No label defined (Q2732148)
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Project Q2732148 in Croatia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | No label defined |
Project Q2732148 in Croatia |
66,115.0 Croatian kuna
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94,450.0 Croatian kuna
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85.0 percent
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6 December 2019
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5 March 2020
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Omega software d.o.o. za informatičke usluge i trgovinu
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Svrha Projekta je ojačati interne kapacitete društva Omega software za IRI, kroz suradnju sa ZIO na razvoju pametne svjetiljke LEDA URBAN MX-101, što će osigurati potrebne preduvjete za komercijalizaciju razvijenog proizvoda i rast prodaje Društva na domaćem i inozemnom tržištu. Bespovratnom potporom za razvojna ispitivanja pametne svjetiljke LEDA URBAN MX-101 Društvu je riješen problem nedovoljnih internih kapaciteta za provođenje razvojnih ispitivanja rasvjetnih tijela, što će mu olakšati plasman proizvoda na tržište, odnosno u konačnici ojačati konkurentnost. Ciljne skupine čijim će interesima projekt izravno doprinijeti su (1): poduzeće Prijavitelja; (2): kupci i dobavljači; te (3): krajnji potrošači/građani. (Croatian)
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The aim of the Project is to strengthen the internal R & D & I in-house capacity of Omega software, through cooperation with the JRC on the development of smart ice ice (URBAN) MX-101, which will provide the necessary preconditions for the commercialisation of the evolved product and the growth of the Company’s sales on the domestic market and abroad. The grant support for development testing for smart ice in the MURBAN MX-101 has addressed the problem of insufficient internal capacity to carry out lighting testing development testing, which will facilitate product placement on the market, and ultimately strengthen competitiveness. Target groups whose interests will contribute directly to the project (1): the applicant company; (2): customers and suppliers; and (3): final consumers/citizens. (English)
3 June 2021
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