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Revision as of 19:03, 6 October 2021

Project Q2741507 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Project Q2741507 in Romania


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    16,680,963.81 Romanian Leu
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    3,336,192.762 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    19,624,663.3 Romanian Leu
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    3,924,932.66 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    85.0 percent
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    1 August 2019
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    31 December 2021
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului propus pentru finantare, care reprezinta de fapt unul dintre mijloacele de punere in aplicare a documentului strategic “Planul de Mobilitate Urbana a Municipiului Vatra Dornei” pentru perioada 2017-2020, este satisfacerea nevoilor de mobilitate a cetatenilor din municipiu si zonele invecinate, a turistilor ce acceseaza statiunea balneoclimaterica si a societatilor comerciale din zona. Impactul asteptat tine de cresterea calitatii vietii locuitoriilor si de asemenea cresterea atractivitatii turistice a “municipiului verde”, Vatra Dornei. Ca si directii de abordare in vederea atingerii obiectivului general ar putea fi mentionate: asigurarea unor optiuni diferite de transport pentru toti cetatenii astfel incat sa se permita accesul la destinatii si servicii esentiale, imbunatatirea sigurantei si securitatii circulatiei si a protectiei persoanei in general, reducerea poluarii atmosferice si fonice, a emisiilor de gaze cu efect de sera si a consumului de energie, cresterea atractivitatii si calitatii mediului urban si a peisajului urban pentru beneficiul cetatenilor, turistilor, economiei si societatii in ansamblu, orientarea si dezvoltarea mentalitatii locuitorilor municipiului catre principiile dezvoltarii durabile. Proiectul propus este intr-o oarecare masura destul de ambitios daca se iau in considerare dimensiunea localitatii, asezarea geografica, resursele existente si mai ales faptul ca isi propune sa abordeze simultan, in mod integrat, mai multe dintre activitatile posibil finantabile prin POR 2014-2020, de natura a atinge obiectivele acestuia: infiintare sistem de transport public nepoluant si corecta manageriat, trasee si zone pietonale, piste de biciclete cu sisteme de inchiriere a acestora, reabilitare pod si pasaj pietonal in zonele aglomerate si care pun probleme de siguranta, o politica a parcarilor sustinuta din resurse proprii, amenajare trasee de transport in comun, iluminat corespunzator, etc. (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the proposed project for financing, which is actually one of the means of implementing the strategic document “Urban Mobility Plan of Vatra Dornei Municipality” for the period 2017-2020, is to meet the mobility needs of citizens from the municipality and neighbouring areas, tourists accessing the spa resort and commercial companies in the area. The expected impact is to increase the quality of life of the inhabitants and also to increase the tourist attractiveness of the “green municipality”, Vatra Dornei. As directions of approach to achieving the general objective could be mentioned: ensuring different transport options for all citizens so as to allow access to essential destinations and services, improving the safety and security of traffic and the protection of the person in general, reducing atmospheric and noise pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption, increasing the attractiveness and quality of the urban environment and the urban landscape for the benefit of citizens, tourists, the economy and society as a whole, guiding and developing the mentality of the city’s inhabitants towards the principles of sustainable development. The proposed project is somewhat ambitious if taking into account the size of the locality, the geographical location, the existing resources and especially the fact that it aims to address simultaneously, in an integrated manner, several of the potentially financed activities through the 2014-2020 ROP, in order to achieve its objectives: setting up a clean and correct public transport system managed, routes and pedestrian areas, bicycle tracks with their rental systems, bridge rehabilitation and pedestrian passage in congested areas that pose safety problems, a parking policy supported by own resources, public transport routes, proper lighting, etc. (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Municipiul Vatra Dornei, Romania
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