I can, I can, I work. (Q96970)

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Project Q96970 in Poland
Language Label Description Also known as
I can, I can, I work.
Project Q96970 in Poland


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    476,805.71 zloty
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    105,993.91 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    560,947.9 zloty
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    124,698.72 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    85.0 percent
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    1 September 2017
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    31 October 2019
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    51°30'29.12"N, 17°17'48.77"E
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    Projekt "Mogę, potrafię, pracuję" jest kontynuacją działalności zespołu trenerów pracy wspomaganej z lat 2008-2017. Głównym problemem jest niski poziom aktywizacji zawodowej i społecznej os. z niepełn.,wynikający z braku dostępnych narzędzi wspierających te osoby.Odpowiedzią jest realizacja projektu, którego cel obejmuje podniesienie poziomu aktywizacji zawodowej i społecznej osójavascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$maincontent$SimikPrzyciskiTop$ButtonZapiszUmowy','')b z niepełn.przy wykorzystaniu europejskiego modelu zatrudnienia wspomaganego.Projekt skierowany jest do 45 os.grupy osób z niepełn.Działania w projekcie obejmują przygotowanie kandydatów do zatrudnienia pod kątem umiejętności pracowniczych,społecznych i zawodowych,które są niezbędne w doborze odpowiedniego stanowiska pracy,procedurze oraz przebiegu zatrudnienia.Każdy beneficjent będzie miał stworzony IPD, który będzie aktualizowany na bieżąco.W ramach projektu planuje się przeprowadzenie szkoleń,aktywne pośrednictwo pracy,prowadzenie próbek pracy i indywidualnych zajęć praktycznych dla osób niepełn, biernych zawodowo i bezrobotnych.W ramach realizacji zadań projektu kontynuowane będą szkolenia wewnętrzne dla zespołu trenerów, dzięki czemu zwiększy się zakres wiedzy merytorycznej i umiejętności praktycznych jego członków.Kontynuowana będzie współpraca z Polską Federacją Zatrudnienia Wspomaganego oraz zespołami trenerów działających przy WSON w celu czerpania wzorców. Zespół trenerski zajmie się organizacją spotkań promujących wspomagane zatrudnienie wśród lokalnych pracodawców z województwa dolnośląskiego (powiat Milicki),osób z niepełn.oraz ich rodzin, do których kierowany jest program.Efektem realizacji projektu będzie wzrost aktywności zawodowej i społecznej os.z niepełn. na lokalnym rynku pracy, co przekłada się na ogólny wzrost aktywizacji zawodowej osób niepełnosprawnych.Projekt realizowany będzie zgodnie z Minimalnym standardem usług i katalogiem stawek dla projektów konkursowych realizowanych w ramach (Polish)
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    The project “I can, I can, work” is a continuation of the activities of the team of trainers assisted from 2008-2017. The main problem of the work of the team is the low level of occupational and social activation of individuals., resulting from the lack of available tools to support these people.The answer is the implementation of the project, the purpose of which includes raising the level of professional activation and social activation of the labour:__doPostBack(‘ctl00$maincontent$SimikThe exercise of the trainings of the competent staff will be necessary for the preparation of the professed work’,"b out of incomplete.With the use of the European model of employment assisted. The training team will organise meetings promoting assisted employment among local employers from the Dolnośląskie Voivodship (Milicki District), persons from part-time and their families, to whom the programme is directed.The result of the project will be an increase in professional and social activity of people from a part of the local labour market, which translates into a general increase in professional activation of disabled people.The project will be implemented in accordance with the Minimum standard of services and catalogue of rates for projects (English)
    15 October 2020
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    Le projet «Can, je peux, je travaille» est une continuation de l’activité de l’équipe de coachs de travail assisté de 2008-2017. The main problem is the low level of professional and social activation of incomplete persons, resulting from the lack of tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of a project whose aim is to increase the level of professional and social activation of osójavascript:__doPostBack(‘ctl00$maincontent$SimikPuttonPuttonSubscribe“,”)b out of incomplete.Unfull European employment model(’ctl00$maincontent$SimikPrivacy will increase the practical skills of the people working, the activities of the working people will be carried out, the implementation of the staff will be incomplete, the work of which will be carried out on a job basis, which will be based on the work and the work will be carried out on the basis of the work, the training will be carried out by the staff members, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, the staff will be recruited, the work will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, and the staff will be able to work properly.These will be a part of the job-driven workflow, the job-driven work-out and the necessary job-driven jobs, the workload of the staff will be recruited, the workload of the staff will be incomplete, and the implementation of the staff’s skills will be incomplete, and the workout will be the necessary workflows, the workout will be the workload of the staff, the work of which will be incomplete the work, the workloading of the staff, which will be the necessary job-driven work, and the need for a suitable job-driven and the work-management will be the job-driven and out-of-service training groups, the workload will be carried out by the project, and the implementation of the work-management, which will have the necessary work-management, and the work-management plan will be based on the workflow, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out in the context of the work, which will be the job-driven and the work will be due to the work, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out of the work, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work of which will be carried out of the labour force, the work of which will be due to the lack of the tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of the project, the objective of which is to increase the level of professional activation and social activation of the person concerned with the employment and social activation of the persons concerned. L’équipe d’encadrement organisera des réunions de promotion de l’emploi assisté auprès des employeurs locaux de la Voïvodie de Basse-Silésie (comté de Milicki), des personnes à temps partiel et de leurs familles, auxquelles le programme s’adresse. (French)
    1 December 2021
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    Das Projekt „Can, I can, I work“ ist eine Fortsetzung der Tätigkeit des Teams von Trainern der assistierten Arbeit von 2008-2017. The main problem is the low level of professional and social activation of incomplete persons, resulting from the lack of tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of a project whose aim is to increase the level of professional and social activation of osójavascript:__doPostBack(‘ctl00$maincontent$SimikPuttonPuttonSubscribe“,”)b out of incomplete.Unfull European employment model(’ctl00$maincontent$SimikPrivacy will increase the practical skills of the people working, the activities of the working people will be carried out, the implementation of the staff will be incomplete, the work of which will be carried out on a job basis, which will be based on the work and the work will be carried out on the basis of the work, the training will be carried out by the staff members, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, the staff will be recruited, the work will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, and the staff will be able to work properly.These will be a part of the job-driven workflow, the job-driven work-out and the necessary job-driven jobs, the workload of the staff will be recruited, the workload of the staff will be incomplete, and the implementation of the staff’s skills will be incomplete, and the workout will be the necessary workflows, the workout will be the workload of the staff, the work of which will be incomplete the work, the workloading of the staff, which will be the necessary job-driven work, and the need for a suitable job-driven and the work-management will be the job-driven and out-of-service training groups, the workload will be carried out by the project, and the implementation of the work-management, which will have the necessary work-management, and the work-management plan will be based on the workflow, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out in the context of the work, which will be the job-driven and the work will be due to the work, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out of the work, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work of which will be carried out of the labour force, the work of which will be due to the lack of the tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of the project, the objective of which is to increase the level of professional activation and social activation of the person concerned with the employment and social activation of the persons concerned. Das Coaching-Team organisiert Treffen zur Förderung der Beschäftigungsförderung bei lokalen Arbeitgebern aus der Woiwodschaft Niederschlesien (Gespanschaft Milicki), Personen aus Teilzeit und ihren Familien, an die sich das Programm richtet.Die Wirkung des Projekts wird eine Zunahme der beruflichen und sozialen Tätigkeit auf dem lokalen Arbeitsmarkt sein, was zu einer allgemeinen Steigerung der beruflichen Aktivierung von Menschen mit Behinderungen führt.Das Projekt wird im Einklang mit dem Mindeststandard der Dienstleistungen und einem Katalog von Tarifen für Wettbewerbsprojekte durchgeführt, die im Rahmen des Projekts durchgeführt werden. (German)
    7 December 2021
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    Het project „Kan, ik kan, ik werk” is een voortzetting van de activiteit van het team van coaches van begeleid werk van 2008-2017. The main problem is the low level of professional and social activation of incomplete persons, resulting from the lack of tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of a project whose aim is to increase the level of professional and social activation of osójavascript:__doPostBack(‘ctl00$maincontent$SimikPuttonPuttonSubscribe“,”)b out of incomplete.Unfull European employment model(’ctl00$maincontent$SimikPrivacy will increase the practical skills of the people working, the activities of the working people will be carried out, the implementation of the staff will be incomplete, the work of which will be carried out on a job basis, which will be based on the work and the work will be carried out on the basis of the work, the training will be carried out by the staff members, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, the staff will be recruited, the work will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, and the staff will be able to work properly.These will be a part of the job-driven workflow, the job-driven work-out and the necessary job-driven jobs, the workload of the staff will be recruited, the workload of the staff will be incomplete, and the implementation of the staff’s skills will be incomplete, and the workout will be the necessary workflows, the workout will be the workload of the staff, the work of which will be incomplete the work, the workloading of the staff, which will be the necessary job-driven work, and the need for a suitable job-driven and the work-management will be the job-driven and out-of-service training groups, the workload will be carried out by the project, and the implementation of the work-management, which will have the necessary work-management, and the work-management plan will be based on the workflow, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out in the context of the work, which will be the job-driven and the work will be due to the work, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out of the work, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work of which will be carried out of the labour force, the work of which will be due to the lack of the tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of the project, the objective of which is to increase the level of professional activation and social activation of the person concerned with the employment and social activation of the persons concerned. Het coachingsteam zal bijeenkomsten organiseren ter bevordering van begeleide werkgelegenheid tussen lokale werkgevers uit het Neder-Silezische woiwodschap (Milicki County), mensen uit deeltijd en hun gezinnen, aan wie het programma is gericht.Het effect van het project is een toename van de beroeps- en sociale activiteit op de lokale arbeidsmarkt, wat resulteert in een algemene toename van de professionele activering van mensen met een handicap.Het project zal worden uitgevoerd in overeenstemming met de minimumnormen voor diensten en een catalogus van de tarieven voor mededingingsprojecten die in het kader van het project worden uitgevoerd. (Dutch)
    16 December 2021
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    Il progetto "Can, I can, I work" è una continuazione dell'attività del team di allenatori del lavoro assistito dal 2008-2017. The main problem is the low level of professional and social activation of incomplete persons, resulting from the lack of tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of a project whose aim is to increase the level of professional and social activation of osójavascript:__doPostBack(‘ctl00$maincontent$SimikPuttonPuttonSubscribe“,”)b out of incomplete.Unfull European employment model(’ctl00$maincontent$SimikPrivacy will increase the practical skills of the people working, the activities of the working people will be carried out, the implementation of the staff will be incomplete, the work of which will be carried out on a job basis, which will be based on the work and the work will be carried out on the basis of the work, the training will be carried out by the staff members, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, the staff will be recruited, the work will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, and the staff will be able to work properly.These will be a part of the job-driven workflow, the job-driven work-out and the necessary job-driven jobs, the workload of the staff will be recruited, the workload of the staff will be incomplete, and the implementation of the staff’s skills will be incomplete, and the workout will be the necessary workflows, the workout will be the workload of the staff, the work of which will be incomplete the work, the workloading of the staff, which will be the necessary job-driven work, and the need for a suitable job-driven and the work-management will be the job-driven and out-of-service training groups, the workload will be carried out by the project, and the implementation of the work-management, which will have the necessary work-management, and the work-management plan will be based on the workflow, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out in the context of the work, which will be the job-driven and the work will be due to the work, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out of the work, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work of which will be carried out of the labour force, the work of which will be due to the lack of the tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of the project, the objective of which is to increase the level of professional activation and social activation of the person concerned with the employment and social activation of the persons concerned. Il team di coaching organizzerà incontri per promuovere l'occupazione assistita tra i datori di lavoro locali del Voivodato della Bassa Slesia (Milicki County), persone part-time e delle loro famiglie, a cui si rivolge il programma.L'effetto del progetto sarà un aumento dell'attività professionale e sociale nel mercato del lavoro locale, che si traduce in un aumento complessivo dell'attivazione professionale delle persone con disabilità.Il progetto sarà attuato secondo lo standard minimo di servizi e un catalogo delle tariffe per i progetti di concorso realizzati nell'ambito del progetto. (Italian)
    16 January 2022
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    El proyecto «Can, I can, I work» es una continuación de la actividad del equipo de entrenadores de trabajo asistido de 2008-2017. The main problem is the low level of professional and social activation of incomplete persons, resulting from the lack of tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of a project whose aim is to increase the level of professional and social activation of osójavascript:__doPostBack(‘ctl00$maincontent$SimikPuttonPuttonSubscribe“,”)b out of incomplete.Unfull European employment model(’ctl00$maincontent$SimikPrivacy will increase the practical skills of the people working, the activities of the working people will be carried out, the implementation of the staff will be incomplete, the work of which will be carried out on a job basis, which will be based on the work and the work will be carried out on the basis of the work, the training will be carried out by the staff members, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, the staff will be recruited, the work will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, and the staff will be able to work properly.These will be a part of the job-driven workflow, the job-driven work-out and the necessary job-driven jobs, the workload of the staff will be recruited, the workload of the staff will be incomplete, and the implementation of the staff’s skills will be incomplete, and the workout will be the necessary workflows, the workout will be the workload of the staff, the work of which will be incomplete the work, the workloading of the staff, which will be the necessary job-driven work, and the need for a suitable job-driven and the work-management will be the job-driven and out-of-service training groups, the workload will be carried out by the project, and the implementation of the work-management, which will have the necessary work-management, and the work-management plan will be based on the workflow, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out in the context of the work, which will be the job-driven and the work will be due to the work, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out of the work, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work of which will be carried out of the labour force, the work of which will be due to the lack of the tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of the project, the objective of which is to increase the level of professional activation and social activation of the person concerned with the employment and social activation of the persons concerned. El equipo de coaching organizará reuniones de promoción del empleo asistido entre los empleadores locales del Voivodato de Baja Silesia (Condado de Milicki), personas de tiempo parcial y sus familias, a quienes se dirige el programa.El efecto del proyecto será un aumento de la actividad profesional y social en el mercado laboral local, lo que se traduce en un aumento general de la activación profesional de las personas con discapacidad.El proyecto se ejecutará de acuerdo con el estándar mínimo de servicios y un catálogo de tarifas para proyectos de competencia realizados en el marco del proyecto. (Spanish)
    20 January 2022
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    Projekt „Võib, saan, ma töötan“ on abistatud töö treenerite meeskonna tegevuse jätkuks aastatel 2008–2017. The main problem is the low level of professional and social activation of incomplete persons, resulting from the lack of tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of a project whose aim is to increase the level of professional and social activation of osójavascript:__doPostBack(‘ctl00$maincontent$SimikPuttonPuttonSubscribe“,”)b out of incomplete.Unfull European employment model(’ctl00$maincontent$SimikPrivacy will increase the practical skills of the people working, the activities of the working people will be carried out, the implementation of the staff will be incomplete, the work of which will be carried out on a job basis, which will be based on the work and the work will be carried out on the basis of the work, the training will be carried out by the staff members, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, the staff will be recruited, the work will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, and the staff will be able to work properly.These will be a part of the job-driven workflow, the job-driven work-out and the necessary job-driven jobs, the workload of the staff will be recruited, the workload of the staff will be incomplete, and the implementation of the staff’s skills will be incomplete, and the workout will be the necessary workflows, the workout will be the workload of the staff, the work of which will be incomplete the work, the workloading of the staff, which will be the necessary job-driven work, and the need for a suitable job-driven and the work-management will be the job-driven and out-of-service training groups, the workload will be carried out by the project, and the implementation of the work-management, which will have the necessary work-management, and the work-management plan will be based on the workflow, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out in the context of the work, which will be the job-driven and the work will be due to the work, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out of the work, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work of which will be carried out of the labour force, the work of which will be due to the lack of the tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of the project, the objective of which is to increase the level of professional activation and social activation of the person concerned with the employment and social activation of the persons concerned. Juhendamismeeskond korraldab koosolekuid, mis edendavad toetatud tööhõivet Alam-Sileesia vojevoodkonna (Milicki maakond) kohalike tööandjate, osalise tööajaga inimeste ja nende perede vahel, kellele programm on suunatud.Projekti mõjuks on kutsealase ja sotsiaalse aktiivsuse suurenemine kohalikul tööturul, mis tähendab puuetega inimeste professionaalse aktiveerimise üldist suurenemist.Projekt viiakse ellu kooskõlas teenuste miinimumstandardiga ja projekti raames elluviidavate konkurentsiprojektide tariifide kataloogiga. (Estonian)
    13 August 2022
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    Projektas „Ar galiu, galiu dirbti“ yra pagalbinio darbo trenerių komandos veiklos tęsinys nuo 2008–2017 metų. The main problem is the low level of professional and social activation of incomplete persons, resulting from the lack of tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of a project whose aim is to increase the level of professional and social activation of osójavascript:__doPostBack(‘ctl00$maincontent$SimikPuttonPuttonSubscribe“,”)b out of incomplete.Unfull European employment model(’ctl00$maincontent$SimikPrivacy will increase the practical skills of the people working, the activities of the working people will be carried out, the implementation of the staff will be incomplete, the work of which will be carried out on a job basis, which will be based on the work and the work will be carried out on the basis of the work, the training will be carried out by the staff members, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, the staff will be recruited, the work will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, and the staff will be able to work properly.These will be a part of the job-driven workflow, the job-driven work-out and the necessary job-driven jobs, the workload of the staff will be recruited, the workload of the staff will be incomplete, and the implementation of the staff’s skills will be incomplete, and the workout will be the necessary workflows, the workout will be the workload of the staff, the work of which will be incomplete the work, the workloading of the staff, which will be the necessary job-driven work, and the need for a suitable job-driven and the work-management will be the job-driven and out-of-service training groups, the workload will be carried out by the project, and the implementation of the work-management, which will have the necessary work-management, and the work-management plan will be based on the workflow, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out in the context of the work, which will be the job-driven and the work will be due to the work, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out of the work, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work of which will be carried out of the labour force, the work of which will be due to the lack of the tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of the project, the objective of which is to increase the level of professional activation and social activation of the person concerned with the employment and social activation of the persons concerned. Koučingo komanda organizuos susitikimus, skatinančius vietos darbdavių iš Žemutinės Silezijos vaivadijos (Milicki apskritis), ne visą darbo dieną dirbančių asmenų ir jų šeimų, kuriems skirta programa, užimtumą.Projekto poveikis bus profesinės ir socialinės veiklos vietos darbo rinkoje padidėjimas, o tai reiškia bendrą neįgaliųjų profesinio aktyvumo padidėjimą.Projektas bus įgyvendinamas laikantis Minimalaus paslaugų standarto ir pagal projektą vykdomų konkurencijos projektų įkainių katalogo. (Lithuanian)
    13 August 2022
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    Projekt „Možem, mogu, radim” nastavak je aktivnosti tima trenera potpomognutog rada od 2008. do 2017. godine. The main problem is the low level of professional and social activation of incomplete persons, resulting from the lack of tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of a project whose aim is to increase the level of professional and social activation of osójavascript:__doPostBack(‘ctl00$maincontent$SimikPuttonPuttonSubscribe“,”)b out of incomplete.Unfull European employment model(’ctl00$maincontent$SimikPrivacy will increase the practical skills of the people working, the activities of the working people will be carried out, the implementation of the staff will be incomplete, the work of which will be carried out on a job basis, which will be based on the work and the work will be carried out on the basis of the work, the training will be carried out by the staff members, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, the staff will be recruited, the work will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, and the staff will be able to work properly.These will be a part of the job-driven workflow, the job-driven work-out and the necessary job-driven jobs, the workload of the staff will be recruited, the workload of the staff will be incomplete, and the implementation of the staff’s skills will be incomplete, and the workout will be the necessary workflows, the workout will be the workload of the staff, the work of which will be incomplete the work, the workloading of the staff, which will be the necessary job-driven work, and the need for a suitable job-driven and the work-management will be the job-driven and out-of-service training groups, the workload will be carried out by the project, and the implementation of the work-management, which will have the necessary work-management, and the work-management plan will be based on the workflow, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out in the context of the work, which will be the job-driven and the work will be due to the work, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out of the work, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work of which will be carried out of the labour force, the work of which will be due to the lack of the tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of the project, the objective of which is to increase the level of professional activation and social activation of the person concerned with the employment and social activation of the persons concerned. Trenerski tim organizirat će sastanke kojima se promiče potpomognuto zapošljavanje među lokalnim poslodavcima iz Donjeg Šleskog vojvodstva (Županija Milićki), osobama s nepunim radnim vremenom i njihovim obiteljima, kojima je program namijenjen.Učinak projekta bit će povećanje profesionalne i društvene aktivnosti na lokalnom tržištu rada, što dovodi do ukupnog povećanja profesionalne aktivacije osoba s invaliditetom.Projekt će se provoditi u skladu s Minimum standardom usluga i katalogom cijena za natjecateljske projekte koji se provode u okviru projekta. (Croatian)
    13 August 2022
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    Το έργο «Μπορώ, μπορώ, εργάζομαι» αποτελεί συνέχεια της δραστηριότητας της ομάδας των προπονητών της υποβοηθούμενης εργασίας από το 2008-2017. The main problem is the low level of professional and social activation of incomplete persons, resulting from the lack of tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of a project whose aim is to increase the level of professional and social activation of osójavascript:__doPostBack(‘ctl00$maincontent$SimikPuttonPuttonSubscribe“,”)b out of incomplete.Unfull European employment model(’ctl00$maincontent$SimikPrivacy will increase the practical skills of the people working, the activities of the working people will be carried out, the implementation of the staff will be incomplete, the work of which will be carried out on a job basis, which will be based on the work and the work will be carried out on the basis of the work, the training will be carried out by the staff members, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, the staff will be recruited, the work will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, and the staff will be able to work properly.These will be a part of the job-driven workflow, the job-driven work-out and the necessary job-driven jobs, the workload of the staff will be recruited, the workload of the staff will be incomplete, and the implementation of the staff’s skills will be incomplete, and the workout will be the necessary workflows, the workout will be the workload of the staff, the work of which will be incomplete the work, the workloading of the staff, which will be the necessary job-driven work, and the need for a suitable job-driven and the work-management will be the job-driven and out-of-service training groups, the workload will be carried out by the project, and the implementation of the work-management, which will have the necessary work-management, and the work-management plan will be based on the workflow, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out in the context of the work, which will be the job-driven and the work will be due to the work, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out of the work, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work of which will be carried out of the labour force, the work of which will be due to the lack of the tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of the project, the objective of which is to increase the level of professional activation and social activation of the person concerned with the employment and social activation of the persons concerned. Η ομάδα καθοδήγησης θα διοργανώσει συναντήσεις για την προώθηση της υποβοηθούμενης απασχόλησης μεταξύ τοπικών εργοδοτών από το Βοϊβοδάτο της Κάτω Σιλεσίας (Κομητεία Milicki), ατόμων από μερική απασχόληση και των οικογενειών τους, στους οποίους απευθύνεται το πρόγραμμα.Το αποτέλεσμα του έργου θα είναι η αύξηση της επαγγελματικής και κοινωνικής δραστηριότητας στην τοπική αγορά εργασίας, η οποία μεταφράζεται σε συνολική αύξηση της επαγγελματικής ενεργοποίησης των ατόμων με αναπηρίες.Το έργο θα υλοποιηθεί σύμφωνα με το ελάχιστο πρότυπο υπηρεσιών και έναν κατάλογο ποσοστών για τα έργα ανταγωνισμού που υλοποιούνται στο πλαίσιο του έργου. (Greek)
    13 August 2022
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    Projekt „Môžem, môžem, pracujem“ je pokračovaním činnosti tímu trénerov asistovanej práce v rokoch 2008 – 2017. The main problem is the low level of professional and social activation of incomplete persons, resulting from the lack of tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of a project whose aim is to increase the level of professional and social activation of osójavascript:__doPostBack(‘ctl00$maincontent$SimikPuttonPuttonSubscribe“,”)b out of incomplete.Unfull European employment model(’ctl00$maincontent$SimikPrivacy will increase the practical skills of the people working, the activities of the working people will be carried out, the implementation of the staff will be incomplete, the work of which will be carried out on a job basis, which will be based on the work and the work will be carried out on the basis of the work, the training will be carried out by the staff members, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, the staff will be recruited, the work will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, and the staff will be able to work properly.These will be a part of the job-driven workflow, the job-driven work-out and the necessary job-driven jobs, the workload of the staff will be recruited, the workload of the staff will be incomplete, and the implementation of the staff’s skills will be incomplete, and the workout will be the necessary workflows, the workout will be the workload of the staff, the work of which will be incomplete the work, the workloading of the staff, which will be the necessary job-driven work, and the need for a suitable job-driven and the work-management will be the job-driven and out-of-service training groups, the workload will be carried out by the project, and the implementation of the work-management, which will have the necessary work-management, and the work-management plan will be based on the workflow, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out in the context of the work, which will be the job-driven and the work will be due to the work, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out of the work, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work of which will be carried out of the labour force, the work of which will be due to the lack of the tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of the project, the objective of which is to increase the level of professional activation and social activation of the person concerned with the employment and social activation of the persons concerned. Koučingový tím bude organizovať stretnutia na podporu asistovaného zamestnania medzi miestnymi zamestnávateľmi z Dolného Sliezskeho vojvodstva (Milicki County), ľuďmi z čiastočných úväzkov a ich rodín, ktorým je program určený. Účinkom projektu bude zvýšenie odbornej a spoločenskej činnosti na miestnom trhu práce, čo sa premieta do celkového zvýšenia profesionálnej aktivácie osôb so zdravotným postihnutím. Projekt sa bude realizovať v súlade s minimálnym štandardom služieb a katalógom sadzieb pre súťažné projekty realizované v rámci projektu. (Slovak)
    13 August 2022
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    Projekti ”Can, I can, I work” on jatkoa avustetun työn valmentajien tiimille vuosina 2008–2017. The main problem is the low level of professional and social activation of incomplete persons, resulting from the lack of tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of a project whose aim is to increase the level of professional and social activation of osójavascript:__doPostBack(‘ctl00$maincontent$SimikPuttonPuttonSubscribe“,”)b out of incomplete.Unfull European employment model(’ctl00$maincontent$SimikPrivacy will increase the practical skills of the people working, the activities of the working people will be carried out, the implementation of the staff will be incomplete, the work of which will be carried out on a job basis, which will be based on the work and the work will be carried out on the basis of the work, the training will be carried out by the staff members, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, the staff will be recruited, the work will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, and the staff will be able to work properly.These will be a part of the job-driven workflow, the job-driven work-out and the necessary job-driven jobs, the workload of the staff will be recruited, the workload of the staff will be incomplete, and the implementation of the staff’s skills will be incomplete, and the workout will be the necessary workflows, the workout will be the workload of the staff, the work of which will be incomplete the work, the workloading of the staff, which will be the necessary job-driven work, and the need for a suitable job-driven and the work-management will be the job-driven and out-of-service training groups, the workload will be carried out by the project, and the implementation of the work-management, which will have the necessary work-management, and the work-management plan will be based on the workflow, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out in the context of the work, which will be the job-driven and the work will be due to the work, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out of the work, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work of which will be carried out of the labour force, the work of which will be due to the lack of the tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of the project, the objective of which is to increase the level of professional activation and social activation of the person concerned with the employment and social activation of the persons concerned. Valmennusryhmä järjestää tapaamisia, joilla edistetään avustettua työllistymistä Ala-Sleesian voivodikunnan (Milickin lääni), osa-aikaisten työntekijöiden ja heidän perheidensä keskuudessa, joille ohjelma on suunnattu. Hankkeen vaikutuksena on ammatillisen ja sosiaalisen toiminnan lisääntyminen paikallisilla työmarkkinoilla, mikä merkitsee vammaisten ammatillisen aktivoinnin yleistä lisääntymistä. Hanke toteutetaan vähimmäispalvelutason mukaisesti ja hankkeen puitteissa toteutettavien kilpailuhankkeiden hintaluettelon mukaisesti. (Finnish)
    13 August 2022
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    A „Can, I can, I work” projekt az asszisztált munka edzői csapatának tevékenységének folytatása 2008–2017 között. The main problem is the low level of professional and social activation of incomplete persons, resulting from the lack of tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of a project whose aim is to increase the level of professional and social activation of osójavascript:__doPostBack(‘ctl00$maincontent$SimikPuttonPuttonSubscribe“,”)b out of incomplete.Unfull European employment model(’ctl00$maincontent$SimikPrivacy will increase the practical skills of the people working, the activities of the working people will be carried out, the implementation of the staff will be incomplete, the work of which will be carried out on a job basis, which will be based on the work and the work will be carried out on the basis of the work, the training will be carried out by the staff members, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, the staff will be recruited, the work will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, and the staff will be able to work properly.These will be a part of the job-driven workflow, the job-driven work-out and the necessary job-driven jobs, the workload of the staff will be recruited, the workload of the staff will be incomplete, and the implementation of the staff’s skills will be incomplete, and the workout will be the necessary workflows, the workout will be the workload of the staff, the work of which will be incomplete the work, the workloading of the staff, which will be the necessary job-driven work, and the need for a suitable job-driven and the work-management will be the job-driven and out-of-service training groups, the workload will be carried out by the project, and the implementation of the work-management, which will have the necessary work-management, and the work-management plan will be based on the workflow, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out in the context of the work, which will be the job-driven and the work will be due to the work, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out of the work, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work of which will be carried out of the labour force, the work of which will be due to the lack of the tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of the project, the objective of which is to increase the level of professional activation and social activation of the person concerned with the employment and social activation of the persons concerned. A coaching csapat olyan találkozókat szervez, amelyek elősegítik a támogatott foglalkoztatást az Alsó-Sziléziai vajdaság (Milicki megye) helyi munkaadói, a részmunkaidős személyek és családjaik körében, akiknek a program szól.A projekt hatása a helyi munkaerőpiacon a szakmai és társadalmi tevékenység növekedése lesz, ami a fogyatékkal élők szakmai aktivizálásának általános növekedését jelenti.A projektet a minimális szolgáltatási színvonalnak és a projekt keretében végrehajtott versenyprojektek díjjegyzékének megfelelően hajtják végre. (Hungarian)
    13 August 2022
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    Projekt „Můžu, mohu, pracuji“ je pokračováním činnosti týmu trenérů asistované práce v letech 2008–2017. The main problem is the low level of professional and social activation of incomplete persons, resulting from the lack of tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of a project whose aim is to increase the level of professional and social activation of osójavascript:__doPostBack(‘ctl00$maincontent$SimikPuttonPuttonSubscribe“,”)b out of incomplete.Unfull European employment model(’ctl00$maincontent$SimikPrivacy will increase the practical skills of the people working, the activities of the working people will be carried out, the implementation of the staff will be incomplete, the work of which will be carried out on a job basis, which will be based on the work and the work will be carried out on the basis of the work, the training will be carried out by the staff members, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, the staff will be recruited, the work will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, and the staff will be able to work properly.These will be a part of the job-driven workflow, the job-driven work-out and the necessary job-driven jobs, the workload of the staff will be recruited, the workload of the staff will be incomplete, and the implementation of the staff’s skills will be incomplete, and the workout will be the necessary workflows, the workout will be the workload of the staff, the work of which will be incomplete the work, the workloading of the staff, which will be the necessary job-driven work, and the need for a suitable job-driven and the work-management will be the job-driven and out-of-service training groups, the workload will be carried out by the project, and the implementation of the work-management, which will have the necessary work-management, and the work-management plan will be based on the workflow, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out in the context of the work, which will be the job-driven and the work will be due to the work, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out of the work, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work of which will be carried out of the labour force, the work of which will be due to the lack of the tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of the project, the objective of which is to increase the level of professional activation and social activation of the person concerned with the employment and social activation of the persons concerned. Koučovací tým bude organizovat setkání na podporu asistovaného zaměstnávání mezi místními zaměstnavateli z Dolního Slezského vojvodství (okres Milicki), lidmi z částečných úvazků a jejich rodinami, jimž je program určen. Účinkem projektu bude zvýšení odborné a sociální činnosti na místním trhu práce, což se promítá do celkového nárůstu profesní aktivace osob se zdravotním postižením.Projekt bude realizován v souladu s minimálním standardem služeb a katalogem sazeb pro soutěžní projekty realizované v rámci projektu. (Czech)
    13 August 2022
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    Projekts “Can, es varu, es varu strādāt” ir turpinājums atbalstītā darba treneru komandas darbībai no 2008. līdz 2017. gadam. The main problem is the low level of professional and social activation of incomplete persons, resulting from the lack of tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of a project whose aim is to increase the level of professional and social activation of osójavascript:__doPostBack(‘ctl00$maincontent$SimikPuttonPuttonSubscribe“,”)b out of incomplete.Unfull European employment model(’ctl00$maincontent$SimikPrivacy will increase the practical skills of the people working, the activities of the working people will be carried out, the implementation of the staff will be incomplete, the work of which will be carried out on a job basis, which will be based on the work and the work will be carried out on the basis of the work, the training will be carried out by the staff members, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, the staff will be recruited, the work will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, and the staff will be able to work properly.These will be a part of the job-driven workflow, the job-driven work-out and the necessary job-driven jobs, the workload of the staff will be recruited, the workload of the staff will be incomplete, and the implementation of the staff’s skills will be incomplete, and the workout will be the necessary workflows, the workout will be the workload of the staff, the work of which will be incomplete the work, the workloading of the staff, which will be the necessary job-driven work, and the need for a suitable job-driven and the work-management will be the job-driven and out-of-service training groups, the workload will be carried out by the project, and the implementation of the work-management, which will have the necessary work-management, and the work-management plan will be based on the workflow, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out in the context of the work, which will be the job-driven and the work will be due to the work, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out of the work, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work of which will be carried out of the labour force, the work of which will be due to the lack of the tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of the project, the objective of which is to increase the level of professional activation and social activation of the person concerned with the employment and social activation of the persons concerned. Koučinga komanda organizēs tikšanās starp Lejassilēzijas vojevodistes (Milicki apriņķa) vietējiem darba devējiem, nepilna laika cilvēkiem un viņu ģimenēm, uz kuriem attiecas programma.Projekta ietekme būs profesionālās un sociālās aktivitātes pieaugums vietējā darba tirgū, kas nozīmē vispārēju cilvēku ar invaliditāti profesionālās aktivizēšanas pieaugumu.Projekts tiks īstenots saskaņā ar minimālo pakalpojumu standartu un projekta ietvaros īstenoto konkursa projektu tarifu katalogu. (Latvian)
    13 August 2022
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    Is é an tionscadal “An féidir liom, is féidir liom, ag obair” leanúint ar aghaidh le gníomhaíocht na foirne cóitseálaithe obair chuidithe ó 2008-2017. The main problem is the low level of professional and social activation of incomplete persons, resulting from the lack of tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of a project whose aim is to increase the level of professional and social activation of osójavascript:__doPostBack(‘ctl00$maincontent$SimikPuttonPuttonSubscribe“,”)b out of incomplete.Unfull European employment model(’ctl00$maincontent$SimikPrivacy will increase the practical skills of the people working, the activities of the working people will be carried out, the implementation of the staff will be incomplete, the work of which will be carried out on a job basis, which will be based on the work and the work will be carried out on the basis of the work, the training will be carried out by the staff members, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, the staff will be recruited, the work will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, and the staff will be able to work properly.These will be a part of the job-driven workflow, the job-driven work-out and the necessary job-driven jobs, the workload of the staff will be recruited, the workload of the staff will be incomplete, and the implementation of the staff’s skills will be incomplete, and the workout will be the necessary workflows, the workout will be the workload of the staff, the work of which will be incomplete the work, the workloading of the staff, which will be the necessary job-driven work, and the need for a suitable job-driven and the work-management will be the job-driven and out-of-service training groups, the workload will be carried out by the project, and the implementation of the work-management, which will have the necessary work-management, and the work-management plan will be based on the workflow, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out in the context of the work, which will be the job-driven and the work will be due to the work, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out of the work, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work of which will be carried out of the labour force, the work of which will be due to the lack of the tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of the project, the objective of which is to increase the level of professional activation and social activation of the person concerned with the employment and social activation of the persons concerned. Eagróidh an fhoireann chóitseála cruinnithe chun fostaíocht chuidithe a chur chun cinn i measc fostóirí áitiúla ón Voivodeship Silesian Íochtarach (Milicki County), daoine ó pháirtaimseartha agus a dteaghlaigh, a bhfuil an clár dírithe orthu. (Irish)
    13 August 2022
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    Projekt „Lahko, lahko, delam“ je nadaljevanje aktivnosti tima trenerjev asistiranega dela v obdobju 2008–2017. The main problem is the low level of professional and social activation of incomplete persons, resulting from the lack of tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of a project whose aim is to increase the level of professional and social activation of osójavascript:__doPostBack(‘ctl00$maincontent$SimikPuttonPuttonSubscribe“,”)b out of incomplete.Unfull European employment model(’ctl00$maincontent$SimikPrivacy will increase the practical skills of the people working, the activities of the working people will be carried out, the implementation of the staff will be incomplete, the work of which will be carried out on a job basis, which will be based on the work and the work will be carried out on the basis of the work, the training will be carried out by the staff members, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, the staff will be recruited, the work will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, and the staff will be able to work properly.These will be a part of the job-driven workflow, the job-driven work-out and the necessary job-driven jobs, the workload of the staff will be recruited, the workload of the staff will be incomplete, and the implementation of the staff’s skills will be incomplete, and the workout will be the necessary workflows, the workout will be the workload of the staff, the work of which will be incomplete the work, the workloading of the staff, which will be the necessary job-driven work, and the need for a suitable job-driven and the work-management will be the job-driven and out-of-service training groups, the workload will be carried out by the project, and the implementation of the work-management, which will have the necessary work-management, and the work-management plan will be based on the workflow, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out in the context of the work, which will be the job-driven and the work will be due to the work, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out of the work, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work of which will be carried out of the labour force, the work of which will be due to the lack of the tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of the project, the objective of which is to increase the level of professional activation and social activation of the person concerned with the employment and social activation of the persons concerned. Mentorska ekipa bo organizirala srečanja za spodbujanje pomoči pri zaposlovanju med lokalnimi delodajalci iz Spodnje Šlezijske vojvodstva (Milicki County), osebami s krajšim delovnim časom in njihovimi družinami, na katere je program naslovljen.Učinek projekta bo povečanje strokovne in socialne dejavnosti na lokalnem trgu dela, kar pomeni splošno povečanje poklicne aktivacije invalidov. Projekt se bo izvajal v skladu z minimalnim standardom storitev in katalogom stopenj za konkurenčne projekte, ki se izvajajo v okviru projekta. (Slovenian)
    13 August 2022
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    Проектът „Мога ли, мога, работя“ е продължение на дейността на екипа от треньори за асистирана работа от 2008—2017 г. The main problem is the low level of professional and social activation of incomplete persons, resulting from the lack of tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of a project whose aim is to increase the level of professional and social activation of osójavascript:__doPostBack(‘ctl00$maincontent$SimikPuttonPuttonSubscribe“,”)b out of incomplete.Unfull European employment model(’ctl00$maincontent$SimikPrivacy will increase the practical skills of the people working, the activities of the working people will be carried out, the implementation of the staff will be incomplete, the work of which will be carried out on a job basis, which will be based on the work and the work will be carried out on the basis of the work, the training will be carried out by the staff members, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, the staff will be recruited, the work will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, and the staff will be able to work properly.These will be a part of the job-driven workflow, the job-driven work-out and the necessary job-driven jobs, the workload of the staff will be recruited, the workload of the staff will be incomplete, and the implementation of the staff’s skills will be incomplete, and the workout will be the necessary workflows, the workout will be the workload of the staff, the work of which will be incomplete the work, the workloading of the staff, which will be the necessary job-driven work, and the need for a suitable job-driven and the work-management will be the job-driven and out-of-service training groups, the workload will be carried out by the project, and the implementation of the work-management, which will have the necessary work-management, and the work-management plan will be based on the workflow, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out in the context of the work, which will be the job-driven and the work will be due to the work, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out of the work, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work of which will be carried out of the labour force, the work of which will be due to the lack of the tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of the project, the objective of which is to increase the level of professional activation and social activation of the person concerned with the employment and social activation of the persons concerned. Коучинг екипът ще организира срещи за насърчаване на асистираната заетост сред местните работодатели от Долносилезкото войводство (Окръг Милицки), хората от непълен работен ден и техните семейства, към които е насочена програмата.Ефектът от проекта ще бъде увеличаване на професионалната и социалната дейност на местния пазар на труда, което се изразява в цялостно увеличаване на професионалната активност на хората с увреждания.Проектът ще се изпълнява в съответствие с минималния стандарт на услугите и каталог на ставките за конкурсни проекти, осъществявани в рамките на проекта. (Bulgarian)
    13 August 2022
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    Il-proġett “Can, I can, I work” huwa kontinwazzjoni tal-attività tat-tim ta’ kowċis ta’ xogħol assistit mill-2008–2017. The main problem is the low level of professional and social activation of incomplete persons, resulting from the lack of tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of a project whose aim is to increase the level of professional and social activation of osójavascript:__doPostBack(‘ctl00$maincontent$SimikPuttonPuttonSubscribe“,”)b out of incomplete.Unfull European employment model(’ctl00$maincontent$SimikPrivacy will increase the practical skills of the people working, the activities of the working people will be carried out, the implementation of the staff will be incomplete, the work of which will be carried out on a job basis, which will be based on the work and the work will be carried out on the basis of the work, the training will be carried out by the staff members, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, the staff will be recruited, the work will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, and the staff will be able to work properly.These will be a part of the job-driven workflow, the job-driven work-out and the necessary job-driven jobs, the workload of the staff will be recruited, the workload of the staff will be incomplete, and the implementation of the staff’s skills will be incomplete, and the workout will be the necessary workflows, the workout will be the workload of the staff, the work of which will be incomplete the work, the workloading of the staff, which will be the necessary job-driven work, and the need for a suitable job-driven and the work-management will be the job-driven and out-of-service training groups, the workload will be carried out by the project, and the implementation of the work-management, which will have the necessary work-management, and the work-management plan will be based on the workflow, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out in the context of the work, which will be the job-driven and the work will be due to the work, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out of the work, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work of which will be carried out of the labour force, the work of which will be due to the lack of the tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of the project, the objective of which is to increase the level of professional activation and social activation of the person concerned with the employment and social activation of the persons concerned. It-tim tal-ikkowċjar se jorganizza laqgħat li jippromwovu l-impjieg assistit fost l-impjegaturi lokali mill-Voivodeship Silesian Lower (Milicki County), persuni minn part-time u l-familji tagħhom, li għalihom huwa indirizzat il-programm. L-effett tal-proġett se jkun żieda fl-attività professjonali u soċjali fis-suq tax-xogħol lokali, li jissarraf f’żieda globali fl-attivazzjoni professjonali ta’ persuni b’diżabilità. Il-proġett se jiġi implimentat skont l-istandard minimu ta’ servizzi u katalgu ta’ rati għal proġetti ta’ kompetizzjoni mwettqa fi ħdan il-qafas tal-proġett. (Maltese)
    13 August 2022
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    O projeto «I can, I can, work» é uma continuação das atividades da equipa de formadores assistida entre 2008 e 2017. O principal problema do trabalho da equipa é o baixo nível de ativação profissional e social dos indivíduos., resultante da falta de ferramentas disponíveis para apoiar estas pessoas.A resposta é a execução do projeto, cujo objetivo inclui o aumento do nível de ativação profissional e ativação social do trabalho:__doPostBack(«ctl00$maincontent$SimikO exercício das formações do pessoal competente será necessário para a preparação do trabalho professado»,b de forma incompleta.Com a utilização do modelo europeu de emprego assistido. A equipa de formação organizará reuniões de promoção do emprego assistido entre os empregadores locais do voivodato de Dolnośląskie (distrito de Millicki), as pessoas a tempo parcial e as suas famílias, a quem o programa se destina.O resultado do projeto será um aumento da atividade profissional e social de pessoas de uma parte do mercado de trabalho local, o que se traduz num aumento geral da ativação profissional de pessoas com deficiência.O projeto será executado em conformidade com a norma mínima de serviços e catálogo de taxas para projetos (Portuguese)
    13 August 2022
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    Projektet "Kan, jeg kan, jeg arbejder" er en fortsættelse af aktiviteten i teamet af coaches af assisteret arbejde fra 2008-2017. The main problem is the low level of professional and social activation of incomplete persons, resulting from the lack of tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of a project whose aim is to increase the level of professional and social activation of osójavascript:__doPostBack(‘ctl00$maincontent$SimikPuttonPuttonSubscribe“,”)b out of incomplete.Unfull European employment model(’ctl00$maincontent$SimikPrivacy will increase the practical skills of the people working, the activities of the working people will be carried out, the implementation of the staff will be incomplete, the work of which will be carried out on a job basis, which will be based on the work and the work will be carried out on the basis of the work, the training will be carried out by the staff members, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, the staff will be recruited, the work will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, and the staff will be able to work properly.These will be a part of the job-driven workflow, the job-driven work-out and the necessary job-driven jobs, the workload of the staff will be recruited, the workload of the staff will be incomplete, and the implementation of the staff’s skills will be incomplete, and the workout will be the necessary workflows, the workout will be the workload of the staff, the work of which will be incomplete the work, the workloading of the staff, which will be the necessary job-driven work, and the need for a suitable job-driven and the work-management will be the job-driven and out-of-service training groups, the workload will be carried out by the project, and the implementation of the work-management, which will have the necessary work-management, and the work-management plan will be based on the workflow, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out in the context of the work, which will be the job-driven and the work will be due to the work, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out of the work, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work of which will be carried out of the labour force, the work of which will be due to the lack of the tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of the project, the objective of which is to increase the level of professional activation and social activation of the person concerned with the employment and social activation of the persons concerned. Coachingteamet tilrettelægger møder til fremme af støttet beskæftigelse blandt lokale arbejdsgivere fra Lower Silesian Voivodeship (Milicki Amt), personer fra deltid og deres familier, som programmet er rettet til.Projektets effekt vil være en stigning i den faglige og sociale aktivitet på det lokale arbejdsmarked, hvilket resulterer i en samlet stigning i den faglige aktivering af personer med handicap.Projektet vil blive gennemført i overensstemmelse med minimumsstandarden for tjenester og et katalog over satser for konkurrenceprojekter, der gennemføres inden for rammerne af projektet. (Danish)
    13 August 2022
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    Proiectul „Pot, eu pot, lucrez” este o continuare a activității echipei de antrenori a muncii asistate în perioada 2008-2017. The main problem is the low level of professional and social activation of incomplete persons, resulting from the lack of tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of a project whose aim is to increase the level of professional and social activation of osójavascript:__doPostBack(‘ctl00$maincontent$SimikPuttonPuttonSubscribe“,”)b out of incomplete.Unfull European employment model(’ctl00$maincontent$SimikPrivacy will increase the practical skills of the people working, the activities of the working people will be carried out, the implementation of the staff will be incomplete, the work of which will be carried out on a job basis, which will be based on the work and the work will be carried out on the basis of the work, the training will be carried out by the staff members, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, the staff will be recruited, the work will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, and the staff will be able to work properly.These will be a part of the job-driven workflow, the job-driven work-out and the necessary job-driven jobs, the workload of the staff will be recruited, the workload of the staff will be incomplete, and the implementation of the staff’s skills will be incomplete, and the workout will be the necessary workflows, the workout will be the workload of the staff, the work of which will be incomplete the work, the workloading of the staff, which will be the necessary job-driven work, and the need for a suitable job-driven and the work-management will be the job-driven and out-of-service training groups, the workload will be carried out by the project, and the implementation of the work-management, which will have the necessary work-management, and the work-management plan will be based on the workflow, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out in the context of the work, which will be the job-driven and the work will be due to the work, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out of the work, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work of which will be carried out of the labour force, the work of which will be due to the lack of the tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of the project, the objective of which is to increase the level of professional activation and social activation of the person concerned with the employment and social activation of the persons concerned. Echipa de coaching va organiza întâlniri de promovare a ocupării asistate în rândul angajatorilor locali din Voievodatul Silezia Inferioară (județul Milicki), persoanelor cu fracțiune de normă și familiilor acestora, cărora li se adresează programul.Efectul proiectului va fi o creștere a activității profesionale și sociale pe piața muncii locale, ceea ce se traduce printr-o creștere globală a activării profesionale a persoanelor cu dizabilități.Proiectul va fi implementat în conformitate cu standardul minim de servicii și cu un catalog de tarife pentru proiectele de concurență desfășurate în cadrul proiectului. (Romanian)
    13 August 2022
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    Projektet ”Kan, jag kan, jag arbetar” är en fortsättning på verksamheten i teamet av coacher för assisterat arbete från 2008–2017. The main problem is the low level of professional and social activation of incomplete persons, resulting from the lack of tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of a project whose aim is to increase the level of professional and social activation of osójavascript:__doPostBack(‘ctl00$maincontent$SimikPuttonPuttonSubscribe“,”)b out of incomplete.Unfull European employment model(’ctl00$maincontent$SimikPrivacy will increase the practical skills of the people working, the activities of the working people will be carried out, the implementation of the staff will be incomplete, the work of which will be carried out on a job basis, which will be based on the work and the work will be carried out on the basis of the work, the training will be carried out by the staff members, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of the staff will be carried out, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, the staff will be recruited, the work will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out in the field of work, the work of which will be carried out by the staff, and the staff will be able to work properly.These will be a part of the job-driven workflow, the job-driven work-out and the necessary job-driven jobs, the workload of the staff will be recruited, the workload of the staff will be incomplete, and the implementation of the staff’s skills will be incomplete, and the workout will be the necessary workflows, the workout will be the workload of the staff, the work of which will be incomplete the work, the workloading of the staff, which will be the necessary job-driven work, and the need for a suitable job-driven and the work-management will be the job-driven and out-of-service training groups, the workload will be carried out by the project, and the implementation of the work-management, which will have the necessary work-management, and the work-management plan will be based on the workflow, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out in the context of the work, which will be the job-driven and the work will be due to the work, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff, the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out by the staff members, and the work will be carried out of the work, the work will be carried out by the staff, and the work will be carried out by the staff, the work of which will be carried out of the labour force, the work of which will be due to the lack of the tools available to support them.The answer is the implementation of the project, the objective of which is to increase the level of professional activation and social activation of the person concerned with the employment and social activation of the persons concerned. Coachningsteamet kommer att anordna möten som främjar stöd till sysselsättning bland lokala arbetsgivare från Nedre Schlesiens vojvodskap (Milicki County), personer från deltid och deras familjer, till vilka programmet riktar sig.Projektets effekt kommer att bli en ökning av den yrkesmässiga och sociala aktiviteten på den lokala arbetsmarknaden, vilket leder till en övergripande ökning av den yrkesmässiga aktiveringen av personer med funktionsnedsättning.Projektet kommer att genomföras i enlighet med minimistandarden för tjänster och en katalog över priser för konkurrensprojekt som genomförs inom ramen för projektet. (Swedish)
    13 August 2022
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    WOJ.: DOLNOŚLĄSKIE, POW.: milicki
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    24 May 2023
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