“Change of use of an existing building — a former border stand, in a visitor centre, through reconstruction, reconstruction and equipment/furnishing. Repair and renovation of the terrain in PI 34045.54.222, in Yovkovo village, General Toshevo Municipality” (Q3884660)
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Project Q3884660 in Bulgaria
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | “Change of use of an existing building — a former border stand, in a visitor centre, through reconstruction, reconstruction and equipment/furnishing. Repair and renovation of the terrain in PI 34045.54.222, in Yovkovo village, General Toshevo Municipality” |
Project Q3884660 in Bulgaria |
246,239.36 Bulgarian lev
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273,599.29 Bulgarian lev
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0.9 percent
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8 September 2020
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30 June 2023
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Обект на инвестиционния проект е промяна предназначението на съществуваща сграда - бивша гранична застава, в посетителски център, чрез реконструкция, преустройство и оборудване/обзавеждане. Ремонт и обновяване на терена около сградата, в с. Йовково, община Генерал Тошево. Проектът ще се реализира на два етапа, които включват строително-ремонтни дейности по вътрешната и външната част на сградата, както и по заобикалящия я терен. (Bulgarian)
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The object of the investment project is to change the purpose of an existing building — a former border stand, in a visitor center, through reconstruction, reconstruction and equipment/furnishing. Renovation and renovation of the terrain around the building, in the village of Yovkovo, General Toshevo Municipality. The project will be implemented in two phases, which include works on the internal and external parts of the building, as well as on the surrounding terrain. (English)
2 December 2021
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L’objet du projet d’investissement est de changer le but d’un bâtiment existant — un ancien stand frontalier, dans un centre d’accueil, par la reconstruction, la reconstruction et l’équipement/meublement. Rénovation et rénovation du terrain autour du bâtiment, dans le village de Yovkovo, municipalité générale de Toshevo. Le projet sera mis en œuvre en deux phases, qui comprennent des travaux sur les parties internes et externes du bâtiment, ainsi que sur le terrain environnant. (French)
3 December 2021
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Ziel des Investitionsvorhabens ist es, den Zweck eines bestehenden Gebäudes zu ändern – ein ehemaliger Grenzstand, in einem Besucherzentrum, durch Rekonstruktion, Rekonstruktion und Ausstattung/Möbelung. Renovierung und Renovierung des Geländes rund um das Gebäude, im Dorf Yovkovo, General Toshevo Gemeinde. Das Projekt wird in zwei Phasen durchgeführt, darunter Arbeiten an den Innen- und Außenbereichen des Gebäudes sowie auf dem umliegenden Gelände. (German)
4 December 2021
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Het doel van het investeringsproject is het veranderen van het doel van een bestaand gebouw — een voormalige grensstand, in een bezoekerscentrum, door middel van reconstructie, reconstructie en uitrusting/inrichting. Renovatie en renovatie van het terrein rond het gebouw, in het dorp Yovkovo, General Toshevo gemeente. Het project zal worden uitgevoerd in twee fasen, waaronder werkzaamheden aan de interne en externe delen van het gebouw en aan het omringende terrein. (Dutch)
12 December 2021
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L'obiettivo del progetto di investimento è quello di modificare lo scopo di un edificio esistente — un ex stand di confine, in un centro visitatori, attraverso la ricostruzione, la ricostruzione e l'attrezzatura/arredamento. Ristrutturazione e ristrutturazione del terreno intorno all'edificio, nel villaggio di Yovkovo, Comune generale Toshevo. Il progetto sarà realizzato in due fasi, che comprendono lavori sulle parti interne ed esterne dell'edificio, nonché sul terreno circostante. (Italian)
14 January 2022
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El objetivo del proyecto de inversión es cambiar el propósito de un edificio existente — un antiguo puesto fronterizo, en un centro de visitantes, a través de la reconstrucción, reconstrucción y equipamiento/amueblar. Renovación y renovación del terreno alrededor del edificio, en el pueblo de Yovkovo, Municipio General Toshevo. El proyecto se ejecutará en dos fases, que incluyen obras en las partes interna y externa del edificio, así como en el terreno circundante. (Spanish)
15 January 2022
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Генерал Тошево
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