Internships and professional training for students from the Centre region (Q3098476): Difference between revisions
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Revision as of 01:10, 10 October 2021
Project Q3098476 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Internships and professional training for students from the Centre region |
Project Q3098476 in Romania |
1,915,756.37 Romanian Leu
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383,151.27400000003 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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2,372,453.69 Romanian Leu
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80.75 percent
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15 September 2020
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14 September 2022
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Obiectiv General Cresterea participarii elevilor din invatamantul secundar superior si tertiar non-universitar din regiunea Centru la programe de invatare la locul de munca si dezvoltarea deprinderilor socio-profesionale prin organizarea de stagii de practica, consiliere si orientare profesionala si pentru 185 de elevi din unitatile de invatamant cu profil in domeniile mecanic, electric si constructii. Contributia proiectului la atingerea Obiectivului Specific de program 6.14 “Cresterea participarii la programe de invatare la locul de munca a elevilor si ucenicilor din invatamantul secundar si tertiar non-universitar, cu accent pe sectoarele economice cu potential competitiv identificate conform SNC si din domeniile de specializare inteligenta conform SNCDI” este justificata prin prisma activitatilor componente destinate celor 185 de elevi, respectiv: organizarea a 185 de stagii de practica destinate elevilor selectati in grupul tinta care urmeaza un program de studiu in domeniile mecanic, electric si constructii in cadrul unitatilor de invatamant secundar superior si tertiar non-universitar din regiunea Centru, furnizarea serviciilor de orientare si consiliere profesionala pentru cei 185 de elevi din grupul tinta, realizarea sesiunilor de constientizare privind principiile orizontale promovate in cadrul Comunitatii Europene (egalitate de sanse, nediscriminare), promovarea in mediul online a prezentului proiect (prin prisma rezutatelor formarii teoretice si practice). Proiectul va contribui la dezvoltarea parteneriatului scoala – agent economic, valorificand experienta solicitantului in domeniile mecanic, electric si constructii si initiind noi relatii de cooperare intre solicitant si unitatile de invatmant vizate prin proiect. Scopul acestei actiuni este cresterea participarii elevilor la programe de invatare la locul de munca, precum si relevanta acestor programe pentru integrarea acestora pe piata muncii. Stagiile de practica destinate celor 185 de elevi vor fi efectuate in conformitate cu programa scolara. Prin urmare, dupa stabilirea responsabililor pentru organizarea stagiilor de practica (cadre didactice, expert grup tinta) si dupa selectia dosarelor de practica, se vor stabilii termenele si conditiile specifice (programare alocare elevi; stabilire departamente de lucru si rezultate asteptate, roluri si responsabilitati). Ulterior acestor etape procedurale si esentiale, activitatile de practica se vor derula la punctele de lucru ale solicitantului si se vor gestiona prin indrumarea directa a Tutorilor de practica si sub monitorizarea cadrelor didactice supervizoare (stabilite de catre entitatile de invatamant cu care se vor incheia conventiile de practica). Proiectul pune accent pe sectoarele economice cu potential competitiv identificate conform SNC și domeniile de specializare inteligentă conform SNCDI deoarece 100% din stagiile de practica vor fi efectuate la Solicitant, ale carui coduri CAEN se regasesc in Anexa 5 la ghidul (Romanian)
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General Objective Increase the participation of students from upper secondary and third non-university education in the Centre region in work-based learning programs and the development of socio-professional skills by organising internships, counselling and professional guidance and for 185 students from educational units with a profile in the fields of mechanics, electrical and construction. The contribution of the project to the achievement of the Specific Objective of Programme 6.14 “Increasing participation in workplace learning programs of students and apprentices from secondary and non-university education, with a focus on economic sectors with competitive potential identified according to the NCNS and in the fields of intelligent specialisation according to SNCDI” is justified by the perspective of the component activities for the 185 students, namely: organising 185 internships for students selected in the target group who follow a program of study in the fields of mechanical, electrical and construction within the upper secondary and third non-university education units in the Centre region, providing professional guidance and counselling services for the 185 students in the target group, carrying out awareness sessions on horizontal principles promoted within the European Community (equal opportunities, non-discrimination), promoting this project online (through the theoretical and practical training records). The project will contribute to the development of the school-economic partnership, capitalising on the applicant’s experience in mechanical, electrical and construction fields and initiating new cooperation relations between the applicant and the education units targeted by the project. The aim of this action is to increase the participation of students in work-based learning programs, as well as the relevance of these programs for their integration into the labour market. The internships for the 185 students will be carried out in accordance with the school curriculum. Therefore, after establishing the persons responsible for organising the internships (teachers, target group expert) and after selecting the practice files, the specific terms and conditions (scheduling students’ allocation) will be established; establishing work departments and expected results, roles and responsibilities). After these procedural and essential stages, the practice activities will be carried out at the applicant’s work points and will be managed by direct guidance of the Practical Tutors and under the supervision of the supervising teachers (established by the educational entities with which the practical conventions will be concluded). The project focuses on economic sectors with competitive potential identified according to SNC and smart specialisation fields according to SNCDI because 100 % of the internships will be carried out at the Applicant, whose CAEN codes can be found in Annex 5 to the Guide (English)
16 September 2021
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Judeţul Alba, Romania
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Judeţul Sibiu, Romania
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Judeţul Mureş, Romania
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Judeţul Harghita, Romania
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Judeţul Covasna, Romania
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Judeţul Braşov, Romania
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