Acquisition of specialised technological equipment and software in order to increase the competitiveness of SC Kolos GROUP SRL (Q2741190)

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Project Q2741190 in Romania
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Acquisition of specialised technological equipment and software in order to increase the competitiveness of SC Kolos GROUP SRL
Project Q2741190 in Romania


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    2,054,576.6 Romanian Leu
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    410,915.325 Euro
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    3,406,879.2 Romanian Leu
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    681,375.8500000001 Euro
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    60.3067053272684300 percent
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    1 July 2018
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    30 June 2019
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    44°23'31.96"N, 26°3'26.28"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului este oferirea serviciilor tipografice de inalta calitate la cel mai bun pret si in functie de cerintele clientilor. Prin natura obiectivului general, investitia vizata prin proiect urmareste cu precadere cresterea volumului serviciilor tipografice si dezvoltarea infrastructurii necesare, prin achizitionarea de echipamente in cadrul Programului Operational Regional 2014 - 2020. Proiectul contribuie la realizarea obiectivului programului de finantare de imbunatatire a competitivitatii economice prin cresterea productivitatii muncii in IMM-uri in sectoarele competitive identificate in Strategia Nationala pentru Competitivitate, astfel: - consolidarea pozitiei de piata de profil si imbunatatirea capacitatii de dezvoltare a serviciilor - stimularea efectelor de antrenare ale investitiei asupra serviciilor conexe sectorului de tipografie - cresterea atractivitatii pentru investitii a regiunii de dezvoltare Nord-Est, una din cele mai putin dezvoltate regiuni ale tarii - cresterea competitivitatii tipografiilor, prin introducerea de noi echipamente de specialitate contribuind astfel la cresterea economica durabila a intregului sector - cresterea competitivitatii si performantei prin furnizarea de servicii de calitate dedicate clientilor din mediul public si privat - implementarea contractelor de prestari servicii, respectand standardele de calitate impuse de domeniu, in concordanta cu nevoile identificate de catre clienti - promovarea continua a cercetarii, inovarii si dezvoltarii durabile in activitatea economica - identificarea si promovarea de servicii/produse de cea mai buna calitate pe piata serviciilor tipografie si activitatilor conexe - mentinerea standardelor de calitate, conform cu cerintele clientilor - dezvoltarea bunelor practici si a integritatii afacerii - mentinerea pozitiei pe piata prin consolidarea unor competente superioare concurentei - dezvoltarea constanta a marcii KOLOS la nivel regional si national. (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to provide high quality printing services at the best price and according to customer requirements. By the nature of the general objective, the investment targeted by the project is primarily aimed at increasing the volume of printing services and developing the necessary infrastructure, by purchasing equipment within the Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020. The project contributes to the objective of the financing program to improve economic competitiveness by increasing labour productivity in SMEs in competitive sectors identified in the National Strategy for Competitiveness, as follows: — strengthening the profile market position and improving the capacity to develop services – stimulating the investment’s drive effects on the services related to the printing sector – increasing the attractiveness for investments of the North-East development region, one of the least developed regions of the country – increasing the competitiveness of printers, by introducing new specialised equipment thus contributing to the sustainable economic growth of the entire sector – increasing competitiveness and performance by providing quality services dedicated to clients from public and private environment – implementation of contracts for the provision of services, respecting the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services according to the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the quality of the market – the development of the quality of the services in line with the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the development of the services, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services, according to the development of the national market, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research activity, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services in the economic environment – the development of the quality of services according to the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the related services – the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the services in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services according to the national market and the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the national market and the development of services in line with the quality standards required by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services in the field, in accordance with the needs (English)
    14 September 2021
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    L’objectif général du projet est de fournir des services d’impression de haute qualité au meilleur prix et selon les exigences du client. Par la nature de l’objectif général, l’investissement visé par le projet vise principalement à accroître le volume des services d’impression et à développer les infrastructures nécessaires, en achetant du matériel dans le cadre du programme opérationnel régional 2014-2020. Le projet contribue à l’objectif du programme de financement d’améliorer la compétitivité économique en augmentant la productivité de la main-d’œuvre dans les secteurs concurrentiels définis dans la Stratégie nationale pour la compétitivité, comme suit: — renforcer la position du marché et améliorer la capacité de développement des services — stimuler les effets moteurs de l’investissement sur les services liés au secteur de l’imprimerie — accroître l’attractivité pour les investissements de la région de développement du Nord-Est, l’une des régions les moins développées du pays — accroître la compétitivité des imprimeurs, en introduisant de nouveaux équipements spécialisés contribuant ainsi à la croissance économique durable de l’ensemble du secteur — accroître la compétitivité et les performances en fournissant des services de qualité dédiés aux clients de l’environnement public et privé — mise en œuvre de contrats de prestation de services, en respectant les normes de qualité imposées par le secteur, en fonction des besoins identifiés par les clients — promotion continue de la recherche, développe de la qualité des services selon le marché national — développe de la qualité des services requis par le secteur, en fonction des besoins identifiés par les clients — la promotion continue de la recherche, le développement de la qualité des services en ligne avec la qualité du marché — le développement de la qualité des services en ligne avec le secteur, en fonction des besoins identifiés par les clients — la promotion continue de la recherche, le développement de la qualité des services en ligne avec le développement des services, selon les normes de qualité imposées par le secteur, en fonction des besoins identifiés par les clients — la promotion continue de la recherche, le développement des services, selon le développement du marché national, selon les normes de qualité imposées par le secteur, en fonction des besoins identifiés par les clients — la promotion continue de la recherche, développe de la qualité des services sur le marché national, développe de la qualité des services requis par le secteur, en fonction des besoins identifiés par les clients — la promotion continue de l’activité de recherche, développe de la qualité des services selon le marché, développe de la qualité des services requis par le secteur, en fonction des besoins identifiés par les clients — la promotion continue de la recherche, le développement des services dans l’environnement économique — développe de la qualité des services selon le secteur, en fonction des besoins identifiés par les clients — la promotion continue de la recherche, le développement de la qualité des services, le développement des services en conformité avec les normes de qualité imposées par le secteur, en ligne avec les besoins identifiés par les clients — la promotion continue de la recherche, le développement de la qualité des services, le développement des services en ligne avec la qualité des clients — la promotion de la qualité des services — la promotion de la qualité des services et le développement des services associés — le développement des services en ligne avec la qualité des clients — la promotion de la qualité des services et le développement des services en ligne avec les besoins identifiés par les clients — la promotion continue de la recherche, le développement des services selon le marché national et le développement des services en conformité avec les normes de qualité imposées par le secteur, en fonction des besoins identifiés par les clients — la promotion continue de la recherche, le développement du marché national et le développement de services en conformité avec les normes de qualité requises par le secteur, en conformité avec les besoins identifiés par les clients — la promotion continue de la recherche, le développement de la qualité des services sur le marché national — le développement de la qualité des services requis par le secteur, en fonction des besoins identifiés par les clients — la promotion continue de la recherche, le développement de la qualité des services selon le marché, le développement de la qualité des services dans le secteur, selon les besoins (French)
    26 November 2021
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    Das allgemeine Ziel des Projekts ist es, qualitativ hochwertige Druckdienstleistungen zum besten Preis und entsprechend den Kundenanforderungen anzubieten. Aufgrund der Art des allgemeinen Ziels zielen die im Rahmen des Projekts angestrebten Investitionen in erster Linie darauf ab, das Volumen der Druckdienstleistungen zu erhöhen und die notwendige Infrastruktur zu entwickeln, indem im Rahmen des Regionalen operationellen Programms 2014-2020 Ausrüstung gekauft wird. (German)
    1 December 2021
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    De algemene doelstelling van het project is het verlenen van hoogwaardige printdiensten tegen de beste prijs en volgens de eisen van de klant. Door de aard van de algemene doelstelling is de door het project beoogde investering in de eerste plaats gericht op het vergroten van het volume van de drukkerijdiensten en de ontwikkeling van de nodige infrastructuur, door de aankoop van apparatuur in het kader van het regionale operationele programma 2014-2020. Het project draagt bij tot de doelstelling van het financieringsprogramma om het economische concurrentievermogen te verbeteren door de arbeidsproductiviteit in kmo’s in concurrerende sectoren die in de nationale strategie voor concurrentievermogen worden genoemd, als volgt te verhogen: versterking van het profiel van de marktpositie en verbetering van de capaciteit om diensten te ontwikkelen — het stimuleren van de stimulerende effecten van de investeringen op de diensten in verband met de grafische sector — vergroting van de aantrekkelijkheid voor investeringen van de ontwikkelingsregio noordoostelijk deel van het land, een van de minst ontwikkelde regio’s van het land — vergroting van het concurrentievermogen van de printers, door de invoering van nieuwe gespecialiseerde apparatuur die bijdraagt tot de duurzame economische groei van de gehele sector — verbetering van het concurrentievermogen en de prestaties door het verlenen van hoogwaardige diensten aan klanten uit de openbare en particuliere omgeving — uitvoering van contracten voor het verlenen van diensten; de naleving van de kwaliteitsnormen die door het veld worden opgelegd, in overeenstemming met de door de klanten vastgestelde behoeften — voortdurende bevordering van het onderzoek, de ontwikkeling van de kwaliteit van de diensten volgens de nationale markt — de ontwikkeling van de kwaliteit van de op het gebied vereiste diensten, overeenkomstig de door de klanten vastgestelde behoeften — de voortdurende bevordering van het onderzoek, de ontwikkeling van de kwaliteit van de diensten in overeenstemming met de kwaliteit van de markt — de ontwikkeling van de kwaliteit van de diensten in overeenstemming met het veld; in overeenstemming met de door de klanten vastgestelde behoeften — de voortdurende bevordering van het onderzoek, de ontwikkeling van de kwaliteit van de diensten in overeenstemming met de ontwikkeling van de diensten, volgens de kwaliteitsnormen die door het veld worden opgelegd, in overeenstemming met de door de klanten vastgestelde behoeften — de voortdurende bevordering van het onderzoek, de ontwikkeling van de diensten, overeenkomstig de ontwikkeling van de nationale markt, volgens de kwaliteitsnormen die door het veld worden opgelegd, in overeenstemming met de door de klanten vastgestelde behoeften — de voortdurende bevordering van het onderzoek, de ontwikkeling van de kwaliteit van de diensten op de nationale markt, de ontwikkeling van de kwaliteit van de op het gebied vereiste diensten, overeenkomstig de door de klanten vastgestelde behoeften — de voortdurende bevordering van de onderzoeksactiviteit, de ontwikkeling van de kwaliteit van de diensten volgens de markt, de ontwikkeling van de kwaliteit van de op het gebied vereiste diensten, overeenkomstig de door de klanten vastgestelde behoeften — de voortdurende bevordering van het onderzoek, de ontwikkeling van de diensten in de economische omgeving — de ontwikkeling van de kwaliteit van de diensten naar gelang van het gebied; in overeenstemming met de door de klanten vastgestelde behoeften — de voortdurende bevordering van het onderzoek, de ontwikkeling van de kwaliteit van de diensten, de ontwikkeling van de diensten in overeenstemming met de kwaliteitsnormen die door het veld worden opgelegd, overeenkomstig de door de klanten vastgestelde behoeften — de voortdurende bevordering van het onderzoek, de ontwikkeling van de kwaliteit van de diensten, de ontwikkeling van de diensten in overeenstemming met de kwaliteit van de klanten — de bevordering van de kwaliteit van de diensten en de ontwikkeling van de diensten — de ontwikkeling van de diensten in overeenstemming met de kwaliteit van de klanten — de bevordering van de kwaliteit van de diensten en de ontwikkeling van de diensten overeenkomstig de door de klanten vastgestelde behoeften — de voortdurende bevordering van het onderzoek, de ontwikkeling van de diensten volgens de nationale markt en de ontwikkeling van de diensten in overeenstemming met de kwaliteitsnormen die door het veld worden opgelegd, in overeenstemming met de door de klanten vastgestelde behoeften — de voortdurende bevordering van onderzoek, de ontwikkeling van de nationale markt en de ontwikkeling van diensten overeenkomstig de kwaliteitsnormen die op het gebied vereist zijn, in overeenstemming met de door de klanten vastgestelde behoeften — de voortdurende bevordering van onderzoek, de ontwikkeling van de kwaliteit van de diensten op de nationale markt — de ontwikkeling van de kwaliteit van de op het gebied... (Dutch)
    5 December 2021
    0 references
    L'obiettivo generale del progetto è quello di fornire servizi di stampa di alta qualità al miglior prezzo e secondo le esigenze del cliente. Per la natura dell'obiettivo generale, l'investimento previsto dal progetto è principalmente finalizzato ad aumentare il volume dei servizi di stampa e a sviluppare le infrastrutture necessarie, acquistando attrezzature nell'ambito del programma operativo regionale 2014-2020. Il progetto contribuisce all'obiettivo del programma di finanziamento di migliorare la competitività economica aumentando la produttività del lavoro nelle PMI in settori competitivi individuati nella strategia nazionale per la competitività, come segue: — strengthening the profile market position and improving the capacity to develop services — stimulating the investment’s drive effects on the services related to the printing sector — increasing the attractiveness for investments of the North-East development region, one of the least developed regions of the country — increasing the competitiveness of printers, by introducing new specialised equipment thus contributing to the sustainable economic growth of the entire sector — increasing competitiveness and performance by providing quality services dedicated to clients from public and private environment — implementation of contracts for the provision of services, respecting the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers — continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services according to the national market — the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers — the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the quality of the market — the development of the quality of the services in line with the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers — the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the development of the services, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers — the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services, according to the development of the national market, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers — the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers — the continuous promotion of the research activity, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers — the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services in the economic environment — the development of the quality of services according to the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers — the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers — the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers — the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the related services — the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers — the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the services in line with the needs identified by the customers — the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services according to the national market and the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers — the continuous promotion of research, the development of the national market and the development of services in line with the quality standards required by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers — the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market — the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers — the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services in the field, in accordance with the needs (Italian)
    12 January 2022
    0 references
    El objetivo general del proyecto es proporcionar servicios de impresión de alta calidad al mejor precio y de acuerdo con las necesidades del cliente. Por la naturaleza del objetivo general, la inversión prevista por el proyecto tiene como objetivo principal aumentar el volumen de los servicios de impresión y desarrollar la infraestructura necesaria, mediante la adquisición de equipos en el marco del Programa Operativo Regional 2014-2020. El proyecto contribuye al objetivo del programa de financiación de mejorar la competitividad económica mediante el aumento de la productividad laboral en las PYMES en sectores competitivos identificados en la Estrategia Nacional de Competitividad, de la siguiente manera: — strengthening the profile market position and improving the capacity to develop services — stimulating the investment’s drive effects on the services related to the printing sector — increasing the attractiveness for investments of the North-East development region, one of the least developed regions of the country — increasing the competitiveness of printers, by introducing new specialised equipment thus contributing to the sustainable economic growth of the entire sector — increasing competitiveness and performance by providing quality services dedicated to clients from public and private environment — implementation of contracts for the provision of services, respecting the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers — continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services according to the national market — the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers — the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the quality of the market — the development of the quality of the services in line with the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers — the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the development of the services, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers — the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services, according to the development of the national market, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers — the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers — the continuous promotion of the research activity, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers — the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services in the economic environment — the development of the quality of services according to the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers — the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers — the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers — the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the related services — the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers — the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the services in line with the needs identified by the customers — the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services according to the national market and the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers — the continuous promotion of research, the development of the national market and the development of services in line with the quality standards required by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers — the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market — the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers — the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services in the field, in accordance with the needs (Spanish)
    13 January 2022
    0 references
    Projekti üldeesmärk on pakkuda kvaliteetseid trükiteenuseid parima hinnaga ja vastavalt kliendi nõudmistele. Üldeesmärgi olemusest tulenevalt on projektiga seotud investeeringu peamine eesmärk suurendada trükiteenuste mahtu ja arendada välja vajalik taristu, ostes seadmeid piirkondliku rakenduskava 2014–2020 raames. Projekt aitab kaasa rahastamisprogrammi eesmärgile parandada majanduslikku konkurentsivõimet, suurendades riiklikus konkurentsivõime strateegias määratletud konkurentsivõimeliste sektorite VKEde tööviljakust järgmiselt: — strengthening the profile market position and improving the capacity to develop services – stimulating the investment’s drive effects on the services related to the printing sector – increasing the attractiveness for investments of the North-East development region, one of the least developed regions of the country – increasing the competitiveness of printers, by introducing new specialised equipment thus contributing to the sustainable economic growth of the entire sector – increasing competitiveness and performance by providing quality services dedicated to clients from public and private environment – implementation of contracts for the provision of services, respecting the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services according to the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the quality of the market – the development of the quality of the services in line with the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the development of the services, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services, according to the development of the national market, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research activity, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services in the economic environment – the development of the quality of services according to the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the related services – the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the services in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services according to the national market and the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the national market and the development of services in line with the quality standards required by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services in the field, in accordance with the needs (Estonian)
    28 July 2022
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    Bendras projekto tikslas – teikti aukštos kokybės spausdinimo paslaugas už geriausią kainą ir pagal užsakovo reikalavimus. Atsižvelgiant į bendrojo tikslo pobūdį, į projektą nukreiptomis investicijomis visų pirma siekiama didinti spausdinimo paslaugų apimtį ir plėtoti reikiamą infrastruktūrą, perkant įrangą pagal 2014–2020 m. regioninę veiksmų programą. Projektas padeda siekti finansavimo programos tikslo – didinti Nacionalinėje konkurencingumo strategijoje nurodytų MVĮ darbo našumą konkurencinguose sektoriuose didinant darbo našumą: — strengthening the profile market position and improving the capacity to develop services – stimulating the investment’s drive effects on the services related to the printing sector – increasing the attractiveness for investments of the North-East development region, one of the least developed regions of the country – increasing the competitiveness of printers, by introducing new specialised equipment thus contributing to the sustainable economic growth of the entire sector – increasing competitiveness and performance by providing quality services dedicated to clients from public and private environment – implementation of contracts for the provision of services, respecting the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services according to the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the quality of the market – the development of the quality of the services in line with the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the development of the services, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services, according to the development of the national market, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research activity, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services in the economic environment – the development of the quality of services according to the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the related services – the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the services in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services according to the national market and the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the national market and the development of services in line with the quality standards required by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services in the field, in accordance with the needs (Lithuanian)
    28 July 2022
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    Opći cilj projekta je pružanje visokokvalitetnih usluga tiskanja po najboljoj cijeni i prema zahtjevima kupca. Po prirodi općeg cilja, ulaganje koje je cilj projekta prvenstveno je usmjereno na povećanje količine tiskarskih usluga i razvoj potrebne infrastrukture kupnjom opreme u okviru Regionalnog operativnog programa 2014. – 2020. Projekt pridonosi cilju programa financiranja poboljšanja gospodarske konkurentnosti povećanjem produktivnosti rada u malim i srednjim poduzećima u konkurentnim sektorima utvrđenima u Nacionalnoj strategiji za konkurentnost, kako slijedi: — strengthening the profile market position and improving the capacity to develop services – stimulating the investment’s drive effects on the services related to the printing sector – increasing the attractiveness for investments of the North-East development region, one of the least developed regions of the country – increasing the competitiveness of printers, by introducing new specialised equipment thus contributing to the sustainable economic growth of the entire sector – increasing competitiveness and performance by providing quality services dedicated to clients from public and private environment – implementation of contracts for the provision of services, respecting the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services according to the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the quality of the market – the development of the quality of the services in line with the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the development of the services, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services, according to the development of the national market, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research activity, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services in the economic environment – the development of the quality of services according to the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the related services – the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the services in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services according to the national market and the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the national market and the development of services in line with the quality standards required by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services in the field, in accordance with the needs (Croatian)
    28 July 2022
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    Γενικός στόχος του έργου είναι η παροχή υπηρεσιών εκτύπωσης υψηλής ποιότητας στην καλύτερη τιμή και σύμφωνα με τις απαιτήσεις του πελάτη. Από τη φύση του γενικού στόχου, η επένδυση που στοχεύει το έργο στοχεύει κυρίως στην αύξηση του όγκου των υπηρεσιών εκτύπωσης και στην ανάπτυξη της απαραίτητης υποδομής, με την αγορά εξοπλισμού στο πλαίσιο του Περιφερειακού Επιχειρησιακού Προγράμματος 2014-2020. Το έργο συμβάλλει στην επίτευξη του στόχου του προγράμματος χρηματοδότησης για τη βελτίωση της οικονομικής ανταγωνιστικότητας μέσω της αύξησης της παραγωγικότητας της εργασίας στις ΜΜΕ σε ανταγωνιστικούς τομείς που προσδιορίζονται στην Εθνική Στρατηγική για την Ανταγωνιστικότητα, ως εξής: — strengthening the profile market position and improving the capacity to develop services – stimulating the investment’s drive effects on the services related to the printing sector – increasing the attractiveness for investments of the North-East development region, one of the least developed regions of the country – increasing the competitiveness of printers, by introducing new specialised equipment thus contributing to the sustainable economic growth of the entire sector – increasing competitiveness and performance by providing quality services dedicated to clients from public and private environment – implementation of contracts for the provision of services, respecting the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services according to the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the quality of the market – the development of the quality of the services in line with the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the development of the services, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services, according to the development of the national market, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research activity, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services in the economic environment – the development of the quality of services according to the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the related services – the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the services in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services according to the national market and the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the national market and the development of services in line with the quality standards required by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services in the field, in accordance with the needs (Greek)
    28 July 2022
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    Všeobecným cieľom projektu je poskytovať vysoko kvalitné tlačiarenské služby za najlepšiu cenu a podľa požiadaviek zákazníka. Vzhľadom na povahu všeobecného cieľa sú investície, na ktoré sa projekt zameriava, primárne zamerané na zvýšenie objemu tlačiarenských služieb a rozvoj potrebnej infraštruktúry prostredníctvom nákupu zariadení v rámci regionálneho operačného programu na roky 2014 – 2020. Projekt prispieva k cieľu programu financovania, ktorým je zlepšenie hospodárskej konkurencieschopnosti zvýšením produktivity práce v MSP v konkurencieschopných sektoroch určených v národnej stratégii pre konkurencieschopnosť takto: — strengthening the profile market position and improving the capacity to develop services – stimulating the investment’s drive effects on the services related to the printing sector – increasing the attractiveness for investments of the North-East development region, one of the least developed regions of the country – increasing the competitiveness of printers, by introducing new specialised equipment thus contributing to the sustainable economic growth of the entire sector – increasing competitiveness and performance by providing quality services dedicated to clients from public and private environment – implementation of contracts for the provision of services, respecting the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services according to the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the quality of the market – the development of the quality of the services in line with the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the development of the services, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services, according to the development of the national market, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research activity, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services in the economic environment – the development of the quality of services according to the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the related services – the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the services in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services according to the national market and the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the national market and the development of services in line with the quality standards required by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services in the field, in accordance with the needs (Slovak)
    28 July 2022
    0 references
    Hankkeen yleisenä tavoitteena on tarjota korkealaatuisia tulostuspalveluja parhaaseen hintaan ja asiakkaan vaatimusten mukaisesti. Yleistavoitteen luonteen vuoksi hankkeen kohteena olevilla investoinneilla pyritään ensisijaisesti lisäämään painopalvelujen määrää ja kehittämään tarvittavaa infrastruktuuria hankkimalla laitteita vuosien 2014–2020 alueellisesta toimenpideohjelmasta. Hankkeella edistetään rahoitusohjelman tavoitetta parantaa taloudellista kilpailukykyä lisäämällä työn tuottavuutta pk-yrityksissä kansallisessa kilpailukykystrategiassa määritellyillä kilpailukykyaloilla seuraavasti: — strengthening the profile market position and improving the capacity to develop services – stimulating the investment’s drive effects on the services related to the printing sector – increasing the attractiveness for investments of the North-East development region, one of the least developed regions of the country – increasing the competitiveness of printers, by introducing new specialised equipment thus contributing to the sustainable economic growth of the entire sector – increasing competitiveness and performance by providing quality services dedicated to clients from public and private environment – implementation of contracts for the provision of services, respecting the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services according to the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the quality of the market – the development of the quality of the services in line with the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the development of the services, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services, according to the development of the national market, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research activity, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services in the economic environment – the development of the quality of services according to the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the related services – the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the services in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services according to the national market and the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the national market and the development of services in line with the quality standards required by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services in the field, in accordance with the needs (Finnish)
    28 July 2022
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    Ogólnym celem projektu jest zapewnienie wysokiej jakości usług poligraficznych w najlepszej cenie i zgodnie z wymaganiami klienta. Ze względu na charakter celu ogólnego inwestycja, której dotyczy projekt, ma przede wszystkim na celu zwiększenie ilości usług poligraficznych i rozwój niezbędnej infrastruktury poprzez zakup sprzętu w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego 2014-2020. Projekt przyczynia się do realizacji celu programu finansowania, jakim jest poprawa konkurencyjności gospodarczej poprzez zwiększenie wydajności pracy w MŚP w konkurencyjnych sektorach określonych w Krajowej Strategii na rzecz Konkurencyjności w następujący sposób: — strengthening the profile market position and improving the capacity to develop services – stimulating the investment’s drive effects on the services related to the printing sector – increasing the attractiveness for investments of the North-East development region, one of the least developed regions of the country – increasing the competitiveness of printers, by introducing new specialised equipment thus contributing to the sustainable economic growth of the entire sector – increasing competitiveness and performance by providing quality services dedicated to clients from public and private environment – implementation of contracts for the provision of services, respecting the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services according to the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the quality of the market – the development of the quality of the services in line with the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the development of the services, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services, according to the development of the national market, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research activity, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services in the economic environment – the development of the quality of services according to the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the related services – the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the services in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services according to the national market and the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the national market and the development of services in line with the quality standards required by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services in the field, in accordance with the needs (Polish)
    28 July 2022
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    A projekt általános célja, hogy kiváló minőségű nyomdai szolgáltatásokat nyújtson a legjobb áron és a vevői igényeknek megfelelően. Az általános célkitűzés jellegénél fogva a projekt által megcélzott beruházás célja elsősorban a nyomdai szolgáltatások volumenének növelése és a szükséges infrastruktúra fejlesztése a 2014–2020-as regionális operatív program keretében eszközbeszerzéssel. A projekt hozzájárul a finanszírozási program azon célkitűzéséhez, hogy a nemzeti versenyképességi stratégiában meghatározott versenyképes ágazatokban a kkv-k munkatermelékenységének növelésével javítsa a gazdasági versenyképességet, az alábbiak szerint: — strengthening the profile market position and improving the capacity to develop services – stimulating the investment’s drive effects on the services related to the printing sector – increasing the attractiveness for investments of the North-East development region, one of the least developed regions of the country – increasing the competitiveness of printers, by introducing new specialised equipment thus contributing to the sustainable economic growth of the entire sector – increasing competitiveness and performance by providing quality services dedicated to clients from public and private environment – implementation of contracts for the provision of services, respecting the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services according to the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the quality of the market – the development of the quality of the services in line with the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the development of the services, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services, according to the development of the national market, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research activity, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services in the economic environment – the development of the quality of services according to the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the related services – the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the services in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services according to the national market and the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the national market and the development of services in line with the quality standards required by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services in the field, in accordance with the needs (Hungarian)
    28 July 2022
    0 references
    Obecným cílem projektu je poskytovat vysoce kvalitní tiskové služby za nejlepší cenu a dle požadavků zákazníka. Z povahy obecného cíle je investice, na kterou se projekt zaměřuje, zaměřena především na zvýšení objemu tiskových služeb a rozvoj potřebné infrastruktury nákupem zařízení v rámci Regionálního operačního programu 2014–2020. Projekt přispívá k cíli programu financování, kterým je zlepšení hospodářské konkurenceschopnosti zvýšením produktivity práce v malých a středních podnicích v konkurenceschopných odvětvích stanovených ve vnitrostátní strategii pro konkurenceschopnost, a to takto: — strengthening the profile market position and improving the capacity to develop services – stimulating the investment’s drive effects on the services related to the printing sector – increasing the attractiveness for investments of the North-East development region, one of the least developed regions of the country – increasing the competitiveness of printers, by introducing new specialised equipment thus contributing to the sustainable economic growth of the entire sector – increasing competitiveness and performance by providing quality services dedicated to clients from public and private environment – implementation of contracts for the provision of services, respecting the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services according to the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the quality of the market – the development of the quality of the services in line with the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the development of the services, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services, according to the development of the national market, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research activity, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services in the economic environment – the development of the quality of services according to the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the related services – the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the services in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services according to the national market and the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the national market and the development of services in line with the quality standards required by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services in the field, in accordance with the needs (Czech)
    28 July 2022
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    Projekta vispārējais mērķis ir sniegt augstas kvalitātes poligrāfijas pakalpojumus par labāko cenu un atbilstoši klientu prasībām. Ņemot vērā vispārējā mērķa būtību, projekta mērķis galvenokārt ir palielināt poligrāfijas pakalpojumu apjomu un attīstīt nepieciešamo infrastruktūru, iegādājoties aprīkojumu Reģionālās darbības programmas 2014.-2020. gadam ietvaros. Projekts palīdz sasniegt finansēšanas programmas mērķi uzlabot ekonomikas konkurētspēju, palielinot darba ražīgumu MVU konkurētspējīgās nozarēs, kas noteiktas Valsts konkurētspējas stratēģijā, proti: — strengthening the profile market position and improving the capacity to develop services – stimulating the investment’s drive effects on the services related to the printing sector – increasing the attractiveness for investments of the North-East development region, one of the least developed regions of the country – increasing the competitiveness of printers, by introducing new specialised equipment thus contributing to the sustainable economic growth of the entire sector – increasing competitiveness and performance by providing quality services dedicated to clients from public and private environment – implementation of contracts for the provision of services, respecting the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services according to the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the quality of the market – the development of the quality of the services in line with the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the development of the services, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services, according to the development of the national market, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research activity, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services in the economic environment – the development of the quality of services according to the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the related services – the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the services in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services according to the national market and the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the national market and the development of services in line with the quality standards required by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services in the field, in accordance with the needs (Latvian)
    28 July 2022
    0 references
    Is é cuspóir ginearálta an tionscadail seirbhísí priontála ardchaighdeáin a sholáthar ar an bpraghas is fearr agus de réir riachtanais an chustaiméara. De réir chineál an chuspóra ghinearálta, tá an infheistíocht atá dírithe ar an tionscadal dírithe go príomha ar mhéid na seirbhísí priontála a mhéadú agus an bonneagar is gá a fhorbairt, trí threalamh a cheannach laistigh de Chlár Oibríochtúil Réigiúnach 2014-2020. Cuireann an tionscadal le cuspóir an chláir maoinithe chun iomaíochas eacnamaíoch a fheabhsú trí tháirgiúlacht saothair a mhéadú in earnálacha iomaíocha atá sainaitheanta sa Straitéis Náisiúnta um Iomaíochas, mar seo a leanas: — strengthening the profile market position and improving the capacity to develop services – stimulating the investment’s drive effects on the services related to the printing sector – increasing the attractiveness for investments of the North-East development region, one of the least developed regions of the country – increasing the competitiveness of printers, by introducing new specialised equipment thus contributing to the sustainable economic growth of the entire sector – increasing competitiveness and performance by providing quality services dedicated to clients from public and private environment – implementation of contracts for the provision of services, respecting the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services according to the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the quality of the market – the development of the quality of the services in line with the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the development of the services, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services, according to the development of the national market, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research activity, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services in the economic environment – the development of the quality of services according to the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the related services – the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the services in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services according to the national market and the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the national market and the development of services in line with the quality standards required by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services in the field, in accordance with the needs (Irish)
    28 July 2022
    0 references
    Splošni cilj projekta je zagotoviti visokokakovostne tiskarske storitve po najugodnejši ceni in v skladu z zahtevami kupcev. Zaradi narave splošnega cilja je naložba, ki je usmerjena v projekt, namenjena predvsem povečanju obsega tiskarskih storitev in razvoju potrebne infrastrukture z nakupom opreme v okviru regionalnega operativnega programa 2014–2020. Projekt prispeva k cilju programa financiranja za izboljšanje gospodarske konkurenčnosti s povečanjem produktivnosti dela v MSP v konkurenčnih sektorjih, opredeljenih v nacionalni strategiji za konkurenčnost, kot sledi: — strengthening the profile market position and improving the capacity to develop services – stimulating the investment’s drive effects on the services related to the printing sector – increasing the attractiveness for investments of the North-East development region, one of the least developed regions of the country – increasing the competitiveness of printers, by introducing new specialised equipment thus contributing to the sustainable economic growth of the entire sector – increasing competitiveness and performance by providing quality services dedicated to clients from public and private environment – implementation of contracts for the provision of services, respecting the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services according to the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the quality of the market – the development of the quality of the services in line with the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the development of the services, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services, according to the development of the national market, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research activity, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services in the economic environment – the development of the quality of services according to the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the related services – the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the services in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services according to the national market and the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the national market and the development of services in line with the quality standards required by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services in the field, in accordance with the needs (Slovenian)
    28 July 2022
    0 references
    Общата цел на проекта е да предостави висококачествени печатни услуги на най-добра цена и в съответствие с изискванията на клиента. По естеството на общата цел инвестициите, към които е насочен проектът, са насочени преди всичко към увеличаване на обема на печатните услуги и развитие на необходимата инфраструктура чрез закупуване на оборудване в рамките на Регионална оперативна програма 2014—2020 г. Проектът допринася за постигане на целта на финансиращата програма за подобряване на икономическата конкурентоспособност чрез увеличаване на производителността на труда в МСП в конкурентоспособни сектори, определени в Националната стратегия за конкурентоспособност, както следва: — strengthening the profile market position and improving the capacity to develop services – stimulating the investment’s drive effects on the services related to the printing sector – increasing the attractiveness for investments of the North-East development region, one of the least developed regions of the country – increasing the competitiveness of printers, by introducing new specialised equipment thus contributing to the sustainable economic growth of the entire sector – increasing competitiveness and performance by providing quality services dedicated to clients from public and private environment – implementation of contracts for the provision of services, respecting the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services according to the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the quality of the market – the development of the quality of the services in line with the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the development of the services, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services, according to the development of the national market, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research activity, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services in the economic environment – the development of the quality of services according to the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the related services – the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the services in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services according to the national market and the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the national market and the development of services in line with the quality standards required by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services in the field, in accordance with the needs (Bulgarian)
    28 July 2022
    0 references
    L-għan ġenerali tal-proġett huwa li jipprovdi servizzi ta’ stampar ta’ kwalità għolja bl-aħjar prezz u skont il-ħtiġijiet tal-klijenti. Min-natura tal-objettiv ġenerali, l-investiment immirat mill-proġett huwa primarjament immirat lejn iż-żieda fil-volum tas-servizzi tal-istampar u l-iżvilupp tal-infrastruttura meħtieġa, permezz tax-xiri ta’ tagħmir fi ħdan il-Programm Operazzjonali Reġjonali 2014–2020. Il-proġett jikkontribwixxi għall-objettiv tal-programm ta’ finanzjament biex tittejjeb il-kompetittività ekonomika billi tiżdied il-produttività tax-xogħol fl-SMEs f’setturi kompetittivi identifikati fl-Istrateġija Nazzjonali għall-Kompetittività, kif ġej: — strengthening the profile market position and improving the capacity to develop services – stimulating the investment’s drive effects on the services related to the printing sector – increasing the attractiveness for investments of the North-East development region, one of the least developed regions of the country – increasing the competitiveness of printers, by introducing new specialised equipment thus contributing to the sustainable economic growth of the entire sector – increasing competitiveness and performance by providing quality services dedicated to clients from public and private environment – implementation of contracts for the provision of services, respecting the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services according to the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the quality of the market – the development of the quality of the services in line with the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the development of the services, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services, according to the development of the national market, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research activity, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services in the economic environment – the development of the quality of services according to the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the related services – the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the services in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services according to the national market and the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the national market and the development of services in line with the quality standards required by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services in the field, in accordance with the needs (Maltese)
    28 July 2022
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    O objetivo geral do projeto é fornecer serviços de impressão de alta qualidade ao melhor preço e de acordo com as necessidades do cliente. Pela natureza do objetivo geral, o investimento visado pelo projeto destina-se principalmente a aumentar o volume de serviços de impressão e a desenvolver as infraestruturas necessárias, através da aquisição de equipamento no âmbito do Programa Operacional Regional 2014-2020. O projeto contribui para o objetivo do programa de financiamento de melhorar a competitividade económica através do aumento da produtividade do trabalho nas PME em setores competitivos identificados na Estratégia Nacional para a Competitividade, como se segue: — strengthening the profile market position and improving the capacity to develop services – stimulating the investment’s drive effects on the services related to the printing sector – increasing the attractiveness for investments of the North-East development region, one of the least developed regions of the country – increasing the competitiveness of printers, by introducing new specialised equipment thus contributing to the sustainable economic growth of the entire sector – increasing competitiveness and performance by providing quality services dedicated to clients from public and private environment – implementation of contracts for the provision of services, respecting the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services according to the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the quality of the market – the development of the quality of the services in line with the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the development of the services, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services, according to the development of the national market, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research activity, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services in the economic environment – the development of the quality of services according to the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the related services – the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the services in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services according to the national market and the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the national market and the development of services in line with the quality standards required by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services in the field, in accordance with the needs (Portuguese)
    28 July 2022
    0 references
    Det overordnede mål med projektet er at levere trykning af høj kvalitet til den bedste pris og i overensstemmelse med kundernes behov. På grund af det overordnede mål har den investering, som projektet tager sigte på, primært til formål at øge omfanget af trykkeritjenester og udvikle den nødvendige infrastruktur ved at købe udstyr inden for rammerne af det regionale operationelle program 2014-2020. Projektet bidrager til finansieringsplanens mål om at forbedre den økonomiske konkurrenceevne ved at øge arbejdsproduktiviteten i SMV'er i konkurrencedygtige sektorer, der er udpeget i den nationale strategi for konkurrenceevne, som følger: — strengthening the profile market position and improving the capacity to develop services – stimulating the investment’s drive effects on the services related to the printing sector – increasing the attractiveness for investments of the North-East development region, one of the least developed regions of the country – increasing the competitiveness of printers, by introducing new specialised equipment thus contributing to the sustainable economic growth of the entire sector – increasing competitiveness and performance by providing quality services dedicated to clients from public and private environment – implementation of contracts for the provision of services, respecting the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services according to the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the quality of the market – the development of the quality of the services in line with the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the development of the services, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services, according to the development of the national market, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research activity, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services in the economic environment – the development of the quality of services according to the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the related services – the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the services in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services according to the national market and the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the national market and the development of services in line with the quality standards required by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services in the field, in accordance with the needs (Danish)
    28 July 2022
    0 references
    Projektets allmänna mål är att tillhandahålla trycktjänster av hög kvalitet till bästa pris och enligt kundens krav. På grund av det allmänna målets karaktär syftar den investering som projektet riktar sig till främst till att öka volymen tryckeritjänster och utveckla den nödvändiga infrastrukturen genom att köpa utrustning inom det regionala operativa programmet 2014–2020. Projektet bidrar till målet för finansieringsprogrammet att förbättra den ekonomiska konkurrenskraften genom att öka arbetsproduktiviteten i små och medelstora företag i konkurrenskraftiga sektorer som fastställs i den nationella strategin för konkurrenskraft enligt följande: — strengthening the profile market position and improving the capacity to develop services – stimulating the investment’s drive effects on the services related to the printing sector – increasing the attractiveness for investments of the North-East development region, one of the least developed regions of the country – increasing the competitiveness of printers, by introducing new specialised equipment thus contributing to the sustainable economic growth of the entire sector – increasing competitiveness and performance by providing quality services dedicated to clients from public and private environment – implementation of contracts for the provision of services, respecting the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services according to the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the quality of the market – the development of the quality of the services in line with the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in line with the development of the services, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services, according to the development of the national market, according to the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research activity, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services in the economic environment – the development of the quality of services according to the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the quality of the services, the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the related services – the development of the services in line with the quality of the customers – the promotion of the quality of the services and the development of the services in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of the research, the development of the services according to the national market and the development of the services in line with the quality standards imposed by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the national market and the development of services in line with the quality standards required by the field, in line with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services in the national market – the development of the quality of the services required by the field, in accordance with the needs identified by the customers – the continuous promotion of research, the development of the quality of the services according to the market, the development of the quality of the services in the field, in accordance with the needs (Swedish)
    28 July 2022
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    Municipiul Iaşi, Romania
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