Remediation of the site of former ČSAD Vysočany (Q62293)
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Project in Czech Republic financed by DG Regio
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Remediation of the site of former ČSAD Vysočany |
Project in Czech Republic financed by DG Regio |
5,092,476.03 Czech koruna
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5,991,148.28 Czech koruna
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85.0 percent
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30 December 2017
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31 December 2020
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PTÁČEK - správa, a.s.
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Předmětem projektu je sanace lokality bývalého ČSAD Vysočany. Sanace povede k odstranění primárních zdrojů znečištění (podzemních nádrží, rozvodů a nadlimitně kontaminovaných zemin a stavebních konstrukcí) a omezení dotace kontaminantů z nesaturované zóny do podzemní vody. (Czech)
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The object of the project is the remediation of the site of the former ČSAD Vysočany. The remediation will lead to the elimination of primary sources of pollution (underground tanks, manifolds and over-limit contaminated soils and construction structures) and limiting the subsidies of contaminants from the unsaturated zone into groundwater. (English)
23 October 2020
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