Cleantech LATVIA cluster (Q3056743)

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Project Q3056743 in Latvia
Language Label Description Also known as
Cleantech LATVIA cluster
Project Q3056743 in Latvia


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    474,595.98 Euro
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    558,348.22 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    30 January 2017
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    31 December 2021
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    56°54'41.11"N, 24°8'39.98"E
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    Projekta mērķis ir attīstīt klastera CLEANTECH LATVIA darbību un veicināt klastera dalībnieku - tīro tehnoloģiju nozares komersantu un pētniecības un izglītības institūciju - sadarbību jaunu produktu, tehnoloģiju un pakalpojumu izveidē, sekmējot jaunus pētniecības un attīstības projektus jaunās partnerībās vietējā un starptautiskā līmenī, tādā veidā sekmējot klastera dalībnieku konkurētspējas celšanu un veicinot komersantu apgrozījuma pieaugumu.Projekta ietvaros klastera CLEANTECH LATVIA plānotās darbības:- veicināt uzņēmumu tehnoloģisku attīstību, tādā veidā veicinot un atbalstot RIS3 stratēģijas ieviešanu Latvijas tautsaimniecībā;- īstenot partneru iniciētās eksporta aktivitātes, veicinot Latvijas ārējās bilances uzlabošanos;- atbalstīt klastera dalībnieku sadarbību jaunu produktu un/vai pakalpojumu izstrādē un ieviešanā ražošanā;- stiprināt tīro tehnoloģiju nozari kopumā, veicinot Latvijas atpazīstamību pasaulē kā pietiekami nozīmīgu tīro tehnoloģiju nozares spēlētāju;- veicināt zināšanu un tehnoloģiju pārnesi un jaunu pētniecības projektu iniciēšanu;- turpināt klastera internacionalizāciju, paplašinot starptautiskā līmeņa sadarbību;- saņemt starptautiska līmena novērējumu klastera darbības atbilstībai augstas kvalitātes vadības kritērijiem, iegūstot Eiropas Klasteru ekselences iniciatīvas novērtējumu.CLEANTECH LATVIA savas darbības īsteno kā starpnozaru klasteris. Apliecinām, ka visi klastera dalībnieki tiks iesaistīti projekta aktivitātēs, kā arī projekta īstenošanas gaitā tiks piesaistīti jauni klastera dalībnieki. Projekta īstenošanas rezultātā atbalstu saņems vismaz 30 klastera dalībnieki - tīro tehnoloģiju nozarē darbojošies uzņēmumi.Projekta kopējās izmaksas ir 558 348.22 EUR, no kurām ERAF atbalsta apjoms ir 474 595.98 EUR. Projektu līdzfinansēs visi klastera dalībnieki. Projekts tiek īstenots no 30.01.2017 līdz 31.12.2021. Projektā darbības tiek attiecinātas no 01.01.2016. (Latvian)
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    The aim of the project is to develop Cluster Cleantech LATVIA activities and to promote cooperation of cluster members – pure technology industry merchants and research and educational institutions in creation of new products, technologies and services, promoting new research and development projects in new partnerships at local and international level, thus contributing to the competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover of entrepreneurs.Within the framework of the project the planned activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the company, thus promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members in the production of the Cluster and promoting the increase of the turnover of entrepreneurs-international technologies; within the framework of the project, the activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA.-to promote the technological development of the company, thus promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members in the production of Cluster members and promoting the increase of the turnover of entrepreneurs in the field; within the framework of the project, the activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA.- to promote the cooperation of the Cluster in the field of cluster of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of business turnover of entrepreneurs in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the company, thus promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members in the production of the Cluster and promoting the increase of the turnover of entrepreneurs in the field; within the framework of the project, the activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA.- to promote the co-operation of the Cluster Cluster, at local and international level, in order to promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the increase of turnover of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs.Within the framework of the project, within the framework of the project, the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the companies, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the company, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of turnover of businessmen in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover in the field.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of clusters in new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of businessmen’s turnover of entrepreneurs in the development of new products, technologies and services.In the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA on new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members in the production of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover of entrepreneurs.Within the project the planned activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the We confirm that all the participants of the cluster will be involved in the project activities, as well as during the implementation of the project new members of the cluster will be attracted. As a result of the project, at least 30 cluster members – companies operating in the field of clean technology will receive support.The total project costs are EUR 558348.22, of which ERDF support amount is EUR 474595.98. The project will be co-financed by all the members of the cluster. The project is being implemented from 30.01.2017 to 31.12.2021. The project extends the activities from 01.01.2016. (English)
    15 July 2021
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    L’objectif du projet est de développer les activités de CLEANTECH LATVIA CLEANTECH LATVIA et de promouvoir la coopération entre les membres du pôle — entrepreneurs dans le domaine des technologies propres et des établissements de recherche et d’éducation — dans la création de nouveaux produits, technologies et services, la promotion de nouveaux projets de recherche et de développement dans le cadre de nouveaux partenariats au niveau local et international, contribuant ainsi à la compétitivité des membres du cluster et favorisant l’augmentation du chiffre d’affaires des entrepreneurs.- à mettre en œuvre les activités d’exportation lancées par les partenaires, contribuant à l’amélioration de l’équilibre extérieur de la Lettonie;- à soutenir la coopération des membres du groupement dans le développement et la mise en œuvre de nouveaux produits et/ou services dans la production;- à renforcer l’industrie des technologies propres en général, en promouvant la reconnaissance de la Lettonie dans le monde comme un acteur suffisamment important dans l’industrie des technologies propres;- à promouvoir le transfert de connaissances et de technologies et le lancement de nouveaux projets de recherche;- à poursuivre l’internationalisation du pôle en développant la coopération au niveau international;- pour recevoir une évaluation au niveau international des activités du pôle pour répondre aux critères de haute qualité de gestion, en obtenant une évaluation de l’initiative européenne d’excellence des clusters.CLEANTECHTVIA met en œuvre ses activités en tant que pôle intersectoriel. Nous confirmons que tous les membres du groupe seront impliqués dans les activités du projet et que de nouveaux membres du groupe participeront à la mise en œuvre du projet. À la suite du projet, au moins 30 membres du pôle — entreprises opérant dans le secteur des technologies propres — bénéficieront d’un soutien. Le coût total du projet s’élève à 558 348,22 EUR, dont le montant du soutien du FEDER est de 474 595,98 EUR. Le projet sera cofinancé par tous les membres du pôle. Le projet est mis en œuvre du 30.01.2017 au 31.12.2021. Le projet couvre des activités à partir du 01.01.2016. (French)
    25 November 2021
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    Ziel des Projekts ist es, die Aktivitäten von CLEANTECH LATVIA CLEANTECH LATVIA zu entwickeln und die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Clustermitgliedern – Unternehmern auf dem Gebiet der sauberen Technologie und der Forschungs- und Bildungseinrichtungen – bei der Schaffung neuer Produkte, Technologien und Dienstleistungen zu fördern, neue Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekte in neuen Partnerschaften auf lokaler und internationaler Ebene zu fördern, um so zur Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Clustermitglieder beizutragen und so die Steigerung des Umsatzes von Unternehmern zu fördern und die Umsetzung der RIS3-Strategie in der lettischen Wirtschaft zu fördern und zu unterstützen;- die von den Partnern initiierten Exportaktivitäten durchzuführen und zur Verbesserung der Außenbilanz Lettlands beizutragen;- die Zusammenarbeit der Clustermitglieder bei der Entwicklung und Umsetzung neuer Produkte und/oder Dienstleistungen in der Produktion zu unterstützen;- die Stärkung der sauberen Technologieindustrie im Allgemeinen, die weltweite Anerkennung Lettlands als ausreichend wichtiger Akteur in der sauberen Technologieindustrie zu fördern;- den Wissens- und Technologietransfer und die Einleitung neuer Forschungsprojekte zu fördern;- die Internationalisierung des Clusters durch Ausbau der Zusammenarbeit auf internationaler Ebene fortzusetzen; – eine internationale Bewertung der Aktivitäten des Clusters zu erhalten, um die Kriterien eines hochwertigen Managements zu erfüllen und eine Bewertung der Europäischen Cluster-Exzellenzinitiative zu erhalten.CLEANTECHTVIA setzt seine Aktivitäten als sektorübergreifender Cluster um. Wir bestätigen, dass alle Mitglieder des Clusters an den Aktivitäten des Projekts beteiligt sein werden und dass neue Mitglieder des Clusters an der Durchführung des Projekts beteiligt werden. Als Ergebnis des Projekts erhalten mindestens 30 Clustermitglieder – Unternehmen, die im Bereich der sauberen Technologie tätig sind, Unterstützung. Die Gesamtkosten des Projekts betragen 558 348,22 EUR, wovon der Betrag der EFRE-Förderung 474 595,98 EUR beträgt. Das Projekt wird von allen Mitgliedern des Clusters kofinanziert. Das Projekt wird vom 30.01.2017 bis zum 31.12.2021 durchgeführt. Das Projekt deckt die Aktivitäten ab 01.01.2016 ab. (German)
    28 November 2021
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    Het doel van het project is de ontwikkeling van de activiteiten van CLEANTECH LATVIA CLEANTECH LATVIA en het bevorderen van de samenwerking tussen de clusterleden — ondernemers op het gebied van schone technologie en onderzoeks- en onderwijsinstellingen — bij het creëren van nieuwe producten, technologieën en diensten, het bevorderen van nieuwe onderzoeks- en ontwikkelingsprojecten in nieuwe partnerschappen op lokaal en internationaal niveau, en aldus bij te dragen tot het concurrentievermogen van de clusterleden en de toename van de omzet van ondernemers te bevorderen, waardoor de uitvoering van de RIS3-strategie in de Letse economie wordt bevorderd en ondersteund; de door de partners geïnitieerde exportactiviteiten uit te voeren die bijdragen tot de verbetering van het externe evenwicht van Letland;- de samenwerking van de clusterleden bij de ontwikkeling en implementatie van nieuwe producten en/of diensten in de productie te ondersteunen;- de sector schone technologie in het algemeen te versterken, de erkenning van Letland als een voldoende belangrijke speler in de sector schone technologie te bevorderen;- de overdracht van kennis en technologie te bevorderen en nieuwe onderzoeksprojecten op gang te brengen;- de internationalisering van de cluster voort te zetten door de samenwerking op internationaal niveau uit te breiden; om op internationaal niveau een evaluatie te krijgen van de activiteiten van de cluster om aan de criteria van hoogwaardig beheer te voldoen, en daarbij een beoordeling te krijgen van het European Cluster Excellence Initiative.CLEANTECHTVIA voert zijn activiteiten uit als een sectoroverschrijdende cluster. Wij bevestigen dat alle leden van de cluster bij de activiteiten van het project zullen worden betrokken en dat nieuwe leden van de cluster bij de uitvoering van het project zullen worden betrokken. Als gevolg van het project zullen ten minste 30 clusterleden — bedrijven die actief zijn in de sector schone technologie — steun ontvangen. De totale kosten van het project bedragen 558 348,22 EUR, waarvan het bedrag aan EFRO-steun 474 595,98 EUR bedraagt. Het project wordt medegefinancierd door alle leden van het cluster. Het project wordt uitgevoerd van 30.1.2017 tot en met 31.12.2021. Het project heeft betrekking op activiteiten vanaf 1.1.2016. (Dutch)
    28 November 2021
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    L'obiettivo del progetto è quello di sviluppare le attività di CLEANTECH LATVIA CLEANTECH LATVIA e di promuovere la cooperazione tra i membri del cluster — imprenditori nel settore della tecnologia pulita e degli istituti di ricerca e istruzione — nella creazione di nuovi prodotti, tecnologie e servizi, promuovendo nuovi progetti di ricerca e sviluppo in nuovi partenariati a livello locale e internazionale, contribuendo in tal modo alla competitività dei membri del cluster e promuovendo l'aumento del fatturato degli imprenditori, promuovendo così e sostenendo l'attuazione della strategia RIS3 nell'economia lettone; — attuare le attività di esportazione avviate dai partner, contribuendo al miglioramento dell'equilibrio esterno della Lettonia;- sostenere la cooperazione dei membri del cluster nello sviluppo e nell'attuazione di nuovi prodotti e/o servizi nella produzione;- rafforzare l'industria delle tecnologie pulite in generale, promuovere il riconoscimento della Lettonia nel mondo quale attore sufficientemente importante nel settore delle tecnologie pulite;- promuovere il trasferimento di conoscenze e tecnologie e l'avvio di nuovi progetti di ricerca;- continuare l'internazionalizzazione del cluster ampliando la cooperazione a livello internazionale; — ricevere una valutazione a livello internazionale delle attività del cluster per soddisfare i criteri di gestione di alta qualità, ottenendo una valutazione dell'iniziativa europea di eccellenza dei cluster.CLEANTECHTVIA attua le sue attività come cluster intersettoriali. Confermiamo che tutti i membri del cluster saranno coinvolti nelle attività del progetto e che nuovi membri del cluster saranno coinvolti nell'attuazione del progetto. Come risultato del progetto, almeno 30 membri del cluster — le imprese che operano nel settore delle tecnologie pulite riceveranno sostegno. Il costo totale del progetto è di 558 348,22 EUR, di cui l'importo del sostegno FESR è di 474 595,98 EUR. Il progetto sarà cofinanziato da tutti i membri del cluster. Il progetto è attuato dal 30.1.2017 al 31.12.2021. Il progetto riguarda le attività a partire dall'1.1.2016. (Italian)
    11 January 2022
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    El objetivo del proyecto es desarrollar las actividades de CLEANTECH LATVIA CLEANTECH LATVIA y promover la cooperación entre los miembros del clúster -empresarios en el ámbito de las tecnologías limpias y las instituciones de investigación y educación- en la creación de nuevos productos, tecnologías y servicios, la promoción de nuevos proyectos de investigación y desarrollo en nuevas asociaciones a nivel local e internacional, contribuyendo así a la competitividad de los miembros del clúster y promoviendo el aumento del volumen de negocios de los empresarios, promoviendo y apoyando así la aplicación de la estrategia RIS3 en la economía letona;- llevar a cabo las actividades de exportación iniciadas por los socios, contribuyendo a la mejora del equilibrio exterior de Letonia;- apoyar la cooperación de los miembros del grupo en el desarrollo y la aplicación de nuevos productos o servicios en la producción;- fortalecer la industria de tecnologías limpias en general, promoviendo el reconocimiento de Letonia en el mundo como un actor suficientemente importante en la industria de tecnologías limpias;- promover la transferencia de conocimientos y tecnología y la iniciación de nuevos proyectos de investigación;- continuar la internacionalización del grupo mediante la ampliación de la cooperación a nivel internacional;- recibir una evaluación a nivel internacional de las actividades del clúster para cumplir los criterios de gestión de alta calidad, obteniendo una evaluación de la Iniciativa Europea de Excelencia de Clústers.CLEANTECHTVIA implementa sus actividades como clúster intersectorial. Confirmamos que todos los miembros del grupo participarán en las actividades del proyecto y que los nuevos miembros del grupo participarán en la ejecución del proyecto. Como resultado del proyecto, al menos 30 miembros del clúster — empresas que operan en el sector de las tecnologías limpias recibirán apoyo. El coste total del proyecto es de 558 348,22 EUR, de los cuales el importe de la ayuda del FEDER es de 474 595,98 EUR. El proyecto será cofinanciado por todos los miembros del clúster. El proyecto se ejecuta del 30.1.2017 al 31.12.2021. El proyecto abarca actividades a partir del 1.1.2016. (Spanish)
    12 January 2022
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    Projekti eesmärk on arendada klastri Cleantech LATVIA tegevust ja edendada klastri liikmete koostööd – puhta tehnoloogiatööstuse kaupmehed ning teadus- ja haridusasutused uute toodete, tehnoloogiate ja teenuste loomisel, edendades uusi teadus- ja arendusprojekte uutes partnerlustes kohalikul ja rahvusvahelisel tasandil, aidates seeläbi kaasa klastri liikmete konkurentsivõimele ja edendades ettevõtjate käibe kasvu. Projekti raames edendab Cluster Cleantech LATVIA kavandatud tegevus ettevõtte tehnoloogilist arengut, edendades seeläbi klastrite liikmete konkurentsivõimet klastrite tootmisel ja edendades ettevõtjate ja rahvusvaheliste tehnoloogiate käibe kasvu; projekti raames klastri Cleantech LATVIA tegevus, et edendada ettevõtte tehnoloogilist arengut, edendades seeläbi klastrite liikmete konkurentsivõimet klastrite liikmete tootmisel ja edendades valdkonna ettevõtjate käibe kasvu; projekti raames klastri Cleantech LATVIA tegevused – klastri koostöö edendamine klastrite liikmete klastri valdkonnas kohalikul ja rahvusvahelisel tasandil, edendades seeläbi klastrite liikmete konkurentsivõimet ja ettevõtjate ärikäibe suurendamist uute toodete, tehnoloogiate ja teenuste arendamisel. Projekti raames edendab Cleantech LATVIA klastri kavandatud tegevus ettevõtte tehnoloogilist arengut, edendades seeläbi klastrite liikmete konkurentsivõimet klastrite tootmisel ja edendades valdkonna ettevõtjate käibe suurenemist; within the framework of the project, the activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA.- to promote the co-operation of the Cluster Cluster, at local and international level, in order to promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the increase of turnover of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs.Within the framework of the project, within the framework of the project, the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the companies, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the company, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of turnover of businessmen in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover in the field.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of clusters in new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of businessmen’s turnover of entrepreneurs in the development of new products, technologies and services.In the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA on new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members in the production of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover of entrepreneurs.Within the project the planned activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the We confirm that all the participants of the cluster will be involved in the project activities, as well as during the implementation of the project new members of the cluster will be attracted. Projekti tulemusena saavad toetust vähemalt 30 klastriliiget – puhta tehnoloogia valdkonnas tegutsevad ettevõtted. Projekti kogumaksumus on 558348,22 eurot, millest ERFi toetuse summa on 474595,98 eurot. Projekti kaasrahastavad kõik klastri liikmed. Projekti rakendatakse ajavahemikul 30.01.2017–31.12.2021. Projekt pikendab tegevust alates 01.01.2016. (Estonian)
    3 August 2022
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    Projekto tikslas – plėtoti „Cluster Cleantech LATVIA“ veiklą ir skatinti klasterio narių – grynų technologijų pramonės prekybininkų ir mokslinių tyrimų bei švietimo įstaigų – bendradarbiavimą kuriant naujus produktus, technologijas ir paslaugas, skatinant naujus mokslinių tyrimų ir plėtros projektus naujose partnerystėse vietos ir tarptautiniu lygiu, taip prisidedant prie klasterių narių konkurencingumo ir skatinant verslininkų apyvartos didėjimą. Pagal šį projektą planuojama „Cluster Cleantech LATVIA“ veikla skatins įmonės technologinę plėtrą, taip skatindama klasterių narių konkurencingumą kuriant klasterį ir skatinant verslininkų tarptautinių technologijų apyvartos didėjimą; įgyvendinant projektą, klasterio „Cleantech LATVIA.“ veikla skatinti įmonės technologinę plėtrą, taip skatinant klasterio narių konkurencingumą gaminant klasterio narius ir skatinant šios srities verslininkų apyvartos didėjimą; įgyvendinant projektą, klasterio „Cleantech LATVIA“ veikla.- skatinti klasterio bendradarbiavimą klasterių narių klasterio srityje vietos ir tarptautiniu lygiu, taip skatinant klasterių narių konkurencingumą ir verslininkų verslo apyvartos didėjimą kuriant naujus produktus, technologijas ir paslaugas. Pagal projektą planuojama klasterio „Cleantech LATVIA“ veikla skatins įmonės technologinę plėtrą, taip skatindami klasterių narių konkurencingumą kuriant klasterį ir skatindami didinti šios srities verslininkų apyvartą; within the framework of the project, the activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA.- to promote the co-operation of the Cluster Cluster, at local and international level, in order to promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the increase of turnover of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs.Within the framework of the project, within the framework of the project, the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the companies, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the company, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of turnover of businessmen in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover in the field.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of clusters in new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of businessmen’s turnover of entrepreneurs in the development of new products, technologies and services.In the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA on new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members in the production of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover of entrepreneurs.Within the project the planned activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the We confirm that all the participants of the cluster will be involved in the project activities, as well as during the implementation of the project new members of the cluster will be attracted. Projekto rezultatas – mažiausiai 30 klasterio narių – švarių technologijų srityje veikiančios įmonės. Bendros projekto išlaidos yra 558 348,22 EUR, iš kurių ERPF paramos suma yra 474 595,98 EUR. Projektą bendrai finansuos visi grupės nariai. Projektas įgyvendinamas nuo 2017 m. sausio 30 d. iki 2021 m. gruodžio 31 d. Projekto veikla pratęsiama nuo 2016 m. sausio 1 d. (Lithuanian)
    3 August 2022
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    Cilj projekta je razvoj aktivnosti klastera Cleantech LATVIA i promicanje suradnje članova klastera – trgovaca u čistoj tehnološkoj industriji te istraživačkih i obrazovnih institucija u stvaranju novih proizvoda, tehnologija i usluga, promicanje novih istraživačkih i razvojnih projekata u novim partnerstvima na lokalnoj i međunarodnoj razini, čime se doprinosi konkurentnosti članova klastera i promiče povećanje prometa trgovaca poduzetnicima. U okviru projekta planirane aktivnosti klastera Cleantech LATVIA promovirat će tehnološki razvoj tvrtke, čime će se promicati konkurentnost članova klastera u proizvodnji Klastera i promicati povećanje prometa poduzetnika-međunarodnih tehnologija; u okviru projekta, aktivnosti klastera Cleantech LATVIA.-promicati tehnološki razvoj tvrtke, čime se promiče konkurentnost članova Klastera u proizvodnji članova klastera i promovira povećanje prometa poduzetnika u tom području; u okviru projekta, aktivnosti klastera Cleantech LATVIA.- za promicanje suradnje Klastera u području klastera članova klastera na lokalnoj i međunarodnoj razini, čime se promiče konkurentnost članova klastera i promiče povećanje prometa poduzetnika u razvoju novih proizvoda, tehnologija i usluga. U okviru projekta planirane aktivnosti klastera Cleantech LATVIA promovirat će tehnološki razvoj tvrtke, čime će se promicati konkurentnost članova Klastera u proizvodnji Klastera i promicati povećanje prometa poduzetnika na terenu; within the framework of the project, the activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA.- to promote the co-operation of the Cluster Cluster, at local and international level, in order to promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the increase of turnover of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs.Within the framework of the project, within the framework of the project, the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the companies, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the company, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of turnover of businessmen in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover in the field.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of clusters in new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of businessmen’s turnover of entrepreneurs in the development of new products, technologies and services.In the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA on new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members in the production of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover of entrepreneurs.Within the project the planned activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the We confirm that all the participants of the cluster will be involved in the project activities, as well as during the implementation of the project new members of the cluster will be attracted. Kao rezultat projekta potporu će dobiti najmanje 30 članova klastera – poduzeća koja djeluju u području čiste tehnologije.Ukupni troškovi projekta iznose 558 348,22 EUR, od čega je iznos potpore EFRR-a 474 595,98 EUR. Projekt će sufinancirati svi članovi klastera. Projekt se provodi od 30. siječnja 2017. do 31.12.2021. Projekt proširuje aktivnosti od 01.01.2016. (Croatian)
    3 August 2022
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    Στόχος του έργου είναι η ανάπτυξη δραστηριοτήτων Cluster Cleantech LATVIA και η προώθηση της συνεργασίας των μελών του συνεργατικού σχηματισμού — εμπόρους της βιομηχανίας καθαρής τεχνολογίας και ερευνητικά και εκπαιδευτικά ιδρύματα για τη δημιουργία νέων προϊόντων, τεχνολογιών και υπηρεσιών, την προώθηση νέων έργων έρευνας και ανάπτυξης σε νέες συνεργασίες σε τοπικό και διεθνές επίπεδο, συμβάλλοντας έτσι στην ανταγωνιστικότητα των μελών των συνεργατικών σχηματισμών και προωθώντας την αύξηση του κύκλου εργασιών των εμπόρων των επιχειρηματιών. Στο πλαίσιο του έργου, οι προγραμματισμένες δραστηριότητες της Cluster Cleantech LATVIA θα προωθήσουν την τεχνολογική ανάπτυξη της εταιρείας, προωθώντας έτσι την ανταγωνιστικότητα των μελών της Cluster στην παραγωγή του Cluster και προωθώντας την αύξηση του κύκλου εργασιών των επιχειρηματιών-διεθνών τεχνολογιών· στο πλαίσιο του έργου, οι δραστηριότητες του συνεργατικού σχηματισμού Cleantech LATVIA.- για την προώθηση της τεχνολογικής ανάπτυξης της εταιρείας, προάγοντας έτσι την ανταγωνιστικότητα των μελών του Cluster στην παραγωγή των μελών του Cluster και προωθώντας την αύξηση του κύκλου εργασιών των επιχειρηματιών στον τομέα· στο πλαίσιο του έργου, οι δραστηριότητες του συνεργατικού σχηματισμού Cleantech LATVIA.- για την προώθηση της συνεργασίας του Cluster στον τομέα του συνεργατικού σχηματισμού μελών σε τοπικό και διεθνές επίπεδο, προωθώντας έτσι την ανταγωνιστικότητα των μελών του Cluster και προωθώντας την αύξηση του επιχειρηματικού κύκλου των επιχειρηματιών στην ανάπτυξη νέων προϊόντων, τεχνολογιών και υπηρεσιών. Στο πλαίσιο του έργου, οι προγραμματισμένες δραστηριότητες του cluster Cleantech LATVIA θα προωθήσουν την τεχνολογική ανάπτυξη της εταιρείας, προωθώντας έτσι την ανταγωνιστικότητα των μελών της Cluster στην παραγωγή του Cluster και προωθώντας την αύξηση του κύκλου εργασιών των επιχειρηματιών στον τομέα αυτό· within the framework of the project, the activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA.- to promote the co-operation of the Cluster Cluster, at local and international level, in order to promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the increase of turnover of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs.Within the framework of the project, within the framework of the project, the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the companies, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the company, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of turnover of businessmen in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover in the field.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of clusters in new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of businessmen’s turnover of entrepreneurs in the development of new products, technologies and services.In the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA on new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members in the production of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover of entrepreneurs.Within the project the planned activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the We confirm that all the participants of the cluster will be involved in the project activities, as well as during the implementation of the project new members of the cluster will be attracted. Ως αποτέλεσμα του έργου, θα λάβουν στήριξη τουλάχιστον 30 μέλη συνεργατικών σχηματισμών — εταιρείες που δραστηριοποιούνται στον τομέα της καθαρής τεχνολογίας. Το συνολικό κόστος του έργου ανέρχεται σε 558 348,22 EUR, εκ των οποίων το ποσό στήριξης του ΕΤΠΑ ανέρχεται σε 474 595,98 EUR. Το έργο θα συγχρηματοδοτηθεί από όλα τα μέλη της ομάδας. Το έργο υλοποιείται από τις 30.01.2017 έως τις 31.12.2021. Το έργο επεκτείνει τις δραστηριότητες από 01.01.2016. (Greek)
    3 August 2022
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    Cieľom projektu je rozvíjať aktivity Cluster Cleantech LATVIA a podporovať spoluprácu členov klastrov – obchodníkov v čisto technologickom priemysle a výskumných a vzdelávacích inštitúcií pri tvorbe nových produktov, technológií a služieb, podporovať nové výskumné a vývojové projekty v nových partnerstvách na miestnej a medzinárodnej úrovni, a tak prispievať ku konkurencieschopnosti členov klastrov a podporovať zvyšovanie obratu podnikateľov.V rámci projektu bude plánovaná činnosť Cluster Cleantech LATVIA podporovať technologický rozvoj spoločnosti, a tým podporovať konkurencieschopnosť členov klastrov pri výrobe klastra a podporovať zvyšovanie obratu podnikateľov-medzinárodných technológií; v rámci projektu činnosti klastra Cleantech LATVIA.- podporovať technologický rozvoj spoločnosti, a tým podporovať konkurencieschopnosť členov klastra vo výrobe členov klastra a podporovať zvýšenie obratu podnikateľov v tejto oblasti; v rámci projektu činnosti klastra Cleantech LATVIA.- podporovať spoluprácu klastra v oblasti klastra členov na miestnej a medzinárodnej úrovni, a tým podporovať konkurencieschopnosť členov klastra a podporovať zvýšenie obratu podnikateľov pri vývoji nových produktov, technológií a služieb.V rámci projektu plánované aktivity klastra LATVIA podporí technologický rozvoj spoločnosti, čím podporí konkurencieschopnosť členov klastra pri výrobe klastra a podporí zvýšenie obratu podnikateľov v tejto oblasti; within the framework of the project, the activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA.- to promote the co-operation of the Cluster Cluster, at local and international level, in order to promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the increase of turnover of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs.Within the framework of the project, within the framework of the project, the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the companies, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the company, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of turnover of businessmen in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover in the field.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of clusters in new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of businessmen’s turnover of entrepreneurs in the development of new products, technologies and services.In the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA on new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members in the production of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover of entrepreneurs.Within the project the planned activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the We confirm that all the participants of the cluster will be involved in the project activities, as well as during the implementation of the project new members of the cluster will be attracted. V dôsledku projektu dostane podporu najmenej 30 členov zoskupenia – spoločnosti pôsobiace v oblasti čistých technológií. Celkové náklady na projekt sú 558 348,22 EUR, z čoho suma podpory z EFRR predstavuje 474 595,98 EUR. Projekt budú spolufinancovať všetci členovia zoskupenia. Projekt sa realizuje od 30. 1. 2017 do 31.12.2021. Projekt rozširuje aktivity od 01.01.2016. (Slovak)
    3 August 2022
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    Hankkeen tavoitteena on kehittää Cluster Cleantech LATVIA -toimintaa ja edistää klusterijäsenten – puhtaan teknologian alan kauppiaiden sekä tutkimus- ja koulutuslaitosten – yhteistyötä uusien tuotteiden, teknologioiden ja palvelujen luomisessa, uusien tutkimus- ja kehityshankkeiden edistämistä uusissa kumppanuuksissa paikallisella ja kansainvälisellä tasolla, mikä edistää klusterijäsenten kilpailukykyä ja edistää kauppiaiden liikevaihtoa yrittäjien keskuudessa. Hankkeen puitteissa Cluster Cleantech LATVIAn suunnitellut toimet edistävät yrityksen teknologista kehitystä, mikä edistää klusterin jäsenten kilpailukykyä klusterin tuotannossa ja edistää yrittäjien ja kansainvälisten teknologioiden liikevaihdon kasvua. hankkeen puitteissa Cleantech LATVIA.-klusterin toimet, joilla edistetään yrityksen teknologista kehitystä, mikä edistää klusterin jäsenten kilpailukykyä klusterin jäsenten tuotannossa ja edistää alan yrittäjien liikevaihdon kasvua; hankkeen puitteissa Cleantech LATVIA.- – klusterin toiminnan edistäminen klusterin jäsenten klusterien alalla paikallisella ja kansainvälisellä tasolla, mikä edistää klusterin jäsenten kilpailukykyä ja yrittäjien liikevaihdon lisäämistä uusien tuotteiden, teknologioiden ja palvelujen kehittämisessä. Hankkeen puitteissa Cleantech LATVIA -klusterin suunnitellut toimet edistävät yrityksen teknologista kehitystä, mikä edistää klusterin jäsenten kilpailukykyä klusterin tuotannossa ja edistää alan yrittäjien liikevaihdon kasvua; within the framework of the project, the activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA.- to promote the co-operation of the Cluster Cluster, at local and international level, in order to promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the increase of turnover of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs.Within the framework of the project, within the framework of the project, the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the companies, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the company, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of turnover of businessmen in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover in the field.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of clusters in new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of businessmen’s turnover of entrepreneurs in the development of new products, technologies and services.In the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA on new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members in the production of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover of entrepreneurs.Within the project the planned activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the We confirm that all the participants of the cluster will be involved in the project activities, as well as during the implementation of the project new members of the cluster will be attracted. Hankkeen tuloksena tukea saa vähintään 30 klusterijäsentä – puhtaan teknologian alalla toimivia yrityksiä. Hankkeen kokonaiskustannukset ovat 558348,22 euroa, josta EAKR:n tuki on 474595,98 euroa. Hankkeen rahoitukseen osallistuvat kaikki klusteriin kuuluvat jäsenet. Hanketta toteutetaan 30.1.2017–31.12.2021. Hanke laajentaa toimintaa 1.1.2016 alkaen. (Finnish)
    3 August 2022
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    Celem projektu jest rozwój działań Cluster Cleantech LATVIA oraz promowanie współpracy członków klastrów – handlowców z branży czystej technologii oraz instytucji badawczych i edukacyjnych w tworzeniu nowych produktów, technologii i usług, promowanie nowych projektów badawczo-rozwojowych w nowych partnerstwach na poziomie lokalnym i międzynarodowym, przyczyniając się w ten sposób do konkurencyjności członków klastra i promując wzrost obrotów handlowców przedsiębiorców. W ramach projektu planowane działania Cluster Cleantech LATVIA będą promowały rozwój technologiczny firmy, promując tym samym konkurencyjność członków Klastra w produkcji Klastra i promując wzrost obrotów przedsiębiorców – technologii międzynarodowych; w ramach projektu działania klastra Cleantech LATVIA.- w celu promowania rozwoju technologicznego firmy, promując w ten sposób konkurencyjność członków Klastra w produkcji członków Klastra i promując wzrost obrotów przedsiębiorców w tej dziedzinie; w ramach projektu działania klastra Cleantech LATVIA.- promowanie współpracy Klastra w zakresie klastra członków Klastra na poziomie lokalnym i międzynarodowym, a tym samym promowanie konkurencyjności członków Klastra oraz promowanie wzrostu obrotów biznesowych przedsiębiorców w rozwoju nowych produktów, technologii i usług. W ramach projektu planowane działania klastra Cleantech LATVIA będą promować rozwój technologiczny firmy, wspierając w ten sposób konkurencyjność członków Klastra w produkcji Klastra i promując wzrost obrotów przedsiębiorców w tej dziedzinie; within the framework of the project, the activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA.- to promote the co-operation of the Cluster Cluster, at local and international level, in order to promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the increase of turnover of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs.Within the framework of the project, within the framework of the project, the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the companies, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the company, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of turnover of businessmen in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover in the field.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of clusters in new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of businessmen’s turnover of entrepreneurs in the development of new products, technologies and services.In the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA on new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members in the production of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover of entrepreneurs.Within the project the planned activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the We confirm that all the participants of the cluster will be involved in the project activities, as well as during the implementation of the project new members of the cluster will be attracted. W wyniku realizacji projektu wsparcie otrzyma co najmniej 30 członków klastra – przedsiębiorstw działających w dziedzinie czystej technologii. Całkowite koszty projektu wynoszą 558 348,22 EUR, z czego kwota wsparcia z EFRR wynosi 474 595,98 EUR. Projekt będzie współfinansowany przez wszystkich członków klastra. Projekt jest realizowany od 30.01.2017 do 31.12.2021. Projekt przedłuża zakres działań od 01.01.2016 r. (Polish)
    3 August 2022
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    A projekt célja a Cluster Cleantech LATVIA tevékenységeinek fejlesztése és a klasztertagok – a tiszta technológiai ipar kereskedői, valamint a kutatási és oktatási intézmények – együttműködésének előmozdítása új termékek, technológiák és szolgáltatások létrehozásában, új kutatási és fejlesztési projektek támogatása új partnerségekben helyi és nemzetközi szinten, ezáltal hozzájárulva a klasztertagok versenyképességéhez és a kereskedők forgalmának növekedéséhez. A projekt keretében a Cluster Cleantech LATVIA tervezett tevékenységei elősegítik a vállalat technológiai fejlődését, ezáltal előmozdítva a klasztertagok versenyképességét a Klaszter termelésében, és előmozdítva a vállalkozói-nemzetközi technológiák forgalmának növelését; a projekt keretében a Cleantech LATVIA klaszter tevékenységei – a vállalat technológiai fejlődésének előmozdítása, ezáltal a klasztertagok versenyképességének előmozdítása a klasztertagok termelésében, valamint a vállalkozók forgalmának növelése ezen a területen; a projekt keretében a Cleantech LATVIA klaszter tevékenységei.- a klaszter együttműködésének elősegítése a klasztertagok klasztere területén helyi és nemzetközi szinten, ezáltal előmozdítva a klasztertagok versenyképességét és a vállalkozók üzleti forgalmának növelését az új termékek, technológiák és szolgáltatások fejlesztésében.A projekt keretében a Cleantech LATVIA klaszter tervezett tevékenységei elősegítik a vállalat technológiai fejlődését, ezáltal előmozdítva a klaszter tagjai versenyképességét a klaszter termelésében, és előmozdítva a vállalkozók forgalmának növelését a területen; within the framework of the project, the activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA.- to promote the co-operation of the Cluster Cluster, at local and international level, in order to promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the increase of turnover of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs.Within the framework of the project, within the framework of the project, the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the companies, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the company, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of turnover of businessmen in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover in the field.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of clusters in new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of businessmen’s turnover of entrepreneurs in the development of new products, technologies and services.In the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA on new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members in the production of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover of entrepreneurs.Within the project the planned activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the We confirm that all the participants of the cluster will be involved in the project activities, as well as during the implementation of the project new members of the cluster will be attracted. A projekt eredményeként legalább 30 klasztertag – a tiszta technológia területén működő vállalatok – kapnak támogatást. A projekt összköltsége 558 348,22 EUR, amelyből az ERFA-támogatás összege 474 595,98 EUR. A projektet a klaszter valamennyi tagja társfinanszírozza. A projekt végrehajtása 2017. január 30-tól 2021.12.31-ig tart. A projekt 2016. január 1-jétől meghosszabbítja a tevékenységeket. (Hungarian)
    3 August 2022
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    Cílem projektu je rozvíjet činnosti Cluster Cleantech LATVIA a podporovat spolupráci členů klastru – čistě technologických obchodníků a výzkumných a vzdělávacích institucí při vytváření nových produktů, technologií a služeb, podporovat nové výzkumné a vývojové projekty v nových partnerstvích na místní a mezinárodní úrovni, a tím přispívat ke konkurenceschopnosti členů klastru a podporovat zvýšení obratu obchodníků u podnikatelů.V rámci projektu budou plánované činnosti společnosti Cluster Cleantech LATVIA podporovat technologický rozvoj společnosti, a tím podporovat konkurenceschopnost členů klastru při výrobě klastru a podporovat zvýšení obratu podnikatelů – mezinárodních technologií; v rámci projektu činnosti klastru Cleantech LATVIA. – podporovat technologický rozvoj společnosti, a tím podporovat konkurenceschopnost členů klastru při výrobě členů klastru a podporovat zvyšování obratu podnikatelů v oboru; v rámci projektu činnosti klastru Cleantech LATVIA.- podporovat spolupráci klastru v oblasti klastru členů klastru na místní a mezinárodní úrovni, a tím podporovat konkurenceschopnost členů klastru a podporovat zvyšování obchodní fluktuace podnikatelů při vývoji nových produktů, technologií a služeb.V rámci projektu budou plánované činnosti klastru Cleantech LATVIA podporovat technologický rozvoj společnosti, čímž podpoří konkurenceschopnost členů klastru při výrobě klastru a podpoří zvýšení obratu podnikatelů v oboru; within the framework of the project, the activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA.- to promote the co-operation of the Cluster Cluster, at local and international level, in order to promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the increase of turnover of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs.Within the framework of the project, within the framework of the project, the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the companies, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the company, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of turnover of businessmen in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover in the field.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of clusters in new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of businessmen’s turnover of entrepreneurs in the development of new products, technologies and services.In the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA on new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members in the production of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover of entrepreneurs.Within the project the planned activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the We confirm that all the participants of the cluster will be involved in the project activities, as well as during the implementation of the project new members of the cluster will be attracted. V důsledku projektu obdrží podporu nejméně 30 členů klastrů – společnosti působící v oblasti čistých technologií. Celkové náklady projektu činí 558 348,22 EUR, z čehož částka podpory z EFRR činí 474 595,98 EUR. Projekt bude spolufinancován všemi členy klastru. Projekt je realizován od 30. ledna 2017 do 31.12.2021. Projekt rozšiřuje aktivity od 01.01.2016. (Czech)
    3 August 2022
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    Is é is aidhm don tionscadal gníomhaíochtaí Braisle Cleantech LATVIA a fhorbairt agus comhar na mball braislí — ceannaithe tionscail na teicneolaíochta íon agus institiúidí taighde agus oideachais a chur chun cinn maidir le táirgí, teicneolaíochtaí agus seirbhísí nua a chruthú, tionscadail nua taighde agus forbartha a chur chun cinn i gcomhpháirtíochtaí nua ar an leibhéal áitiúil agus idirnáisiúnta, rud a chuirfidh le hiomaíochas na mball braisle agus a chuireann méadú ar láimhdeachas na bhfiontraithe chun cinn. faoi chuimsiú an tionscadail, gníomhaíochtaí na braisle Cleantech LATVIA.-forbairt theicneolaíoch na cuideachta a chur chun cinn, agus ar an gcaoi sin iomaíochas na mball Braislí a chur chun cinn i dtáirgeadh ball Braisle agus méadú ar láimhdeachas fiontraithe sa réimse a chur chun cinn; faoi chuimsiú an tionscadail, gníomhaíochtaí na braisle Cleantech LATVIA.- comhar an Bhraisle a chur chun cinn i réimse an bhraisle de bhaill de Chnuasaigh ar an leibhéal áitiúil agus idirnáisiúnta, agus ar an gcaoi sin iomaíochas bhaill an Chnuasaigh a chur chun cinn agus méadú ar láimhdeachas gnó na bhfiontraithe a chur chun cinn i bhforbairt táirgí, teicneolaíochtaí agus seirbhísí nua. within the framework of the project, the activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA.- to promote the co-operation of the Cluster Cluster, at local and international level, in order to promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the increase of turnover of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs.Within the framework of the project, within the framework of the project, the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the companies, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the company, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of turnover of businessmen in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover in the field.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of clusters in new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of businessmen’s turnover of entrepreneurs in the development of new products, technologies and services.In the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA on new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members in the production of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover of entrepreneurs.Within the project the planned activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the We confirm that all the participants of the cluster will be involved in the project activities, as well as during the implementation of the project new members of the cluster will be attracted. Mar thoradh ar an tionscadal, 30 ball braisle ar a laghad — gheobhaidh cuideachtaí atá ag feidhmiú i réimse na teicneolaíochta glaine tacaíocht.Is é EUR 558348.22 costas iomlán an tionscadail, arb é EUR 474595.98 méid tacaíochta CFRE. Déanfaidh gach ball den bhraisle an tionscadal a chómhaoiniú. Tá an tionscadal á chur i bhfeidhm ó 30.01.2017 go 31.12.2021. Cuireann an tionscadal síneadh leis na gníomhaíochtaí ó 01.01.2016. (Irish)
    3 August 2022
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    Cilj projekta je razvoj dejavnosti Cluster Cleantech LATVIA in spodbujanje sodelovanja članov grozda – trgovcev s čisto tehnološko industrijo ter raziskovalnih in izobraževalnih ustanov pri ustvarjanju novih izdelkov, tehnologij in storitev, spodbujanje novih raziskovalnih in razvojnih projektov v novih partnerstvih na lokalni in mednarodni ravni, s čimer prispeva h konkurenčnosti članov grozda in spodbuja povečanje trgovskega prometa podjetnikov.V okviru projekta bodo načrtovane dejavnosti Cluster Cleantech LATVIA spodbujale tehnološki razvoj podjetja, s čimer bodo spodbujale konkurenčnost članov grozda pri proizvodnji grozda in spodbujale povečanje prometa podjetnikov in mednarodnih tehnologij; v okviru projekta aktivnosti grozda Cleantech LATVIA.-spodbujanje tehnološkega razvoja podjetja, s čimer se spodbuja konkurenčnost članov grozdov pri proizvodnji članov grozda in spodbuja povečanje prometa podjetnikov na tem področju; v okviru projekta aktivnosti grozda Cleantech LATVIA.- za spodbujanje sodelovanja grozda na področju grozda članov grozda na lokalni in mednarodni ravni, s čimer se spodbuja konkurenčnost članov grozda in spodbuja povečanje poslovnega prometa podjetnikov pri razvoju novih izdelkov, tehnologij in storitev.V okviru projekta bodo načrtovane dejavnosti grozda Cleantech LATVIA spodbujale tehnološki razvoj podjetja, s čimer bodo spodbujale konkurenčnost članov grozda Cluster pri proizvodnji grozda in spodbujale povečanje prometa podjetnikov na tem področju; within the framework of the project, the activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA.- to promote the co-operation of the Cluster Cluster, at local and international level, in order to promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the increase of turnover of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs.Within the framework of the project, within the framework of the project, the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the companies, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the company, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of turnover of businessmen in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover in the field.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of clusters in new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of businessmen’s turnover of entrepreneurs in the development of new products, technologies and services.In the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA on new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members in the production of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover of entrepreneurs.Within the project the planned activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the We confirm that all the participants of the cluster will be involved in the project activities, as well as during the implementation of the project new members of the cluster will be attracted. Kot rezultat projekta bo prejelo podporo najmanj 30 članov grozdov – podjetij, ki delujejo na področju čiste tehnologije.Skupni stroški projekta znašajo 558 348,22 EUR, od tega znesek podpore ESRR znaša 474 595,98 EUR. Projekt bodo sofinancirali vsi člani grozda. Projekt se izvaja od 30. januarja 2017 do 31.12.2021. Projekt podaljšuje dejavnosti od 01.01.2016. (Slovenian)
    3 August 2022
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    Целта на проекта е да се развият дейностите на Клъстер Cleantech LATVIA и да се насърчи сътрудничеството между членовете на клъстера — търговци от чисто технологичната индустрия и изследователски и образователни институции в създаването на нови продукти, технологии и услуги, насърчаване на нови научноизследователски и развойни проекти в нови партньорства на местно и международно ниво, като по този начин се допринася за конкурентоспособността на членовете на клъстера и се насърчава увеличаването на търговския оборот на предприемачите.В рамките на проекта планираните дейности на Клъстер Cleantech LATVIA ще насърчават технологичното развитие на компанията, като по този начин насърчават конкурентоспособността на членовете на клъстера в производството на клъстера и насърчават увеличаването на оборота на предприемачите-международни технологии; в рамките на проекта, дейностите на клъстера Cleantech LATVIA.-за насърчаване на технологичното развитие на компанията, като по този начин се насърчава конкурентоспособността на членовете на клъстера в производството на членове на клъстери и се насърчава увеличаването на оборота на предприемачите в тази област; в рамките на проекта, дейностите на клъстера Cleantech LATVIA.- да насърчава сътрудничеството на Клъстера в областта на клъстера от членове на клъстера на местно и международно ниво, като по този начин насърчава конкурентоспособността на членовете на клъстера и насърчава увеличаването на бизнес оборота на предприемачите в разработването на нови продукти, технологии и услуги.В рамките на проекта планираните дейности на клъстера Cleantech LATVIA ще насърчават технологичното развитие на компанията, като по този начин насърчават конкурентоспособността на членовете на клъстера в производството на клъстера и насърчават увеличаването на оборота на предприемачите в тази област; within the framework of the project, the activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA.- to promote the co-operation of the Cluster Cluster, at local and international level, in order to promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the increase of turnover of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs.Within the framework of the project, within the framework of the project, the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the companies, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the company, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of turnover of businessmen in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover in the field.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of clusters in new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of businessmen’s turnover of entrepreneurs in the development of new products, technologies and services.In the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA on new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members in the production of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover of entrepreneurs.Within the project the planned activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the We confirm that all the participants of the cluster will be involved in the project activities, as well as during the implementation of the project new members of the cluster will be attracted. В резултат на проекта ще получат подкрепа най-малко 30 члена на клъстера — дружества, работещи в областта на чистите технологии.Общите разходи за проекта са 558 348,22 EUR, от които сумата на подкрепата от ЕФРР е 474 595,98 EUR. Проектът ще бъде съфинансиран от всички членове на клъстера. Проектът се изпълнява от 30.01.2017 г. до 31.12.2021 г. Проектът разширява дейността си от 01.01.2016 г. (Bulgarian)
    3 August 2022
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    L-għan tal-proġett huwa li jiġu żviluppati l-attivitajiet Cluster Cleantech LATVIA u li tiġi promossa l-kooperazzjoni tal-membri tal-cluster — negozjanti tal-industrija tat-teknoloġija pura u istituzzjonijiet ta’ riċerka u edukattivi fil-ħolqien ta’ prodotti, teknoloġiji u servizzi ġodda, il-promozzjoni ta’ proġetti ġodda ta’ riċerka u żvilupp fi sħubijiet ġodda fil-livell lokali u internazzjonali, u b’hekk jikkontribwixxu għall-kompetittività tal-membri tal-cluster u jippromwovu ż-żieda fil-fatturat tal-kumpanija, u b’hekk jippromwovu l-kompetittività tal-membri tal-Cluster fil-produzzjoni tal-Cluster u jippromwovu ż-żieda fil-fatturat tal-intraprendituri; fil-qafas tal-proġett, l-attivitajiet tar-raggruppament Cleantech LATVIA.-biex jippromwovu l-iżvilupp teknoloġiku tal-kumpanija, u b’hekk jippromwovu l-kompetittività tal-membri tal-Cluster fil-produzzjoni tal-membri tal-Cluster u jippromwovu ż-żieda fil-fatturat tal-intraprendituri f’dan il-qasam; fil-qafas tal-proġett, l-attivitajiet tar-raggruppament Cleantech LATVIA.- biex jippromwovu l-kooperazzjoni tar-Raggruppament fil-qasam tar-raggruppament tal-membri tar-raggruppament fil-livell lokali u internazzjonali, u b’hekk jippromwovu l-kompetittività tal-membri tar-Raggruppament u jippromwovu ż-żieda fil-fatturat tan-negozju tal-intraprendituri fl-iżvilupp ta’ prodotti, teknoloġiji u servizzi ġodda.Fil-qafas tal-proġett l-attivitajiet ippjanati tar-raggruppament Cleantech LATVIA se jippromwovu l-iżvilupp teknoloġiku tal-kumpanija, u b’hekk jippromwovu l-kompetittività tal-membri tal-Cluster fil-produzzjoni tal-Cluster u jippromwovu ż-żieda fil-fatturat tal-intraprendituri fil-qasam; within the framework of the project, the activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA.- to promote the co-operation of the Cluster Cluster, at local and international level, in order to promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the increase of turnover of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs.Within the framework of the project, within the framework of the project, the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the companies, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the company, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of turnover of businessmen in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover in the field.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of clusters in new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of businessmen’s turnover of entrepreneurs in the development of new products, technologies and services.In the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA on new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members in the production of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover of entrepreneurs.Within the project the planned activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the We confirm that all the participants of the cluster will be involved in the project activities, as well as during the implementation of the project new members of the cluster will be attracted. B’riżultat tal-proġett, mill-inqas 30 membru tal-klusters — kumpaniji li joperaw fil-qasam tat-teknoloġija nadifa se jirċievu appoġġ. L-ispejjeż totali tal-proġett huma ta’ EUR 558348.22, li minnhom l-ammont ta’ appoġġ mill-FEŻR huwa ta’ EUR 474595.98. Il-proġett se jkun kofinanzjat mill-membri kollha tar-raggruppament. Il-proġett qed jiġi implimentat mit-30.01.2017 sal-31.12.2021. Il-proġett jestendi l-attivitajiet mill-01.01.2016. (Maltese)
    3 August 2022
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    O objetivo do projeto é desenvolver as atividades da Cluster Cleantech LATVIA e promover a cooperação de membros de clusters — comerciantes da indústria de tecnologia pura e instituições de investigação e ensino na criação de novos produtos, tecnologias e serviços, promovendo novos projetos de investigação e desenvolvimento em novas parcerias a nível local e internacional, contribuindo assim para a competitividade dos membros do cluster e promovendo o aumento do volume de negócios dos comerciantes dos empresários. No âmbito do projeto, as atividades planeadas da Cluster Cleantech LATVIA promoverão o desenvolvimento tecnológico da empresa, promovendo assim a competitividade dos membros do cluster na produção do cluster e promovendo o aumento do volume de negócios dos empresários-tecnologias internacionais; no âmbito do projeto, as atividades do cluster Cleantech LATVIA.- para promover o desenvolvimento tecnológico da empresa, promovendo assim a competitividade dos membros da Cluster na produção de membros da Cluster e promovendo o aumento do volume de negócios dos empresários no campo; no âmbito do projeto, as atividades do cluster Cleantech LATVIA.- para promover a cooperação do Cluster no campo do cluster de membros do Cluster a nível local e internacional, promovendo assim a competitividade dos membros do Cluster e promovendo o aumento do volume de negócios dos empresários no desenvolvimento de novos produtos, tecnologias e serviços. No âmbito do projeto, as atividades planeadas do cluster Cleantech LATVIA promoverão o desenvolvimento tecnológico da empresa, promovendo assim a competitividade dos membros do Cluster na produção do Cluster e promovendo o aumento do volume de negócios dos empresários na área; within the framework of the project, the activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA.- to promote the co-operation of the Cluster Cluster, at local and international level, in order to promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the increase of turnover of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs.Within the framework of the project, within the framework of the project, the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the companies, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the company, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of turnover of businessmen in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover in the field.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of clusters in new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of businessmen’s turnover of entrepreneurs in the development of new products, technologies and services.In the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA on new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members in the production of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover of entrepreneurs.Within the project the planned activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the We confirm that all the participants of the cluster will be involved in the project activities, as well as during the implementation of the project new members of the cluster will be attracted. Em resultado do projeto, pelo menos 30 membros do cluster — empresas que operam no domínio das tecnologias limpas — receberão apoio. Os custos totais do projeto ascendem a 558 348,22 EUR, dos quais 474 595,98 EUR de apoio do FEDER. O projeto será cofinanciado por todos os membros do agrupamento. O projeto está a ser executado de 30.1.2017 a 31.12.2021. O projeto alarga as atividades a partir de 1.1.2016. (Portuguese)
    3 August 2022
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    Formålet med projektet er at udvikle Cluster Cleantech LATVIA-aktiviteter og at fremme samarbejdet mellem klyngemedlemmer — købmænd inden for ren teknologiindustrien og forsknings- og uddannelsesinstitutioner om at skabe nye produkter, teknologier og tjenester, fremme nye forsknings- og udviklingsprojekter i nye partnerskaber på lokalt og internationalt plan og dermed bidrage til klyngemedlemmernes konkurrenceevne og fremme en stigning i de handlendes omsætning af iværksættere. Inden for rammerne af projektet vil Cluster Cleantech LATVIA's planlagte aktiviteter fremme virksomhedens teknologiske udvikling og dermed fremme klyngemedlemmernes konkurrenceevne i forbindelse med produktionen af klyngen og fremme stigningen i omsætningen af iværksættere og internationale teknologier. inden for rammerne af projektet aktiviteterne i klyngen Cleantech LATVIA.- for at fremme virksomhedens teknologiske udvikling og dermed fremme klyngemedlemmernes konkurrenceevne i produktionen af klyngemedlemmer og fremme stigningen i omsætningen for iværksættere på området inden for rammerne af projektet, aktiviteterne i klyngen Cleantech LATVIA.- at fremme klyngens samarbejde inden for klynger på lokalt og internationalt plan og dermed fremme klyngemedlemmernes konkurrenceevne og fremme iværksætternes omsætning i forbindelse med udvikling af nye produkter, teknologier og tjenesteydelser. Inden for rammerne af projektet vil klyngens planlagte aktiviteter fremme virksomhedens teknologiske udvikling og dermed fremme Clusters konkurrenceevne i forbindelse med produktionen af klyngen og fremme stigningen i omsætningen for iværksættere på området within the framework of the project, the activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA.- to promote the co-operation of the Cluster Cluster, at local and international level, in order to promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the increase of turnover of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs.Within the framework of the project, within the framework of the project, the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the companies, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the company, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of turnover of businessmen in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover in the field.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of clusters in new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of businessmen’s turnover of entrepreneurs in the development of new products, technologies and services.In the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA on new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members in the production of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover of entrepreneurs.Within the project the planned activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the We confirm that all the participants of the cluster will be involved in the project activities, as well as during the implementation of the project new members of the cluster will be attracted. Som følge af projektet vil mindst 30 klyngemedlemmer — virksomheder, der er aktive inden for ren teknologi, modtage støtte. De samlede projektomkostninger er 558 348,22 EUR, hvoraf EFRU-støttebeløbet er 474 595,98 EUR. Projektet vil blive medfinansieret af alle klyngens medlemmer. Projektet gennemføres fra den 30.1.2017 til den 31.12.2021. Projektet udvider aktiviteterne fra 1.1.2016. (Danish)
    3 August 2022
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    Scopul proiectului este de a dezvolta activitățile Cluster Cleantech LATVIA și de a promova cooperarea membrilor clusterului – comercianți din industria de tehnologie pură și instituții de cercetare și învățământ în crearea de noi produse, tehnologii și servicii, promovând noi proiecte de cercetare și dezvoltare în noi parteneriate la nivel local și internațional, contribuind astfel la competitivitatea membrilor clusterului și promovând creșterea cifrei de afaceri a comercianților de antreprenori. În cadrul proiectului, activitățile planificate ale Cluster Cleantech LATVIA vor promova dezvoltarea tehnologică a companiei, promovând astfel competitivitatea membrilor clusterului în producția clusterului și promovând creșterea cifrei de afaceri a antreprenorilor-tehnologii internaționale; în cadrul proiectului, activitățile clusterului Cleantech LATVIA.-promovarea dezvoltării tehnologice a companiei, promovând astfel competitivitatea membrilor clusterului în producția membrilor clusterului și promovând creșterea cifrei de afaceri a antreprenorilor din domeniu; în cadrul proiectului, activitățile clusterului Cleantech LATVIA.- pentru a promova cooperarea clusterului în domeniul clusterului de membri ai clusterului la nivel local și internațional, promovând astfel competitivitatea membrilor clusterului și promovând creșterea cifrei de afaceri a antreprenorilor în dezvoltarea de noi produse, tehnologii și servicii. În cadrul proiectului, activitățile planificate ale clusterului Cleantech LATVIA vor promova dezvoltarea tehnologică a companiei, promovând astfel competitivitatea membrilor clusterului în producția clusterului și promovând creșterea cifrei de afaceri a antreprenorilor în domeniu; within the framework of the project, the activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA.- to promote the co-operation of the Cluster Cluster, at local and international level, in order to promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the increase of turnover of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs.Within the framework of the project, within the framework of the project, the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the companies, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the company, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of turnover of businessmen in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover in the field.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of clusters in new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of businessmen’s turnover of entrepreneurs in the development of new products, technologies and services.In the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA on new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members in the production of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover of entrepreneurs.Within the project the planned activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the We confirm that all the participants of the cluster will be involved in the project activities, as well as during the implementation of the project new members of the cluster will be attracted. Ca urmare a proiectului, cel puțin 30 de membri ai clusterului – companii care își desfășoară activitatea în domeniul tehnologiei curate vor primi sprijin. Costurile totale ale proiectului sunt de 558 348,22 EUR, din care sprijinul FEDR este de 474 595,98 EUR. Proiectul va fi cofinanțat de toți membrii clusterului. Proiectul este implementat în perioada 30.01.2017-31.12.2021. Proiectul extinde activitățile începând cu 01.01.2016. (Romanian)
    3 August 2022
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    Syftet med projektet är att utveckla Cluster Cleantech LATVIA-verksamhet och att främja samarbete mellan klustermedlemmar – köpmän inom ren teknikindustrin samt forsknings- och utbildningsinstitutioner för att skapa nya produkter, tekniker och tjänster, främja nya forsknings- och utvecklingsprojekt i nya partnerskap på lokal och internationell nivå och på så sätt bidra till klustermedlemmarnas konkurrenskraft och främja en ökning av handlarnas omsättning av entreprenörer. Inom ramen för projektet kommer Cluster Cleantech LATVIA att främja företagets tekniska utveckling och därigenom främja klustermedlemmarnas konkurrenskraft när det gäller produktion av kluster och främja en ökning av omsättningen av företagar-internationell teknik. inom ramen för projektet, den verksamhet som bedrivs av klustret Cleantech LATVIA.- för att främja företagets tekniska utveckling och därigenom främja klustermedlemmarnas konkurrenskraft i produktionen av klustermedlemmar och främja en ökning av omsättningen för företagare på området. inom ramen för projektet kommer verksamheten inom klustret Cleantech LATVIA.- att främja samarbetet mellan klustret på området klustermedlemmar på lokal och internationell nivå för att på så sätt främja klustermedlemmarnas konkurrenskraft och främja en ökning av företagarnas omsättning när det gäller utveckling av nya produkter, tekniker och tjänster. Inom ramen för projektet kommer den planerade verksamheten för klustret Cleantech LATVIA att främja företagets tekniska utveckling och därigenom främja Clustermedlemmarnas konkurrenskraft i produktionen av klustret och främja en ökning av omsättningen för entreprenörer på området. within the framework of the project, the activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA.- to promote the co-operation of the Cluster Cluster, at local and international level, in order to promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promote the increase of turnover of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs.Within the framework of the project, within the framework of the project, the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the companies, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promote the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project the planned activities of the cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote the technological development of the company, thus promoting the competitiveness of the cluster members and promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of turnover of businessmen in the development of new products, technologies and services.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover in the field.Within the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of clusters in new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of Cluster members and promoting increase of businessmen’s turnover of entrepreneurs in the development of new products, technologies and services.In the framework of the project activities of cluster Cleantech LATVIA on new partnerships at local and international level, thus promoting the competitiveness of Cluster members in the production of Cluster members and promoting increase of merchant turnover of entrepreneurs.Within the project the planned activities of Cluster Cleantech LATVIA will promote cooperation of Cluster members at local and international level, thus promoting competitiveness of cluster members and promoting increase of merchants’ turnover in the We confirm that all the participants of the cluster will be involved in the project activities, as well as during the implementation of the project new members of the cluster will be attracted. Som ett resultat av projektet kommer minst 30 klustermedlemmar – företag som är verksamma inom området ren teknik att få stöd.De totala projektkostnaderna uppgår till 558 348,22 EUR, varav Eruf-stödet uppgår till 474 595,98 EUR. Projektet kommer att samfinansieras av alla medlemmar i klustret. Projektet genomförs från 30.1.2017 till 31.12.2021. Projektet förlänger verksamheten från 01.01.2016. (Swedish)
    3 August 2022
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    Visa Latvija
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