Urban transport terminal Brasov railway station (Q2746695): Difference between revisions
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Revision as of 13:19, 6 October 2021
Project Q2746695 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Urban transport terminal Brasov railway station |
Project Q2746695 in Romania |
12,148,435.64 Romanian Leu
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14,292,277.22 Romanian Leu
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85.0 percent
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8 May 2020
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31 March 2022
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La nivelul municipiului Brasov si a zonei metropolitane (suprapusa Polului de Crestere Brasov in ciclul de programare 2007-2013) au fost elaborate doua documente strategice esentiale pentru dezvoltarea durabila a acestei zone. Astfel, Planul de mobilitate urbana durabila al Polului de Crestere Brasov si Strategia Integrata de Dezvoltare Urbana Brasov elaborate in perioada 2014-2016 au analizat situatia existenta si au identificat o serie de deficiente in ceea ce priveste mobilitatea si accesibilitatea municipiului Brasov si a zonei metropolitane. Astfel, cresterea calitatii vietii din ultimul deceniu a avut ca efect cresterea numarului de autoturisme si, implicit, cresterea numarului deplasarilor cu autoturismul personal in defavoarea transportului public sau a modurilor nemotorizate. In conditiile cresterii constante a numarului de autoturisme individuale (atat ale rezidentilor cat si ale navetistilor sau turistilor), modelul actual de trafic si-a atins limitele si nu mai dispune de capacitatea de adaptare/extindere. Acest fapt este confirmat de urmatoarele aspecte: - atractivitatea scazuta a sistemului de transport public ca urmare a flotei invechite, a intarzierilor datorate volumelor mari de trafic si a lipsei infrastructurii specifice care sa faciliteze transferul intermodal de la / catre transport public - transport intrajudetean, transport feroviar, ciclism - procesul accentuat de suburbanizare concretizat in apariţia de zone rezidenţiale noi in proximitatea municipiului Brasov precum si tendinta de relocare a intreprinderilor, implicit a fortei de munca, dinspre centrul urban catre periferii determina fluxuri bi-directionale intre municipiul Brasov si zona metropolitana ce depasesc 25.000 de persoane zilnic - cresterea rapida a valorilor de trafic si a a duratei de deplasare - depasirea capacitatii parcarilor, in special in zona centrala a municipiului si a concentrarilor de puncte de interes, inclusiv zona Garii Brasov - formarea de ambuteiaje, in special in orele de varf - existenta de puncte negre cu risc ridicat de accidente rutiere - cresterea emisiilor de carbon (NOx, PM10 etc) In acest context, scopul proiectului este de a creste atractivitatea sistemului de transport public din municipiu prin amenajarea unui terminal modern in zona garii Brasov care sa asigure un transfer intermodal eficient, rapid si confortabil. Obiectivul general al proiectului este reducerea emisiilor GES in municipiul Brasov prin incurajarea schimbarii modale de la transportul auto privat la transportul public. Planul de mobilitate urbana durabila al Polului de Crestere Brasov a analizat evolutia viitoare a mobilitatii urbane din perspectiva a doua scenarii, astfel: - scenariul „a face minimum” presupune exclusiv realizarea/finalizarea proiectelor angajate pana la momentul elaborarii PMUD, fapt ce va duce la scaderea calitatii vietii prin lipsa de masuri care sa contracareze efectele cresterii numarului de vehicule private, degradarii calitatii di (Romanian)
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At the level of Brasov municipality and metropolitan area (overlaid by the Brasov Growth Pole in the 2007-2013 programming cycle) two key strategic documents were developed for the sustainable development of this area. Thus, the Brasov Growth Pole Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan and the Integrated Urban Development Strategy Brasov developed in 2014-2016 analysed the existing situation and identified a number of shortcomings in terms of mobility and accessibility of Brasov and metropolitan area. Thus, the increase in the quality of life in the last decade has led to an increase in the number of cars and, implicitly, to increase the number of personal car travels to the detriment of public transport or non-motorised modes. In the conditions of the constant increase in the number of individual cars (both of residents and commuters or tourists), the current traffic pattern has reached its limits and no longer has the ability to adapt/extension. This is confirmed by the following points: the low attractiveness of the public transport system as a result of the outdated fleet, the delays due to high traffic volumes and the lack of specific infrastructure to facilitate the intermodal transfer from/to public transport – intra-county transport, rail transport, cycling – the accentuated process of suburbanisation resulting in the emergence of new residential areas in the vicinity of Brasov, as well as the tendency to relocate enterprises, implicitly the labour force, from the urban center to the peripheries, determines bi-directional flows between Brasov and the metropolitan area that exceed 25,000 people daily – the rapid increase in traffic values and travel time – exceeding the capacity of the parking lots, especially in the central area of the municipality and the concentration of points of interest, including the Brasov Railway Station area – the formation of traffic jams, especially during peak hours – the existence of black dots with high risk of road accidents – increasing carbon emissions (NOx, PM10 etc.) In this context, the project’s goal is to increase the attractiveness of the public transport system in the municipality by setting up a modern terminal in the Brasov railway station area to ensure an efficient, fast and comfortable intermodal transfer. The general objective of the project is to reduce GHG emissions in Brasov by encouraging modal change from private car transport to public transport. The Brasov Growth Pole Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan analysed the future evolution of urban mobility from the perspective of two scenarios, as follows: — the “to do the minimum” scenario only involves the realisation/completion of the projects committed up to the SUMP development, which will lead to a decrease in the quality of life by the lack of measures to counteract the effects of increasing the number of private vehicles, the degradation of quality (English)
16 September 2021
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Municipiul Braşov, Romania
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