Improving the practical skills of students through work-based learning activities, counselling and career guidance – Future for students! (Q3097308): Difference between revisions
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Revision as of 14:22, 9 October 2021
Project Q3097308 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Improving the practical skills of students through work-based learning activities, counselling and career guidance – Future for students! |
Project Q3097308 in Romania |
3,988,650.58 Romanian Leu
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4,750,779.17 Romanian Leu
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83.96 percent
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1 September 2020
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28 February 2022
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Obiectivul general al proiectului Obiectivul general al proiectului este de facilitare a participarii a minimum 325 de studenti la stagii de practica inovative, cu accent pe SNC si SNCDI, ca urmare a continuarii si consolidarii parteneriatelor deja existente, dar si prin crearea unor noi parteneriate sociale performante intre mediul academic si sectorul privat, cu scopul dobandirii si dezvoltarii cunostintelor practice, a abilitatilor si a aptitudinilor de munca ale studentilor, pentru sustinerea gradului de ocupare in randul studentilor. Contributia la realizarea obiectivului specific al programului si apelului si modul in care proiectul va genera un efect pozitiv pe termen lung Proiectul va genera un efect pozitiv, atat pe termen scurt, dar mai ales pe termen lung, atat la nivelul grupului tinta, cat si la nivel local (la nivelul judetelor din regiunile de implementare) si la nivel regional (Regiunile Nord-Est, Sud-Est, Sud Muntenia, Sud-Vest Oltenia, Vest, Nord-Vest și Centru), proiectul producand astfel efecte pozitive ca urmare a adaptarii activitatilor atat la specificul grupului tinta, cat si la specificul local si regional si a abordarii integrate a nevoilor membrilor sai. Primul efect pozitiv, scontat si generat pe termen lung, il reprezinta cresterea gradului de pregatire profesionala a cel putin 325 persoane cu domiciliul în regiunile mai puțin dezvoltate ale României Nord-Est, Sud-Est, Sud Muntenia, Sud-Vest Oltenia, Vest, Nord-Vest și Centru, prin stimularea, sprijinirea, dobandirea si certificarea competentelor, abilitatilor si a aptitudinilor profesionale, contribuind astfel la cresterea gradului de performanta, competenta si concurenta a persoanelor absolvente de invatamant universitar si a fortei de munca din diferite domenii, cu accent pe sectoarele economice cu potențial competitiv identificate conform SNC şi domeniile de specializare inteligentă conform SNCDI, prin imbunatatirea competitivitatii, adaptabilitatii si a productivitatii viitorilor potentiali angajati sau a potentialilor antreprenori din diferite domenii, cu accent pe sectoarele economice cu potențial competitiv identificate conform SNC şi domeniile de specializare inteligentă conform SNCDI, in scopul cresterii competitivitatii economice si a unei dezvoltari durabile la nivel local si regional. Astfel, pe termen lung se va inregistra un efect pozitiv prin cresterea numarului de persoane specializate, performante si pregatite din cadrul pietei muncii, generand o forta de munca cu un grad ridicat de specializare si de pregatire profesionala si personala, fiind transpus si intr-un exemplu de bune practici demn de urmat, putand fi ulterior, multiplicat cu usurinta astfel incat putem previziona o crestere a dorintei persoanelor de a se indrepta catre dezvoltarea si certificarea unor competente si aptitudini prin partiparea uzuala la stagii de practica performante, inovative si profesioniste, favorizand astfel, dezvoltarea viitorilor angajatori, ca (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project is to facilitate the participation of at least 325 students in innovative internships, with a focus on SNC and SNCDI, as a result of the continuation and consolidation of existing partnerships, but also by creating new effective social partnerships between academia and the private sector, with the aim of acquiring and developing practical knowledge, skills and working skills of students, in order to support the employment rate among students. Contributing to the achievement of the specific objective of the program and call and how the project will generate a positive long-term effect The project will generate a positive effect, both in the short term, but especially in the long term, both at the level of the target group, as well as at the local level (at the level of the counties of the implementing regions) and at regional level (North-East, South-East, South Muntenia, South-West Oltenia, West, North-West and Centre), the project thus producing positive effects as a result of adapting the activities both to the specifics of the target group, to the local and regional specificities and to the integrated approach of the needs of its members. The first positive effect, expected and generated in the long term, is to increase the degree of professional training of at least 325 people residing in the less developed regions of Romania North-East, South-East, South Muntenia, South-West Oltenia, West, North-West and Center, by stimulating, supporting, acquiring and certifying professional competences, skills and skills, thus contributing to the increase of the degree of performance, competence and competition of graduates of university education and workforce in different fields, with a focus on economic sectors with competitive potential identified according to SNC and smart specialisation fields according to SNCDI, by improving the competitiveness, adaptability and productivity of potential future employees or entrepreneurs in different fields, with a focus on economic sectors with competitive potential identified according to NCNS and smart specialisation fields according to SNCDI, in order to increase economic competitiveness and sustainable development at local and regional level. Thus, in the long term, there will be a positive effect by increasing the number of specialised, high-performance and trained people on the labour market, generating a workforce with a high degree of specialisation and professional and personal training, being translated into an example of good practices to follow, and can then be multiplied with ease so that we can predict an increase in people’s desire to move towards the development and certification of competences and skills through the usual participation in high-performance, innovative and professional internships, thus fostering the development of future employers, as well as the development of future employers, as well as by increasing the number of specialised, performing and trained people on the labour market, thus generating a high level of specialisation and professional training, so that we can predict an increase in the desire of people to move towards the development and certification of skills and skills through the usual participation in high-performance, innovative and professional internships, thus promoting the development of future employers, as well as the development of future employers, as well as by increasing the number of specialised, high-performance and trained people on the labour market, generating a workforce with a high degree of specialisation and professional training, and can be translated into an example of good practice to follow, and can be easily multiplied so that we can predict an increase in people’s desire to move towards the development and certification of competences and skills through the usual participation in advanced, innovative and professional internships, thus promoting the development of future employers, as well as (English)
16 September 2021
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