Developing an alternative public policy in the field of Romanian export promotion (Q3095967): Difference between revisions
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Revision as of 09:37, 17 September 2021
Project Q3095967 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Developing an alternative public policy in the field of Romanian export promotion |
Project Q3095967 in Romania |
819,221.2728 Romanian Leu
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163,844.25456000003 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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995,358.09 Romanian Leu
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199,071.61800000002 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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0.82 percent
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6 August 2018
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5 August 2019
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OG: Cresterea capacitatii Asociatiei pentru Promovarea Alimentului Romanesc (APAR) și a 25 de ONG-uri partenere si parteneri sociali ai acesteia, de a formula si promova, pe termen lung, propuneri alternative la politicile publice initiate de Guvern, prin elaborarea unei politici publice alternative în domeniul promovării produselor romanesti la export si instruirea unui numar de 60 de persoane, personal din ONG-urile partenere si parteneri sociali ai acesteia. Pe termen lung proiectul va produce efecte pozitive ca urmare a adaptarii activitatilor atat la specificul grupului tinta cat si la specificul national si a abordarii integrate a nevoilor membrilor sai. Echiparea membrilor grupului tinta cu competente necesare atat pentru a formula propuneri alternative la politicile publice initiate de Guvern cat și pentru a asigura promovarea acestora, contribuie la cresterea transparentei și optimizarea proceselor decizionale orientate catre cetateni și mediul de afaceri. Dezvoltarea competentelor cheie necesare societății civile, a ONG-urilor și a partenerilor sociali în vederea formulării și promovarii politicilor publice asigura flexibilitatea si permit adaptarea mai rapida a acestora la modificarile și schimbările din sistem, creînd astfel premizele pentru implementarea cu success a reformelor din administratia publică. Scopul proiectului se incadreaza in obiectivului general al POCA, fiind în concordanță cu masurile stabilite în Strategia pentru Consolidarea Administrației Publice 2014-2020 (SCAP) prin creșterea capacității unui număr de 25 de ONG-uri și a parteneri sociali de a se implica in formularea și promovarea de propuneri alternative la politicile publice initiate de Guvern și prin elaborarea unei propuneri alternative la politicile publice existente in domeniul promovării la export a produselor romanesti. (Romanian)
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OG: Increasing the capacity of the Association for the Promotion of Romanian Food (APAR) and of 25 partner NGOs and its social partners, to formulate and promote, in the long term, alternative proposals to public policies initiated by the Government, by developing an alternative public policy in the field of export promotion of Romanian products and training 60 people, staff from its partner NGOs and social partners. In the long term, the project will produce positive effects as a result of adapting the activities both to the specifics of the target group and to the national specificities and the integrated approach to the needs of its members. Equipping the members of the target group with the necessary competences both to formulate alternative proposals to public policies initiated by the Government and to ensure their promotion, contributes to increasing the transparency and optimisation of decision-making processes oriented towards citizens and the business environment. The development of key competences required by civil society, NGOs and social partners in order to formulate and promote public policies ensures flexibility and allows them to adapt them more quickly to changes and changes in the system, thus creating prerequisites for successful implementation of reforms in public administration. The aim of the project is within the general objective of POCA, being in line with the measures set out in the Strategy for Strengthening Public Administration 2014-2020 (SCAP) by increasing the capacity of 25 NGOs and social partners to get involved in formulating and promoting alternative proposals to public policies initiated by the Government and by developing an alternative proposal to existing public policies in the field of export promotion of Romanian products. (English)
16 September 2021
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