Support for school inclusion in Z Kru Etnica (Q3101475): Difference between revisions

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Základná škola s materskou školou Krušetnica 83
Property / beneficiary name (string): Základná škola s materskou školou Krušetnica 83 / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
Inklúzia je vzdelávanie rešpektujúce rozdiely medzi demi a právo všetkých na rovnaký prístup ku vzdelávaniu. Snaží sa vybudova komunity starajúce sa o všetkých, otvorené pre všetkých a vytvori také prostredie, v ktorom má každý jedinec svoju hodnotu a môže sa uči v neohrozenom a otvorenom prostredí bez diskriminácie a predsudkov a zároveň nástrojom na úspešnú integráciu znevýhodnených žiakov do spoločnosti. Hlavným ciežom projektu je vytvorenie vhodných podmienok pre vzdelávanie, uplatňovanie rovnakého prístupu ku vzdelaniu a zlepšenie študijných výsledkov vo vzdelaní všetkých žiakov, vrátane žiakov so ŠVVP. Tento ciež bude napĺňaný prostredníctvom hlavnej aktivity predkladaného projektu, a to zamestnaním dvoch asistentov učiteža, ktorí budú napomáha žiakom so ŠVVP integrova sa do bežných tried a sta sa súčasou školského prostredia, odstraňova sociálno-patologické javy, skvalitni diagnostikovanie a rediagnostikovanie žiakov s ciežom predchádza a zmierňova negatívny vplyv vývinových porúch a iného znevýhodnenia, ktoré by mohlo ma za následok neúspešnos žiakov. Ciežovou skupinou predkladaného projektu sú všetci žiaci ZŠ vrátane žiakov so ŠVVP. Uvádzané meratežné ukazovatele priamo nadväzujú na hlavný ciež projektu. (Slovak)
Property / summary: Inklúzia je vzdelávanie rešpektujúce rozdiely medzi demi a právo všetkých na rovnaký prístup ku vzdelávaniu. Snaží sa vybudova komunity starajúce sa o všetkých, otvorené pre všetkých a vytvori také prostredie, v ktorom má každý jedinec svoju hodnotu a môže sa uči v neohrozenom a otvorenom prostredí bez diskriminácie a predsudkov a zároveň nástrojom na úspešnú integráciu znevýhodnených žiakov do spoločnosti. Hlavným ciežom projektu je vytvorenie vhodných podmienok pre vzdelávanie, uplatňovanie rovnakého prístupu ku vzdelaniu a zlepšenie študijných výsledkov vo vzdelaní všetkých žiakov, vrátane žiakov so ŠVVP. Tento ciež bude napĺňaný prostredníctvom hlavnej aktivity predkladaného projektu, a to zamestnaním dvoch asistentov učiteža, ktorí budú napomáha žiakom so ŠVVP integrova sa do bežných tried a sta sa súčasou školského prostredia, odstraňova sociálno-patologické javy, skvalitni diagnostikovanie a rediagnostikovanie žiakov s ciežom predchádza a zmierňova negatívny vplyv vývinových porúch a iného znevýhodnenia, ktoré by mohlo ma za následok neúspešnos žiakov. Ciežovou skupinou predkladaného projektu sú všetci žiaci ZŠ vrátane žiakov so ŠVVP. Uvádzané meratežné ukazovatele priamo nadväzujú na hlavný ciež projektu. (Slovak) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
Inclusion is education that respects the differences between demos and the right of all to equal access to education. We are trying to build communities that take care of all, open to all and create an environment in which each individual has its value and can learn in an unsafe and open environment without discrimination and prejudice, as well as a tool for the successful integration of disadvantaged pupils into society. The main objective of the project is to create the right conditions for education, to apply equal access to education and to improve the results of the study in education of all pupils, including those with VET. This objective will be fulfilled through the main activity of the present project, by employing two assistants of the teacher, who will help pupils with VET to integrate into regular classes and become a part of the school environment, eliminate socio-pathological phenomena, improve diagnosis and re-diagnosis of the pupils in order to prevent and mitigate the negative impact of developmental disorders and other disadvantages, which could result in the incompetence of the disease. The objective group of the present project is all Z, including VVPs. The measured indicators reported are directly linked to the main objective of the project. (English)
Property / summary: Inclusion is education that respects the differences between demos and the right of all to equal access to education. We are trying to build communities that take care of all, open to all and create an environment in which each individual has its value and can learn in an unsafe and open environment without discrimination and prejudice, as well as a tool for the successful integration of disadvantaged pupils into society. The main objective of the project is to create the right conditions for education, to apply equal access to education and to improve the results of the study in education of all pupils, including those with VET. This objective will be fulfilled through the main activity of the present project, by employing two assistants of the teacher, who will help pupils with VET to integrate into regular classes and become a part of the school environment, eliminate socio-pathological phenomena, improve diagnosis and re-diagnosis of the pupils in order to prevent and mitigate the negative impact of developmental disorders and other disadvantages, which could result in the incompetence of the disease. The objective group of the present project is all Z, including VVPs. The measured indicators reported are directly linked to the main objective of the project. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Inclusion is education that respects the differences between demos and the right of all to equal access to education. We are trying to build communities that take care of all, open to all and create an environment in which each individual has its value and can learn in an unsafe and open environment without discrimination and prejudice, as well as a tool for the successful integration of disadvantaged pupils into society. The main objective of the project is to create the right conditions for education, to apply equal access to education and to improve the results of the study in education of all pupils, including those with VET. This objective will be fulfilled through the main activity of the present project, by employing two assistants of the teacher, who will help pupils with VET to integrate into regular classes and become a part of the school environment, eliminate socio-pathological phenomena, improve diagnosis and re-diagnosis of the pupils in order to prevent and mitigate the negative impact of developmental disorders and other disadvantages, which could result in the incompetence of the disease. The objective group of the present project is all Z, including VVPs. The measured indicators reported are directly linked to the main objective of the project. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 15 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 09:53, 27 September 2021

Project Q3101475 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
Support for school inclusion in Z Kru Etnica
Project Q3101475 in Slovakia



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