Insertion of graduates through modern and efficient practical training internships from Gheorghe Asachi Technical University in Iasi, on the labor market – PRACTEH (Q3097334): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): Facilitate the transition from education to work for 330 graduate students from Technical University Iasi, between 2020-2022, by strengthening the education and training system and their quality, including mechanisms for anticipating skills, adapting curricula and creating and developing work-based learning systems. The general objective of the project contributes directly to the achievement of the specific objective of the POCU program for inve...)
(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: translated_label)
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Insertion of graduates through modern and efficient practical training internships from Gheorghe Asachi Technical University in Iasi, on the labor market – PRACTEH

Revision as of 10:30, 16 September 2021

Project Q3097334 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Insertion of graduates through modern and efficient practical training internships from Gheorghe Asachi Technical University in Iasi, on the labor market – PRACTEH
Project Q3097334 in Romania


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    3,983,322.48 Romanian Leu
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    796,664.496 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    4,741,748.54 Romanian Leu
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    948,349.7080000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.84 percent
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    21 September 2020
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    20 September 2022
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    Facilitarea trecerii de la educatie la munca pentru 330 de studenti care absolva invatamantul superior de la Universitatea Tehnica Iasi, in perioada 2020-2022, prin consolidarea sistemului de educatie si formare profesionala si a calitatii lor, inclusiv prin mecanisme pentru anticiparea competentelor, adaptarea programelor de invatamant si crearea si dezvoltarea de sisteme de invatare bazate pe munca. Obiectivul general al proiectului contribuie direct la realizarea obiectivului specific al programului POCU pentru prioritatea de investitii 10iv, prin optimizarea ofertei educationale a Universitatii in domeniul specializarilor tehnice de la 9 facultati, prin parteneriat social cu angajatori din Romania, centrata pe formarea si dezvoltarea de competente profesionale si transversale, in cadrul proiectului propus fiind dezvoltate competente antreprenoriale, cerute pe piata muncii, si absolut necesare personalului tehnic in contextul implementarii la nivel national a sistemelor informatice in domeniile specifice de natura tehnica. Deasemenea prin atingerea obiectivului general, proiectul propus raspunde obiectivului specific al apelului prezent, prin asigurarea unei rate crescute de participare a 330 de studenti (ISCED 5-7) la programe de invatare la locul de munca (stagii de practica), in cadrul parteneriatelor noi dezvoltate prin proiect, care sa faciliteze insertia pe piata muncii a absolventilor Universitatii Tehnice Iasi, design-ul proiectului raspunzand nevoilor identificate de angajatori si studenti in procesul analizarii nevoilor. Nu in ultimul rand, domeniile in care vor activa absolventii, (automatica si calculatoare, inginerie chimica si protectia mediului, constructii si instalatii, electronica, telecomunciatii si tehnologia informatiei, inginerie electrica, energetica si informatica aplicata, hidrotehnica, geodezie si ingineria mediului, mecanica, stiinta si ingineria materialelor, arhitectura) sunt domenii prioritar al SNC. Prin implementarea proiectului, respectiv atingerea acestor obiective specifice, vor fi generate urmatoarele beneficii la nivelul grupului tinta: - participarea la stagii de practica din domeniul pentru care participantii sunt pregatiti sau in care vor sa activeze, corelat foarte strans cu domeniile prioritare ale SNC; - participare la servicii de informare si consiliere profesionala; - informare adecvata pentru adaptarea perfectionarilor la nevoile actuale ale pietei muncii; - obtinerea unei rate cat mai mari de ocupare; - cresterea capacitatii de angajare si a sanselor de integrare pe piata muncii. Efectul pozitiv pe termen lung al implementarii proiectului consta in dezvoltarea unor activitati de ocupare cu caracter activ, preventiv, inovativ si flexibil, pentru facilitarea unei piete a muncii moderna, flexibila si dinamica. (Romanian)
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    Facilitate the transition from education to work for 330 graduate students from Technical University Iasi, between 2020-2022, by strengthening the education and training system and their quality, including mechanisms for anticipating skills, adapting curricula and creating and developing work-based learning systems. The general objective of the project contributes directly to the achievement of the specific objective of the POCU program for investment priority 10iv, by optimising the educational offer of the University in the field of technical specialisations from 9 faculties, through social partnership with employers in Romania, centered on the training and development of professional and transversal skills, within the proposed project being developed entrepreneurial skills, required on the labor market, and absolutely necessary for technical staff in the context of national implementation of information systems in specific fields of technical nature. Also by achieving the general objective, the proposed project responds to the specific objective of the present call, by ensuring an increased participation rate of 330 students (ISCED 5-7) in work-based learning programs (practical stages), within the new partnerships developed through the project, to facilitate the insertion on the labor market of the graduates of the Technical University Iasi, the project design responding to the needs identified by employers and students in the needs analysis process. Last but not least, the fields in which graduates will work, (automatics and computers, chemical engineering and environmental protection, construction and installations, electronics, Telecoms and information technology, electrical engineering, energy and applied computing, hydrotechnical, geodesy and environmental engineering, mechanics, materials science and engineering, architecture) are priority areas of the CNS. By implementing the project, namely the achievement of these specific objectives, the following benefits will be generated at target group level: participation in internships in the field for which the participants are prepared or in which they want to work, very closely correlated with the priority areas of the NCS; participation in information and professional counselling services; — adequate information to adapt the perfections to the current needs of the labour market; — getting as high an occupancy rate as possible; — increasing employability and chances of integration in the labour market. The long-term positive effect of project implementation is the development of active, preventive, innovative and flexible employment activities to facilitate a modern, flexible and dynamic labour market. (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Judeţul Bacău, Romania
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    Judeţul Vaslui, Romania
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    Judeţul Suceava, Romania
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    Judeţul Neamţ, Romania
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    Judeţul Iaşi, Romania
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    Judeţul Botoşani, Romania
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