Rehabilitation, consolidation, extension and endowment of the educational infrastructure for the Faculty of Letters and Arts at Lucian Blaga University in Sibiu (Q2746497): Difference between revisions
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(Created claim: summary (P836): The general objective of the project is to increase the participation in the educational process and to increase the employability of the students of the Faculty of Letters and Arts of the “Lucian Blaga” University in Sibiu, through investments in the educational infrastructure and the development of the capacity for teaching activities, scientific research and artistic creation in the fields of Theatre and Performance Arts and Philology, in ord...) |
(Changed an Item: Edited by the infer coords bot - inferring coordinates from location) |
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44°25'42.17"N, 26°2'55.68"E
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Property / coordinate location: 44°25'42.17"N, 26°2'55.68"E / rank | |||||||||||
Normal rank |
Revision as of 13:16, 15 September 2021
Project Q2746497 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Rehabilitation, consolidation, extension and endowment of the educational infrastructure for the Faculty of Letters and Arts at Lucian Blaga University in Sibiu |
Project Q2746497 in Romania |
16,065,709.86 Romanian Leu
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18,900,835.13 Romanian Leu
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0.85 percent
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1 October 2020
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30 September 2022
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Obiectivul general al proiectului este cresterea gradului de participare la procesul de invatamant si cresterea angajabilitatii studentilor Facultatii de Litere si Arte din cadrul Universitatii „Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu, prin investitii in infrastructura educationala si dezvoltarea capacitatii de activitati didactice, cercetare stiintifica si creatie artistica in domeniile Teatru si Artele spectacolului si Filologie, in vederea dobandirii de competente inter- si transdisciplinare in concordanta cu aspiratiile lor profesionale si nevoile pietei muncii, in raport cu politicile europene si nationale in domeniu (Strategia Nationala pentru Invatamantul Tertiar 2015-2020; Strategia Nationala de Cercetare, Dezvoltare si Inovare 2014-2020; Strategia Nationala pentru Infrastructura in Educatie, Strategia Nationala de Competitivitate; Strategia Nationala pentru Promovarea Incluziunii Sociale si Combaterea Saraciei; Strategia pentru Cultura si Patrimoniu National) si in vederea formarii profesionale pentru dobandirea de competente si invatare pe tot parcursul vietii si in contextul Axei Prioritare 10, Prioritatea de investitii 10.1, cu Obiectiv specific 10.3, a Programului Operational Regional 2014-2020 in Regiunea Centru. Pentru a isi pastra pozitia favorabila in peisajul mondial si european al domeniului Stiinte umaniste si arte, cu subdomeniile de interes Teatru si Artele spectacolului si Filologie, Romania trebuie sa dezvolte si sa promoveze industrii creative durabile si mereu adaptabile la schimbarile de pe piata muncii. Romania este angajata in dezvoltarea invatamantului tertiar ca pilon important in strategia de dezvoltare socio-economica, instrument prin care se sprijina alte planuri si initiative de dezvoltare ale statului, in special Planul National de Reforma, Strategia Nationala pentru Competitivitate 2014-2020 si Strategia Cercetare-Dezvoltare-Inovare. Nivelul de dezvoltare al unei societati este determinat in cea mai mare parte de performantele sistemului sau de invatamant si de gradul de cultura al populatiei, care se reflecta in nivelul de educatie al cetatenilor. Educatia este mijlocul cel mai eficient de care dispune o societate pentru a raspunde la provocarile diverse ale viitorului. Nivelul de educatie este unul dintre factorii-cheie al dezvoltarii nationale, deoarece determina in mare masura productivitatea si activitatea economica, precum si mobilitatea fortei de munca. Astfel, se creeaza premisele pe termen lung pentru sustenabilitatea unui nivel mai ridicat de trai si a unei mai bune calitati a vietii. Avand in vedere tendintele demografice negative, o populatie cu un profil educational solid si bine dezvoltat devine un motor pentru o crestere economica inteligenta, durabila si favorabila. Acest deziderat nu se poate realiza, insa, fara o infrastructura educationala adecvata si corespunzatoare. Infrastructura educationala este esentiala pentru dezvoltarea de abilitati sociale si culturale, pentru dezvoltarea competentelor pro (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project is to increase the participation in the educational process and to increase the employability of the students of the Faculty of Letters and Arts of the “Lucian Blaga” University in Sibiu, through investments in the educational infrastructure and the development of the capacity for teaching activities, scientific research and artistic creation in the fields of Theatre and Performance Arts and Philology, in order to acquire inter- and transdisciplinary competences in accordance with their professional aspirations and labour market needs, in relation to European and national policies in the field (National Strategy for Tertiary Education 2015-2020; National Strategy for Research, Development and Innovation 2014-2020; National Strategy for Infrastructure in Education, National Competitiveness Strategy; National Strategy for Promoting Social Inclusion and Combating Poverty; Strategy for Culture and National Heritage) and in view of professional training for acquiring skills and learning throughout life and in the context of Priority Axis 10, Investment Priority 10.1, with specific objective 10.3, of the Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020 in the Center Region. In order to maintain its favorable position in the world and European landscape of human sciences and arts, with the sub-areas of interest Theatre and Arts of Performance and Philology, Romania must develop and promote sustainable and always adaptable creative industries to changes on the labour market. Romania is committed to developing third-party education as an important pillar in the socio-economic development strategy, a tool that supports other state development plans and initiatives, in particular the National Reform Plan, the National Strategy for Competitiveness 2014-2020 and the Research-Development-Innovation Strategy. The level of development of a society is mostly determined by the performance of its education system and the degree of culture of the population, which is reflected in the level of education of citizens. Education is the most effective means for a society to respond to the diverse challenges of the future. The level of education is one of the key factors of national development, as it largely determines productivity and economic activity, as well as labour mobility. Thus, long-term prerequisites are created for the sustainability of a higher standard of living and a better quality of life. Given the negative demographic trends, a population with a strong and well-developed educational profile becomes an engine for intelligent, sustainable and favorable economic growth. This goal cannot be achieved, but without an adequate and appropriate educational infrastructure. Educational infrastructure is essential for the development of social and cultural skills, for the development of pro skills (English)
14 September 2021
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Municipiul Sibiu, Romania
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