single-best-value constraint (Q237420): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in 3 languages: Label in wikidata changed)
(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in nl: The description in Wikidata changed)
(8 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
label / enlabel / en
single best value constraint
single-best-value constraint
label / lvlabel / lv
vienas vislabākās vērtības ierobežojums
aliases / en / 0aliases / en / 0
single best value constraint
aliases / en / 1aliases / en / 1
single-preferred-value constraint
aliases / en / 2aliases / en / 2
single preferred value
aliases / en / 3aliases / en / 3
single preferred value constraint
aliases / de / 0aliases / de / 0
Eigenschaftseinschränkung „eindeutig bester Wert“
aliases / it / 0aliases / it / 0
vincolo valore singolo preferito
description / esdescription / es
tipo de restricción para propiedades de Wikidata: indica que la propiedad generalmente contiene un único valor preferido
description / csdescription / cs
typ omezení pro položky Wikidat; používá se pro specifikování, že tato položka obecně obsahuje pouze jednu "nejlepší" hodnotu na položku, i když další hodnoty mohou být zahrnuty, pokud je "nejlepší" hodnota označena pomocí "Preferovaného postavení"
description / itdescription / it
tipo di vincolo per le proprietà Wikidata: utilizzato per specificare che questa proprietà può essere utilizzata solo una volta per entità se classificata come "preferito"
description / nldescription / nl
type beperking voor Wikidata-eigenschappen: deze eigenschap heeft in het algemeen één waarde per item; andere waarden kunnen worden opgenomen zolang de "beste" waarde wordt gemarkeerd met voorkeursrang

Revision as of 15:40, 10 September 2021

type of constraint for Wikidata properties: used to specify that this property generally contains a single “best” value per item, though other values may be included as long as the “best” value is marked with preferred rank
  • single best value
  • single best value constraint
  • single-preferred-value constraint
  • single preferred value
  • single preferred value constraint
Language Label Description Also known as
single-best-value constraint
type of constraint for Wikidata properties: used to specify that this property generally contains a single “best” value per item, though other values may be included as long as the “best” value is marked with preferred rank
  • single best value
  • single best value constraint
  • single-preferred-value constraint
  • single preferred value
  • single preferred value constraint



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