LAGs Šumava, z.s.. (Q61778)
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Project in Czech Republic financed by DG Regio
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | LAGs Šumava, z.s.. |
Project in Czech Republic financed by DG Regio |
13,264,821.98 Czech koruna
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13,962,970.51 Czech koruna
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95.0 percent
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31 December 2023
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MAS Šumavsko, z.s.
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Projektem bude podpora zacílena na realizaci Strategie CLLD MAS Šumavska pro programové období 2014-2020, která navazuje na úspěšnou realizaci programu LEADER v uplynulém období. Podporovány jsou aktivity spojené s realizací Strategie CLLD, např. s přípravou a vyhlašování výzev, příjem žádostí, hodnocení a výběr projektů, administrace vyhlašovaných výzev vč. poskytnutí podpory žadatelům při příjmu žádostí o podporu i v udržitelnosti projektu, monitorování a evaluace SCLLD. (Czech)
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The project will support the implementation of the CLLD MAS Strategy for the 2014-2020 programming period, which builds on the successful implementation of the LEADER programme in the past period. Activities related to the implementation of the CLLD Strategy are supported, e.g. preparation and announcement of calls, receiving applications, evaluating and selecting projects, administration of announced calls including providing support to applicants in receiving applications for support as well as in project sustainability, monitoring and evaluation of SCLLD. (English)
23 October 2020
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