No label defined (Q2728781)
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Project Q2728781 in Croatia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | No label defined |
Project Q2728781 in Croatia |
245,143.5 Croatian kuna
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288,750.0 Croatian kuna
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85.0 percent
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27 December 2017
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1 July 2018
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Auris d.o.o.
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Cilj je potaknuti mikro i mala poduzeća u sektoru proizvodnje i proizvodnih usluga na investicije bespovratnim potporama u svrhu jačanja konkurentnosti. Ostvarenjem cilja Prijavitelj unaprijeđuje tržišnu poziciju, modernizira CMS, bazu podataka i pripadajuće infrastrukture i obavlja modernizaciju procesa u razvojnom i administrativnom procesu Prijavitelja. Ciljanu skupinu čine poduzeća od 1 do 50 zaposlenih te sportski savezi neovisno o veličini prihoda, imovine ili dobiti. Prijavitelj želi unaprijediti vlastiti softver i nastaviti komercijalizaciju intenzivnim korištenjem internet stranice. (Croatian)
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The objective is to encourage micro and small enterprises in the sector of production and production services to start-up aid to strengthen competitiveness. The aim of the applicant is to enhance the market position, to modernise the CMS, the database and the relevant infrastructure and to modernise the process in the applicant’s development and administrative process. The target group is made up of 1-50 employees and sports federations regardless of the size of income, assets or profits. The applicant wishes to improve its own software and continue the extensive use of the website by intensive use of the website. (English)
3 June 2021
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