No label defined (Q2660953)

From EU Knowledge Graph
Revision as of 21:09, 29 April 2021 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): The overall goal of the project is to increase innovation capacity and growth among small and medium-sized companies primarily in the composite industry in northern Sweden, but also with its subcontractors, as well as existing automotive manufacturers and subcontractors to the automotive industry in the region. This will be achieved through the project goal, which is to promote cross-border co-operation in the value chain, and to strengthen coll...)
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    4,441,113.0 Swedish krona
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    439,670.18700000003 Euro
    28 April 2021
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    8,882,225.0 Swedish krona
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    879,340.275 Euro
    28 April 2021
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    0.5 percent
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    1 January 2020
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    30 April 2023
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    Piteå Science Park AB
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    Projektets övergripande mål är att öka innovationsförmågan och tillväxten bland små och medelstora bolag inom främst kompositindustrin i norra Sverige, men även hos dess underleverantörer, samt hos befintliga fordonstillverkare och underleverantörer till fordonsindustrin i regionen. Detta ska uppnås genom projektmålet som är att främja gränsöverskridande samhandling i värdekedjan, samt att stärka samverkan inom SWE-CIC, för att introducera komponenter i fiberkompositer i stor skala. Projektägaren har även specificerat ett antal delmål där de ska arbeta mot att uppnå bl a en stark innovationsnod för fortsatt utveckling inom området högvolymsproduktion av kompositer har etablerats, en väletablerad öppen test- och demomiljön för kompositer på en hög TRL-nivå och fler finansiärer och kompetenser har attraherats till den utveckling och den tillväxt som skall ske i regionen. Projektets övergripande mål, projektmål och delmål ska nås genom projektägaren ska jobba med nätverksbyggande, samordning, affärsutveckling, omvärldsbevakning, arrangemang av egna seminarier och kompetenshöjande aktiviteter. Dessa aktiviteter ska mynna ut resultat så som att Innovationsnod Norr är etablerad i regionen, att det finns en nationell samhandling längs värdekedjan samt att projektet har utvecklat nya affärsidéer och partnerskap som lett till tillväxt hos befintliga företag och utvecklat helt nya företag i regionen. (Swedish)
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    The overall goal of the project is to increase innovation capacity and growth among small and medium-sized companies primarily in the composite industry in northern Sweden, but also with its subcontractors, as well as existing automotive manufacturers and subcontractors to the automotive industry in the region. This will be achieved through the project goal, which is to promote cross-border co-operation in the value chain, and to strengthen collaboration within SWE-CIC, to introduce components in fibre composites on a large scale. The project owner has also specified a number of milestones where they will work towards achieving, among other things, a strong innovation node for continued development in the area of high volume production of composites has been established, a well-established open test and demo environment for composites at a high TRL level and more financiers and competencies have been attracted to the development and growth to take place in the region. The project’s overall goals, project goals and milestones will be achieved through the project owner will work with networking, coordination, business development, external monitoring, arrangements of own seminars and skills-enhancing activities. These activities will result in results such as the Innovation Node North being established in the region, that there is a national co-action along the value chain and that the project has developed new business ideas and partnerships that have led to growth among existing companies and developed completely new companies in the region. (English)
    29 April 2021
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