Revision history of "“School Academy of the Future” – development of key competences in classes I to VI." (Q130903)

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Legend: (cur) = difference with latest revision, (prev) = difference with preceding revision, m = minor edit.

9 October 2024

  • curprev 06:2306:23, 9 October 2024DG Regio talk contribs 74,374 bytes +8 Changed label, description and/or aliases in pt
  • curprev 06:2306:23, 9 October 2024DG Regio talk contribs 74,366 bytes −5 Set a claim value: summary (P836): O objetivo é aumentar o número de alunos em 1050, incluindo com necessidades educativas especiais (K494,M556) de 9 escolas de nível de competências essenciais necessárias no mercado de trabalho e atitudes/competências adequadas, prestando um apoio abrangente através da melhoria das competências profissionais de 50 n-li I-VI(49K,1M) com o ensino em métodos inovadores e experimentais e desenvolvendo uma abordagem personalizada do aluno e aplicando os...

20 March 2024

15 January 2024

9 June 2023

24 May 2023

2 March 2023

  • curprev 20:1820:18, 2 March 2023DG Regio talk contribs 71,974 bytes −247 Changed label, description and/or aliases in lv, it, ro, sv, da, fr, ga, sk, bg, hu, fi, et, mt, sl, nl, el, hr, es, lt, cs, pt, and other parts

25 October 2022

21 October 2022

2 July 2022

  • curprev 22:2822:28, 2 July 2022DG Regio talk contribs 70,101 bytes +44,441 Changed label, description and/or aliases in da, el, hr, ro, sk, mt, pt, fi, sl, cs, lt, lv, bg, hu, ga, sv, et, nl, fr, de, it, es, and other parts: Adding translations: da, el, hr, ro, sk, mt, pt, fi, sl, cs, lt, lv, bg, hu, ga, sv, et,

18 January 2022

15 January 2022

17 December 2021

9 December 2021

2 December 2021

  • curprev 09:2309:23, 2 December 2021DG Regio talk contribs 15,552 bytes +2,484 Created claim: summary (P836): L’objectif est d’élever à 1050 élèves, y compris les besoins éducatifs spéciaux (K494,M556) de 9 écoles, le niveau de compétences clés requis sur le marché du travail et les bonnes attitudes/compétences en apportant un soutien global en améliorant les compétences professionnelles de 50 n-li I-VI(49K,1M) en enseignant des méthodes innovantes et expérimentales, en développant une approche individualisée de l’élève et en mettant en œuvre leurs effe...
  • curprev 09:2309:23, 2 December 2021DG Regio talk contribs 13,068 bytes +158 Changed label, description and/or aliases in fr: translated_label

29 October 2020

21 October 2020

  • curprev 16:0116:01, 21 October 2020DG Regio talk contribs 13,349 bytes +148 Changed label, description and/or aliases in 1 language: translated_label
  • curprev 16:0116:01, 21 October 2020DG Regio talk contribs 13,201 bytes −151 Changed label, description and/or aliases in 1 language: remove_english_label
  • curprev 16:0116:01, 21 October 2020DG Regio talk contribs 13,352 bytes +2,126 Created claim: summary (P836): The aim is to increase in 1050 pupils, including special educational needs.(K494,M556) from 9 schools of key competence level necessary in the labour market and appropriate attitudes/skills by providing comprehensive support by improving the professional skills of 50 n-li I-VI(49K,1M) with teaching in innovative and experimental methods and developing a personalised approach to the pupil and implementing their results in work with pupils and inc...
  • curprev 16:0116:01, 21 October 2020DG Regio talk contribs 11,226 bytes −1,883 Removed claim: summary (P836): The aim is to raise the level of 1050 pupils, including the special needs of the educator. (K494, M556) from the level of key competences needed in the labour market and right attitudes/skills by providing comprehensive support through the improvement of the professional skills of 50 n-I-VI (49K, 1M) from teaching to innovative and experimental methods and by developing an individualised approach to the student, and by developing an individual...

25 September 2020

24 September 2020

10 June 2020

7 June 2020

26 March 2020

10 March 2020

  • curprev 13:1313:13, 10 March 2020DG Regio talk contribs 11,819 bytes +1,883 Created claim: summary (P836): The aim is to raise the level of 1050 pupils, including the special needs of the educator. (K494, M556) from the level of key competences needed in the labour market and right attitudes/skills by providing comprehensive support through the improvement of the professional skills of 50 n-I-VI (49K, 1M) from teaching to innovative and experimental methods and by developing an individualised approach to the student, and by developing an individualis...

25 February 2020

18 February 2020

31 January 2020

14 January 2020