SUSTAINABLE START FOR INNOVATIVE BUSINESS! (Q3096754): Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 08:58, 17 September 2021

Project Q3096754 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Project Q3096754 in Romania


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    15,142,617.05 Romanian Leu
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    3,028,523.41 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    17,814,843.56 Romanian Leu
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    3,562,968.712 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.85 percent
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    22 December 2017
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    21 November 2020
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    44°24'57.78"N, 26°8'24.47"E
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    44°23'4.56"N, 26°2'49.13"E
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    44°23'16.22"N, 26°5'48.08"E
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    44°27'45.18"N, 26°6'32.94"E
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    44°24'51.77"N, 26°6'28.58"E
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    44°23'41.53"N, 26°2'55.00"E
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    44°23'48.80"N, 26°3'18.61"E
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    44°26'24.61"N, 26°2'7.37"E
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    Proiectul are ca obiectiv general promovarea culturii antreprenoriale si dezvoltarea cunostintelor si abilitatilor antreprenoriale pentru un numar de 400 de persoane (someri, persoane inactive, persoane care au un loc de munca si infiinteaza o afacere in scopul crearii de noi locuri de munca) din Regiunea Sud Vest Oltenia, ceea ce va conduce la incurajarea antreprenorialului si a ocuparii pe cont propriu prin sustinerea infiintarii a 60 de intreprinderi cu profil nonagricol. Prin obiectivul general proiectul va contribui la valorizarea capitalului uman (ca resursa pentru o dezvoltare sustenabila in viitor), initierea si finantarea de noi afaceri, inovative, in vederea stimularii creşterii economice, competitivitatii şi dezvoltarii sustenabile a Regiunii Sud Vest Oltenia, ceea ce va conduce la indeplinirea obiectivelor asumate de Romania in contextul Strategiei Nationale pentru competitivitate 2014-2020 si a Strategiei Europa 2020. Prin dezvoltarea capitalului uman si cresterea competitivitatii, prin corelarea educatiei si invatarii pe tot parcursul vietii (grupul tinta vizat este cuprins intre 18 si 64 ani) cu piata muncii si asigurarea de finantare nerambursabila pentru oportunitati de afaceri din Regiunea Sud Vest Oltenia, proiectul isi propune ca scop cresterea sanselor de ocupare si dezvoltare antreprenoriala pentru cei 400 de beneficiari directi ai activitatilor de informare si formare. Prin obiectivele, activitatile si rezultatele propuse, proiectul va contribui la infiintarea a 60 de afaceri si dezvoltarea lor durabila, la crearea a 120 locuri de munca, la promovarea noilor tehnologii si produse, la stimularea descoperirii de noi resurse. Astfel, proiectul va contribui pe termen lung la dezvoltarea unei economii inteligente, durabile şi favorabile incluziunii, cu niveluri ridicate de ocupare a fortei de munca, de productivitate şi de coeziune sociala, in conformitate cu obiectivele asumate prin Strategia Europa 2020. Potrivit Comisiei Europene (2003), numarul de proprietari de companii din tarile OECD a crescut de la 29 de milioane la 45 de milioane intre 1972 şi 1998. Mai mult, serviciile şi activitatile bazate pe cunoaştere au devenit avantajul competitiv al Europei, ducand aşadar la aparitia unui nou val de IMM-uri inovative, care au supravietuit crizei şi au prosperat in timp ce corporatiile incepeau sa concedieze angajati şi sa işi restranga activitatile. Companiile mici şi inovative reprezinta 99% din totalul companiilor active din Europa şi ofera 66% din locurile disponibile de munca. In contextul unei rate ingrijoratoare a şomajului care persista in multe tari ale lumii, antreprenoriatul a devenit o solutie viabila pentru problemele economice (sursa: Studiu Antreprenoriatul in Romania, Akcees). Pe termen scurt proiectul va asigura promovarea si implementarea masurilor de incurajare a antreprenoriatului si a ocuparii pe cont propriu, prin oferirea de sprijin financiar in demararea celor 60 de afaceri, prin acordarea de asist (Romanian)
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    The project has as general objective the promotion of entrepreneurial culture and the development of entrepreneurial knowledge and skills for a number of 400 people (somers, inactive people, people who have a job and set up a business in order to create new jobs) from South West Oltenia Region, which will encourage entrepreneurship and self-employment by supporting the establishment of 60 non-agricultural enterprises. Through the general objective the project will contribute to the valorisation of human capital (as a resource for sustainable development in the future), the initiation and financing of new, innovative businesses, in order to stimulate the economic growth, competitiveness and sustainable development of the South West Oltenia Region, which will lead to the achievement of the objectives assumed by Romania in the context of the National Strategy for Competitiveness 2014-2020 and the Europe 2020 Strategy. By developing human capital and increasing competitiveness, by linking education and learning throughout life (target group is between 18 and 64 years old) with the labour market and providing non-reimbursable financing for business opportunities in South West Oltenia Region, the project aims to increase the chances of employment and entrepreneurial development for the 400 direct beneficiaries of information and training activities. Through the proposed objectives, activities and results, the project will contribute to the establishment of 60 businesses and their sustainable development, to the creation of 120 jobs, to the promotion of new technologies and products, to the stimulation of the discovery of new resources. In this way, the project will contribute in the long term to the development of a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy with high levels of employment, productivity and social cohesion, in line with the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy. According to the European Commission (2003), the number of company owners in OECD countries increased from 29 million to 45 million between 1972 and 1998. Moreover, knowledge-based services and activities have become Europe’s competitive advantage, thus leading to the emergence of a new wave of innovative SMEs, which survived the crisis and thrived while corporations were starting to lay off employees and restrict their activities. Small and innovative companies account for 99 % of all active companies in Europe and offer 66 % of available jobs. In the context of a worrying unemployment rate that persists in many countries of the world, entrepreneurship has become a viable solution to economic problems (source: Study Entrepreneurship in Romania, Akcees). In the short term, the project will ensure the promotion and implementation of measures to encourage entrepreneurship and self-employment, by providing financial support in starting the 60 businesses by assisting (English)
    16 September 2021
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