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Project in Czech Republic financed by DG Regio
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | No label defined |
Project in Czech Republic financed by DG Regio |
22,606,600.0 Czech koruna
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26,596,000.0 Czech koruna
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85 percent
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25 September 2017
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30 November 2018
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30 November 2018
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Olomoucký kraj
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Projekt je zaměřen na zkvalitnění výuky na Gymnáziu Olomouc - Hejčín v návaznosti na klíčové kompetence cizí jazyky, přírodní vědy a digitální technologie s cílem zvýšit motivaci studentů ke studiu na navazujících oborech a zlepšení uplatnitelnosti absolventů na trhu práce. V rámci realizace projektu budou modernizovány odborné učebny, laboratoře a kabinety cizích jazyků, fyziky, chemie, biologie, zeměpisu a matematiky, zajištěna konektivita, bezbariérový přístup a venkovní úpravy okolí školy. (Czech)
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The project focuses on improving the quality of teaching at the Olomouc – Hejčín Gymnasium in connection with key competences of foreign languages, natural sciences and digital technology with the aim of increasing the motivation of students to study in follow-up fields and improving the employability of graduates on the labour market. Within the implementation of the project will be modernised professional classrooms, laboratories and cabinets of foreign languages, physics, chemistry, biology, geography and mathematics, connectivity, barrier-free access and outdoor modifications of the school’s surroundings. (English)
23 October 2020
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