Denmark’s New Consolidated Energy Cluster (Q2627732): Difference between revisions

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label / enlabel / en
Denmark’s New Consolidated Energy Cluster
Property / coordinate location
57°1'46.20"N, 9°59'39.66"E
Property / coordinate location: 57°1'46.20"N, 9°59'39.66"E / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location
57°1'46.20"N, 9°59'39.66"E
Property / coordinate location: 57°1'46.20"N, 9°59'39.66"E / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
In the ongoing strategy work, energy technology is identified as a position of industrial strength, and it is expected that this will be ratified in the future business promotion strategy. However, in the existing cluster landscape there are several different cluster organisations within energy technology in Denmark. With this application, House of Energy, Energy Innovation Cluster, CLEAN, GATE 21 and NBE (the participating organisations) will therefore explore the possibilities of embracing energy technology in a single cluster with a strong and business-oriented governance structure. The partners are open to organisational outcomes and are willing to put their own organisation into play. Starting from this, this will be done from a broad energy value chain view; i.e. solutions within the entire energy value chain (resource extraction, production, distribution, conversion, storage and consumption) in a wide range of applications and applications.This project aims to ensure the optimal transition to one powerful, company-friendly and innovative energy cluster in Denmark. The project initiates a consolidation process between House of Energy, Energy Innovation Cluster, CLEAN, GATE 21 and NBE’s Energy Cluster, which together with the energy industry, relevant industry organisations, knowledge partners, etc. will facilitate the overall movement of all relevant organisations towards a unified supercluster in the field of energy technology. See Appendix 4 for a graphical presentation of this.The means for this are partly a targeted and simultaneously inclusive consolidation process towards one efficient energy cluster and, on the other hand, ensuring geographical coverage and development of the cluster activities that the consortium excels in. The consolidation process will involve all relevant actors in relation to the creation of a single Danish supercluster in the energy field. House of Energy will develop and disseminate its services through the activities 1-5 to strengthen energy companies and actors through targeted support in the areas of innovation and business promotion and to give energy companies and actors better opportunities for – and ability – to obtain external co-financing for business development, research and development projects and attracting investment to Denmark. (English)
Property / summary: In the ongoing strategy work, energy technology is identified as a position of industrial strength, and it is expected that this will be ratified in the future business promotion strategy. However, in the existing cluster landscape there are several different cluster organisations within energy technology in Denmark. With this application, House of Energy, Energy Innovation Cluster, CLEAN, GATE 21 and NBE (the participating organisations) will therefore explore the possibilities of embracing energy technology in a single cluster with a strong and business-oriented governance structure. The partners are open to organisational outcomes and are willing to put their own organisation into play. Starting from this, this will be done from a broad energy value chain view; i.e. solutions within the entire energy value chain (resource extraction, production, distribution, conversion, storage and consumption) in a wide range of applications and applications.This project aims to ensure the optimal transition to one powerful, company-friendly and innovative energy cluster in Denmark. The project initiates a consolidation process between House of Energy, Energy Innovation Cluster, CLEAN, GATE 21 and NBE’s Energy Cluster, which together with the energy industry, relevant industry organisations, knowledge partners, etc. will facilitate the overall movement of all relevant organisations towards a unified supercluster in the field of energy technology. See Appendix 4 for a graphical presentation of this.The means for this are partly a targeted and simultaneously inclusive consolidation process towards one efficient energy cluster and, on the other hand, ensuring geographical coverage and development of the cluster activities that the consortium excels in. The consolidation process will involve all relevant actors in relation to the creation of a single Danish supercluster in the energy field. House of Energy will develop and disseminate its services through the activities 1-5 to strengthen energy companies and actors through targeted support in the areas of innovation and business promotion and to give energy companies and actors better opportunities for – and ability – to obtain external co-financing for business development, research and development projects and attracting investment to Denmark. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: In the ongoing strategy work, energy technology is identified as a position of industrial strength, and it is expected that this will be ratified in the future business promotion strategy. However, in the existing cluster landscape there are several different cluster organisations within energy technology in Denmark. With this application, House of Energy, Energy Innovation Cluster, CLEAN, GATE 21 and NBE (the participating organisations) will therefore explore the possibilities of embracing energy technology in a single cluster with a strong and business-oriented governance structure. The partners are open to organisational outcomes and are willing to put their own organisation into play. Starting from this, this will be done from a broad energy value chain view; i.e. solutions within the entire energy value chain (resource extraction, production, distribution, conversion, storage and consumption) in a wide range of applications and applications.This project aims to ensure the optimal transition to one powerful, company-friendly and innovative energy cluster in Denmark. The project initiates a consolidation process between House of Energy, Energy Innovation Cluster, CLEAN, GATE 21 and NBE’s Energy Cluster, which together with the energy industry, relevant industry organisations, knowledge partners, etc. will facilitate the overall movement of all relevant organisations towards a unified supercluster in the field of energy technology. See Appendix 4 for a graphical presentation of this.The means for this are partly a targeted and simultaneously inclusive consolidation process towards one efficient energy cluster and, on the other hand, ensuring geographical coverage and development of the cluster activities that the consortium excels in. The consolidation process will involve all relevant actors in relation to the creation of a single Danish supercluster in the energy field. House of Energy will develop and disseminate its services through the activities 1-5 to strengthen energy companies and actors through targeted support in the areas of innovation and business promotion and to give energy companies and actors better opportunities for – and ability – to obtain external co-financing for business development, research and development projects and attracting investment to Denmark. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 19 January 2021
Precision1 day
Property / coordinate location
57°1'46.20"N, 9°59'39.66"E
Property / coordinate location: 57°1'46.20"N, 9°59'39.66"E / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 14:14, 19 January 2021

Project Q2627732 in Denmark
Language Label Description Also known as
Denmark’s New Consolidated Energy Cluster
Project Q2627732 in Denmark


    0 references
    3,645,210.0 Danish krone
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    473,877.3 Euro
    18 January 2021
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    8,866,200.0 Danish krone
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    1,152,606.0 Euro
    18 January 2021
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    41.0 percent
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    9 September 2019
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    31 December 2020
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    Energy Cluster Denmark
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    57°1'46.20"N, 9°59'39.66"E
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    57°1'46.20"N, 9°59'39.66"E
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    Energiteknologi er i det igangværende strategiarbejde identificeret som en erhvervsmæssig styrkeposition, og det forventes, at dette ratificeres i den kommende strategi om erhvervsfremme. I det eksisterende klyngelandskab er der imidlertid flere forskellige klyngeorganisationer inden for energiteknologi i Danmark. Med denne ansøgning vil House of Energy, Energy Innovation Cluster, CLEAN, GATE 21 og NBE (de deltagende organisationer) derfor afsøge mulighederne for at favne energiteknologi i én klynge med en stærk og erhvervsrettet governance struktur. Partnerne er åbne for organisatoriske udfaldsrum, og er villige til at sætte egen organisation i spil. I udgangspunktet vil dette ske ud fra en bred energiværdikæde-betragtning; dvs. løsninger indenfor hele værdikæden for energi (råstofindvinding, produktion, distribution, konvertering, lagring og forbrug) i et bredt spektrum af applikationer og anvendelsesformer.Dette projekt har til formål at sikre den optimale overgang til én slagkraftig, virksomhedsnær og innovativ energiklynge i Danmark. Projektet indleder en konsolideringsproces mellem House of Energy, Energy Innovation Cluster, CLEAN, GATE 21 og NBEs Energiklynge, som sammen med energi-industrien, relevante brancheorganisationer, videnspartnere m.fl. vil facilitere alle relevante organisationers samlede bevægelse hen imod en samlet superklynge på energiteknologiområdet. Se Bilag 4 for en grafisk fremstilling heraf.Midlerne til dette er dels en målrettet og samtidig inkluderende konsolideringsproces hen imod én effektiv energi-klynge, dels en sikring af geografisk dækning og udvikling af de klyngeaktiviteter, som konsortiet excellerer i. Konsolideringsprocessen vil involvere alle relevante aktører i forhold til skabelsen af én dansk superklynge på energiområdet. House of Energy vil via aktivteterne 1-5 videreudvikle og udbrede sine ydelser mht. at styrke energivirksomheder og -aktører gennem målrettet understøttelse på innovations- og erhvervsfremmeområdet og at give energivirksomheder og -aktører bedre muligheder for - og evne til - at opnå ekstern medfinansiering til forretningsudvikling, forsknings- og udviklingsprojekter samt tiltrækning af investeringer til Danmark. (Danish)
    0 references
    In the ongoing strategy work, energy technology is identified as a position of industrial strength, and it is expected that this will be ratified in the future business promotion strategy. However, in the existing cluster landscape there are several different cluster organisations within energy technology in Denmark. With this application, House of Energy, Energy Innovation Cluster, CLEAN, GATE 21 and NBE (the participating organisations) will therefore explore the possibilities of embracing energy technology in a single cluster with a strong and business-oriented governance structure. The partners are open to organisational outcomes and are willing to put their own organisation into play. Starting from this, this will be done from a broad energy value chain view; i.e. solutions within the entire energy value chain (resource extraction, production, distribution, conversion, storage and consumption) in a wide range of applications and applications.This project aims to ensure the optimal transition to one powerful, company-friendly and innovative energy cluster in Denmark. The project initiates a consolidation process between House of Energy, Energy Innovation Cluster, CLEAN, GATE 21 and NBE’s Energy Cluster, which together with the energy industry, relevant industry organisations, knowledge partners, etc. will facilitate the overall movement of all relevant organisations towards a unified supercluster in the field of energy technology. See Appendix 4 for a graphical presentation of this.The means for this are partly a targeted and simultaneously inclusive consolidation process towards one efficient energy cluster and, on the other hand, ensuring geographical coverage and development of the cluster activities that the consortium excels in. The consolidation process will involve all relevant actors in relation to the creation of a single Danish supercluster in the energy field. House of Energy will develop and disseminate its services through the activities 1-5 to strengthen energy companies and actors through targeted support in the areas of innovation and business promotion and to give energy companies and actors better opportunities for – and ability – to obtain external co-financing for business development, research and development projects and attracting investment to Denmark. (English)
    19 January 2021
    0 references


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