Monitoring of the work of the commutator and sliding rings for electrical machines. (Q81485): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): Reference_reference_programme_aids:SA.42799 (2015/X), aid_de_de minimis:§ 42 of the Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure and Development of 10 July 2015 on the granting of financial assistance by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development in the framework of the Operational Programme Smart Growth 2014-2020.Kopureator of the DC machine is a very sensitive element, especially in the event that it is subject to an ongoing standing with ra...)
Property / summary
Reference_reference_programme_aids:SA.42799 (2015/X), aid_de_de minimis:§ 42 of the Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure and Development of 10 July 2015 on the granting of financial assistance by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development in the framework of the Operational Programme Smart Growth 2014-2020.Kopureator of the DC machine is a very sensitive element, especially in the event that it is subject to an ongoing standing with rated currents.The commutator’s cooperation with graphites, brushes for the full load of the machine carries the danger of overheating of the individual commutator parcels.As a result, the linking of the plot to a commutator, with the rotor windings, can be achieved, as well as the end of the plot, in addition to the outline of the rest of the commutator’s circuitry, which results in a faster consumption of brushes and additional heating.The effect of such effects is, on the one hand, on the one hand, and that of the machinery, on the other, and it is therefore necessary to check the commutator’s condition.The design of the apparatus should make it possible to assess the temperature of individual parcels to be switched on to the commutator of the fixed current machine, without stopping the machine.In addition, it is intended to monitor the geometric dimensions of the commutator in such a way that it is possible to distinguish between the parcels which, as a result of the thermal expansion, have come to their attention in relation to the average diameter of the commutator.The positive results obtained in the case of switching machines would also allow this method to be used also for the measurement of the temperature of synchronous and asynchronous machinery.A prototype developed after a positive test under the conditions of industrial exploitation will enable the company to provide a new, innovative service.This service can be performed for various industries (e.g. energy, steel, heating, mining), in industrial installations where high power engines are used.The benefits of this solution would be evident — a reduction in the costs of operating the machines associated with their downtime for testing sp. (English)
Property / summary: Reference_reference_programme_aids:SA.42799 (2015/X), aid_de_de minimis:§ 42 of the Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure and Development of 10 July 2015 on the granting of financial assistance by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development in the framework of the Operational Programme Smart Growth 2014-2020.Kopureator of the DC machine is a very sensitive element, especially in the event that it is subject to an ongoing standing with rated currents.The commutator’s cooperation with graphites, brushes for the full load of the machine carries the danger of overheating of the individual commutator parcels.As a result, the linking of the plot to a commutator, with the rotor windings, can be achieved, as well as the end of the plot, in addition to the outline of the rest of the commutator’s circuitry, which results in a faster consumption of brushes and additional heating.The effect of such effects is, on the one hand, on the one hand, and that of the machinery, on the other, and it is therefore necessary to check the commutator’s condition.The design of the apparatus should make it possible to assess the temperature of individual parcels to be switched on to the commutator of the fixed current machine, without stopping the machine.In addition, it is intended to monitor the geometric dimensions of the commutator in such a way that it is possible to distinguish between the parcels which, as a result of the thermal expansion, have come to their attention in relation to the average diameter of the commutator.The positive results obtained in the case of switching machines would also allow this method to be used also for the measurement of the temperature of synchronous and asynchronous machinery.A prototype developed after a positive test under the conditions of industrial exploitation will enable the company to provide a new, innovative service.This service can be performed for various industries (e.g. energy, steel, heating, mining), in industrial installations where high power engines are used.The benefits of this solution would be evident — a reduction in the costs of operating the machines associated with their downtime for testing sp. (English) / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 09:18, 4 March 2020

Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Monitoring of the work of the commutator and sliding rings for electrical machines.
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    82,320.0 zloty
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    146,280.65 zloty
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    35,107.356 Euro
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    70.0 percent
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    1 October 2016
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    Numer_referencyjny_programu_pomocowego: SA.42799(2015/X), pomoc_de_minimis: §42 rozporządzenia Ministra Infrastruktury i Rozwoju z dnia 10 lipca 2015 r. w sprawie udzielania przez Polską Agencję Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości pomocy finansowej w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój 2014–2020.Komutator maszyny prądu stałego jest bardzo wrażliwym elementem, szczególnie w przypadku poddania go ciągłym obciążeniom prądami znamionowymi. Współpraca komutatora z grafitowymi szczotkami przy pełnym obciążeniu maszyny niesie ze sobą niebezpieczeństwo przegrzania poszczególnych działek komutatora. Efektem tego może być poluzowanie łączenia działki komutatora z przylutowanym uzwojeniem wirnika, a także wysunięcie czoła działki poza obrys pozostałych działek komutatora, co skutkuje szybszym zużywaniem szczotek i dodatkowym nagrzewaniem. Ww. efekty doprowadzają z czasem do awarii maszyny, konieczne jest zatem sprawdzanie stanu komutatora. Projektowane urządzenie powinno umożliwiać ocenę temperatury poszczególnych działek komutatora maszyny prądu stałego, bez konieczności zatrzymywania maszyny. Dodatkowo przewidziane jest monitorowanie wymiarów geometrycznych komutatora w taki sposób, aby możliwe było wyróżnienie działek, które wskutek rozszerzalności termicznej wysunęły się w stosunku do średniej średnicy komutatora. Pozytywne rezultaty uzyskane w przypadku maszyn komutatorowych dałyby możliwość zastosowania tej metody także do pomiaru temperatury pierścieni wirników maszyn synchronicznych i asynchronicznych. Opracowany prototyp, po pozytywnych testach w warunkach eksploatacji przemysłowej umożliwi spóce świadczenie nowej, innowacyjnej usługi. Usługa ta może być wykonywana dla różnych gałęzi przemysłu (np. energetyka, hutnictwo, ciepłownictwo, górnictwo), w instalacjach przemysłowych, w których stosuje się silniki dużej mocy. Korzyści z zastosowania tego rozwiązania byłyby oczywiste – obniżenie kosztów eksploatacji maszyn związanych z ich przestojami w celu testowania sp (Polish)
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    Reference_reference_programme_aids:SA.42799 (2015/X), aid_de_de minimis:§ 42 of the Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure and Development of 10 July 2015 on the granting of financial assistance by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development in the framework of the Operational Programme Smart Growth 2014-2020.Kopureator of the DC machine is a very sensitive element, especially in the event that it is subject to an ongoing standing with rated currents.The commutator’s cooperation with graphites, brushes for the full load of the machine carries the danger of overheating of the individual commutator parcels.As a result, the linking of the plot to a commutator, with the rotor windings, can be achieved, as well as the end of the plot, in addition to the outline of the rest of the commutator’s circuitry, which results in a faster consumption of brushes and additional heating.The effect of such effects is, on the one hand, on the one hand, and that of the machinery, on the other, and it is therefore necessary to check the commutator’s condition.The design of the apparatus should make it possible to assess the temperature of individual parcels to be switched on to the commutator of the fixed current machine, without stopping the machine.In addition, it is intended to monitor the geometric dimensions of the commutator in such a way that it is possible to distinguish between the parcels which, as a result of the thermal expansion, have come to their attention in relation to the average diameter of the commutator.The positive results obtained in the case of switching machines would also allow this method to be used also for the measurement of the temperature of synchronous and asynchronous machinery.A prototype developed after a positive test under the conditions of industrial exploitation will enable the company to provide a new, innovative service.This service can be performed for various industries (e.g. energy, steel, heating, mining), in industrial installations where high power engines are used.The benefits of this solution would be evident — a reduction in the costs of operating the machines associated with their downtime for testing sp. (English)
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