Endowment of social centers“Innocent M. KLEIN” and “FRNCISC SFANT” Timisoara in the context of the COVID-19 health crisis (Q3099404): Difference between revisions

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45°45'13.82"N, 21°13'32.70"E
Property / coordinate location: 45°45'13.82"N, 21°13'32.70"E / rank
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Revision as of 08:58, 8 October 2021

Project Q3099404 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Endowment of social centers“Innocent M. KLEIN” and “FRNCISC SFANT” Timisoara in the context of the COVID-19 health crisis
Project Q3099404 in Romania


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    594,822.68 Romanian Leu
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    118,964.53600000002 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    594,822.68 Romanian Leu
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    118,964.53600000002 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    1.0 percent
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    1 February 2020
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    30 June 2021
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    45°45'13.82"N, 21°13'32.70"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului il reprezintă cresterea capacitatii de gestionare a crizei sanitare COVID-19 prin dotarea corespunzatoare a două structuri care asigura servicii sociale rezidențiale din cadrul Directiei de Asistenta Sociala a Municipiului Timișoara (DAS MT), furnizor public de servicii de asistență socială aflat în subordinea Consiliului Local Timisoara. Cele doua structuri sunt (1) Căminul pentru Persoane Vârstnice ”Inocențiu M. Klein” (CaminPV) și (2) Centrul pentru persoane fără adăpost (Centrul PFA) din cadrul complexului de servicii Sf.Francisc. Prin dotarea celor doua unitati proiectul isi propune sa contribuie la realizarea indicatorului de rezultat al programului 2S130 (Entitati publicedotate/sprijinite pentru gestionarea crizei sanitare cauzate de SARS-CoV-2). Dotarea celor doua centre sociale cu echipamente individuale de protectie și cu soluții dezinfectante este necesara pentru a se asigura un raspuns util si eficient al sistemului public de servicii medico-sociale rezidentiale la nivelul Municipiului Timisoara la criza COVID. In lipsa dotarii celor doua centre sociale cele doua categorii de beneficiari, extrem de vulnerabili, ar fi mult mai expusi riscului de infectare si de raspandire a virusului. De asemena, dotarea corespunzatoare a centrelor are ca scop asigurare funcționarii acestora la capacitate maxima precum si menținerea întregului personal in activitate. Prin dotarile relizate prin proiect vor fi influnetate pozitiv , ca urmare a diminuarii riscului de infectare cu COVID -19 , peste 700 persoane (beneficiari servicii centre rezidentiale, personal centre rezeidentiale, apartinatori/vizitatori beneficiari, familiile personalului implicat in acordarea serviciilor, alt personal al DAS MT, furnizori, alti specialisti, angajati ai altor institutii persoane din exterior cu care intra in contact angajatii centrelor, alte persoane cu care intra in contact beneficiarii centrelor etc.) In procesul de furnizare al serviciilor către beneficiari (varstnici si persoane fara adapost) este nevoie de respectarea cu strictețe, de către personal și de către beneficiarii serviciilor a precauțiilor standard in cazul SARS-Cov-2 dar si a standardelor de funizare a serviciilor sociale aplicabile. Este cunoscut faptul ca varsnicii sunt categoria de persoane cu cel mai mare grad de complicatii medicale și mortalitate in cazul infectarii cu SARS-Cov-2, iar persoanele fara adapost, prin specificul problematicii sociale cu care se confrunta sunt adeseori susceptibile da a intra in contact cu foarte multe persoane, din diverse medii, prezentand astfel un factor de risc crescut privind infectarea cu virsusul SARS-CoV-2 si transmiterea acestuia. Principalele masuri de igiena ce trebuie respectate in prevenirea raspandirii virusului sunt: igiena mâinilor și a căilor respiratorii, utilizarea echipamentului individual de protecție în funcție de risc, prevenirea accidentelor prin ințepare și tăiere, gestionarea în condiții de sigu (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to increase the capacity to manage the COVID-19 health crisis by adequately equipping two structures that provide residential social services within the Timisoara Social Assistance Directorate (DAS MT), a public provider of social assistance services subordinated to Timisoara Local Council. The two structures are (1) Home for the Elderly “Innocent M. Klein” (CaminPV) and (2) Center for the Homeless (PFA Center) within the St.Francisc service complex. By equipping the two units the project aims to contribute to the achievement of the result indicator of the 2S130 programme (Public Entities endowed/supported for managing the health crisis caused by SARS-CoV-2). Equipping the two social centers with personal protective equipment and disinfecting solutions is necessary to ensure a useful and efficient response of the public system of residential medical and social services at the level of Timisoara Municipality to the COVID crisis. In the absence of the endowment of the two social centres, the two categories of beneficiaries, which are extremely vulnerable, would be more at risk of infection and spread of the virus. Also, the proper endowment of the centers is aimed at ensuring their officials at full capacity as well as keeping all staff in operation. Through the endowments of the project will be positively influential, as a result of the reduction of the risk of COVID-19 infection, over 700 persons (beneficiaries of residential center services, resident staff, beneficiary members/visitors, families of staff involved in the provision of services, other personnel of DAS MT, suppliers, other specialists, employees of other institutions external persons with whom the employees of the centers come into contact; other persons with whom the beneficiaries of the centers come into contact, etc.) In the process of providing services to beneficiaries (olders and homeless persons) there is a need for strict compliance by staff and service beneficiaries with the standard precautions in the case of SARS-Cov-2 but also with the standards of functioning of the applicable social services. It is known that elderly people are the category of people with the highest degree of medical complications and mortality in case of infection with SARS-Cov-2, and homeless people, due to the specific social problems they face are often likely to come into contact with many people from different backgrounds, thus presenting an increased risk factor regarding infection with SARS-CoV-2 virsus and its transmission. The main hygiene measures to be followed in preventing the spread of the virus are: hand and respiratory hygiene, use of personal protective equipment based on risk, prevention of accidents by stinging and cutting, sigu management (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Municipiul Timişoara, Romania
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