Ino-PRO – innovation and progress for quality and inclusive school education in Dambovita county (Q3096929): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Edited by the infer coords bot - inferring coordinates from location)
Property / coordinate location
44°59'7.55"N, 25°0'37.80"E
Property / coordinate location: 44°59'7.55"N, 25°0'37.80"E / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 06:19, 8 October 2021

Project Q3096929 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Ino-PRO – innovation and progress for quality and inclusive school education in Dambovita county
Project Q3096929 in Romania


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    5,658,833.623 Romanian Leu
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    1,131,766.7246 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    6,657,451.28 Romanian Leu
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    1,331,490.256 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    85.0 percent
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    28 March 2018
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    27 March 2021
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    44°55'36.37"N, 25°27'46.15"E
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    44°43'14.56"N, 25°19'10.09"E
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    46°29'12.88"N, 22°33'31.61"E
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    44°50'56.18"N, 24°13'43.50"E
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    44°59'7.55"N, 25°0'37.80"E
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    Obiectivul proiectului consta in cresterea calitatii serviciilor educationale si prevenirea, diminuarea părăsirii timpurii a școlii de către copiii aflați în risc educational prin crearea oportunitatilor si cresterea participarii personalului didactic din 13 scoli din judetul Dambovita, precum si a membrilor echipelor manageriale, la programe de formare continua, de dezvoltare a competentelor didactice si profesionale, activitati de tipul mentoratului didactic, prceum si schimb de bune practici. Prin imbunatatirea competentelor personalului didactic din invatamantul pre-universitar din judetul Dambovita, prin promovarea serviciilor educationale de calitate si adaptate la standarde europene, orientate pe nevoile elevilor, se urmareste dezvoltarea calitatii educatiei si accesul echitabil la aceasta. Prin oferirea oportunitatilor de formare si dezvoltare profesionala pentru un numar de 288 cadre didactice/personal de sprijin si 22 de membri ai echipelor manageriale, se urmareste imbunatatirea calificarii cadrelor didactice, acordandu-le acestora un sprijin semnificativ in cariera. Formarea continua asigura actualizarea si dezvoltarea competentelor personalului didactic, inclusiv dobandirea de noi competente, in functie de evolutia nevoilor de educatie, a curriculum-ului, precum si in functie de exigentele privind adaptarea competentelor personalului didactic la schimbarile din structurile/procesele de educatie. Proiectul valorifica metodele traditionale de predare, adaptandu-le la standarde europene si la necesitatea copiilor din scolile tinta. In acelasi timp, proiectul isi propune sa sensibilizeze cadrele didactice la conceptul de formare continua si sa contibuie la crearea unei culturi a invatarii pe tot parcursul vietii. Activitatile proiectului au ca scop atragerea si/sau mentinerea in scolile tinta a personalului calificat, competent si motivat, in vederea furnizarii educatiei de calitate orientate pe nevoile elevilor. De asemenea, proiectul urmareste imbunatatirea performantelor educationale ale copiilor din scolile tinta, precum si cresterea ratei de frecventa scolara a copiilor aflati in situatii de risc educational. Nevoile grupului tinta au fost identificate prin analiza de nevoi elaborata in cadrul analizei preliminare a proiectului, in cele 13 institutii tinta ale proiectului, atat la nivelul unitatilor de invatamant, cat si la nivelul cadrelor didactice angajate in aceste institutii. Astfel, prin activitatile proiectului se vor aborda probleme reale cu care se confrunta cadrele didactice din scolile tinta. Actiunile organizate in cadrul proiectului asigura un mediu educational incluziv, care sa permita copiilor sa se dezvolte armonios indiferent de situatia sociala sau materiala. Proiectul contribuie la realizarea obiectivului specific al programului O.S. 6.6, respectiv „imbunatatirea competentelor personalului didactic din invatamantul pre-universitar in vederea promovarii unor servicii educationale de calitate orientate pe nevo (Romanian)
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    The objective of the project is to increase the quality of educational services and prevent, reduce early school leaving by children at educational risk by creating opportunities and increasing the participation of teaching staff from 13 schools in Dambovita county, as well as members of management teams, in continuous training programs, for the development of teaching and professional competences, activities such as teaching mentoring, prceum and exchange of good practices. By improving the competencies of the teaching staff in the pre-university education in Dambovita county, by promoting quality educational services and adapted to European standards, oriented to students’ needs, we aim to develop the quality of education and equitable access to it. By providing training and professional development opportunities for a number of 288 teachers/support staff and 22 members of the management teams, the aim is to improve the qualification of teachers, giving them significant career support. Continuous training ensures the updating and development of the competences of the teaching staff, including the acquisition of new competences, depending on the evolution of education needs, curriculum, as well as the requirements for adapting the competences of the teaching staff to changes in educational structures/processes. The project capitalises on traditional teaching methods, adapting them to European standards and the need of children in target schools. At the same time, the project aims to raise awareness among teachers to the concept of continuous training and to contemplate the creation of a lifelong learning culture. The project’s activities are aimed at attracting and/or maintaining in target schools qualified, competent and motivated staff in order to provide quality education geared to students’ needs. The project also aims to improve the educational performance of children in target schools, as well as to increase the school attendance rate of children at educational risk. The needs of the target group were identified through the needs analysis developed within the preliminary analysis of the project, in the 13 target institutions of the project, both at the level of the educational units and at the level of the teachers employed in these institutions. Thus, the project activities will address real problems faced by teachers in target schools. The actions organised within the project ensure an inclusive educational environment that allows children to develop harmoniously regardless of the social or material situation. The project contributes to the achievement of the specific objective of O.S. 6.6 program, namely "Improving the competences of the teaching staff in pre-university education in order to promote quality educational services oriented on the nevo (English)
    16 September 2021
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