to VI2019R.4) Implementation of external school support from Dez from X2017 to VII2019r 5) “The labour market” — employers’ cooperation with school from XII2017to IV2019. The activities will help to improve the performance of the school in school and initiate/develop cooperation between schools and the social environment/employers, which will have an impact on the responsiveness of education to the labour market needs. The project is addressed to the U regardless of sex, the material situation, the living conditions fully respected the principle of non-discrimination. Is compatible with Community policy implemented in a manner accessible to N, K, M; a message free from stereotypes will be used. (English)
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