Strengthening the capacity to react to the public health crisis caused by the spread of the SARS-Cov-2 virus (Q3099283): Difference between revisions
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Revision as of 14:08, 9 October 2021
Project Q3099283 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Strengthening the capacity to react to the public health crisis caused by the spread of the SARS-Cov-2 virus |
Project Q3099283 in Romania |
8,697,640.77 Romanian Leu
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8,697,640.77 Romanian Leu
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1.0 percent
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12 August 2020
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31 December 2021
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Obiectivul general al proiectului vizeaza consolidarea capacitatii de reactie la criza de sanatate publica cauzata de raspandirea virusului SARS-CoV-2 la nivelul SPITALULUI ORASENESC “DR.ALEXANDRU BORZA” ABRUD, spital care incepand cu data de 15.04.2020 este cuprins in anexa II a OMS nr. 555/2020 privind aprobarea Planului de masuri pentru pregatirea spitalelor in contextul epidemiei de Coronavirus COVID-19 ca spital faza II pentru pacientii testati pozitiv sau suspecti cu virusul SARS-CoV-2, prin dotarea cu echipamente medicale si de protectie personala, materiale recoltoare/teste extractie si diagnostic SARS-Cov-2 si substante pentru decontaminare / biocide necesare pentru asigurarea unui tratament corespunzator pacientilor infectati cu COVID – 19, diminuarea riscului de contaminare a personalului si a pacientilor din cadrul spitalului si pentru limitarea raspandirii virusului, precum si a efectelor extrem de grave ale acestuia asupra populatiei. De la declansarea pandemiei si pana in prezent, in cadrul spitalului au fost tratati un numar de 128 de pacienti confirmati pozitiv SARS-Cov2, acestia fiind internati in cadrul compartimentului de Boli Infectioase si sectia de Medicina interna. Avand in vedere evolutia viruslui COVID-19 din ultimele luni, in Romania si in lume, pentru asigurarea unui tratament corespunzator pacientilor infectati cu COVID – 19 si pentru limitarea raspandirii virusului, precum si a efectelor extrem de grave ale acestuia asupra populatiei, proiectul propus vizeaza dotarea cu: 1. echipamente si aparatura medicale pentru compartimentul de Boli Infectioase si Sectia de Medicina interna, dar si pentru alte compartimente ale spitalului in eventualitatea extinderii la 40 paturi (in prezent pentru perioada pandemiei COVID-19, s-au autorizat de catre DSP Alba 25 de paturi - 10 la boli infectioase si 15 la medicina interna); 2. echipamente de protectie personala (combinezoane de protectie, masti etc), echipamente specializate de protectie pentru personalul medical si pacienti; 3. materiale recoltoare/teste extractie si diagnostic SARS-Cov-2 necesare pentru diagnosticarea pacientilor suspecti si 4. substante pentru decontaminare/biocide, necesare pentru dezinfectarea spitalului, personalului medical si a pacientilor. Disponibilitatea echipamentelor medicale in cadrul unitatii dublate de asigurarea necesarului de echipamente si substante specializate de protectie pentru personalul medical si pacienti va asigura atat o capacitate adecvata de ingrijire si tratament a cazurilor de infectie cu virusul SARS-CoV-2/ de gestionare a crizei sanitare cat si o capacitate suplimentara de ingrijire si tratament a cazurilor de infectie cu virusul COVID-19. Proiectul propus, prin obiectivul sau general, consolidarea capacitatii de reactie la criza de sanatate publica cauzata de raspandirea virusului SARS-CoV-2 la nivelul Spitalului ORASENESC “DR.ALEXANDRU BORZA” ABRUD realizat prin dotarea cu echipamente medicale si de protectie personala, ma (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project aims to strengthen the capacity to react to the public health crisis caused by the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus at the level of the city SPITAL “DR.ALEXANDRU Borza” ABRUD, hospital which since 15.04.2020 is included in Annex II of the WHO no. 555/2020 on the approval of the Plan of measures for the preparation of hospitals in the context of the Coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak as a phase II hospital for patients tested positive or suspected with SARS-CoV-2 virus infection, by equipping with medical and personal protection equipment, recolators/testing and extraction and diagnosis of SARS-2-substance patient, as well as for the patient’s severe infection treatment for SARS-CoV-2, by equipping with medical and personal protection equipment, recolatory materials/tickness and the extraction and diagnosis of SARS-2 sub-vaccine, as well as the COVID-CoV-2 virus infection, by equipping with medical and personal protection equipment, recolators/tickness extraction and diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 patients, as well as providing the patient with the necessary medical and personal protection equipment, recouption/extraction and diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 patients, as well as the medical/responsible patient risk for SARS-CoV-2. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, a number of 128 positively confirmed SARS-Cov2 patients have been treated in the hospital, who have been admitted to the Infectious Diseases department and the internal medicine department. Taking into account the evolution of the COVID-19 virus in the last months, in Romania and around the world, in order to ensure a proper treatment for COVID-19 infected patients and to limit the spread of the virus, as well as its extremely serious effects on the population, the proposed project aims to provide: 1. medical equipment and equipment for the compartment of Infectious Diseases and the Department of Internal Medicine, but also for other compartments of the hospital in the event of extension to 40 beds (currently for the period of the COVID-19 pandemic, 25 beds – 10 for infectious diseases and 15 for internal medicine have been authorised by DSP Alba); 2. Personal protection equipment (protection suits, masks, etc.), specialised protective equipment for medical personnel and patients; 3. SARS-Cov-2 extraction and diagnostic retrieval/research materials needed to diagnose suspect patients and 4. substances for decontamination/biocides, necessary for disinfection of hospital, medical staff and patients. The availability of medical equipment within the unit coupled with the provision of specialised protective equipment and substances for medical staff and patients will ensure both an adequate capacity for the care and treatment of cases of infection with SARS-CoV-2/health crisis management and an additional capacity for the care and treatment of COVID-19 cases. The proposed project, through its general objective, strengthening the capacity to react to the public health crisis caused by the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus at the level of the city hospital “DR.ALEXANDRU Borza” ABRUD achieved by providing medical and personal protection equipment, (English)
16 September 2021
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Oraş Abrud, Romania
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