Power on Start UP (Q92126): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The project foresees the implementation of actions to develop the professional, communication and entrepreneurship skills of students in full-time studies I and II of the University of Pedagogical courses in mathematics teachers (60 persons), information technology (115 persons). the project activities will directly translate into the situation of graduates in the labour market, increasing their employability or motivating the project participan...)
Property / summary
The project foresees the implementation of actions to develop the professional, communication and entrepreneurship skills of students in full-time studies I and II of the University of Pedagogical courses in mathematics teachers (60 persons), information technology (115 persons). the project activities will directly translate into the situation of graduates in the labour market, increasing their employability or motivating the project participants to continue their education.Project participants will follow the “skill path” designed in an interactive way, taking into account the needs of students and employers’ expectations.The project activities provide for the organisation of workshops, training (including certified), practical activities with representatives of the various industries, study visits, lectures of excellent researchers and foreign practitioners, participation in methodological conferences, etc. given the fact that a group of students in science and technology is diagnosed with a similar gap in terms of communication and entrepreneurship skills, selected forms of support will be aimed at the P participants from both directions.The need to develop professional competences in the same areas of knowledge justifies the implementation of practical projects by multidisciplinary teams of students from different courses.The implementation of this task will enable all the competences planned to be supported by the project to be developed.In order to be proactive in the project participants, which are extremely important in their further development, we are planning to apply non-standard teaching forms:team work in the form of ideas for start-ups.With the support of the Project, student education will have a flexibility dimension, better tailored to the needs of the labour market, and any support in the project will contribute to the comprehensive development of the competences of the participants. (English)
Property / summary: The project foresees the implementation of actions to develop the professional, communication and entrepreneurship skills of students in full-time studies I and II of the University of Pedagogical courses in mathematics teachers (60 persons), information technology (115 persons). the project activities will directly translate into the situation of graduates in the labour market, increasing their employability or motivating the project participants to continue their education.Project participants will follow the “skill path” designed in an interactive way, taking into account the needs of students and employers’ expectations.The project activities provide for the organisation of workshops, training (including certified), practical activities with representatives of the various industries, study visits, lectures of excellent researchers and foreign practitioners, participation in methodological conferences, etc. given the fact that a group of students in science and technology is diagnosed with a similar gap in terms of communication and entrepreneurship skills, selected forms of support will be aimed at the P participants from both directions.The need to develop professional competences in the same areas of knowledge justifies the implementation of practical projects by multidisciplinary teams of students from different courses.The implementation of this task will enable all the competences planned to be supported by the project to be developed.In order to be proactive in the project participants, which are extremely important in their further development, we are planning to apply non-standard teaching forms:team work in the form of ideas for start-ups.With the support of the Project, student education will have a flexibility dimension, better tailored to the needs of the labour market, and any support in the project will contribute to the comprehensive development of the competences of the participants. (English) / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 10:47, 4 March 2020

Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Power on Start UP
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    1,291,112.29 zloty
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    309,866.9496 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    1,531,932.0 zloty
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    367,663.68 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    84.28 percent
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    1 October 2017
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    31 August 2020
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    Projekt przewiduje realizację działań, które mają rozwinąć kompetencje zawodowe, komunikacyjne i w zakresie przedsiębiorczości studentów studiów stacjonarnych I i II st. Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego kierunków matematyka nauczycielska (60 osób), informatyka (115 osób) Działania projektowe bezpośrednio przełożą się na sytuację absolwentów UP na rynku pracy, zwiększając ich zatrudnialność lub motywując uczestników Projektu do kontynuacji kształcenia. Uczestnicy Projektu będą podążać “ścieżką kompetencyjną”, projektowaną w sposób interaktywny, uwzględniający potrzeby studentów i oczekiwania pracodawców. Działania Projektowe przewidują organizację warsztatów, szkoleń (w tym certyfikowanych), zajęć praktycznych z przedstawicielami poszczególnych branż, wizyt studyjnych, wykładów wybitnych naukowców i praktyków zagranicznych, udział w konferencjach metodycznych, etc. Ze względu na zdiagnozowanie w grupie studentów z obszarów nauk ścisłych i technicznych podobnych luk w zakresie kompetencji komunikacyjnych i przedsiębiorczości, wybrane formy wsparcia będą skierowane do uczestników P z  obu kierunków. Zapotrzebowanie na rozwój kompetencji zawodowych w tych samych obszarach wiedzy uzasadnia realizację projektów praktycznych przez interdyscyplinarne zespoły studentów z różnych kierunków. Realizacja tego zadania pozwoli rozwijać wszystkie kompetencje zaplanowane do wsparcia w Projekcie. Chcąc zbudować w uczestnikach Projektu postawę proaktywną, niezwykle ważną w ich dalszym rozwoju, planujemy zastosować niestandardowe formy dydaktyczne: prace zespołowe w postaci realizacji pomysłów na start-upy. Dzięki otrzymanemu w Projekcie wsparciu edukacja studentów zyska wymiar elastyczności, będzie lepiej dostosowana do potrzeb rynku pracy, a każda zrealizowana w Projekcie forma wsparcia przyczyni się do kompleksowego rozwoju kompetencji jego uczestników. (Polish)
    0 references
    The project foresees the implementation of actions to develop the professional, communication and entrepreneurship skills of students in full-time studies I and II of the University of Pedagogical courses in mathematics teachers (60 persons), information technology (115 persons). the project activities will directly translate into the situation of graduates in the labour market, increasing their employability or motivating the project participants to continue their education.Project participants will follow the “skill path” designed in an interactive way, taking into account the needs of students and employers’ expectations.The project activities provide for the organisation of workshops, training (including certified), practical activities with representatives of the various industries, study visits, lectures of excellent researchers and foreign practitioners, participation in methodological conferences, etc. given the fact that a group of students in science and technology is diagnosed with a similar gap in terms of communication and entrepreneurship skills, selected forms of support will be aimed at the P participants from both directions.The need to develop professional competences in the same areas of knowledge justifies the implementation of practical projects by multidisciplinary teams of students from different courses.The implementation of this task will enable all the competences planned to be supported by the project to be developed.In order to be proactive in the project participants, which are extremely important in their further development, we are planning to apply non-standard teaching forms:team work in the form of ideas for start-ups.With the support of the Project, student education will have a flexibility dimension, better tailored to the needs of the labour market, and any support in the project will contribute to the comprehensive development of the competences of the participants. (English)
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