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Project Q2782746 in Greece
Language Label Description Also known as
Project Q2782746 in Greece


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    374,289.0 Euro
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    30 June 2021
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    31 December 2021
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    38°35'26.70"N, 22°37'5.92"E
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    Σκοπός του αντικειμένου της προτεινόμενης Πράξης είναι η εκπόνηση όλων των απαραίτητων μελετών (υποστηρικτικές, Μ.Π.Ε., οριστική μελέτη καθώς και τεύχη δημοπράτησης) για την έντεχνη, άρτια, οικονομική και ασφαλή εκτέλεση του έργου της επέκτασης του ΧΥΤΥ ’μφισσας. Η υλοποίησή της κρίνεται αναγκαία καθώς θα συμβάλλει:α) στην εξασφάλιση του χώρου ασφαλούς τελικής διάθεσης του υπολείμματος της υπό αναβάθμισης Μονάδας Επεξεργασίας Απορριμμάτων Φωκίδας με την προσθήκη μηχανικής διαλογής και βιολογικής επεξεργασία του οργανικού κλάσματος των σύμμεικτων απορριμμάτων, η οποία βρίσκεται στο στάδιο εκπόνησης της μελέτης, συμβάλλοντας στην επίτευξη των στόχων του Εθνικού Σχεδίου Διαχείρισης Αποβλήτων και του οικείου ΠΕ.Σ.Δ.Α. για την ολοκληρωμένη διαχείριση των αποβλήτων, τα οποία είναι εναρμονισμένα στις απαιτήσεις των διατάξεων της ευρωπαϊκής (Οδηγία 2008/98/ΕΚ) και εθνικής νομοθεσίας [Ν. 4042/2012 (ΦΕΚ Α’24)].β) σημαντικά στην ορθολογική διαχείριση των στερεών αποβλήτων του εξυπηρετούμενου πληθυσμού με πολλαπλά θετικά οφέλη για την τοπική κοινωνία προασπίζοντας το περιβάλλον και την Δημόσια Υγεία.Σημειώνεται ότι ο υφιστάμενος ΧΥΤΥ στη τρέχουσα μεταβατική περίοδο, πλην των εξυπηρετούμενων Δήμων Ν. Φωκίδας, θα λειτουργεί ως ΧΥΤΑ/ΧΥΤΥ και για τους Δήμους Αιγιαλείας, Δυτικής Μάνης, Αμφίκλειας κλπ μέχρι την ολοκλήρωση των ΜΕΑ που θα εξυπηρετούν τους εν λόγω Δήμους και κρίνεται αναγκαία η επέκταση του. (Greek)
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    The purpose of the proposed Act is to carry out all necessary studies (supportive, TEA, final study as well as tender documents) for the artistic, sound, economical and safe execution of the work of expanding the landfill. Implementation is deemed necessary as it will contribute to:(a) ensuring the safe disposal site of the residue of the waste treatment plant under upgrading by adding mechanical sorting and biological treatment of the organic fraction of the mixed waste, which is at the stage of preparation of the study, contributing to the achievement of the objectives of the National Waste Plan and the Biological Content of the Appropriate Waste and the Appreciated WFS, which is at the stage of the preparation of the study, by contributing to the achievement of the objectives of the National Waste Management Plan and of the Appreciation of the WA, to the WITS, to the Integrated Waste, to the Integrated and Integrated Waste, to contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the National Waste Management Plan and to the Appropriate Appropriality of the WA.C.S.C.S.S.... (English)
    2 July 2021
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    Le but de l'objet de la loi proposée est l'élaboration de toutes les études nécessaires (à l'appui, EIE, étude finale ainsi que les documents d'appel d'offres) pour l'exécution astucieuse, approfondie, financière et sécuritaire du projet d'agrandissement de la fonderie. Sa mise en œuvre est jugée nécessaire car elle contribuera à : , contribuer à la réalisation des objectifs du Plan National de Gestion des Déchets et du PE.S.D.A. pour la gestion intégrée des déchets, qui sont harmonisées avec les exigences des dispositions de la législation européenne (Directive 2008/98/CE) et nationale [N. 4042/2012 (Government Gazette A'24)]. B) important dans la gestion rationnelle des déchets solides de la population desservie avec de multiples avantages positifs pour la communauté locale en protégeant l'environnement et la santé publique des municipalités desservies de N. Fokida , fonctionnera comme une décharge / décharge pour les municipalités d'Aigialeia, West Mani, Amfikleia, etc. (French)
    29 November 2021
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    Gegenstand des Gesetzesvorschlages ist die Erarbeitung aller notwendigen Studien (Begleitung, UVP, Abschlussstudie sowie Ausschreibungsunterlagen) zur kunstvollen, vollständigen, finanziellen und sicheren Durchführung des Vorhabens der Gießereierweiterung. Ihre Umsetzung wird als notwendig erachtet, da sie dazu beitragen wird: a) die sichere Endlagerung der Reststoffe der modernisierten Abfallbehandlungsanlage Fokida durch zusätzliche mechanische Sortierung und biologische Behandlung der organischen Fraktion des gemischten Abfalls auf dem Untersuchungsgelände zu gewährleisten, die befindet sich in der Studie und trägt zur Erreichung der Ziele des Nationalen Abfallwirtschaftsplans und der entsprechenden PE.S.D.A. zur integrierten Abfallwirtschaft, die mit den Anforderungen der europäischen (Richtlinie 2008/98/EG) und nationalen Gesetzgebung [N. 4042/2012 (Staatsanzeiger A'24)] B) wichtig für die rationelle Entsorgung fester Abfälle der versorgten Bevölkerung mit mehreren positiven Vorteilen für die lokale Gemeinschaft durch den Schutz der Umwelt und der öffentlichen Gesundheit der versorgten Gemeinden von N. Fokida , wird als Deponie / Deponie für die Gemeinden Aigialeia, West Mani, Amfikleia usw. betrieben, bis die MEAs abgeschlossen sind, die den genannten Gemeinden dienen werden und eine Erweiterung als notwendig erachtet wird. (German)
    6 December 2021
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    Het doel van de voorgestelde actie is het uitvoeren van alle noodzakelijke studies (ondersteuning van kmo’s, eindstudie en aanbestedingsdocumenten) voor de technische, gezonde, financiële en veilige uitvoering van het project voor de uitbreiding van de stortplaats van Amfissa. Its implementation is considered necessary as it will contribute to:(a) ensuring the safe disposal of the residue of the Fokida Waste Treatment Unit under upgrading by adding mechanical sorting and biological treatment of the organic fraction of mixed waste, which is in the process of drawing up the study, contributing to the achievement of the objectives of the National Waste Management Plan and its RUDA for integrated waste management, which are harmonised with the requirements of the provisions of the European Directive (Directive 2008/98/EC) and national legislation (Law 4042/2012 (Law 4042/2012) (Government Gazette, Series I, No 4042/2012 (FEK A24) for integrated waste management, which is harmonised with the requirements of the provisions of the European Directive (Directive 2008/98/EC) and national legislation (Law 4042/2012 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 4042/2012) will be able to achieve the objectives of the National Waste Management Plan and its MEP for integrated waste management, which is in line with the requirements of the provisions of the European Union (Directive 2008/98/EC) and national legislation (Law 4042/2012 (Law 4042/2012 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 4042/2012) will be able to achieve the objectives of the National Waste Management Plan and its MEP for integrated waste management, which is in line with the requirements of the provisions of the European Union (Directive 2008/98/EC) and national legislation (Law 4042/2012) (Law 4042/2012 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 4042/2012) for the integrated waste management plan, which is in line with the requirements of the provisions of the European Union (Directive 2008/98/EC) and national legislation (Law 4042/2012 (Law 4042/2012) (Law 4042/2012) for achieving the objectives of the National Waste Management Plan and its RUD for integrated waste management, which is in line with the requirements of the provisions of the European Directive (Directive 2008/98/EC) and national legislation (Law 4042/2012 (Law 4042/2012) (Law 4042/2012) for achieving the objectives of the National Waste Management Plan and its MEP for integrated waste management, which are harmonised with the requirements of the provisions of the European Union (Directive 2008/98/EC) and national legislation (Law 4042/2012 (Law 4042/2012) (Law 4042/2012 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 4042/2012) for the integrated waste management plan, which is in line with the requirements of the provisions of the European Directive 2008/98/EC) and of national legislation (Law 4042/2012 (Law 4042/2012) (Law 4042/2012) and its National Waste Management Plan and its RUDA for integrated waste management, which are in line with the requirements of the provisions of the European Union (Directive 2008/98/EC) and national legislation (Law 4042/2012 (Law. 4042/2012) (Law 4042/2012) (Species) and the regional planning plan for integrated waste management, which are harmonised with the requirements of the provisions of the European Union (Directive 2008/98/EC)) and national legislation (Law 4042/2012 (Law 4042/2012) (Law 4042/2012) (Law 4042/2012 (GMG) and its regional planning authority) for integrated waste management, which is harmonised with the requirements of the provisions of the provisions of European legislation (Directive 2008/98/EC) and national legislation (Law 4042/2012 (Law 4042/2012) (Species) for the management of wastes and the integrated waste management plan, which is in line with the requirements of the provisions of the European Union (Directive 2008/98/EC) and national legislation (Law 4042/2012 (Law 4042/2012) (Law 4042/2012) (Law 4042/2012 (Government law 4042/2012) (Spec. 4042/2012 (Species) for the management of (Dutch)
    16 December 2021
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    L'operazione proposta ha lo scopo di realizzare tutti gli studi necessari (sostegno alle PMI, studio finale e documenti di gara) per l'esecuzione tecnica, sana, finanziaria e sicura del progetto di ampliamento della discarica di Amfissa. Its implementation is considered necessary as it will contribute to:(a) ensuring the safe disposal of the residue of the Fokida Waste Treatment Unit under upgrading by adding mechanical sorting and biological treatment of the organic fraction of mixed waste, which is in the process of drawing up the study, contributing to the achievement of the objectives of the National Waste Management Plan and its RUDA for integrated waste management, which are harmonised with the requirements of the provisions of the European Directive (Directive 2008/98/EC) and national legislation (Law 4042/2012 (Law 4042/2012) (Government Gazette, Series I, No 4042/2012 (FEK A24) for integrated waste management, which is harmonised with the requirements of the provisions of the European Directive (Directive 2008/98/EC) and national legislation (Law 4042/2012 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 4042/2012) will be able to achieve the objectives of the National Waste Management Plan and its MEP for integrated waste management, which is in line with the requirements of the provisions of the European Union (Directive 2008/98/EC) and national legislation (Law 4042/2012 (Law 4042/2012 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 4042/2012) will be able to achieve the objectives of the National Waste Management Plan and its MEP for integrated waste management, which is in line with the requirements of the provisions of the European Union (Directive 2008/98/EC) and national legislation (Law 4042/2012) (Law 4042/2012 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 4042/2012) for the integrated waste management plan, which is in line with the requirements of the provisions of the European Union (Directive 2008/98/EC) and national legislation (Law 4042/2012 (Law 4042/2012) (Law 4042/2012) for achieving the objectives of the National Waste Management Plan and its RUD for integrated waste management, which is in line with the requirements of the provisions of the European Directive (Directive 2008/98/EC) and national legislation (Law 4042/2012 (Law 4042/2012) (Law 4042/2012) for achieving the objectives of the National Waste Management Plan and its MEP for integrated waste management, which are harmonised with the requirements of the provisions of the European Union (Directive 2008/98/EC) and national legislation (Law 4042/2012 (Law 4042/2012) (Law 4042/2012 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 4042/2012) for the integrated waste management plan, which is in line with the requirements of the provisions of the European Directive 2008/98/EC) and of national legislation (Law 4042/2012 (Law 4042/2012) (Law 4042/2012) and its National Waste Management Plan and its RUDA for integrated waste management, which are in line with the requirements of the provisions of the European Union (Directive 2008/98/EC) and national legislation (Law 4042/2012 (Law. 4042/2012) (Law 4042/2012) (Species) and the regional planning plan for integrated waste management, which are harmonised with the requirements of the provisions of the European Union (Directive 2008/98/EC)) and national legislation (Law 4042/2012 (Law 4042/2012) (Law 4042/2012) (Law 4042/2012 (GMG) and its regional planning authority) for integrated waste management, which is harmonised with the requirements of the provisions of the provisions of European legislation (Directive 2008/98/EC) and national legislation (Law 4042/2012 (Law 4042/2012) (Species) for the management of wastes and the integrated waste management plan, which is in line with the requirements of the provisions of the European Union (Directive 2008/98/EC) and national legislation (Law 4042/2012 (Law 4042/2012) (Law 4042/2012) (Law 4042/2012 (Government law 4042/2012) (Spec. 4042/2012 (Species) for the management of (Italian)
    15 January 2022
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    El objetivo de la operación propuesta es llevar a cabo todos los estudios necesarios (apoyo a las PYME, estudio final y documentos de licitación) para la ejecución técnica, sólida, financiera y segura del proyecto de ampliación del vertedero de Amfissa. Its implementation is considered necessary as it will contribute to:(a) ensuring the safe disposal of the residue of the Fokida Waste Treatment Unit under upgrading by adding mechanical sorting and biological treatment of the organic fraction of mixed waste, which is in the process of drawing up the study, contributing to the achievement of the objectives of the National Waste Management Plan and its RUDA for integrated waste management, which are harmonised with the requirements of the provisions of the European Directive (Directive 2008/98/EC) and national legislation (Law 4042/2012 (Law 4042/2012) (Government Gazette, Series I, No 4042/2012 (FEK A24) for integrated waste management, which is harmonised with the requirements of the provisions of the European Directive (Directive 2008/98/EC) and national legislation (Law 4042/2012 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 4042/2012) will be able to achieve the objectives of the National Waste Management Plan and its MEP for integrated waste management, which is in line with the requirements of the provisions of the European Union (Directive 2008/98/EC) and national legislation (Law 4042/2012 (Law 4042/2012 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 4042/2012) will be able to achieve the objectives of the National Waste Management Plan and its MEP for integrated waste management, which is in line with the requirements of the provisions of the European Union (Directive 2008/98/EC) and national legislation (Law 4042/2012) (Law 4042/2012 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 4042/2012) for the integrated waste management plan, which is in line with the requirements of the provisions of the European Union (Directive 2008/98/EC) and national legislation (Law 4042/2012 (Law 4042/2012) (Law 4042/2012) for achieving the objectives of the National Waste Management Plan and its RUD for integrated waste management, which is in line with the requirements of the provisions of the European Directive (Directive 2008/98/EC) and national legislation (Law 4042/2012 (Law 4042/2012) (Law 4042/2012) for achieving the objectives of the National Waste Management Plan and its MEP for integrated waste management, which are harmonised with the requirements of the provisions of the European Union (Directive 2008/98/EC) and national legislation (Law 4042/2012 (Law 4042/2012) (Law 4042/2012 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 4042/2012) for the integrated waste management plan, which is in line with the requirements of the provisions of the European Directive 2008/98/EC) and of national legislation (Law 4042/2012 (Law 4042/2012) (Law 4042/2012) and its National Waste Management Plan and its RUDA for integrated waste management, which are in line with the requirements of the provisions of the European Union (Directive 2008/98/EC) and national legislation (Law 4042/2012 (Law. 4042/2012) (Law 4042/2012) (Species) and the regional planning plan for integrated waste management, which are harmonised with the requirements of the provisions of the European Union (Directive 2008/98/EC)) and national legislation (Law 4042/2012 (Law 4042/2012) (Law 4042/2012) (Law 4042/2012 (GMG) and its regional planning authority) for integrated waste management, which is harmonised with the requirements of the provisions of the provisions of European legislation (Directive 2008/98/EC) and national legislation (Law 4042/2012 (Law 4042/2012) (Species) for the management of wastes and the integrated waste management plan, which is in line with the requirements of the provisions of the European Union (Directive 2008/98/EC) and national legislation (Law 4042/2012 (Law 4042/2012) (Law 4042/2012) (Law 4042/2012 (Government law 4042/2012) (Spec. 4042/2012 (Species) for the management of (Spanish)
    15 January 2022
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    Kavandatava seaduse eesmärk on viia läbi kõik vajalikud uuringud (toetavad, TEA, lõppuuring ja hankedokumendid) prügila laiendamise tööde kunstiliseks, usaldusväärseks, ökonoomseks ja ohutuks teostamiseks. Rakendamist peetakse vajalikuks, kuna see aitab:a) tagada jäätmetöötlustehase jääkide ohutu kõrvaldamise koha ajakohastamisel, lisades segajäätmete orgaanilise osa mehhaanilise sorteerimise ja bioloogilise töötlemise, mis on uuringu ettevalmistamise etapis, aidates kaasa riikliku jäätmekava eesmärkide saavutamisele ning asjakohaste jäätmete bioloogilisele sisaldusele ja hinnatud jäätmesaadetiste kavale, mis on uuringu ettevalmistamise etapis, aidates kaasa riikliku jäätmekava ja väljaveohinna hindamise eesmärkide saavutamisele, WITSile, integreeritud jäätmetele, integreeritud ja integreeritud jäätmetele, riikliku jäätmekava eesmärkide saavutamisele ja WA.C.S.S.S.S.-i asjakohasele jaotusele [...] (Estonian)
    28 July 2022
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    Siūlomo akto tikslas – atlikti visus būtinus tyrimus (pagalbinius, TEA, baigiamuosius tyrimus ir konkurso dokumentus) siekiant atlikti sąvartyno plėtros darbus meniškai, patikimai, ekonomiškai ir saugiai. Įgyvendinimas laikomas būtinu, nes tai padės:a) užtikrinti saugią modernizuojamos atliekų apdorojimo įmonės likučių šalinimo vietą, įtraukiant mišrių atliekų organinės dalies mechaninį rūšiavimą ir biologinį apdorojimą, kuris yra tyrimo rengimo etape, prisidedant prie Nacionalinio atliekų plano tikslų įgyvendinimo ir atitinkamų atliekų biologinio turinio bei vertinamo WFS, kuris yra tyrimo rengimo etape, prisidėdama prie Nacionalinio atliekų tvarkymo plano tikslų įgyvendinimo ir Susitarimo įvertinimo, prie WITS, prie integruotųjų atliekų, integruotųjų ir integruotųjų atliekų, siekiant prisidėti prie Nacionalinio atliekų tvarkymo plano tikslų įgyvendinimo ir prie tinkamo WA.C.S.C.S.S.S.S.S.S.A.... (Lithuanian)
    28 July 2022
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    Svrha predloženog Zakona je provođenje svih potrebnih studija (potpora, TEA, završna studija i natječajna dokumentacija) za umjetničko, zdravo, ekonomično i sigurno izvođenje radova proširenja odlagališta otpada. Provedba se smatra nužnom jer će doprinijeti: (a) osiguravanju sigurnog odlagališta ostataka postrojenja za obradu otpada koje se modernizira dodavanjem mehaničkog razvrstavanja i biološke obrade organske frakcije miješanog otpada, što je u fazi pripreme studije, čime se doprinosi postizanju ciljeva Nacionalnog plana za otpad i biološkog sadržaja odgovarajućeg otpada i cijenjenog WFS-a, koji je u fazi pripreme studije, doprinosom ostvarenju ciljeva Nacionalnog plana gospodarenja otpadom i vrednovanja WA, WITS-a, integriranog otpada, integriranog i integriranog otpada, doprinosa ostvarenju ciljeva Nacionalnog plana gospodarenja otpadom i odgovarajuće primjerenosti WA.C.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.A.A.C.C.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.A.C.C.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S. (Croatian)
    28 July 2022
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    Účelom navrhovaného zákona je vykonať všetky potrebné štúdie (podporné, TEA, záverečná štúdia, ako aj súťažné podklady) pre umeleckú, zdravú, hospodárnu a bezpečnú realizáciu prác na rozširovaní skládky. Vykonávanie sa považuje za potrebné, pretože prispeje k:a) zaisteniu bezpečného úložiska zvyškov zariadenia na spracovanie odpadov, ktoré sa modernizuje, pridaním mechanického triedenia a biologického spracovania organickej frakcie zmiešaného odpadu, ktorá je vo fáze prípravy štúdie, čo prispeje k dosiahnutiu cieľov národného plánu pre odpad a biologického obsahu vhodného odpadu a oceneného WFS, ktorý je vo fáze prípravy štúdie, prispievaním k dosahovaniu cieľov národného plánu odpadového hospodárstva a hodnotenia WA, WITS, integrovanému odpadu, integrovanému a integrovanému odpadu, prispievaniu k dosahovaniu cieľov národného plánu odpadového hospodárstva a k primeranej primeranosti WA.C.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.... (Slovak)
    28 July 2022
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    Ehdotetun lain tarkoituksena on suorittaa kaikki tarvittavat tutkimukset (tuki, TEA, loppututkimus ja tarjousasiakirjat) kaatopaikan laajentamistyön taiteellisen, järkevän, taloudellisen ja turvallisen toteuttamisen varmistamiseksi. Täytäntöönpanoa pidetään tarpeellisena, koska se edistää:a) uudistettavan jätteenkäsittelylaitoksen jäämien turvallisen hävittämispaikan varmistamista lisäämällä sekajätteen orgaanisen osan mekaanista lajittelua ja biologista käsittelyä, joka on tutkimuksen valmisteluvaiheessa, mikä edistää kansallisen jätesuunnitelman tavoitteiden saavuttamista sekä asianmukaisen jätteen biologista sisältöä ja arvioitua jätetilastoa, joka on tutkimuksen valmisteluvaiheessa, myötävaikuttamalla kansallisen jätehuoltosuunnitelman ja jätesopimuksen arvostuksen, jätehuollon, integroidun jätteen, integroidun jätteen sekä integroidun ja integroidun jätteen tavoitteiden saavuttamiseen, edistää kansallisen jätehuoltosuunnitelman tavoitteiden saavuttamista ja edistää WA.C.S.C.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.:n tarkoituksenmukaista asianmukaisuutta... (Finnish)
    28 July 2022
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    Celem proponowanej ustawy jest przeprowadzenie wszelkich niezbędnych badań (wspierających, TEA, badania końcowe oraz dokumenty przetargowe) dla artystycznej, solidnej, ekonomicznej i bezpiecznej realizacji prac związanych z rozbudową składowiska odpadów. Wdrożenie uznaje się za konieczne, ponieważ przyczyni się do:a) zapewnienia bezpiecznego miejsca unieszkodliwiania pozostałości oczyszczalni odpadów w ramach modernizacji poprzez dodanie mechanicznego sortowania i biologicznego przetwarzania frakcji organicznej zmieszanych odpadów, która jest na etapie przygotowania badania, przyczyniając się do osiągnięcia celów Krajowego Planu Odpadów i Zawartości Biologicznej Odpowiednich Odpadów i Uznanego WFS, który znajduje się na etapie przygotowania badania, przyczyniając się do osiągnięcia celów Krajowego Planu Gospodarki Odpadami i WA, WITS, Zintegrowanych Odpadów, Zintegrowanych i Zintegrowanych Odpadów, przyczynienia się do osiągnięcia celów Krajowego Planu Gospodarki Odpadami oraz do Odpowiedniego Odpowiedniości WA.C.S.S.S.S.S.... (Polish)
    28 July 2022
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    A javasolt törvény célja, hogy elvégezze a hulladéklerakó bővítésének művészi, megbízható, gazdaságos és biztonságos kivitelezéséhez szükséges valamennyi tanulmányt (támogatott, TEA, végleges tanulmány és pályázati dokumentáció). A végrehajtás azért szükséges, mert az hozzájárul a következőkhöz:a) a korszerűsítés alatt álló hulladékkezelő telep maradványainak biztonságos ártalmatlanítási helyének biztosítása a kevert hulladék szerves frakciójának mechanikai válogatásával és biológiai kezelésével, amely a tanulmány elkészítésének szakaszában van, hozzájárulva a nemzeti hulladékterv célkitűzéseinek, valamint a megfelelő hulladék és az értékelt hulladék biológiai tartalmának eléréséhez, amely a tanulmány elkészítésének szakaszában van, azáltal, hogy hozzájárul a nemzeti hulladékgazdálkodási terv és a WA, a WITS, az integrált hulladék, az integrált és az integrált hulladék, a nemzeti hulladékgazdálkodási terv célkitűzéseinek megvalósításához és a WA.C.C.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.... (Hungarian)
    28 July 2022
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    Účelem navrhovaného zákona je provedení všech nezbytných studií (podpůrné, TEA, závěrečné studie, jakož i zadávací dokumentace) pro uměleckou, řádnou, hospodárnou a bezpečnou realizaci prací na rozšíření skládky. Provedení se považuje za nezbytné, neboť přispěje k:a) zajištění bezpečného místa zneškodňování zbytků čistírny odpadů, které se zdokonaluje, přidáním mechanického třídění a biologického zpracování organické frakce směsného odpadu, která je ve fázi přípravy studie, což přispívá k dosažení cílů národního plánu pro nakládání s odpady a biologického obsahu vhodných odpadů a Oceněného WFS, který je ve fázi přípravy studie, přispíváním k dosažení cílů národního plánu pro nakládání s odpady a uznání WA, WITS, integrovaného odpadu, integrovaného a integrovaného odpadu, s cílem přispět k dosažení cílů vnitrostátního plánu pro nakládání s odpady a k odpovídající vhodnosti WA.C.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S (Czech)
    28 July 2022
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    Ierosinātā likuma mērķis ir veikt visus nepieciešamos pētījumus (atbalstošus, TEA, galīgos pētījumus, kā arī konkursa dokumentus), lai veiktu māksliniecisku, pareizu, ekonomisku un drošu poligona paplašināšanas darbu. Īstenošana tiek uzskatīta par nepieciešamu, jo tā palīdzēs:a) nodrošināt to atkritumu apstrādes iekārtas atlieku drošu apglabāšanu, kas tiek modernizētas, pievienojot jaukto atkritumu organiskās frakcijas mehānisko šķirošanu un bioloģisko apstrādi, kas ir pētījuma sagatavošanas posmā, palīdzot sasniegt Valsts atkritumu apsaimniekošanas plāna mērķus un attiecīgo atkritumu bioloģisko saturu un novērtēto WFS, kas ir pētījuma sagatavošanas posmā, palīdzot sasniegt valsts atkritumu apsaimniekošanas plāna mērķus un novērtēt Atkritumu apsaimniekošanas plānu, WITS, integrētos atkritumus, integrētos un integrētos atkritumus, veicināt Valsts atkritumu apsaimniekošanas plāna mērķu sasniegšanu un WA.C.S.S.S. atbilstīgumu [..] (Latvian)
    28 July 2022
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    Is é cuspóir an Achta atá beartaithe gach staidéar riachtanach (tacaíochta, TEA, staidéar deiridh chomh maith le doiciméid tairisceana) a dhéanamh ar mhaithe le cur i gcrích ealaíonta, fónta, eacnamaíoch agus sábháilte na hoibre a bhaineann leis an líonadh talún a leathnú. Meastar go bhfuil gá lena chur chun feidhme toisc go gcuirfidh sé leis an méid seo a leanas:(a) a áirithiú go ndéanfar láithreán diúscartha sábháilte iarmhar an ghléasra cóireála dramhaíola atá á uasghrádú a áirithiú trí shórtáil mheicniúil agus cóireáil bhitheolaíoch a chur leis an gcodán orgánach den dramhaíl mheasctha, atá ag céim ullmhúcháin an staidéir, rud a chuireann le baint amach chuspóirí an Phlean Náisiúnta Dramhaíola agus Ábhar Bitheolaíoch na Dramhaíola Iomchuí agus an WFS Leasaithe, atá ag céim ullmhúcháin an staidéir, trí rannchuidiú le cuspóirí an Phlean Náisiúnta um Bainistiú Dramhaíola agus Léirthuiscint an Chomhaontaithe um Tharraingt Siar, na WITSanna, na Dramhaíola Comhtháite, na Dramhaíola Comhtháite agus na Dramhaíola Comhtháite a bhaint amach, rannchuidiú le cuspóirí an Phlean Náisiúnta Bainistithe Dramhaíola a bhaint amach agus le hoiriúnacht Iomchuí an WA.C.C.S.S.S.S.... (Irish)
    28 July 2022
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    Namen predlaganega zakona je izvesti vse potrebne študije (podporne, TEA, končna študija in razpisna dokumentacija) za umetniško, zdravo, ekonomično in varno izvedbo dela širjenja odlagališča. Izvedba se šteje za potrebno, saj bo prispevala k:(a) zagotavljanju varnega odlagališča ostankov naprave za obdelavo odpadkov, ki se posodablja, z dodajanjem mehanskega sortiranja in biološke obdelave organske frakcije mešanih odpadkov, ki je v fazi priprave študije, kar prispeva k doseganju ciljev nacionalnega načrta za ravnanje z odpadki ter biološke vsebnosti ustreznih odpadkov in ustreznega WFS, ki je v fazi priprave študije, s prispevanjem k doseganju ciljev nacionalnega načrta ravnanja z odpadki in ocene WA, WITS, integriranih odpadkov, integriranih in integriranih odpadkov, prispevanja k doseganju ciljev nacionalnega načrta ravnanja z odpadki in ustrezne ustreznosti WA.C.S.C.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S. (Slovenian)
    28 July 2022
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    Целта на предложения закон е да се извършат всички необходими проучвания (подкрепящи, TEA, окончателно проучване, както и тръжни документи) за художествено, солидно, икономично и безопасно изпълнение на работата по разширяване на депото. Прилагането се счита за необходимо, тъй като ще допринесе за:а) осигуряване на безопасното място за обезвреждане на остатъците от пречиствателната станция за отпадъци, които са в процес на модернизиране, чрез добавяне на механично сортиране и биологично третиране на органичната фракция на смесените отпадъци, което е на етап подготовка на проучването, допринасяйки за постигането на целите на Националния план за отпадъците и биологичното съдържание на подходящите отпадъци и Оценяваната СБХ, която е на етап подготовка на проучването, като допринася за постигането на целите на Националния план за управление на отпадъците и на оценката на СО, на СИТС, на интегрираните отпадъци, на интегрираните и интегрираните отпадъци, да допринесе за постигането на целите на Националния план за управление на отпадъците и за подходящото съответствие на WA.C.S.C.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.... (Bulgarian)
    28 July 2022
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    L-għan tal-Att propost huwa li jitwettqu l-istudji kollha meħtieġa (ta’ appoġġ, TEA, studju finali kif ukoll dokumenti tas-sejħa għall-offerti) għat-twettiq artistiku, sod, ekonomiku u sikur tax-xogħol tal-espansjoni tal-landfill. L-implimentazzjoni hija meqjusa neċessarja peress li tikkontribwixxi għal:(a) l-iżgurar tas-sit sikur tar-rimi tar-residwu tal-impjant tat-trattament tal-iskart li qed jiġi aġġornat biż-żieda ta’ separazzjoni mekkanika u trattament bijoloġiku tal-frazzjoni organika tal-iskart imħallat, li jinsab fl-istadju tat-tħejjija tal-istudju, li jikkontribwixxi għall-kisba tal-objettivi tal-Pjan Nazzjonali dwar l-Iskart u l-Kontenut Bijoloġiku tal-Iskart Xierq u d-WFS Apprezzat, li jinsab fl-istadju tat-tħejjija tal-istudju, billi tikkontribwixxi għall-kisba tal-għanijiet tal-Pjan Nazzjonali għall-Ġestjoni tal-Iskart u tal-Appreċijazzjoni tal-WA, għall-WITS, għall-Iskart Integrat, għall-Iskart Integrat u għall-Iskart Integrat, biex tikkontribwixxi għall-kisba tal-għanijiet tal-Pjan Nazzjonali għall-Ġestjoni tal-Iskart u għall-Approprjalità Xierqa tal-WA.C.S.C.S.S.... (Maltese)
    28 July 2022
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    O objetivo da lei proposta é realizar todos os estudos necessários (apoio, TEA, estudo final, bem como documentos de concurso) para a execução artística, sã, económica e segura dos trabalhos de expansão do aterro. A implementação é considerada necessária na medida em que contribuirá para:a) garantir o local seguro de eliminação dos resíduos da estação de tratamento de resíduos em modernização, acrescentando a triagem mecânica e o tratamento biológico da fração orgânica dos resíduos indiferenciados, que se encontra na fase de preparação do estudo, contribuindo para a consecução dos objetivos do Plano Nacional de Resíduos e do Conteúdo Biológico dos Resíduos Apropriados e do EAP, que se encontra na fase de preparação do estudo, contribuindo para a consecução dos objetivos do Plano Nacional de Gestão de Resíduos e da Apreciação do AO, dos SIT, dos Resíduos Integrados, dos Resíduos Integrados e Integrados, contribuindo para a consecução dos objetivos do Plano Nacional de Gestão de Resíduos e da Apropriação do AO.C.S.C.S.... (Portuguese)
    28 July 2022
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    Formålet med den foreslåede lov er at gennemføre alle nødvendige undersøgelser (understøttende, TEA, afsluttende undersøgelse samt udbudsdokumenter) for den kunstneriske, sunde, økonomiske og sikre udførelse af arbejdet med at udvide deponeringsanlægget. Gennemførelsen anses for nødvendig, da den vil bidrage til:a) at sikre et sikkert bortskaffelsessted for restprodukter fra affaldsbehandlingsanlægget, der er under opgradering, ved at tilføje mekanisk sortering og biologisk behandling af den organiske del af det blandede affald, som befinder sig på undersøgelsesstadiet, og bidrage til at nå målene i den nationale affaldsplan og det biologiske indhold af det relevante affald og den vurderede WFS, som er ved forberedelsen af undersøgelsen ved at bidrage til opfyldelsen af målene i den nationale affaldshåndteringsplan og for vurderingen af affaldsrammedirektivet, til WITS, til det integrerede affald, til det integrerede og integrerede affald for at bidrage til opfyldelsen af målene i den nationale affaldshåndteringsplan og til den passende anvendelse af WA.C.S.C.S.S.S.S.S.... (Danish)
    28 July 2022
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    Scopul actului propus este de a realiza toate studiile necesare (sprijin, TEA, studiu final, precum și documente de licitație) pentru executarea artistică, sănătoasă, economică și sigură a lucrărilor de extindere a depozitului de deșeuri. Punerea în aplicare este considerată necesară deoarece va contribui la:(a) asigurarea depozitului de eliminare în condiții de siguranță a reziduurilor stației de tratare a deșeurilor în curs de modernizare prin adăugarea sortării mecanice și a tratării biologice a fracțiunii organice din deșeurile amestecate, care se află în etapa de pregătire a studiului, contribuind la realizarea obiectivelor Planului național de gestionare a deșeurilor și a conținutului biologic al deșeurilor corespunzătoare și al WFS apreciate, care se află în etapa de pregătire a studiului, contribuind la realizarea obiectivelor Planului Național de Gestionare a Deșeurilor și a Aprecierea WA, WITS, Deșeurilor Integrate, Deșeurilor Integrate și Integrate, de a contribui la realizarea obiectivelor Planului Național de Gestionare a Deșeurilor și la Adecvarea corespunzătoare a WA.C.S.C.S.S.S.... (Romanian)
    28 July 2022
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    Syftet med den föreslagna lagen är att genomföra alla nödvändiga undersökningar (stöd, TEA, slutstudie samt upphandlingsdokument) för det konstnärliga, sunda, ekonomiska och säkra utförandet av utbyggnaden av deponin. Genomförande anses nödvändigt eftersom det kommer att bidra tilla) att säkerställa en säker plats för bortskaffande av restprodukter från avfallsanläggningen under uppgradering genom att lägga till mekanisk sortering och biologisk behandling av den organiska fraktionen av det blandade avfallet, vilket är i det skede då studien förbereds, vilket bidrar till att uppnå målen i den nationella avfallsplanen och det biologiska innehållet i det lämpliga avfallet och den uppskattade WFS, som befinner sig i det skede då studien förbereds, genom att bidra till uppnåendet av målen i den nationella avfallshanteringsplanen och utvärderingen av utträdesavtalet, till det integrerade avfallet, till det integrerade och integrerade avfallet, till att bidra till att målen i den nationella avfallshanteringsplanen uppnås och till att WA.C.C.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S. (Swedish)
    28 July 2022
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