Q3105050 (Q3105050): Difference between revisions
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(Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: Setting new description) |
(Created claim: summary (P836): The purpose of the submitted grant application is to reconstruct 2 science classrooms at the G. Nisík Elementary School in Galanre, namely 1 combined professional classroom of chemistry/biology and 1 professional classroom of physics, equipping classrooms about equipment and didactic aids. In the educational field, the aim is to develop the key competences of pupils in science subjects through new classroom equipment, to contribute to improving...) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
The purpose of the submitted grant application is to reconstruct 2 science classrooms at the G. Nisík Elementary School in Galanre, namely 1 combined professional classroom of chemistry/biology and 1 professional classroom of physics, equipping classrooms about equipment and didactic aids. In the educational field, the aim is to develop the key competences of pupils in science subjects through new classroom equipment, to contribute to improving pupils’ performance in national and international testing, to attract interest in science and the subsequent application of pupils in further education in vocational secondary schools. Our ambition is that pupils achieve equally good results not only in humanities and music, which are traditionally very good in our school, but also in subjects of science, namely chemistry, biology and physics. Our goal is to move from predominantly theoretical to practical teaching. We want to enable pupils to gradually acquire important competences by means of specific cognitive methods. In particular, we think about developing the ability to observe, experiment and measure objectively and reliably, create and verify hypotheses in the process of solving tasks of varying complexity. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The purpose of the submitted grant application is to reconstruct 2 science classrooms at the G. Nisík Elementary School in Galanre, namely 1 combined professional classroom of chemistry/biology and 1 professional classroom of physics, equipping classrooms about equipment and didactic aids. In the educational field, the aim is to develop the key competences of pupils in science subjects through new classroom equipment, to contribute to improving pupils’ performance in national and international testing, to attract interest in science and the subsequent application of pupils in further education in vocational secondary schools. Our ambition is that pupils achieve equally good results not only in humanities and music, which are traditionally very good in our school, but also in subjects of science, namely chemistry, biology and physics. Our goal is to move from predominantly theoretical to practical teaching. We want to enable pupils to gradually acquire important competences by means of specific cognitive methods. In particular, we think about developing the ability to observe, experiment and measure objectively and reliably, create and verify hypotheses in the process of solving tasks of varying complexity. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The purpose of the submitted grant application is to reconstruct 2 science classrooms at the G. Nisík Elementary School in Galanre, namely 1 combined professional classroom of chemistry/biology and 1 professional classroom of physics, equipping classrooms about equipment and didactic aids. In the educational field, the aim is to develop the key competences of pupils in science subjects through new classroom equipment, to contribute to improving pupils’ performance in national and international testing, to attract interest in science and the subsequent application of pupils in further education in vocational secondary schools. Our ambition is that pupils achieve equally good results not only in humanities and music, which are traditionally very good in our school, but also in subjects of science, namely chemistry, biology and physics. Our goal is to move from predominantly theoretical to practical teaching. We want to enable pupils to gradually acquire important competences by means of specific cognitive methods. In particular, we think about developing the ability to observe, experiment and measure objectively and reliably, create and verify hypotheses in the process of solving tasks of varying complexity. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 15 September 2021
Revision as of 14:51, 15 September 2021
Project Q3105050 in Slovakia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | No label defined |
Project Q3105050 in Slovakia |
59,496.46 Euro
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69,995.84 Euro
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0.85 percent
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1 January 2021
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8 January 2021
0 references
Mesto Galanta
0 references
Zámerom predkladanej ŽoNFP je rekonštrukcia 2 prírodovedných učební na Základnej školy G. Dusíka v Galanre a to 1 kombinovanej odbornej učebne chémie/biológie a 1 odbornej učebne fyziky, vybavenie učební o zariadenie a didaktické pomôcky. Vo výchovnovzdelávacej oblasti je cieľom prostredníctvom nového vybavenia učební rozvíjať kľúčové kompetencie žiakov v prírodovedných predmetoch, prispieť k zlepšeniu výsledkov žiakov v národnom aj medzinárodnom testovaní, vzbudenie záujmu o prírodné vedy a následné uplatnenie žiakov v ďalšom vzdelávaní na stredných odborných školách. Našou ambíciou je, aby žiaci dosahovali rovnako dobré výsledky nielen v humanitných predmetoch a v hudbe, ktoré sú v našej škole na tradične veľmi dobrej úrovni, ale aj v predmetoch prírodovedného zamerania, konkrétne v chémii, biológii a fyzike. Našou métou je prejsť od prevažne teoretického vyučovania k vyučovaniu praktickému. Chceme umožniť žiakom, aby si postupne osvojili dôležité spôsobilosti špecifickými poznávacími metódami. Máme namysli najmä rozvíjanie spôsobilosti objektívne a spoľahlivo pozorovať, experimentovať a merať, vytvárať a overovať hypotézy v procese riešenia úloh rôznej zložitosti. (Slovak)
0 references
The purpose of the submitted grant application is to reconstruct 2 science classrooms at the G. Nisík Elementary School in Galanre, namely 1 combined professional classroom of chemistry/biology and 1 professional classroom of physics, equipping classrooms about equipment and didactic aids. In the educational field, the aim is to develop the key competences of pupils in science subjects through new classroom equipment, to contribute to improving pupils’ performance in national and international testing, to attract interest in science and the subsequent application of pupils in further education in vocational secondary schools. Our ambition is that pupils achieve equally good results not only in humanities and music, which are traditionally very good in our school, but also in subjects of science, namely chemistry, biology and physics. Our goal is to move from predominantly theoretical to practical teaching. We want to enable pupils to gradually acquire important competences by means of specific cognitive methods. In particular, we think about developing the ability to observe, experiment and measure objectively and reliably, create and verify hypotheses in the process of solving tasks of varying complexity. (English)
15 September 2021
0 references
0 references