Solving the problem of low employment of parents with young children in connection with the construction and implementation of micronutrients Všeslice in Všestary (Q54033)
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Project in Czech Republic financed by DG Regio
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Solving the problem of low employment of parents with young children in connection with the construction and implementation of micronutrients Všeslice in Všestary |
Project in Czech Republic financed by DG Regio |
1,694,101.0 Czech koruna
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1,993,060.0 Czech koruna
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85 percent
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1 November 2016
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30 June 2019
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Projekt se zaměřuje na odstranění jedné z příčin nízké zaměstnanosti rodičů s malými dětmi v obci Všestary (CS), a to neexistenci cenově a dopravně dostupného zařízení určeného pro péči o malé děti. Cílem projektu je umožnit CS návrat do pracovního procesu, a tím zmírnit negativní důsledky nízké zaměstnanosti CS, a umožnit sladit profesní a rodinný život. Obsahem projektu je mimo jiné vybudování a provozování mikrojeslí ve Všestarech s názvem Všesličky. (Czech)
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The project focuses on eliminating one of the causes of low employment of parents with small children in the municipality of Všestary (CS), namely the absence of affordable and affordable facilities for the care of young children. The aim of the project is to enable CS to return to the work process, thereby mitigating the negative consequences of low employment of CS, and to reconcile professional and family life. The content of the project is, among other things, the construction and operation of microcaves in Všestary called Všesličky. (English)
22 October 2020
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